Unsweetened apple jam. Apple jam from Antonovka. Fragrant apple confiture

Unsweetened apple jam. Apple jam from Antonovka. Fragrant apple confiture

I don’t know how to prepare confiture correctly, but my dessert turns out just as good, and is done very quickly and simply. It was pure chance that helped me come up with this recipe. Once our apple tree produced a big harvest, but there were a lot of apples with wormholes and carrion. It was a shame to throw it away, so I decided to make jam from these apples. a quick fix. But it turned out to be a wonderful apple confiture. Just lick your fingers! Be sure to try it. Makes a great dessert for tea. Children eat it instead of candy!


    5,000 grams

    4,000 grams

    2 glasses


For the recipe you will need apples and granulated sugar. Any apples will do durum varieties. Only White filling is not suitable. These apples are very tender and boil quickly. They are only suitable for juice and compote.

Take apples, rinse and cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape. It can also be made into long thin slices. You should not remove the skin from apples. We all know that the peels of vegetables and fruits contain the highest concentration of vitamins and nutrients. And the skin will retain the shape of the pieces and they will not fall apart during cooking.

Take an enamel or aluminum bowl for making jam, put chopped apples in it and pour in a little water. Place the bowl on the fire and stir frequently while heating so that the sugar begins to dissolve evenly and does not burn. As soon as the sugar has dissolved and the contents have boiled, let the jam cook for about 10 minutes. Then remove it from the heat and put it away overnight so that the pieces are absorbed sugar syrup. In the morning, let it simmer until a stable droplet forms from the resulting syrup.

If you add more water, you will get apple jam. And if you pour in enough water to dissolve the sugar and boil it longer, then you will get real confiture. Both the jam and confiture turn out very tasty and aromatic with the summer smell of apples. It looks like apples cooked with honey. A wonderful dessert for homemade tea. Fragrant apple pieces can be used for baking pies. Prepare and spoil your family and treat your friends with this delicious dish.

This dessert can be perfectly preserved for the winter. When the confiture is ready, reduce the heat and, while hot, place it in pre-sterilized jars and seal tightly with the lids. You can even use nylon ones, treated with boiling water, so that a film of mold does not form.

Bon appetit!

Antonovka is an almost winter apple, aromatic, sweet and sour.

It’s a pity, it doesn’t last very long, but the jam it makes tastes delicious and is easy to prepare.

If friends and acquaintances offer you a box, or even more than one Antonov apples, agree, don’t hesitate. If you don’t eat it fresh, make some jam that will take your breath away!

Antonovka jam for the winter - general principles of preparation

Apple jam for winter preparations can be cooked on the stove in a thick-walled container, or cooked in the oven or slow cooker.

It is not necessary to use high-quality fruits. Slightly crushed or spoiled apples will also work if the damaged areas are cut out first.

Apples are cut into slices or halves and the seeds are removed. After pre-cooking or baking in the oven, the slightly cooled fruits are ground on a metal sieve, leaving the peel in it, or crushed with a blender until smooth, grinding it thoroughly. Often peeled pieces without preliminary heat treatment grind with a meat grinder, passing through the finest grate.

Granulated sugar and other ingredients are added to the already chopped apples. The sugar rate is calculated in advance by weighing the apples prepared for chopping or boiling.

They prepare from Antonovka for the winter not only the usual, familiar to everyone from childhood apple jam. Very often its taste is enhanced by the addition of nutmeg, cocoa, cinnamon, lemons or oranges.

To preserve Antonovka jam for the winter, the hot delicacy is packaged only in dry, pre-sterilized jars and hermetically sealed with carefully boiled lids. If the containers are not sterilized in advance, then after packaging they must be heated in the oven or kept in boiling water for some time, and then rolled up.

Thick apple jam from Antonovka for the winter


4 kilos of Antonovka;

300 ml of drinking water;

1.8 kg granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the apples rinsed with warm water into slices, remove the core from the pieces, cut off spoiled and damaged areas. The processed fruit should yield at least 3 kg.

2. Transfer the slices to any pan of suitable volume and pour the specified amount of water into them.

3. Boil the fruit over low heat for about half an hour until the pulp is well softened, and remove from the stove.

4. Grind the slightly cooled apples in a colander, carefully selecting the peels so that they do not get into the finished product.

5. The result applesauce Pour into a wide stainless steel bowl and add sugar, stir.

6. Place the container over low heat and simmer the fruit mass until the desired thickness is achieved. To get a very thick product, the apple mass should be boiled for at least one and a half hours.

7. Pack the finished jam hot into dry, sterile jars and screw on with sterile lids.

Tender apple jam from Antonovka for the winter with lemon


Apples, fully ripe – 3 kg;

Sugar at the rate of 600 gr. for every kilogram of pulp;

Half a small lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and wash the apples in warm water, peel and cut into large slices, cutting out the remnants of the seed capsule from each.

2. Weigh the peeled pieces of fruit to correctly calculate the required amount of sugar and grind in a meat grinder.

3. Add sugar to the resulting puree, stir well and leave for a couple of hours. Then bring to a boil over medium heat, simmer for a minute and set aside for 12 hours.

4. Using a meat grinder with the smallest grid, grind half a lemon. Mix the citrus pulp with the settled applesauce, remembering to stir, wait until it boils and set aside again for 12 hours.

5. Bring to a final boil and cook for at least 6 minutes. Place hot into clean, dry jars and place in a cold oven.

6. Turn up the heat oven up to 150 degrees, keep the containers with jam in it for three minutes and roll up immediately.

Recipe for the simplest apple jam from Antonovka for the winter


2.3 kg of sorted Antonovka;

Sugar, preferably unrefined – 1.6 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled apples into four parts and place them on a baking sheet in one layer. Bake the quarters at 160 degrees until completely softened apple pulp, then cool slightly and grind through a thin metal sieve or colander.

2. Mix the prepared applesauce and sugar and cook at moderate temperature. Be sure to stir occasionally to prevent the mixture from burning.

3. No earlier than an hour later, spread the jam into prepared half-liter jars and seal them hermetically.

How to cook Antonovka apple jam for the winter without sugar


One kilogram of Antonovka;

Drinking filtered water – 200 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the apples into large slices and fill them with water.

2. Bring to a boil over low heat, then lower the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for a quarter of an hour. Cool.

3. Using your hands, rub the cooled apple mixture through a sieve and place on low heat again.

4. Stirring, boil until thick, place hot in prepared dry containers, and cover with boiled lids.

5. Without rolling, sterilize the containers in a saucepan with boiling water: liter containers for 20 minutes, half-liter containers for a quarter of an hour. It will take half an hour to sterilize three-liter bottles.

6. After this, roll the lids with a special key and leave to cool.

Spicy apple jam from Antonovka for the winter in a slow cooker

Ingredients per kilogram of fully peeled apples:

Half a kilo of sugar;

1/2 part of a medium-sized lemon;

Ground nutmeg– 1/4 tsp;

A third of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the apples well under water. Cut the peel from the fruit in a thin layer, cut them into slices and cut out the hard partitions with seeds from each, weigh.

2. Measure out the required amount of sugar and add it apple slices when you transfer them to the cooking bowl.

3. Leave the apples sprinkled with granulated sugar for one hour so that they release their juice.

4. After this, mix well and turn on the multicooker for an hour and 20 minutes in cooking mode. Then puree the apple mixture with a blender and pour into dry containers treated with steam.

5. Place filled jars in the middle rack of a cold oven, placing them on a rack, and preheat for 10 minutes, bringing the temperature to 120 degrees.

6. After this, carefully remove the containers from the oven and immediately seal them tightly.

Unusual chocolate jam from Antonovka for the winter


Three kilograms of ripe apples;

Two kilos of sugar;

Natural butter;

Dark cocoa powder – 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Boil halves of apples without peel and seed pods in a small amount of water until completely softened.

2. Strain the apple broth, and blend the fruit pulp into a mushy mass with a blender or grind it on a fine sieve.

3. Transfer the prepared applesauce into a thick-walled kettle or saucepan, mix it with sugar and bring to a simmer over low heat.

4. Mix cocoa powder well with melted butter and add it to the total mass 20 minutes after you set it to cook. Stir well and continue simmering until you reach the desired consistency.

5. The finished chocolate-apple jam is preserved in the usual way without sterilization.

Fragrant Antonovka jam for the winter with oranges

Ingredients for 1 kg of processed apples:

700 gr. Sahara;

One large orange.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the apples, cut out the cores, cutting the fruits in half. Weigh and grind the fruit together with the peel in a food processor.

2. Scald the orange with boiling water and chop it together with the zest in the same way as apples.

3. Mix the apple and citrus masses, add granulated sugar, calculating the amount correctly, and mix.

4. In a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron, cook over medium heat for 40 minutes, be sure to stir frequently. If you are afraid of burning or don’t have time to stir frequently, you can simmer over low heat. In this case, it will take longer, about an hour and a half.

5. Place the hot jam into oven-heated glass jars and immediately seal with sterile lids.

Antonovka jam for the winter - cooking tricks and useful tips

The peel of Antonovka apples softens well during cooking, and if you do not peel it, even after grinding in a meat grinder, its pieces will not be felt in the finished jam.

To prevent the apple mass from burning during prolonged boiling, it needs to be stirred more often, and only thick-walled dishes should be used for cooking.

The wider the container, the faster the moisture will evaporate from the fruit, and the jam will cook faster.

After adding sugar to the applesauce, mix it well and let it sit for a while so that the sugar crystals dissolve well.

If you doubt the readiness of the jam, run a wooden spatula along the bottom of the container. If the mass does not flow onto the formed path within ten seconds, it means it’s ready. You can drop a little thick mixture onto a cold plate. If the drop hardens quickly and does not drain when the plate is tilted, you can remove it from the heat.

Ready-made Antonovka jam can be quickly turned into marmalade. To do this, place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment in a layer of no more than 3 cm and lightly dry it in the oven. Then cool the layer of marmalade, without removing it from the baking sheet, cut it into pieces of any desired size and shape and roll in powdered sugar. You can wrap the cooled layer tightly with parchment and store it in the refrigerator.


  • 1 kg peeled apples
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 100 ml water
  • a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla, optional

I give the calculation of ingredients for jam for 1 kg of apples, already peeled and seeds removed. If you have a larger number of already peeled apples, simply increase the proportions of sugar and water accordingly.
This recipe for apple jam is also good because you can use both overripe apples and carrion, which are not used, for example, for jam, and still it always turns out delicious. Especially delicious jam It will be made from sour or sweet and sour apples, but even if you have sweet apples, you can always add a little citric acid to it.


These are the beautiful fragrant apples I used this time for apple jam. They were a little overripe and weren’t very suitable for eating anymore, but they were just right for jam.

Peel the apples from skins and seeds and cut them into 4-6 pieces.

One day my mother said: “Why are you peeling the apples? You’re wasting so much time!” I obeyed and made jam, peeling only the middle of the apples. And I really regretted it! It turned out completely different apple jam, than usual, not as tender in consistency and, for me, naturally, not as tasty. You can save time on something else - peel the middle of the apple not with a knife, but with a special device.

Of course, with this method, a larger amount of pulp is cut out than when processed with a knife, but this does not sadden me at all - apple centers and skins make an excellent rich compote!
We pass the peeled apples through a meat grinder.

Transfer the mixture to a pan, preferably a non-stick one, add water, heat to a boil and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. When heated, the apple mass begins to puff and, if it is not constantly stirred, apple splashes will scatter far beyond the stove. 🙂

After 30 minutes, add sugar.

Stir and cook for another 30 minutes, skimming off the foam. If desired, about five minutes before the end of cooking, add a pinch of cinnamon and vanillin, if you like these flavors. Instead of adding ground cinnamon, I usually add the whole stick, boil it for the last 15-20 minutes, and then fish it out and throw it away.
It’s very tasty if you add lemon zest, grated on a fine grater, along with sugar, at the rate of 1 kg of peeled apples - the zest of half a medium lemon. The jam turns out very aromatic with a wonderful lemon flavor. In this case, the addition of cinnamon and vanillin is not canceled, everything is optional. 🙂

While the apple jam is cooking, we sterilize the jars at the same time. If there are a lot of jars, it is convenient to sterilize them in the oven - the jars, washed with a sponge and detergent, are placed directly wet in a cold oven on their sides on a wire rack. Turn on the oven, heat to a temperature of 100-110 degrees, keep the jars for 10 minutes, turn off the oven and let the jars cool. This is what I always did before, when there were preparations on an “industrial” scale. Now few cans are needed, and I sterilize them one by one with strong steam, arranging this design:

It is enough to hold each jar over steam for 5-7 minutes, the jam has never soured and not a single jar has exploded. 🙂

On the advice of my reader in the commentary to this recipe, I have recently begun to sterilize jars in microwave oven. Incredibly convenient! I pour water into clean jars to a level of 2-3 cm, put it in the microwave, as much as it will go in, and turn it on at maximum power. When the water boils, I let it simmer for three minutes and turn it off.
I just boil the lids on the stove for 5-7 minutes.

Place the finished apple jam hot into jars, trying to fill the jar evenly with the edges.

Turn the jars upside down and let cool. There is no need to wrap yourself warmly.

This apple jam is perfectly stored in a cupboard on a shelf, preferably no more than a year. It won’t spoil, of course, but time doesn’t add any flavor.
This time I had a little less than 2.5 kg of apples, of which I got 1.5 kg of peeled ones and in the end I got three half-liter jars of jam and another vase of 200 grams.

That's all the wisdom. As you can see, everything is done extremely simply, and sweet pleasure for the winter is guaranteed. Apple jam is delicious to spread on fresh bread or toasted toast, and children enjoy eating it with jam or.
You can also prepare it for the winter; it is even easier to prepare, since the plums according to this recipe are not peeled.

That's all for today. Good luck and have a nice day!

Always have fun cooking!

Smile! 🙂

The cat's point of view on some things does not always coincide with the owner's...

It would seem that fishing and apple jam are incompatible things. But it was thanks to our last foray onto the river that my son and I came across an abandoned orchard.

Old, from the times of Soviet collective farms. Huge apple trees, between them a thick bush has already risen, in which funny Chinese piglets grunt, grunting, carefree. The farm is nearby, so people run around to feast on fallen apples.

And on the apple trees - Antonovka, oh, so beautiful! Yellow-sided, with a blush and very fragrant. You take a bite with a crunch - the juice splashes, the sourness squints your eyes - good!

My first thought was to make jam; I’ve long wanted one from Antonovka so that the slices would be transparent and like marmalade.

How to make clear apple jam from Antonovka


  • Antonovka apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking time: 20 minutes for cooking in 4 approaches; 8 hours for the apples to give juice; breaks between cooking 7-8 hours.

number of servings: 4 cans of 0.5 l;

cuisine: Russian.

Step-by-step recipe for apple jam

The apples I selected were slightly unripe and firm, just picked from the tree.

If you take them that have been stale or overripe for a long time, with a loose structure, then after a few minutes of boiling in syrup they will boil into puree.

1. I washed the apples and cut out the cores with this thing. A couple of movements - and the bone is gone.

2. Cut into slices, 5-10 millimeters thick.

I look and my sugar reserves are so low that I need to run to the store.

At a nearby stall, my aunt gave me granulated sugar, hand-packed in T-shirt bags. She seemed suspicious to me. When I open it at home, the sugar is wet, I weigh it and it’s underweight by 20 grams. A classic of the genre... Well, aunty, you'll get a hiccup...

3. Weighed the apples already cut into slices and measured out 1 kg of sugar per kilogram of slices.

4. Placed in layers in a pan. For such sweet occasions, I have a large stainless steel saucepan, probably about 7 liters. Sprinkled layers with sugar. In the evening, that means he fell asleep and left it like that until the morning.

5. Morning. The apples released a lot of juice, almost all the sugar dissolved. But with it was a little different.

6. Put it on low heat, bring it to a boil, hold it for 5 minutes and turn it off. There are more apples in relation to the syrup and they are not completely covered, so during the cooking process I gently drowned them with a spoon, but did not mix them. This is what apple jam looked like after the first boil.

Until the evening I went about my business, then brought the jam to a boil again, kept it on low heat for 5 minutes and removed it.

Again, I drowned the slices floating on top with a spoon, and at the end I stirred once very carefully. Here is the view after the second boil. Something is already emerging.

The next morning I boiled it again, and in the evening I cooked until done. Cooked for 10-15 minutes, until the droplets of syrup on the side of the saucer stopped spreading.

This is what it looks like after the last cooking. Maybe it was even superfluous, three times was enough.

Individual slices did not become completely transparent, but overall, I think it’s very good.

7. four half-liter jars, poured hot jam and rolled it up. There was also plenty left for my sweet tooth to try.

What a smell, color, taste... By the way, about taste. A kilo of sugar makes it very sweet. Then I filled the second pan with 700 g of sugar per kilo of slices. I tried it, in my opinion 700-800 grams of sugar is quite enough.

When the canning season is in full swing, housewives prepare both regular food and sweet desserts for the winter. One of the most original sweets is jam, which is made from the popular fruit of our country - apple. It differs from jam in its ease of preparation, taste and consistency. It can be eaten as independent dish or use for baking.

The peel contains pectin, a substance responsible for its jelly-like consistency. But, when making jam, the skin is cut off. To get the proper result, you have to cook it a little longer. On the one hand, this is even better, since the jam thickens well.

Some housewives leave the peel and cook apple slices with it. After this, you have to take a sieve and wipe the mass so that it becomes homogeneous. To make the fruits cook faster, they are grated or finely chopped with a knife. If you don’t want to thoroughly chop the fruit, you can cut it into 4 parts.

How to choose and prepare apples correctly

The process begins with product selection and preparation. It is better to give preference to local fruits, since imported ones are not suitable for jam. Best dessert obtained from late varieties of apples. Their peculiarity is the preservation of their dense structure and aesthetic appearance.

Apples picked in summer are not suitable, as they turn out loose during cooking. But some people may like the mushy state, then they should take semi-juicy fruits. Regardless of the type of jam, the fruit must be clean, without seeds or stems, and any wrinkled areas must be cut off.

How to make apple jam at home

Jelly-like apple jam - amazing dessert, which is easy to prepare yourself. If you don’t have cooking skills, prepare the dish according to the classic recipe. It contains a minimal number of ingredients, which does not affect the taste in any way. In the future, you can improve the recipe by adding various ingredients and using special techniques.

A simple recipe for the winter

Most easy recipe, which includes only two ingredients:

  • apples;
  • sugar.

Step-by-step preparation:

  • Take equal amounts of apples and sugar.
  • Place the chopped fruits in a saucepan and add sugar.
  • Leave for 2 hours so that the sugar melts a little. Place on medium heat.
  • As soon as the mixture boils, reduce the heat, continuing to stir.
  • Gradually it will become thick. In this case, you need to constantly remove the foam.
  • To make the apple mass homogeneous, at the end of cooking, additionally chop it with a blender.

According to this recipe, jam is prepared quickly. It can be consumed immediately or preserved for the winter. In the second case, it is distributed into sterilized jars and sealed.

During cooking, make sure that the jam does not burn to the bottom of the pan.

Apple confiture with cinnamon and lemon

If not everyone in the family likes sweets due to its homogeneous structure, you should not give up the dish and your favorite apple flavor. There is a way out of the situation - cook jam. This is one of the varieties of jam. The peculiarity of confiture is that the finished product consists of pieces of aromatic apple pulp. And cinnamon and lemon will help revive the usual taste.

Apple jam with lingonberries

Jam with apples and lingonberries - classic recipe, which will never lose popularity. Sweet and sour apples and tart lingonberries are a wonderful combination. The resulting product has a “zest”. The taste and color are somewhat reminiscent of currant jelly (from red currants). For cooking, fruits are taken in equal proportions or depending on taste preferences.

In a slow cooker

A multicooker can help in cooking. Every modern housewife cannot imagine cooking without this assistant. Essentially, this is the same pan, which is presented in the form of a bowl. Thanks to the uniform distribution of heat, apple jam is much more aromatic and the structure is softer. It's even easier to make than using a saucepan.

With orange

The orange in apple jam has a characteristic citrus sourness. The sweet and sour taste, bright color and rich aroma will appeal to everyone. During cooking, only orange pulp is used without transparent partitions. To further diversify the taste, aroma and consistency, the jam can be cooked with the addition of chopped zest. During the cooking process, the pieces of skin become sweet and tingle pleasantly in the mouth after chewing.

With chokeberry

People call it chokeberry - a berry with a lot of nutrients. Thanks to rowan, the color is dark and rich. Even gourmets will like the original taste. Preparation in the form of apple and rowanberry jam will provide a person with vitamins and all the necessary components in the winter.

In the bread machine

In addition to the multicooker, bread makers are no less popular. Almost everyone has a “Jam” mode. Using a device for cooking will save time for the housewife. While the apples are cooking, you can go about your other daily activities. Moreover, the taste of this jam is also wonderful.


If a person adheres proper nutrition and at the same time does not want to give up apple jam - there is a way out. You can make apple jam without sugar. It turns out just as piquant and aromatic, and the cooking process is no different from the usual. Before you start cooking, you need to choose sweet apples.

Without sterilization

When making apple jam, you can bypass the sterilization process. After all, you don’t want to tinker with jars, make a steam bath, achieving almost medical sterility. Pasteurization will help ensure long-term storage. The cooked jam is placed in jars, covered with a lid and boiled in a container filled with water. The pasteurization process destroys microbes and makes the jam suitable for consumption even without sterilization.

From sour apples

Sour and sweet varieties of apples differ in taste. Some people prefer sweetness, others prefer sourness. For such a case, recipes for jam from sour apples. As a rule, they are tougher and have to be boiled to become soft. They have one important advantage - they are most suitable for jam due to their gelling properties.


The finished jam does not have to be sent to the shelves in the cellar or pantry. They can be enjoyed at any time of the year. If the dessert is not intended for long-term storage, it is placed in the refrigerator and eaten whenever. In this case, you need to ensure that liquid and baking crumbs do not fall into the container with the mixture. Otherwise, it will begin to deteriorate quickly.



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