Delicious pickling of black milk mushrooms at home. Salting black milk mushrooms using the hot method Salting black milk mushrooms using the hot method for the winter

Delicious pickling of black milk mushrooms at home. Salting black milk mushrooms using the hot method Salting black milk mushrooms using the hot method for the winter

How to pickle black milk mushrooms in a cold and hot way, what recommendations should be followed, and you will also learn secrets and pickling recipes from this material? In Western countries, this type of mushroom is not eaten: they are considered not tasty and not edible. And since past centuries, our people have valued milk mushrooms, considered them one of the best and tried to collect as many as possible in order to stock up on fleshy milk mushrooms for the winter. It’s not for nothing that the proverb appeared: “If you call yourself a load, get into the back.” The love for these mushrooms is still relevant today.

The peculiarity of the black milk mushroom is that it is never wormy: insect larvae do not like its pungent-smelling, pungent juice.

Features of black milk mushrooms

From July to November in the forests you can meet mushroom pickers who “hunt” for milk mushrooms. The mushroom grows on a low stalk and has a fairly wide cap that resembles a funnel. The flesh of milk mushrooms is dense, and their smell is similar to fruit. In native forests you can find yellow milk mushroom, alder, black, white, as well as raw and pepper. The most popular are black and white milk mushrooms.

Before salting, milk mushrooms should be cleared of soil, leaves and insects.

We will talk about nigella, this nickname is popularly given to the black milk mushroom, because this species is ideal for pickling. Today there are hundreds of different methods for salting black milk mushrooms. But they all come down to three main methods: cold, hot and in brine. If you pickle nigella using the hot method, the mushrooms will become soft and tender, literally melting in your mouth. Cold pickling and brining makes the mushrooms sad and maintains their shape. If you love crispy mushrooms, get ready to write down the recipe.

But first you need to properly clean the mushrooms from the dirt brought along with the mushrooms from the forest. Don’t pull the cat’s tail and just as you brought the mushrooms home, start processing. Mushrooms very quickly become unusable, because they harbor harmful bacteria. Sort the product, discarding old and wormy ones, remove large debris from the nigella and soak in cool water. Let the nigella sit for several hours, changing the water every half hour. This way you will not only clean the food from small adhering debris, but also wash out the bitter juice from the mushrooms. Next, if you don’t want crispy milk mushrooms to be associated with the crunch of sand, take a brush and brush each mushroom with it under running water. Using a knife, carefully cut off the legs (do not throw them away, they can be used to make separate dish) and place the caps of the nigella into a clean bowl.

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Basic rules for cold salting

The cold method of pickling mushrooms involves prolonged soaking in water, and not everyone decides to use this method of pickling. Some simply don’t have enough space to keep a container of milk mushrooms for several days, others want to quickly put fragrant mushrooms on the table and are not ready to wait that long. However, the crispy, savory mushrooms are worth the trouble.

Horseradish leaves placed in mushrooms will not only give them a spicy pungency, but also protect them from souring and spoilage.

Place the washed mushrooms, caps down, in a wide container and fill with ice water. Press down the nigella with a slight pressure and place the container in a dark, cool place for three days. Don’t forget that you need to change the water every 5-8 hours so that the bitterness and toxic substances are completely gone. In ancient times, nigella was salted in wooden containers, but now such a tub is difficult to obtain, so it is best to use sterilized glass jars.

For a kilogram of milk mushrooms you need to take a tablespoon of salt, a few cloves of garlic and horseradish leaves. We put seasonings on the bottom of the jar, mushrooms on top, salt them, cover them with horseradish leaves and garlic, put the mushrooms again. We form layers in the jar until we fill the container to the top. Cover the mushrooms with a cloth or gauze, put herbs and horseradish on top, and cover with a plastic lid. If you use a wooden or clay dish for pickling, press the mushrooms down with a slight pressure. Place the container with nigella in the refrigerator or cellar for 3-4 weeks. After about 30 days, it will be time to serve the fragrant crispy mushrooms.

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How else can you salt such products?

There is another method cold pickling milk mushrooms For a kilogram of mushrooms you will need only 40-60 grams of regular table salt. Place the washed mushrooms in a suitable container, fill with cold water and press down with slight pressure. This is necessary to ensure that the mushrooms are constantly under water. Place the container in a cool place and watch the mushrooms; foam will appear in the container within 24 hours. You will need to rinse the nigella, wash the container and re-fold the mushrooms and fill with cold water. This procedure will need to be repeated for six days as soon as you notice foam on the surface. Don't worry if the mushrooms become smaller during this time - this is a normal reaction. We take out the milk mushrooms, cut them into several parts, put them in a clean container and cover them with salt. Cover the nigellas with a cloth and press them down with heavy pressure. Place the container in a cool place for three days, stirring the mushrooms in the container once a day.

To pickle mushrooms you will need 40-60 grams of salt per liter of water.

Now take sterilized jars and fill them tightly with nigella. Cover with nylon lids and store in a cool, dark place. In one and a half or two months the mushrooms will be ready.
You can pickle nigella with onions, you get a very interesting taste. For a bucket of mushrooms you need to take 3-5 onions and 1.5-2 cups of salt. Soak clean mushrooms in cold water three days. Place onions and mushrooms cut into rings in layers in a bucket or basin, seasoning each layer with salt. Cover the milk mushrooms with gauze, press down with pressure and put them in a cool, dark place for a month. After this, place the nigella into sterile glass jars, cover with plastic lids and refrigerate for three weeks.

Pickling black milk mushrooms in brine involves heat treatment, but due to the fact that the mushrooms will be in the brine, the product will turn out crispy, as if salted using the cold method. True, you need to be prepared for the fact that nigella will take about two months to prepare. Take mushrooms, salt, pepper, vegetable oil, and also garlic, horseradish and bay leaf. Boil water in an enamel container, add salt at the rate of 1.5 tablespoons per liter of liquid, add nigella and cook them for a little less than half an hour. Pour water into another container, add salt and other seasonings. Boil the brine for 10 minutes, add the cooked mushrooms from the first pan to it, continue boiling for another 15 minutes. Remove the brine from the stove, add horseradish and garlic cloves to it and press down with something heavy.

Black milk mushrooms are delicious! Especially if you know how to cook. And although in the West these “poisonous” mushrooms are avoided with fear, residents of the post-Soviet space gobble them up on both cheeks. And rightly so: why deny yourself pleasure? You just need to figure out once how to salt black milk mushrooms and then there will be no difficulties in preparing this savory snack.

Black milk mushroom: how to recognize and where to look

In common parlance, black milk mushrooms are affectionately called “chernushka.” If you often go mushroom hunting, but have never seen this handsome guy, you shouldn’t be surprised. It is not easy to find even in season, since the camouflage of this mushroom is better than that of a chameleon. The black milk mushroom “lives” in birch groves and mixed forests; it has a strong convex cap, which gradually takes on a funnel-shaped shape during the ripening process. It differs from its “brothers” in the chestnut color of the cap and the presence on it of faintly visible concentric circles or black spots with a greenish tint. If you are lucky enough to stumble upon a black milk mushroom, don’t stop: where there is one mushroom, most likely there will be a whole “nest”. If you are not sure of your find, better mushrooms Don't touch it at all - it's dangerous!

Black milk mushroom is not only beautiful and tasty, but also healthy. It contains more protein than chicken meat, and calories - than in whole milk. Plus, black milk mushroom is practically the only product of non-animal origin that contains vitamin D, which is involved in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the blood and contributes to the development and maintenance of bone tissue strength.


The unique aftertaste of black milk pickles haunts many gourmets. People often put off important things and go into the forest in search of the very mushrooms that conquered them. But finding black milk mushrooms is half the battle. It is much more difficult to cook them so that they are crispy, aromatic and tasty. You need to start with the mandatory preparatory activities.

Stages of preparing black milk mushrooms for salting

First, you need mushrooms wash thoroughly. Black milk mushrooms usually have a lot of soil on them, which can significantly spoil the taste of pickles if you don’t get rid of it in time.

Secondly, large mushrooms are preferable cut into several pieces. Otherwise, even prolonged soaking will not completely remove the bitterness from the nigella. You can only do without cutting with very small mushrooms.

Third, you need to soak the mushrooms in lightly salted water for at least a day. For getting rich taste, as well as to eliminate bitter milky juice, experts advise extending the procedure to 3 days. It is important that the container with mushrooms (any container will do, except aluminum and galvanized) is in a cool place. Water must be changed every 6-7 hours.

Pickling recipes

There are two main ways to pickle black milk mushrooms: cold and hot. Cold salting is a lengthy procedure, but connoisseurs of the unique resinous taste of milk mushrooms often stop at it. Hot pickling involves boiling the mushrooms, which results in a less intense flavor. But the hot method is much simpler and takes much less time.

This recipe is great for pickling black milk mushrooms for the winter. Mushrooms salted in this way have a special aroma and taste, reminiscent of summer, which is so lacking in the cold season.

Number of servings/volume: 1 l


  • rock salt – 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • currant leaf – 5-6 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf – 5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 5-6 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • black pepper (peas) – 1 tsp;


  1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and let the water drain. Preparing the greens. Cut the garlic into slices.
  2. Place 2-3 dill umbrellas, currant leaves, horseradish leaves, bay leaves on the bottom of the pan, then lay out the mushrooms in layers, sprinkling them with salt, garlic and pepper until the container is filled to the top (or until the milk mushrooms run out).
  3. Cover the mushrooms with a wide plate (lid), smaller in diameter than the pan. We install oppression.
  4. We keep the workpiece in a cool place for 7-8 days.
  5. Transfer the mushrooms to prepared jars and leave until they are completely ripe.

In a month you will be able to enjoy delicious salted milk mushrooms!

Do you want to quickly pickle black milk mushrooms at home? No problem. Hot salting requires a minimum of time and resources.

Number of servings/volume: 1 l


  • fresh black milk mushrooms – 1.5 kg;
  • rock salt – 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • currant leaf – 5 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf – 5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 5-6 pcs.;
  • dill, umbrellas/dry – 4-6 pcs/3-4 tsp;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • black pepper (peas) – 1-2 tsp;
  • black pepper and sweet peas – 4-6 pcs.


  1. We prepare the mushrooms and soak them for at least 3 days.
  2. Place the milk mushrooms in a saucepan, fill with water (so that the mushrooms float freely) and cook over medium heat. The milk mushrooms should simmer for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Prepare the brine. Pour 1 liter of water into another pan, add 2 tbsp. l. salt and put on fire. When it boils, add all the spices (except garlic).
  4. Transfer the boiled mushrooms to boiling brine. Cook for half an hour. Then let the workpiece cool.
  5. Add the garlic, mix, put a weight (for example, a jar of water) on top (a regular lid or plate will do).
  6. We put it in a cool place.

In 10-15 days you will be able to enjoy the ready-made salted milk mushrooms!

Number of servings/volume: 3.5 l


  • fresh black milk mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • tomato – 1 kg;
  • onions – 1 kg;
  • water – 3 l;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • rock salt – 60 g;
  • table vinegar, 9% – 20 ml.


  1. Cut the soaked milk mushrooms into small cubes.
  2. Cook in salted water until the milk mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan.
  3. We remove the mushrooms from the pan into a colander to drain excess water, then place them in a saucepan.
  4. Chop the onion, cut the tomatoes into cubes and add the vegetables to the mushrooms. Simmer over low heat.
  5. When the onion becomes transparent, add vinegar to the saucepan.
  6. Then put the milk mushrooms in the tomato into pre-sterilized jars and seal them hermetically.
  7. We put the jars in a cool place.
  8. After 2-3 weeks, tender milk mushrooms in a rich tomato sauce will be ready.

Bon appetit!


Technologies for cold and hot methods of pickling black milk mushrooms can be seen in the following videos filmed by experienced mushroom pickers:

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Like many mushrooms with milky juice, black milk mushrooms are considered inedible in the West. However, these dark olive-brown milk mushrooms turn into a real winter delicacy if you know how to salt black milk mushrooms. Let's consider detailed recipes and ways to properly store this traditionally Russian preparation.

In the forests of the middle zone, black milk mushrooms (nigella) bear fruit from mid-July to mid-October, and the best time for collecting them is considered to be the period from the second half of August to the first half of September. Mushrooms grown in deciduous groves are distinguished by dense and thick flesh. Milk mushrooms made from coniferous forests have thinner caps.

Thus, in order for the preparation to be especially high-quality and tasty, it is best to go in search of black milk mushrooms in August-September and collect them in the deciduous forest, giving preference to young, non-wormy mushrooms without any damage.

Preparing the dishes

For milk mushrooms, salting is one of the most suitable and available ways blanks, but polyethylene, ceramic and galvanized containers are not suitable for this. Only enamel and glass containers, as well as wooden tubs, are suitable. Before salting mushrooms, glass jars and enamel-coated pans must be thoroughly washed and dried at high temperature.

Before pickling black milk mushrooms in wooden tubs, this container should be soaked for several days so that the wood swells enough and does not allow water to pass through. New oak tubs are soaked for 10-12 days to completely remove tannins - they will turn both the brine and the mushrooms black. Then the oak container is washed with a brush and steamed with boiling water to which caustic soda has been added (5 g per liter of water). Such a tub is additionally fumigated with sulfur in order to completely destroy bacterial contaminants that accumulate in the cracks.

Preparing mushrooms for pickling

The collected black milk mushrooms are first sorted by size in order to pickle small ones. fruiting bodies separately from large ones, preserving all the nuances of taste. Then, using a brush with stiff bristles, a small brush, a kitchen sponge, and also scraping with a knife, the mushrooms are cleaned of all kinds of contaminants (especially carefully - from lumps of soil).

Darkened and softened areas are removed, the stems are preserved if possible, since in black milk mushrooms this part of the fruiting body is especially tasty. The sorted, peeled mushrooms are then washed under running water, completing the necessary preparation before soaking the milk mushrooms for 3-7 days.

The water with which the mushrooms are filled is changed at least 2-3 times a day. You can determine how long to soak milk mushrooms by looking at a piece of pulp. If there is no longer any unpleasant bitterness in its taste, you can already begin to salt nigella in one of two main ways.

However, there is a quick method hot salting black milk mushrooms without pre-soaking. It will be discussed in detail in the corresponding section.

Cold salting method

In full accordance with the name, black milk mushrooms in this version of salting do not undergo any heat treatment. Having soaked the fruiting bodies sufficiently, they are washed with running water, allowed to drain thoroughly, sprinkle the bottom of the prepared container with salt and begin to lay milk mushrooms in it, adding salt to each layer.

Black milk mushroom has its own pleasant, unique, slightly resinous taste, so connoisseurs of pure natural aromas prefer to use only coarsely ground rock salt in the cold method without any additional spices. In this case, the concentration of the brine is important, which will protect the milk mushrooms from spoilage: per kilogram of mushrooms there should be at least 2 tablespoons (50 g) of salt. When the last layer has been laid out and salted, the salting is covered with a clean cotton cloth, a plate or a suitable sized wooden circle with a weight is placed on top, and everything is put away in a cool place.

Fans of salted mushrooms combined with spices have their own options for how to properly salt black milk mushrooms, additionally layering the mushroom layers with spices and herbs. An example of such a recipe:

  • 50 g of coarsely ground salt per kilogram of black milk mushrooms;
  • horseradish leaf, currant and cherry leaves;
  • fresh garlic;
  • dry or fresh dill umbrellas;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice and black peppercorns;
  • dry clove inflorescences.

Add salt to the bottom of the prepared container and place leaves, 2-3 dill umbrellas and 2 cloves of garlic. This is followed by a layer of mushrooms. It is also sprinkled with salt, one or two bay leaves, a pea of ​​black and allspice, and a clove inflorescence are added. The milk mushrooms are again distributed on top, salted and seasoned with spices. Continuing this way until the very top layer, sprinkle it with salt, add dill and completely cover everything with currants, cherries, and horseradish. This is followed by a cloth and a plate or a wooden circle with pressure. The workpiece is sent to a cool place.

The mushrooms gradually settle and the container is filled with brine, which should cover the entire fruiting bodies. If it turns out to be not enough, you will need to add a salt solution to the mushrooms (one or two tablespoons per liter of boiled, cooled water). In addition, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the fabric covering the workpiece, wash and rinse it as needed. The shelf life of cold-salted black milk mushrooms is 40-45 days. During the cold salting process, these mushrooms acquire a rich dark red hue.

Hot salting method

Salting black milk mushrooms using a hot method requires boiling them. In this case, you can do without pre-soaking. Nigellas are generally cleaned of forest debris right at the collection site and the base of the stem with adhering soil is necessarily cut off.

At home, bring mushrooms without washing them, put them in a saucepan, pour boiling water over them and cook for 20-25 minutes. As a result, black milk mushrooms become especially dense and elastic, so that handling them becomes much more convenient.

After waiting until the boiled fruit bodies have cooled, they are thoroughly washed to remove any remaining debris, placed in a colander to completely drain the water, and only then weighed, determining the amount of salt needed for the preparation. For every kilogram of boiled mushroom raw material there should be 50-55 g of coarsely ground rock salt.

Having measured out the required amount of this basic seasoning, lay the milk mushrooms in layers in the prepared container, not forgetting to add salt to each new level. Here, the placement of caps up or down no longer plays a fundamental role, since boiled mushrooms become denser and withstand oppressive pressure in any position. If the preparation contains only milk mushrooms and salt, it will completely preserve the taste and aromatic qualities of these mushrooms. Those who prefer a more complex bouquet also intersperse the mushroom layers with cherry and currant foliage, coarsely chopped cloves of peeled garlic and even spruce branches.

In any case, the layout is completed with salt and seasonings to taste, the top of the workpiece is covered with a clean cotton cloth, and on it there is a weight placed on a plate or wooden circle. After a few hours, the container is filled with escaping brine. It must completely cover the fruiting bodies. If the released liquid is not enough, add a cold solution of salt in boiled water (2 tablespoons per liter) to the container to the required level. The pickling is put in a cool place.

In addition to this high-speed method of hot salting, there are also slower options, in which pre-soaked mushrooms are boiled for at least 20 minutes, and after cooling, they are laid out in prepared containers in layers, alternating with salt and spices to taste. The broth is stored so that, if necessary, you can add it to the container, and all further steps proceed in exactly the same way as for other mushroom pickles.

With the hot salting method, black milk mushrooms reach readiness after 10-12 days. If in the future they are stored in jars, the mushrooms are placed very tightly in them. Then they fill it almost to the top with brine, especially making sure that the fruiting bodies are still completely covered with it, and that no air cavities form in the depths of the jars. Calcined vegetable oil is poured on top and, covered with plastic lids, put away for storage.

Rules for storing salted mushrooms

To prevent salted black milk mushrooms from spoiling, they must be stored in a dark, well-ventilated place at a temperature not lower than 0 and not higher than 6 ºC. In a colder environment, the mushrooms will freeze and crumble, and in a warmer environment they will soon become moldy and sour. The most suitable conditions for storing mushroom pickles are provided by the lower compartment of the refrigerator and the cellar.

Pre-soaked, skillfully salted and properly stored black milk mushrooms are extremely tasty. In addition to this undeniable advantage, they have special beneficial features- in the salted mushroom pulp, substances that relieve chronic inflammation are completely preserved.

Salting of black milk mushrooms is carried out using hot and cold methods. Before processing, mushrooms are soaked for 3 days to remove bitterness.

Pickled black milk mushrooms are served with hot dishes and vegetables.

  • Number of servings: 5
  • Preparation time: 72 minutes
  • Cooking time: 90 minutes

How to hot pickle black milk mushrooms

An ancient Russian appetizer is served with sour cream, onions and greens.


  1. Soak the mushrooms for 4 days, remembering to change the water 2 times a day. This procedure is needed to remove the caustic milky juice from milk mushrooms.
  2. Place the pieces in boiling water and cook them for 30 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  3. Rinse the mushrooms again, cut the largest ones into 2-4 parts.
  4. Mix the preparations with chopped horseradish leaves and dill umbrellas.
  5. Place the food in a deep bowl and sprinkle it with salt. Cover the workpieces with a plate, place on top liter jar with water.
  6. Place the mushrooms in the cold and leave them for 14 days. You can try the lightly salted snack after 1-2 days.

The preparations must be washed before use.

Recipe for cold pickling of black milk mushrooms

This method does not involve preliminary heat treatment, so the mushrooms are salted for at least 45 days.


  • black milk mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • salt – 40 g;
  • cherry leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • black currant leaves – 4 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 4 pcs.;
  • dill rosettes – 2 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf – 1 pc.

Cooking steps:

  1. Cover the mushrooms with water and leave them for 3 days. Change the infusion every 8-12 hours.
  2. Cut the garlic into slices, chop the herbs.
  3. Place the milk mushrooms in the pan, caps down. Sprinkle each layer with salt, garlic and herbs.
  4. Cover the workpieces with whole leaves, place a plate on top and place a jar of water.
  5. Place the mushrooms in the cellar or refrigerator. In winter, the workpieces can be kept on a glazed balcony.

Rinse the finished treat and soak for 12 hours to get rid of excess salt. Serve the appetizer with vegetable oil, green onions and sour cream.

Salted milk mushrooms with mustard

Mushrooms prepared according to this recipe are crispy and flavorful.


  • milk mushrooms – 1 kg;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • salt – 60 g;
  • mustard beans – 15 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • horseradish leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 2 pcs.;
  • dill umbrella – 1 pc.


  1. Soak the mushrooms for 3 days, put them in water. Add mustard, spices and salt.
  2. Boil the brine and cook the milk mushrooms for 10 minutes.
  3. Transfer the preparations to a jar, sprinkling the layers with chopped garlic and herbs. Cover the workpiece with a plastic lid and refrigerate it.

The treat will be ready in 10 days.

Salted milk mushrooms are added to soups, vegetable stew and salads.

An amazing fact - black milk mushroom, which we will tell you how to salt in this work, is included in mushroom pickers' reference books as inedible almost everywhere, with the exception of the post-Soviet space. But most likely the point is that “you just don’t know how to cook it”! In our country, this mushroom has long become one of the most beloved among the people, because if you pickle it correctly, you will get a wonderful and delicious snack on any dining table.

The black milk mushroom, also popularly called nigella, is called Lactarius necator in Latin and belongs to the Russula family and the genus “Millaria”.

Features of this mushroom

This mushroom, also popularly called nigella, is called Lactarius necator in Latin and belongs to the Russula family and the genus “Millaries”. Like most other types of mushrooms, black milk mushrooms grow in fairly large nests. You need to know its habitats well so as not to miss this mushroom, which is excellent at camouflage. It grows in birch and mixed forests, as well as spruce forests. It is also found in large city parks where the soil is suitable. But we do not recommend collecting it within the city, because the mushroom in the city absorbs all harmful fumes, gases, and the like. It's better to get out into the forest. It is better to collect black milk mushrooms while they are young.

To do this, you may even need to dig into the ground, because small mushrooms are often covered with dust, sawdust and dirt. Remember that where there is one mushroom, there will definitely be a whole nest - if no one has collected it before you.

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How to identify this particular mushroom?

When salting black milk mushrooms, large mushrooms can be cut into several parts, while small ones can be soaked whole.

The appearance of this mushroom is quite simple and noticeable. Its cap is small compared to some other types of mushrooms, from 5 to 15 centimeters on average. There are also larger specimens of old mushrooms, but you need to be careful with them - often they are already eaten by worms.

The cap of the black mushroom is strong and convex; during the life of the mushroom it takes on a shape resembling a funnel. The skin of the mushroom is chestnut in color. Its distinctive feature is also special spots or circles that are black with a touch of green. During the cooking process, when the mushroom goes through the stages of cooking (if hot salting is used) and salting, the skin will become cherry in color. The flesh of the black milk mushroom is white, but after breaking the cap, it becomes slightly brownish when cut. The legs are tall and strong, some especially large ones reach a height of 6 centimeters and a thickness of 3 centimeters. The leg is hollow. Like other mushrooms of the “Millary” genus, black milk mushrooms release a special milky juice when broken. For him it is white and caustic.

Inexperienced mushroom pickers may confuse the black mushroom with another mushroom that is similar in appearance, namely the black mushroom. But its cap is different in color - it is dirty brown, and the flesh when cut takes on a different color - it turns pink. However, there is no big problem in the fact that these two mushrooms are often confused, since black podgruzdok is also rated by most reference books as conditionally edible, and many connoisseurs even find it very tasty. After salting, such a mushroom turns black, and does not become cherry in color, like a black milk mushroom - by this sign you can definitely recognize it.

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How to salt black mushrooms?

We will dwell on the process of properly pickling mushrooms for the winter in more detail, since here you need to strictly follow the procedure if you want to achieve those wonderful characteristics of taste and smell, due to which the black milk mushroom has become famous among real mushroom pickers.

Those who watch their diet will be pleased to know that black mushroom contains a large amount of healthy protein, according to some estimates, at least no less than beef, and this protein is quite easily absorbed by the body.

The composition also includes vitamins B, PP and C.

Before pickling, the collected mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned and washed. This can be done in a regular basin.

Be careful - there is usually a lot of soil on the black load.

Large mushrooms can be cut into several parts, while small ones can be soaked whole.
Please note that soaking should be quite long. At least a day, but for the best taste effect it is better to extend this procedure to 3 days. During this time, the mushroom will leave the milky juice it contains, and water will not replace it. This will make it less brittle. The pan with mushrooms should be in some cool place. Don’t forget that you need to change the water at least 3 times a day so that it does not stagnate, otherwise the entire effect of soaking will be lost. Don't forget that they need to be sorted by size.

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What to do next?

Black milk mushrooms also contain vitamins B, PP and C. They contain black mushrooms and fats with sugar, but in very small quantities, so both diabetics and those who are simply watching their figure can safely eat them.

Further salting of black milk mushrooms has 2 methods: cold and hot. We will start with the latter, since it is simpler and faster. During hot pickling, the mushrooms are first boiled. Place them in water and wait until it boils, then immediately remove them using a slotted spoon. After this, you drain this water, since the nigella have released various unnecessary substances into it, which is why an unpleasant and completely unnecessary foam appears.
After this, put the mushrooms back into the pan, fill them with water and put on fire. Add coarse salt, not a couple of pinches, but so that you get a complete salt solution. It will take about an hour to cook, reduce the heat after boiling, but not too much. Towards the end of cooking, it will be time to add spices - this includes bay leaves, allspice and, to taste, cloves that are traditional for pickling mushrooms.

When cooking is finished, wait until the water has completely cooled and remove the bay leaf. Then transfer the mushrooms into a glass jar of any size, add more brine obtained from the water. Depending on your taste preferences, you can also add garlic and parsley to the jar. After this, put the mushrooms in the refrigerator. In just 4 or 5 days they will be ready to eat. This recipe allows you to pickle mushrooms, either whole or cut into pieces, as you like - it will turn out equally tasty.
Connoisseurs know that if you use hot salting, the mushroom loses some of its not only beneficial but also taste properties. Therefore, if you want to get a truly tasty snack from black milk mushrooms, it is better to resort to the cold method, even though it may seem more difficult. This way the mushrooms turn out to be truly crispy and will not lose their special aroma and their inherent slight bitterness.

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Other salting methods

You need to salt black milk mushrooms coldly in an enamel container, which can be a bucket, large saucepan or tank. But don’t use galvanized buckets, they will harm the taste. The mushrooms need to be laid out in layers, caps down, alternating the layers with salt.

When using salt, proceed at the rate of 2 and a half tablespoons (without a small amount) per 1 kilogram of mushrooms, pre-soaked for at least several days. Add spices along with salt: dill (both stems and umbrellas), garlic, cloves. Some experts also recommend lining the bottom of the bucket with leaves, preferably blackcurrant or horseradish - they will give the mushrooms an additional shade.

You can do without any spices at all - black milk mushrooms, even with just salt, turn out very tasty.

Cover the top of the mushrooms with a clean rag, on which place a plate with pressure, and the very last layer is a towel covering the container. After a few days, look inside - a brine should have appeared. Mushrooms should be drowned in it. If there is too little liquid, then you can add a salt solution, calculating 1 tablespoon of salt per half liter of water. Rinse the fabric from time to time. The mushrooms will be ready in forty days. Such a long wait is worth it - you will get a very tasty black mushroom. They will be salty, crispy - just perfect mushrooms.
At the same time, for those who value their time, we can recommend another recipe for cold pickling, which is used in villages at home when mushrooms are collected in large quantities and there is no time for such a thorough cold pickling procedure. This ambassador may also be useful to you if you collect mushrooms in large quantities or even for sale. It can save you many days, although the taste result is considered by connoisseurs of black milk mushroom to be somewhat lower than with full-fledged cold pickling.

It's done like this. First, the mushrooms are soaked in cold well water for 6 hours, then the mushrooms are transferred to large barrels-tubs, sprinkled with salt at the rate of 50 g per 1 kilogram of mushrooms. The same spices are added to the mushrooms as those listed in previous recipes: dill, cloves, and so on. Everything is pressed under pressure, under which you must place a clean cloth. If mold appears on it, it will need to be washed or replaced. The tubs should be placed in a dark, cool place, for example, in a basement. Mushrooms salted in this way can be eaten within two to three weeks, that is, the time is reduced by almost half compared to the usual cold salting method.



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