Types of chocolate - classification and best brands. What types of chocolate and its fillings are there? Classification of chocolate by cocoa content

Types of chocolate - classification and best brands. What types of chocolate and its fillings are there? Classification of chocolate by cocoa content

Chocolate is a product of processing cocoa beans with sugar.

Contains chocolate includes:

Carbohydrates - 5-5 5%);

Fat - 30-38%;

Protein - 5-8%;

Alkaloids (theobromine and caffeine) - approximately 0.5%;

Tannins and minerals - approximately 1%.

Energy value(per 100 g of product):

Chocolate - 680 calories;

Chocolates - 460 calories;

Cocoa - 400 calories.

Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, tryptophan and anandamide (substances that affect the emotional centers of the brain and create a feeling of falling in love in the human body), magnesium and iron.

The composition of modern varieties of chocolate, in addition to cocoa beans and sugar, includes low-fat milk powder, glucose syrup, vanilla or vanillin, ethyl alcohol syrup, invert sugar, vegetable (nut) oils, nuts (hazel, hazelnuts, almonds), lecithin, pectin, natural or artificial flavors, preservatives (sodium benzoate), citric acid, orange and peppermint oils.

Cocoa beans consist of 50% cocoa butter, which is hard and brittle at a temperature of 22-27 °C, and begins to melt at a temperature of 32-36 °C, i.e. its melting point is lower than the temperature of the human body. Therefore, real chocolate melts quickly in the mouth and does not leave a sticky feeling. Chocolate should not contain any fat other than cocoa butter.

Additives such as milk fat, palm, coconut or peanut oils significantly degrade the quality of this delicacy.

Semi-bitter (dessert) - about 50%;

Dairy - about 30%.

A milk chocolate bar contains 15% cocoa butter, 35% sugar and 20% milk powder, semi-bitter chocolate contains 45% sugar and up to 5% cocoa butter, and bitter chocolate contains 40% sugar.

As for it, it does not have a characteristic chocolate color, since it does not contain cocoa mass, but is white with a yellowish tint. More than 20% milk powder is added to such chocolate, and only cocoa butter is used as a cocoa product. In Russia, white chocolate is practically not produced: firstly, it is very expensive, since it contains a large proportion of cocoa butter, the cost of which is high, and secondly, Russians are accustomed to believing that chocolate should be dark.

There are different types of chocolate for different categories of consumers. For example, chocolate is produced for children with a significant addition of milk and other dairy products and with a reduced proportion of cocoa liquor. Sugar-free chocolate is produced for people with diabetes. They also produce special varieties with the addition of vitamins and kola nuts, which have a tonic effect.

Dark chocolate belongs to dietary chocolate varieties. Due to its low sugar content, it has a bitter taste with a barely perceptible salty aftertaste. This chocolate contains the most low-fat dairy products. Nuts can be added to it as a filling. Sweet additives are not added to this chocolate.

Depending on the recipe and processing method, chocolate is divided into:




Chocolate with filling.

The main difference between dessert chocolate and ordinary chocolate is the finer grinding of the mass and the mandatory long-term processing in special machines called conches.

Regular, dessert and aerated chocolate is produced without additives and with additives. Powdered milk, dry cream, roasted nut kernels, coffee, waffles, candied fruits, etc. are added to chocolate as additives.

The fillings are various candy masses - nut, fruit, fondant, a combination of them, etc.

Chocolate without additives is a product made from cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar. This chocolate is sometimes called natural. Chocolate with additives is a product that, in addition to cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar, includes various flavoring and aromatized components.

The benefits of cocoa beans are known to many. However, when it comes to chocolate, many find themselves in a very difficult position. It is known that dark chocolate is quite healthy, but here’s the problem: not everyone likes the taste of this type of sweet treat. Regarding dairy, we can say the following: it has a pleasant taste in all respects, although nutritionists and doctors unanimously declare that the product is harmful to both health and figure. So what to do, what to do? Should we give up cocoa-containing bars altogether? No, of course, you just need to buy such a delicacy wisely. Opt for, say, dessert chocolate – and you won’t regret it.

Features and manufacturing technology of the product

Dessert chocolate is a sweet bar that occupies an intermediate position between the bitter and milky types of delicacies already mentioned above. Dark chocolate is a product containing 55% cocoa beans. Milk chocolate is a chocolate that contains no more than 35% cocoa powder. The proud title of “dessert” is given to a product whose amount of cocoa beans varies from 35 to 55%. That is why, and also because of the minimal sugar content in it, the product is rightfully the best of all currently existing varieties of chocolate.

In most cases, the raw materials for the production of the type of cocoa treat we are interested in are elite varieties of cocoa. The latter are grown exclusively abroad, namely on the African or South American (Brazil) continents. Elite varieties of cocoa beans differ from ordinary ones in a softer and more colorful taste, which is characterized by a subtle, barely noticeable pleasant bitterness. In addition to the features already listed, dessert chocolate has other characteristics: strong chocolate aroma, high dispersion of the solid phase, dark brown color.

There are dessert chocolates without additives and with additives. The first is largely made from two ingredients: cocoa mass and sugar. Representatives of this type of dessert chocolate: “Moscow”, “Prima”, “Chocolate Medals”, “Golden Label”, “Lux”, etc. It is quite obvious that the second type of delicacy, in addition to the above components, also contains all kinds of flavoring additives. For example, in “Babaevsky” chocolate you can find almonds and cognac, in “Olympiysky” you can find cream.

Now we’ll learn a little about the technology for producing dessert chocolate. It, like the finished product, has a number of differences from the process of making ordinary chocolate. Firstly, the cocoa beans used to produce the sweet delicacy that interests us are subjected to more subtle and lengthy processing. Secondly, the conching process has its own characteristics. The latter is a long-term (about a day for regular chocolate) procedure of evaporating excess moisture from the chocolate mass, ridding it of residual tannins. The result of this process is the rounding of cocoa particles, the consistency of the delicacy becoming uniform, and the taste becoming tender. So, conching of dessert chocolate takes much longer than regular chocolate: on average, from three to five days.

Composition of dessert chocolate

Dessert chocolate ideally contains at least 25% real cocoa butter in addition to 35-55% cocoa beans, sugar and flavorings. Manufacturers often include the emulsifier lecithin in the delicacy to reduce the cost. This component maintains the shape of the tile and prevents it from melting in your hands. Therefore, before purchasing dessert chocolate, always carefully study the composition of the latter indicated on the label. One more point: the cost of our hero exceeds that of milk and dark chocolate, and much more.

Let's move on directly to the chemical composition of the product. Due to the fact that the main component of dessert chocolate is cocoa beans, this delicacy is rich in fiber, including pectins; fats, minerals, polysaccharides pentosans, ash and aromatic oils. Due to glucose, the delicacy contains carbohydrates. Due to the content of cocoa butter in dessert chocolate, we can safely say that the product contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, alkaloids (theobromine and caffeine), and tannins. And, of course, the delicacy gives any individual who eats it a whole range of antioxidants and amino acids.

The benefits of dessert chocolate

A product made from elite varieties of cocoa beans can improve the health of every person. Its consumption helps to increase the energy potential, and, therefore, the performance of the subject. Under the influence of the active substances of the treat, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized: in particular, due to the production of endorphins, the mood improves, insomnia disappears, and stress goes away more easily. The substance theobromine, present in dessert chocolate, has a positive effect on brain activity, eliminates headaches, relieves spasms, and reduces fatigue.

Regular treats with cocoa products are of great importance for the health of the heart muscle and blood vessels. This is thanks to magnesium, which is abundant in dessert chocolate. With its participation, blood thinning occurs, which prevents the formation of blood clots and normalizes the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. The mass of antioxidants contained in the treat prevents the development of cancer and slows down the aging process in the body. In this regard, dessert chocolate “outdid” even red wine and green tea.

This cocoa treat with a soft, delicate taste has antibacterial properties. Tannins contained in dessert chocolate destroy bacteria in the mouth and throat. Thus, eating a sweet product is a prevention of caries, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and other infectious diseases.

Dessert chocolate is very beneficial for the skin. If you eat it often, you can actually smooth out wrinkles and increase the elasticity of the epidermis. And the effect of the delicacy on tissue regeneration in terms of accelerating the latter, which we owe to the substance cocohil, makes the product valuable for those who have poorly healing wounds on the body.

Dessert chocolate can also be used externally for cosmetic purposes. For example, when fighting “orange peel” on the thighs, buttocks, and stomach, wraps with this melted delicacy are effective.

Dessert chocolate and weight loss

It is known that dark chocolate helps to get rid of extra pounds. It turns out that the dessert one also succeeded in this. First of all, it should be noted that due to the minimal content of carbohydrates and moderate fat, this delicacy, when consumed, does not particularly saturate the human body with calories. In addition, including this product in your daily diet will help quickly put an end to irresistible cravings for sweets and even reduce your appetite to some extent. Finally, another, perhaps the main advantage of dessert chocolate as a means of losing weight is its stimulation of metabolism. But everyone knows that it is the acceleration of metabolism that is the key to the rapid and effective melting of extra pounds.

The dangers of dessert chocolate

You need to consume dessert chocolate in moderation. Otherwise, you will not only not lose weight, but also gain weight. It is enough to eat 2-3 slices of tiles a day to successfully heal your body and correct your figure. Ignoring this rule is fraught with the occurrence of allergic rashes and eating disorders - mainly due to theobromine. However, in any case, allergy sufferers should treat dessert chocolate with caution. The same applies to children, elderly people, pregnant and lactating women. For diabetics it is completely prohibited.

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Chocolate– an exceptionally high-calorie product. Since its humidity is low (up to 1%), it is not subject to microbiological deterioration and can be stored for a long time. For this reason, chocolate is often taken on long expeditions and hikes as a convenient calorie concentrate.

However, we must remember that chocolate contains up to 0.6% theobromine - alkaloid, stimulating the nervous system, and up to 4% oxalic acid, which is not indicated for some internal diseases, such as those associated with metabolic disorders.

So you shouldn’t get carried away with chocolate and chocolate candies in large quantities.

Depending on the recipe and processing method, chocolate is divided into: bitter, dessert, porous, filled chocolate, and milk chocolate.

The main difference between dessert chocolate and bitter chocolate is the finer grinding of the mass and mandatory long-term processing in special machines called horse-drawn machines.

Bitter, dessert and aerated chocolate are produced without additives and with additives. Powdered milk, dry cream, roasted nut kernels, coffee, waffles, candied fruits, etc. are added to chocolate as additives.

Fillers are various candy masses - nut, fruit, fondant, a combination of them, etc.

Chocolate without additives is a product made from cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar. This chocolate is sometimes called natural.

Chocolate with additives is a product that, in addition to cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar, includes various flavoring and aromatic additives.

  • bitter – no less than 55%;
  • semi-bitter (dessert) - about 50%;
  • dairy - about 30%.

bitter chocolate refers to dietary chocolate varieties. Due to its low sugar content, it has a bitter taste with a barely perceptible salty aftertaste.

If cocoa powder, which is prepared from cake - a product of cocoa processing, was used in the production of chocolate, the chocolate has sour taste.

Dark chocolate contains the most low-fat dairy products. Nuts can be added to it as a filling. Sweet additives are not added to this chocolate.

Chocolate is a multifaceted product. It can vary in many parameters: composition and consistency, density and percentage of cocoa content, shape and types of filler, as well as taste, color and aroma. Today, chocolate is produced all over the world, and there are so many types of it that even an experienced lover of sweet treats will not immediately figure out which product is hidden behind the colorful wrapper. We hope that this information will become a useful guide for you in the vast world of chocolate products.

Types of cocoa beans

Let us remind you that the basis of chocolate is the grains of cocoa beans - the fruits of tropical trees - and the cocoa butter obtained from them. It is by these that the quality of the product is determined, and all other ingredients are secondary and only give it variety and piquancy. In turn, cocoa trees also have different types, and their fruits differ somewhat from each other both in quality and taste.

Despite the fact that America is considered the birthplace of chocolate, the best premium product is made from African cocoa beans, and American and Asian ones are noticeably inferior to them in many respects. African fruits are classified as varietal fruits and are distinguished by their delicate, but at the same time rich taste and delicate aroma. Consumer varieties have a bitter or sour taste and a sharper and more tart aroma.

Chocolate classification

Based on the content of cocoa products, chocolate is divided into three main types:

- bitter, containing cocoa products from 55% or more. Some premium varieties contain up to 90% cocoa;

- dark or classic, which contains from 35% to 60% cocoa products;

- dairy, which contains less than 35% cocoa products;

- white, made from cocoa butter without adding grated beans.

According to the composition and method of processing the ingredients, chocolate can be:

Shape and consistency:

Thanks to the efforts of modern confectioners, the types of chocolate are constantly increasing. Moreover, not only well-known world brands, but also domestic factories succeed in this. Thanks to large Russian factories, our product has gained worldwide popularity. Young companies are also keeping up with popular brands: for example, at a new Podolsk factory that produces chocolate and confectionery products under
The Mister Cho brand produces a wide range of products: from premium dark chocolate drops to white chocolate bars. The love for this noble delicacy is the main source of inspiration for talented craftsmen, encouraging them to create new types of chocolate to the delight of millions of Russian sweet tooths.

Chocolate certification


student gr. 630501 / Pavlenko A.I. /

Checked: /Averyanova I.E./


The purpose of this test is:

Study of the legislative and regulatory framework;

Familiarization with existing forms of confirmation of product conformity, namely chocolate - mandatory and voluntary certification; declaration of conformity;

Consolidation and deepening of acquired knowledge in the field of conformity assessment;

Scope of the standard

Chocolate is produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 according to recipes and technological instructions, in compliance with sanitary rules approved in the prescribed manner. This standard applies to chocolate produced for the needs of the national economy and export.

Developed by the State Scientific Institution "Research Institute of the Confectionery Industry of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences" (GNU NII KP Rosselkhozakademii) with the participation of the Association of Confectionery Industry Enterprises "ASKOND", LLC "United Confectioners", LLC "Mars", JSC "Confectionery Factory named after N. K. Krupskaya, JSC NP Confil, Dirol Cadbury LLC, Krasnaya Zarya Confectionery Factory LLC, commissioned by the National Consumer Protection Fund (Russia).

Introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 149 "Confectionery Products". Approved and put into effect for the first time by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 27, 2007 N 448-st.

This standard applies to the following types of chocolate: chocolate, milk chocolate, unsweetened chocolate, dark chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate and/or combinations thereof, filled chocolate and chocolate products.

Classification and assortment of chocolate

Chocolate is a food product obtained by processing cocoa fruits. As a rule, chocolate is classified according to characteristics such as composition, the presence of additives and the amount of sugar.

Chocolate is a confectionery product made from cocoa products and sugar, which contains at least 35% of the total dry residue of cocoa products, including at least 18% cocoa butter and at least 14% of the dry non-fat residue of cocoa products.

Milk chocolate: a confectionery product made from cocoa products, sugar, milk and (or) products of its processing, containing at least 25% of the total solids of cocoa products, not less than 2.5% of the dry non-fat residue of cocoa products , not less than 12% milk solids and (or) products of its processing, not less than 2.5% milk fat and not less than 25% total fat.

Unsweetened chocolate: a confectionery product made from cocoa products that does not contain sugar or sweeteners, containing from 50% to 58% cocoa butter.

Dark chocolate: a confectionery product made from cocoa products and sugar, containing at least 55% of the total solids of cocoa products and at least 33% cocoa butter.

Dark chocolate: a confectionery product made from cocoa products and sugar, containing at least 40% of the total solids of cocoa products, including at least 20% cocoa butter.

White chocolate: a confectionery product made from cocoa butter, milk and (or) its processing products and sugar, which contains at least 20% cocoa butter and at least 14% milk solids and (or) its processing products, in including at least 3.5% milk fat.

Porous chocolate: a confectionery product made on the basis of cocoa products, with or without the addition of sugar, milk and (or) products of its processing, having a cellular structure.

Chocolate with filling: a confectionery product that contains at least 40% of the separated chocolate component from the total mass of the product and no more than 60% of the filling.

Diabetic chocolate is intended for patients with diabetes. It replaces sugar with sorbitol or xylitol.

Chocolate with large additions: a confectionery product made from cocoa products, with or without the addition of sugar, milk and (or) products of its processing, containing large additions in the form of whole or crushed food ingredients.

Chocolate with finely ground additives: a confectionery product produced on the basis of cocoa products, with or without the addition of sugar, milk and (or) products of its processing, containing finely ground additives.

In addition to the assortment of chocolate, there is a classification. According to the OKP (All-Russian Classifier) ​​classification, chocolate is divided as shown in Table 1 and Figure 1.

Table 1

Rice. 1 Classification of chocolate according to OKP

Technical requirements

The product must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the manufacturer's recipes and technological instructions in compliance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation

In terms of organoleptic characteristics, chocolate, milk chocolate, unsweetened chocolate, dark chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate and (or) combinations thereof, aerated chocolate, chocolate with large additions, chocolate with finely ground additions must meet the requirements specified in Table 1, chocolate with filling and chocolate products - to the requirements specified in table 2.

Table 1


Indicator name Characteristic
Taste and smell Characteristic for a specific type of chocolate, without foreign taste or odor
Appearance The front surface is smooth or wavy, with or without a pattern, shiny. In chocolate with large additions in the form of whole or crushed nuts, candied fruits, raisins, puffed cereals (and others) and in porous chocolate, an uneven surface is allowed. Graying and pest infestation are not allowed. For unwrapped chocolate by weight, no more than 5% scrap is allowed, the size of which does not exceed 1/3 of the area of ​​the bar; scrap of smaller sizes should not exceed 3.0%
Form Corresponding to the recipe, the equipment used, without deformation for all types of chocolate, except weight
Consistency Solid
Structure Homogeneous. In chocolate with large additions, whole or crushed nuts, candied fruits, raisins, puffed cereals (and others) are evenly distributed throughout the chocolate mass. Cellular - for aerated chocolate
Notes: 1. Minor defects that do not spoil the appearance of the front surface of the chocolate, such as crumbs, bubbles, scratches, chips, penetration of the liquid phase of filling and fruit (other large additions) onto the surface, are not a rejection sign. 2. For chocolate cast into special molds with a rough surface, a matte front surface is allowed. 3. For chocolate with finely ground additions of dairy products and (or) nuts, chocolate molded in foil, and chocolate by weight, a matte surface is allowed.

table 2



Indicator name Characteristic
Taste and smell Characteristic for this product, without foreign taste or smell. Filled chocolate and chocolate product have the taste of chocolate and food ingredients that make up the confectionery mass
Appearance The surface of the chocolate coating is smooth or wavy, with or without a pattern, shiny or matte. In chocolate coating with large additions in the form of whole or crushed nuts, candied fruits, raisins, puffed cereals (and others) and in porous ones, an uneven surface is allowed. Graying and pest infestation of the chocolate part is not allowed. Broken products are allowed: no more than 4.0% - for filled chocolate and chocolate products
Form Corresponding to the recipe, the equipment used, without deformation for all types of filled chocolate and chocolate products
Consistency Hard for chocolate coating
Structure Homogeneous. Large additions to the chocolate part - whole or crushed nuts, candied fruits, raisins, puffed cereals (and other ingredients) - are evenly distributed throughout the chocolate mass. The structure of a chocolate product in accordance with the requirements for confectionery mass ingredients
Note - Minor defects that do not spoil the appearance of the chocolate coating, such as crumbs, bubbles, scratches, chips, penetration of filling, fruit (other large additions) onto the surface, are not a rejection sign.

In terms of physical and chemical indicators, the product must comply with the standards specified in tables 3 and 4.

Indicator name Chocolate Milk chocolate Unsweetened chocolate White chocolate bitter chocolate Dark chocolate Chocolate with filling Chocolate product
Mass fraction of total cocoa solids, %, not less - - -
Mass fraction of cocoa butter, %, not less - From 50 to 58 - 4,5
Mass fraction of total fat, %, not less _ - - - - - -
Mass fraction of dry fat-free cocoa residue, %, not less 2,5 - - - - - -
Mass fraction of milk and (or) dairy products, %, not less - - - - - -
Mass fraction of milk fat, %, not less - 2,5 - 3,5 - - - -
Separable component of chocolate, % - - - - - - At least 40 From 25 to 40
Mass fraction of filling, %, no more - - - - - - -

Table 4

Organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators, nutritional value and shelf life of the product, determined by the characteristics of the raw materials used, production technology and packaging conditions, must be established in the recipes or technological instructions for specific products.

The mass fraction of sugar, fat, filling and moisture in the product must be in accordance with the calculated content according to the recipe, taking into account the permissible deviations specified in the recipes or technological instructions.

Microbiological indicators of the product must not exceed the standards established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for raw materials

Raw materials, flavorings and food additives, including imported ones, used for the manufacture of the product must be permitted for use by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

In the production of the product, it is allowed to use, without changing the minimum amount of cocoa butter, up to 5% of the total weight of the chocolate mass (without large additives) vegetable fats - cocoa butter equivalents and (or) SOS-type cocoa butter improvers.


Labeling of the product in consumer packaging is in accordance with GOST R 51074 with the following additional information:

Nutritional value per 100 g and/or single serving of product (energy value, protein, fat, carbohydrate content). For products containing more than 20% fat, the mass fraction of saturated fatty acids and trans isomers of unsaturated fatty acids is indicated)

Date of manufacture;

Best before date;

Storage conditions;

Sign of circulation on the market;

Special requirements for chocolate labeling.

The labeling of chocolate indicates the total content of cocoa solids, and for milk chocolate, additionally, non-fat dry cocoa residue, total milk solids and milk fat. Chocolate containing vegetable fats - equivalents and (or) SOS-type improvers other than cocoa butter - is additionally marked with a noticeable and clear inscription: “contains up to 5% vegetable fats - equivalents and (or) SOS-type improvers in addition to cocoa butter." This label must be placed in the same field of view as the product's ingredients and clearly separated from this list.

For small packaging units or labels, on which it is impossible to state the required text in full, as well as on souvenir and gift sets, it is allowed to place data characterizing the product, or part of it, on the insert sheet attached to each packaging unit, or on group packaging.

Transport markings must comply with the requirements of GOST 14192 with the application of handling signs “Keep away from sunlight”, “Temperature limitation”, “Keep away from moisture”, “Fragile. Caution”. Each unit of transport container is marked with information about the packaged product:

Product name;

Name and location (legal address) of the manufacturer;

The total net weight of the product and the number of packaging units in the transport container;

Net weight for bulk product;

Batch number;

Shelf life and storage conditions.

Additional information is allowed.


Packaging materials, consumer and transport containers used to package the product must comply with the requirements of the documents in accordance with which they are manufactured, the requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, and ensure the preservation of the quality and safety of the product during its transportation, storage and sale.

The net weight of the product in one packaging unit must correspond to the nominal quantity indicated in the labeling of the consumer packaging, taking into account permissible deviations.

The limits of permissible negative deviations of mass in one packaging unit from the nominal quantity are in accordance with GOST 8.579.

Safety requirements

Food safety is regulated by such current laws as: “On the quality and safety of food products” Federal Law No. 29 of 01/02/2000, “On technical regulation” Federal Law No. 184 of 12/27/2002.

Food products intended for sale, including chocolate, must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.

The permissibility of the content of toxic elements in chocolate is established according to the standards: GOST 26927-86, GOST 26930-86-26934-86. Exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of such elements can cause poisoning of varying degrees of severity, sometimes even fatal.

Sanitary and hygienic safety - the absence of unacceptable risks that can arise from various types of biodamage to chocolate. Biodamages include microbiological and zoological damage.

Microbiological damage (diseases) is caused by a variety of microorganisms. A distinction is made between bacterial and fungal damage. In some cases, toxic substances accumulate in products (mycotoxins - due to mold, salmonella, staphylococcus, E. coli, etc.), which cause human poisoning of varying degrees, sometimes with death.

Safety indicators must correspond to the level of content of toxic elements, mitotoxins, radionucleides and pesticides, as well as microbiological indicators to MBT standards (Table 5).

Permissible levels of toxic elements, minotoxins, pesticides, radionuclides in chocolate according to MBT.

Table 5

Microbiological indicators of chocolate quality are disclosed in Table 6.

Table 6

Single-piece chocolate bars are wrapped in foil and a label or artistically decorated foil.

Tiles weighing less than 50 g may be wrapped in foil and a band attached instead of a label.

Chocolate medals are wrapped in foil. Filled chocolate in the form of loaves is wrapped in a wrapper and a label or foil and a label.

Chocolate figures are wrapped in artistically decorated foil or polymer films.

When using foil or polymer films without artistic design, piece figures are glued to the belt. It is allowed to stick a label with a trademark on weighted chocolate figures or put a label inside the packaging.

When making chocolate figures with surprises, the surprises must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and be inserted wrapped.

Wrapped chocolate in the form of bars is packaged in corrugated cardboard boxes with a net weight of no more than 5 kg, cardboard boxes or packs with a net weight of no more than 3 kg, followed by packaging in wooden boxes or corrugated cardboard boxes.

Filled chocolate in the form of loaves is packed in boxes with a net weight of no more than 13 kg. Chocolate figures - net weight no more than 6 kg. Weighed chocolate is packed in rows in corrugated cardboard boxes with a net weight of no more than 12 kg with the rows interspersed with parchment, waxed paper or cellophane.

Packaged chocolate is packed in wooden boxes or plywood boxes with a net weight of no more than 15 kg.

Permissible deviations from the net weight of each product, in percentage, must not exceed:

1. without filling:

Minus 3.0 up to and including 49 g and over 50 g;

Minus 2.5 over 49 g up to 74 g inclusive;

Minus 2.0 over 74 g;

2. with fillings:

Minus 6.0 up to 50 g inclusive;

3. with major additions:

Minus 5.0 over 49 g.

When packing chocolate by weight in boxes, a deviation of net weight minus 0.5% is allowed.

Chocolate should be stored in clean, well-ventilated areas that are not infested with cereal pests at a temperature of 18-30C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.

Chocolate should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is not allowed to store chocolate with products that have a specific odor.

Shelf life:

6 months - without additives, with added alcohol, wrapped and packaged;

3 months - with addition, with fillings and diabetic, wrapped and packaged;

4 months - without adding weight, unwrapped;

2 months - with the addition of unwrapped weight;

1 month – white.

The safety of chocolate is closely related to such an acute problem as adulteration. There are the following types of chocolate falsification: assortment, qualitative, quantitative, information.



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