Jam from peaches, apricots and oranges. Apricot and peach jam Peach or apricot jam

Jam from peaches, apricots and oranges. Apricot and peach jam Peach or apricot jam

Do you want to enjoy the taste of warm summer all winter long? Be sure to make assorted jam from tender peaches and fragrant apricots. The jam turns out thick, with rich taste, and pieces of fruit simply drown in sugar syrup!

Depending on the sweetness of the fruits themselves, the amount of sugar can be increased or decreased, or a little lemon juice can be added. It must be remembered that if the sugar is half as much as the fruit itself, then such jam must be stored in a cool place, otherwise it may ferment.

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Cooking time: 40 minutes, not including cooling time.


  • Peaches – 500 g
  • Apricots – 500 g
  • Sugar – 800 g

Weight is for pitted fruits

How to make peach and apricot jam

  1. We sort out the fruits from spoiled specimens and wash them under cool water. Place on a sieve or towel to drain off all the moisture. Cut the apricots into two halves and remove the pits. If the apricots are large and elastic, then cut them into several more pieces. Leave soft apricots in halves, otherwise they will completely lose their shape after cooking.
  2. We also cut the peaches in half, remove the pit and cut into medium pieces.
  3. Place the fruit in a deep saucepan and add half the amount of sugar.
  4. Mix carefully with a wooden spatula and leave for 4-5 hours so that the fruits release their juice.
  5. After that, add sugar and put it on the stove to heat up. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for about 5 minutes.
  6. Let the jam cool; as a rule, this takes about 3-4 hours. After this, put it on the stove again and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes from the moment it boils. The readiness of the jam largely depends on the juiciness of the fruit; if the fruits are large and juicy, then the boiling and cooling procedure must be repeated again. U ready-made jam the fruits float in the syrup and do not rise to the surface. You can also drop fruit syrup onto a flat surface to check; if the syrup does not spread after cooling, then the jam is ready.
  7. Pour the hot jam into sterilized small jars. For one kilogram of fruit, just two half-liter jars are enough. You can store the jam at room temperature in a dark place.
  8. Bon appetite!

Peach and apricot jam

Amazing recipes for peach and apricot jam

Peaches and apricots
- self-sufficient fruits, it is better to cook them separately from other fruits and berries.

You can diversify the taste with the help of spices and alcohol.
Apricots are perhaps the most sticky fruit.

So stir apricot jams and jam more often and cook, if possible, in non-stick cookware.

To flavor apricot preparations, you can add almond, orange, tangerine or lemon liqueur, citrus juice and zest, almonds, vanilla, cardamom, and ginger. Peaches are “friendly” with the same additives - plus cherry liqueur, star anise, cinnamon.

Peach is a capricious fruit.

But in jam it behaves simply approximately: citric acid and vanillin preserve and emphasize its natural delicate taste and aroma.

Peach jam

1 kg small peaches, 1.3 kg sugar, 0.5 tsp. citric acid, a pinch of vanilla sugar.

Scald the peaches and peel them. Blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes. Boil syrup from sugar and 1 tbsp. water, dip peaches in syrup, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for 6 hours. Then put it back on the stove and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat from the moment it boils. A minute before readiness, add citric acid and vanilla sugar, place in sterilized jars and roll up. Turn over, wrap and leave to cool.

Apricot jam with ginger

2 kg apricots,

1.5 kg of sugar, finger-length ginger root.

Wash the apricots, dry them, halve them and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for 12 hours. Place on the fire, bring to a steady boil, remove from heat and let cool completely. Return to the stove and cook for 30 minutes from the moment it boils. Remove again and cool. Grate the ginger
on a fine grater, remove hard fibers. Add ginger to apricots, stir and cook for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Sterilize jars and lids. Pour hot jam into them and roll them up. Turn over, wrap and let cool.

Apricot jam with oranges

3 kg apricots,

3 kg sugar, 1 kg oranges.

Wash the fruits with a brush, cut the oranges into slices to remove the seeds, and also remove the seeds from the apricots. Pass the fruit through a meat grinder (oranges - straight with zest), mix with sugar. Place on fire and simmer for 30 minutes
boil, remove from heat and leave for 3-4 hours. Put it back on the fire and cook for 10 minutes. Sterilize the jars and lids, pour the jam and seal. Turn over, wrap and let cool completely.

Apricot jam with kernels

For 1 kg of ripe firm apricots

I kg sugar, juice of 1 lemon.

Wash and dry the apricots, prick them with a fork and push out the pit using a special tool or a pointed wooden stick (like a pencil).

Break all the seeds, remove the kernels and place one in each apricot. Cover the apricots with half the sugar and leave for 6-8 hours. Then drain the juice, add the rest of the sugar, boil for about 5 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved, and pour boiling syrup over the apricots. Leave until the syrup has cooled completely, drain again, boil and repeat the procedure - and so on 5 times. Add to syrup one last time lemon juice, boil until a drop of syrup, if dropped on a saucer, stops spreading. Sterilize the jars and lids, pour the jam, roll it up, turn it over, wrap it and let it cool completely.

Apricot jam in Arabic style
3 kg apricots,
1.5 kg sugar,
1 orange, 1 lemon,

1 tbsp. freshly squeezed apple juice,

2 tbsp. l. cumin.

Wash the apricots thoroughly, divide them into halves, sprinkle with sugar, and set aside. Remove the zest from the lemon and orange and chop finely. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Combine all ingredients, put on fire and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand

5-6 hours. Put it on the fire again - and so on three times. Sterilize the jars and lids, pour the jam and seal. Turn over, wrap, let cool.

Compote of peaches and dogwood

For a 2-liter jar - 1.5 kg of small peaches,

I Art. dogwood;

for syrup: per 1 liter of water

I Art. Sahara.

Wash the jars thoroughly and sterilize the lids. Wash peaches and dogwoods and dry. Pack the peaches into the jars as tightly as possible, filling the gaps with dogwood. Boil water and pour over the peaches, cover with a lid and leave until cool. Then drain the water, boil again and repeat
filling. For the third time, measure the amount of water, add sugar, boil

3-4 minutes, pour over the peaches and roll up immediately. Turn over, wrap and let cool.
Apricot compote

1 kg apricots,

150 g powdered sugar, water.

Wash the apricots thoroughly and remove the seeds. Wash the jars thoroughly, place apricots in them, fill powdered sugar and fill with boiled cold water. Cover with lids and sterilize - 8 minutes 12 - 1.5 liter, 15 - 2 liter or 20 - 3 liter. Roll up, turn over, wrap, leave until cool.

Apricot jam

2 kg pitted apricots, 300 g sugar.

Very soft, overripe fruits are suitable for apricot jam. Wash them thoroughly, removing damaged areas and seeds. The mass of apricots after this should be 2 kg. Boil the apricots until soft, stirring all the time
(about 20 minutes), rub through a sieve or beat in a blender. Add sugar to the apricot puree, stir well and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring all the time. Sterilize jars and lids. Pack the jam and roll it up immediately. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them up and leave until cool.

Apricot jam

I kg pitted apricots, 1 kg sugar, 1 tbsp. water.

Wash the apricots (the fruit with the pit will be approximately 1.3 kg) thoroughly and remove the pit.

Make syrup from water and sugar. Pour the hot syrup over the apricots, put on the fire and cook for 10 minutes from the moment it boils. Remove from heat and leave for 8 hours. Repeat the cooking and standing procedure three times. For the third time, sterilize the jars and lids, package the jam and roll it up. Cool covered upside down.

Apricot jam with liqueur

I kg of apricots,

0.5 tbsp. water, 1 kg sugar, I tbsp. l. I Art. l. Amaretto liqueur.

Wash the apricots, dry them, divide into halves. Chop a few, remove the grains and add to the apricots. Cover the apricots with water and cook until they are completely soft. Add sugar and cook, skimming, until the jam thickens (do a drop test). Sterilize jars and lids. Add liqueur and lemon juice, stir, let it boil and remove from heat. Pour the prepared jam into jars and seal. Turn over, wrap and let cool.

Apricot jam with honey

1 kg apricots,

3 tbsp. sugar, 200 ml water, 200 g honey,

I large lemon.

Wash the apricots and cut them into halves. Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Connect
apricots, sugar, water, honey, juice and lemon zest in a saucepan or basin, cover with a lid or sheet of paper and leave to soak for an hour. Place on the fire and bring to a boil, boil

5 minutes, remove from heat and leave to cool overnight. The next day, drain the apricots in a colander, set the fruits aside, and put the syrup on low heat and reduce by a third. Carefully add the apricots, stir gently, cook

5 minutes. Sterilize the jars and lids, pack boiling jam in them, roll them up, turn them upside down and wrap them.

Peach jam

I kg peaches, 2 tbsp. sugar, 1 lemon,

I vanilla pod (or I packet of vanilla sugar), a pinch of salt.

Wash the peaches, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces.

Remove the zest from the lemon
chop finely and squeeze the juice out of the pulp.

Place the squeezed part of the lemon, white peels and seeds in a gauze bag (they are a source of natural gelling agent).Instead of lemon, you can add natural pectin or a special mixture for jams and preserves, Zhelfix. You can read more about it here http://vsezdorovo.com/category/otzyvy-potrebitelej/produkty-pitaniya-i-napitki/pripravy-specii-sousy/

Bring peaches, sugar, lemon juice, vanilla, salt, lemon zest and pouch of lemon pulp to a boil over high heat in a wide-bottomed container. Then reduce the heat and cook the peaches, stirring, until the jam thickens (depends on the juiciness of the peach; on average it takes 15 minutes - but do a drop test just in case). Sterilize the jars and lids, remove the gauze bag from the finished jam, squeeze it out, let the jam boil again - and package it. Roll up, turn over, wrap and leave until completely cool.
Peach jam with coffee
I kg pitted peaches
I kg sugar, 8 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 8 coffee beans,

1 packet of vanilla sugar or 1 vanilla pod.

Wash the peaches (with pits, their weight will be about 1.1-1.2 kg) thoroughly with a brush (to remove fluff), remove the pits. Puree half the peaches using a blender, finely chop the rest. Combine, add lemon juice, regular and vanilla sugar, stir. Grind the coffee to form large pieces and pour the crumbs into a thick gauze bag. Add it to the peaches and leave for 3 hours.

Sterilize jars and lids. Place the jam on the fire and cook for 5 minutes from the moment it boils. Remove from heat and remove the cheesecloth and coffee. Pack the jam into jars.

Roll up, turn over, wrap and leave until cool.

What to do if you have a box of not very aesthetically pleasing apricots and peaches? Tasty, sweet, but a little wrinkled, which means you can’t force children to eat them. The only way out is to make jam from apricots and peaches, which would otherwise be lost. But on long winter evenings you can enjoy the taste of summer.

Ingredients for apricot jam

  • overripe apricots, peaches and nectarines
  • sugar, about the same volume as fruit

Apricot and peach jam recipe

We divide the apricots into halves. Since they are overripe, this does not always work out. There's nothing wrong with the jam and everything will look great. Under no circumstances do we throw away apricot pits! We will still need them.

Cut peaches and nectarines into pieces of arbitrary size. You can discard the peach pits. They are useless to us.

Place the chopped fruit in a large saucepan and add sugar.

Place the pan on the lowest heat. The temperature will cause the apricots to release moisture and dissolve the sugar. If you are afraid that something will burn, add a little water, no more than a glass.

Our task, stirring occasionally, is to bring the fruit mass to a boil, but not to cook.

As soon as the apricots and peaches have boiled, remove the pan from the heat. Cover with a lid and set aside to cool slowly. You can even cover it with a towel.

The next day we repeat the procedure. Bring to a boil and immediately remove.

On the third day we get apricot kernels, which we set aside at the very beginning. The seeds must be split with a hammer and the kernels removed from them.

Throw the peeled apricot kernels into the pan with the jam and bring it to a boil one last time. Now we have real apricot jam. The taste of peaches is almost not noticeable in it.

Place the hot jam into jars.

Now, when you want something tasty, you can open a jar of homemade apricot jam. You definitely won't find anything like this in a store!

Bon appetit!

Late apricots and early peaches make wonderful fruit mix for making jams and preserves: bright, aromatic, juicy due to peaches, and fleshy apricots will add the necessary viscosity to the jam. Peach and apricot jam is prepared for the winter by boiling it three times. The recipe with photos will show you all the nuances. The cooking time should not exceed five minutes so that the peach slices do not become overcooked. As for apricots, they are needed more for the thickness and rich amber color of the jam, so if the pulp is boiled, then this is even better. Therefore, in jam you can identify fruits that are overripe or trimmed from one barrel.
By the way, it still turns out very tasty.
To keep the peach slices intact, choose fruits that are firm, even slightly underripe, and cut them without peeling them. Be sure to check how the bone is separated - when cut, it should be easily removed from the half. The same applies to apricots, although in most late varieties it separates from the pulp very easily.


- early varieties of peaches – 600 g;
- apricots – 300 gr;
- sugar – 700 gr;
- citric acid – a pinch (if necessary).

Cut soft, ripe apricots in half and remove the pit. If the apricots are dense and not quite ripe, cut each half in half.

In the same way, remove the pit from the peaches, cutting along the raised groove and carefully turning the halves towards each other.

We cut peaches and apricots into slices. If they are ripe, make them large; if the fruits are not quite soft, then make the slices thinner.

Place in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar, alternating a layer of fruit and a layer of sugar. Leave it overnight. For ripe juicy peaches and apricots, 4-6 hours is enough.

After a few hours, the fruit will give a lot of juice, the sugar will almost all melt, the apricot and peach slices will be completely covered with syrup.

Carefully move the fruit with syrup and sugar into the pan. Place on low heat so that the sugar that has not dissolved gradually melts and does not burn when heated. There is no need to stir the jam, but be sure to remove the foam that rises during boiling with a slotted spoon or a tablespoon. Cook the fruit over low heat for five minutes, turn it off and leave until next day, covering with a towel or gauze (but not a lid).

The next day the syrup will darken, become amber in color, almost transparent and thicken a little. Cook the fruit again for five minutes over low heat, turn it off and leave for a few more hours until it cools completely.

Before cooking the peach and apricot jam for the third time, sterilize the jars over steam (or prepare them in any way convenient for you), and boil the lids. While the jam is cold, let's taste it - if it seems like there is too much sugar, add a pinch of citric acid, it will balance the taste and add a slight sourness. Bring the peach and apricot jam to a boil and after two minutes we begin to pack it into jars, filling them up to the neck. Immediately screw on the lids and leave to cool to room temperature.

We wipe the cooled jars of jam with a damp sponge and towel, label them and take them out for storage with the rest of the preparations. Have a delicious winter!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
It tastes original and

Late apricots and early peaches make a wonderful fruit mix for making jams and preserves: bright, aromatic, juicy due to the peaches, and fleshy apricots will add the desired viscosity to the jam. Peach and apricot jam is prepared for the winter by boiling it three times. The recipe with photos will show you all the nuances. The cooking time should not exceed five minutes so that the peach slices do not become overcooked. As for apricots, they are needed more for the thickness and rich amber color of the jam, so if the pulp is boiled, then this is even better. Therefore, in jam you can identify fruits that are overripe or trimmed from one barrel.
By the way, it still turns out very tasty.
To keep the peach slices intact, choose fruits that are firm, even slightly underripe, and cut them without peeling them. Be sure to check how the bone is separated - when cut, it should be easily removed from the half. The same applies to apricots, although in most late varieties it separates from the pulp very easily.


- early varieties of peaches – 600 g;
- apricots – 300 gr;
- sugar – 700 gr;
- citric acid – a pinch (if necessary).

Cut soft, ripe apricots in half and remove the pit. If the apricots are dense and not quite ripe, cut each half in half.

In the same way, remove the pit from the peaches, cutting along the raised groove and carefully turning the halves towards each other.

We cut peaches and apricots into slices. If they are ripe, make them large; if the fruits are not quite soft, then make the slices thinner.

Place in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar, alternating a layer of fruit and a layer of sugar. Leave it overnight. For ripe juicy peaches and apricots, 4-6 hours is enough.

After a few hours, the fruit will give a lot of juice, the sugar will almost all melt, the apricot and peach slices will be completely covered with syrup.

Carefully move the fruit with syrup and sugar into the pan. Place on low heat so that the sugar that has not dissolved gradually melts and does not burn when heated. There is no need to stir the jam, but be sure to remove the foam that rises during boiling with a slotted spoon or a tablespoon. Cook the fruit over low heat for five minutes, turn it off and leave until the next day, covered with a towel or gauze (but not a lid).

The next day the syrup will darken, become amber in color, almost transparent and thicken a little. Cook the fruit again for five minutes over low heat, turn it off and leave for a few more hours until it cools completely.

Before cooking the peach and apricot jam for the third time, sterilize the jars over steam (or prepare them in any way convenient for you), and boil the lids. While the jam is cold, let's taste it - if it seems like there is too much sugar, add a pinch of citric acid, it will balance the taste and add a slight sourness. Bring the peach and apricot jam to a boil and after two minutes we begin to pack it into jars, filling them up to the neck. Immediately screw on the lids and leave to cool to room temperature.

We wipe the cooled jars of jam with a damp sponge and towel, label them and take them out for storage with the rest of the preparations. Have a delicious winter!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
It tastes original and



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