Chicken egg kcal 1 pc. Calorie content of a boiled egg, how many eggs can you eat in a day, how to use boiled eggs for weight loss

Chicken egg kcal 1 pc. Calorie content of a boiled egg, how many eggs can you eat in a day, how to use boiled eggs for weight loss

The eggs went in daily diet, probably as dense as bread, water, tea or butter. They can be used in food not only solo, but also as part of variety of dishes, and starting the day with a boiled egg or fried egg is a kind of tradition. But if the fried option is not suitable for everyone, especially for those who suffer from liver and pancreas problems, as well as a sensitive digestive tract, then a boiled egg will not cause such harm. This is probably the safest way heat treatment, which can be applied to this product. And the one in greatest demand: it is the egg prepared in this way that is added to salads, casseroles, sandwiches, main courses and soups. And precisely because of such a variety of its uses, it is worth knowing how many calories are in a boiled egg, and what its positive and negative sides are. Especially taking into account the fact that in various weight loss methods this product is limited or removed from the diet, it is necessary to find out the calorie content of a boiled egg - hard-boiled or soft-boiled, and how exactly it is best to consume it.

How many calories are in a boiled egg

By and large, the calorie content of 1 boiled egg is not so different from that of a raw egg, showing 87 kcal. This, again, is a relatively average figure, implying that we are talking about a specimen weighing 55 grams. For larger or smaller options, of course, you have to separately calculate the calorie content of a boiled egg, based on the fact that there are 159 kcal per 100 grams. From point of view energy value, in it, as in raw, the largest part is given to fats, of which there are 66%. The reason for this is the yolk, which is the concentration of cholesterol: in order to facilitate most recipes, not so much in terms of “weight” as in the effect on the pancreas and liver, it is removed, leaving only the protein. Carbohydrates in having relatively low calorie content There is almost no boiled egg - both chicken and quail. But it can be considered a worthy source of protein, having a share of 32%. Although, undoubtedly, in this indicator it cannot be compared with meat or fish.

If we talk about the heat treatment method, the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is not much different from the calorie content of a soft-boiled egg: 160 kcal versus 159 kcal per hundred grams. In terms of their chemical composition and retention of beneficial properties, they are identical to each other, and therefore from this point of view there is no difference in which direction to choose. Since the calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is not a decisive factor, the reasons for using it more often than others is to maintain the yolk shape required for various dishes. Unlike soft-boiled eggs, it can also be served cold.

Benefits of boiled chicken eggs

As for the chemical composition of this product, the first thing to highlight is the amino acids that are contained in egg whites and are not synthesized by the body independently. Moreover, it is in the egg that their balance is most ideal in comparison with other products, and therefore all of them are compared with the egg when studied. Among the particularly important ones here, it would not be out of place to mention tryptophan, methionine and lysine, whose deficiency can lead not only to the cessation of the creation of proteins in the body, due to which they begin to be taken from internal organs and blood, but even to fatty liver degeneration. And for the time when the body is still forming, the lack of protein affects mental and physical development. Therefore, even despite the calorie content of a boiled egg, 1 or 2 are required in the diet of a child and teenager. Moreover, often at this age the metabolism is still active enough to not worry about extra pounds. By the way, regarding maximum absorption and replenishment of protein from eggs, nutritionists recommend creating a tandem of potatoes for it. Undoubtedly, boiled or baked: fried will only intensify the blow to the pancreas.

The remaining important vitamins and microelements, as well as the largest fat part, belong to the yolk. It is for this reason that it is a rather controversial element of the entire product. On the one hand, the calorie content of a boiled chicken egg is determined by the yolk, as well as the percentage of fat, but on the other hand, it contains a large proportion of useful substances. There is a very high dose of one of the B vitamins - choline, which should lower cholesterol levels and prevent plaques on the walls of blood vessels. For this reason, moderate consumption of boiled eggs with their calorie content and negative aspects of their composition will not darken your life. In addition, there is a decent content of biotin, required for carbohydrate and fat metabolism, vitamin A, which works as a natural antioxidant, has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of the skin and bone tissue, as well as promoting better absorption of some of the amino acids contained in egg whites. This achieves a balance of elements in this product.

In addition, 1 boiled egg with a caloric value of less than 100 kcal also contains folic acid (B9), vitamins D, PP and E. Of microelements, iodine, copper, selenium, fluorine, cobalt, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. And Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids deserve special mention, for which many people drink fish oil, when you can simply include fish or eggs in your diet. This element is necessary for stress, as it reduces the production of cortisol, promotes muscle recovery, and therefore is especially actively used in sports nutrition, in addition, it normalizes blood pressure, thinning the blood. The daily requirement of Omega-3 is achieved by consuming five medium eggs or one hundred grams of salmon.

Boiled egg in the diet of those watching their figure

As it became clear after finding out how many calories are in a boiled egg, you can include it in the menu if you want to maintain your current weight or lose extra pounds, but you should do it wisely. Considering the risks of increasing cholesterol levels and not the lowest calorie content, one boiled egg per day, of course, will not cause harm, but it will clearly not have the best effect on weight. Roast, of course, has to say his uncompromising “no.” But as for combination with other products, there is something to talk about.

Despite the fact that to increase the protein value, nutritionists advise adding potatoes to a boiled chicken egg, the calorie content of such a combination, alas, will please few people. In addition, their joint assimilation is an order of magnitude more difficult than individual assimilation. The situation can be corrected by greenery and fresh vegetables– in particular cucumbers or tomatoes. But still, if the choice is made in favor of such a tandem, keeping in mind the number of calories in a boiled egg and potatoes, as well as their severity for the digestive tract, it is recommended to consume it in the first half of the day, before lunch inclusive.

Another important point that many people forget about and which has a stronger effect not on the figure, but on health, is the shelf life of eggs as such. Moreover, not only raw, but also boiled. If it is advisable to eat soft-boiled meat immediately, then hard-boiled meat can be stored for up to three to four hours. This time is usually enough for him alone, or in a salad, sandwich or soup. After the specified period, the absorption of valuable substances, as well as the body’s processing of the product, becomes more complicated.

4.3 out of 5 (7 Votes)

Eggs can be called one of the most popular and affordable products. How and to whom are they useful, what properties do they have and why are they so important? Not everyone knows the answers to these questions.

Eggs are considered a product with high nutritional value. They are included in the diet for weight loss and muscle gain, have many beneficial properties and at the same time are not high in calories, especially if you separate the yolk from the white. The calorie content of an average egg is 79 kcal.

The egg itself consists of two parts - the white and the yolk. Each of them has a different chemical composition, calorie content and contains its own set of elements necessary for our body.

The so-called protein got its name due to the fact that it consists almost entirely of water and high-quality proteins with a complete set of amino acids. The remaining few percent are represented by vitamins, enzymes, lipids and carbohydrates. Protein makes up about 60% of the total egg mass and contains 46-50 kcal. It is well absorbed by the body and has a positive effect on its functioning.

More than half of all proteins in egg whites are ovalbumin or egg albumin, a reserve element necessary for the normal development of the embryo. No less important components are the proteins conalbumin and lysozyme, which have an antibacterial effect.

In addition to proteins, egg whites include enzymes, carbohydrates, most B vitamins, microelements and macroelements.

The calorie content of the yolk is much higher than the calorie content of the protein. Like protein, it contains proteins, vitamins and other necessary elements, but most of them are lipids - almost 5 g of mass are needed for them. Huge nutritional value represent fatty acids such as linolenic, palmitic, stearic and others.

Hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs are almost the same in calorie content as raw eggs, but, unlike them, they are much better absorbed. The energy value of fried fried eggs is slightly higher - about 100 kcal, and when frying on vegetable oil it increases to 120-130 kcal. The calorie content of an omelet from one egg is approximately 150 kcal. But the most high-calorie egg product is considered to be egg powder, or dry melange: its energy value per 100 grams is as much as 500-550 kcal.

Calorie table for eggs according to different cooking methods

Products (100g) squirrels fats carbohydrates calories
A raw egg 12,8 11,5 0,7 157
Soft-boiled egg 12,9 11,5 0,8 159
Hard boiled egg 13 11,6 0,8 160
Egg powder 45 47 4,5 542
Omelette 9,5 15,4 1,9 184
Fried egg 12,8 20,8 0,9 243
Raw protein 82,5 1,7 7,1 44
Raw yolk 51 52,3 4,7 352

Chemical composition of eggs in the table

Element Qty
Calcium 54 mg
Magnesium 13 mg
Potassium 139 mg
Phosphorus 190 mg
Sodium 134 mg
Sulfur 175 mg
Chlorine 136 mg
Copper 82 mcg
Manganese 0.03 mcg
Zinc 1.1 mg
Iron 2.5 mg
Iodine 21 mcg
Chromium 4 mcg
Fluorine 54 mcg
Selenium 31.6 mcg

Calorie content of quail egg

The calorie content of a quail egg is slightly higher than that of a chicken egg. Its approximate figure is 168 kcal. Of course, based on 100 g of product, because a quail egg itself is much smaller than a chicken egg. Its weight is 10 g, and the energy value is 16-17 kcal, respectively.


The mass of an ostrich egg exceeds the mass of a chicken egg 20-30 times, but the calorie content, on the contrary, is lower - 118 kcal. An average egg weighs 1200 g, and its energy value is estimated at 1400 kcal.


A goose egg is three to four times larger than a chicken egg, and its calorie content is 300-400 kcal. The energy value of a goose egg per 100 g of product is 185 kcal


Turkey eggs are closest to chicken eggs in their weight and properties. The weight of an average egg is 70-80 g. The energy value, based on calculations per 100 g, is estimated at 171 kcal, and the calorie content of one egg is 130 kcal. Turkey eggs contain less protein than chicken eggs, but, on the contrary, more lipids, so they are not considered dietary.

Useful properties of eggs

There is no doubt about the benefits of eggs, so they must be on the menu of anyone who monitors their diet and health. They contain the entire set of essential and nonessential amino acids, vitamins, and fats that a person needs, as well as fats from which our body draws energy and “building material,” including for the synthesis of hormones.

Among the beneficial properties of eggs, several main ones can be identified:

  • Positive effect on the immune system thanks to vitamins
  • Helps fight gastrointestinal problems
  • Reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer
  • Improves vision, is a good prevention of cataracts
  • Increases bone strength due to high vitamin D content
  • They are of great importance in building muscles, especially since egg proteins are absorbed better than meat or dairy products
  • Improves the functioning of the male reproductive system
  • Stimulates brain function, strengthens memory

Boiled eggs do not lose their properties, so it is best to eat them in this form. Experts differ regarding their benefits and safety in their raw form, but most still recommend heat treating eggs.

Harm and contraindications

Just like any other product, eggs have a number of contraindications.

  • Individual intolerance . Of course, people with egg allergies will have to avoid them. Adults and especially children with hypersensitivity should also be careful - ovomucoid, contained in egg white, often causes an allergic reaction. However, in children by the age of five or six, allergies often go away on their own.
  • Cholesterol . Egg yolks contain cholesterol, and this should be taken into account primarily by people prone to cardiovascular diseases. To avoid health risks, it is recommended to eat no more than two eggs per day or separate the yolk from the white. The latter is safe even in large quantities.
  • Salmonella. It should be taken into account that salmonella bacteria may be found in eggs, especially domestic eggs. It can cause serious gastrointestinal diseases, so you need to follow a few simple rules– before cooking, wash the eggs with soap and cook for longer than ten minutes.

Eggs in dietary nutrition

  • Eggs can safely be called a dietary product. Firstly, one egg contains as much as 5-6 g of protein, despite its rather low calorie content.
  • Eggs satiate well even in small volumes, thus eliminating small snacks between meals.
  • Compared to the bulk of dietary products, eggs have another advantage - low cost.

In addition, eggs are a source of not only proteins, but also fats. This is important because lipids saturate the body no worse than proteins, and a feeling of satiety will help you reduce food portions and lose excess weight faster. Under no circumstances should you give up fat completely, even on a diet: the body needs a balanced diet in order to function normally.

When following a low-calorie diet, it is necessary to separate the whites from the yolks and the number of calories in the same omelet will be significantly reduced.

Some strive so hard to lose weight that they develop many health problems through fasting and mono-diets. After such a blow to the body, it needs recovery, one that will not return the weight to its previous figures. Eggs are perfect for this.

Consumption rate per day

The daily intake of eggs depends on many factors: a person’s age, his state of health, and lifestyle.

A healthy adult can eat 3-5 whole chicken eggs per week without risk of harm to health. But you can safely eat several times more of one protein, since the yolk is considered the main source of cholesterol.

Eggs should be given to children with caution - they often cause allergies. It is better to refrain from introducing eggs into the diet for up to a year, and you can give them to your child only in the form of proteins. If there is no allergic reaction, then the yolk will not cause harm either. For a small child, 2 eggs per week will be enough.

For people involved in sports, the weekly norm can be exceeded. Physical activity requires a lot of protein, so you can eat up to 15 eggs per week.

For older people, especially those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, egg consumption should be kept to a minimum. The norm in this case should be no more than 1-2 chicken eggs per week.

How to choose the best

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the eggs themselves. They should be clean, free of cracks and not too different from each other in weight and size. The shell of a fresh egg will look matte, and the egg itself should not be too light.
  • According to quality standards, each egg must have a stamp with markings. This will allow you to understand which category it belongs to and what its maximum shelf life is.

The letter “D” as the first sign in the labeling indicates that the egg is dietary and can be stored for no more than a week. The letter “C” - a table egg - means that the shelf life of such eggs is 25 days.

The second marking symbol is determined by the product category. The sign “B” is the highest category, “O” is a selected egg, “1”, “2” and “3” are categories 1, 2 and 3, respectively.

  • Eggs you have already purchased can be further checked at home. You need to dip the egg in a strong saline solution; if it is not fresh, it will immediately float to the surface.
  • You can check the quality of an egg by breaking it. The white of a fresh egg should not have spots or inclusions.
  • If a boiled egg is difficult to peel, this indicates its freshness.

Dietary egg recipes

There are a great many recipes for egg dishes, and many of them can be classified as dietary.

Eggs, boiled without shell

This recipe can be called one of the lowest calorie. The ingredients you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. chopped nuts
  • 5 tbsp. l. vinegar
  • 2 eggs

Stir vinegar and salt into 1 liter. water and place on the stove. When the water begins to boil, break the eggs and, one by one, place them in a ladle into the pan. The eggs should not touch each other; After boiling for a few minutes, you can remove them, place them on a plate and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Eggs in sour cream


  • 3 eggs
  • 1/3 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 tsp. butter
  • 1/4 cup grated cheese

Place sour cream in a frying pan, carefully break the eggs on top, sprinkle with cheese and salt and drizzle with melted butter. Bake in the oven until done.

Scrambled eggs with cheese


  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/3 cup grated cheese

Beat milk and eggs until smooth, add salt, cheese and mix. Pour the resulting mixture into a greased frying pan and bake in the oven until cooked.

There is a lot of debate about the benefits and harms of eggs for weight loss. To resolve them, you need to understand how many calories an egg contains, and how this indicator changes depending on the cooking method.

Good day, friends of a healthy lifestyle! For a long time it was believed that in homemade egg, in addition to useful substances, they contain a lot of cholesterol, and their consumption is harmful to health, accelerates the development of atherosclerosis and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Research in this area has refuted this fact. It turns out that the yolk contains not only harmful cholesterol, but also lecithin. This substance neutralizes the effect of harmful fatty alcohol.

Product benefits

When it was possible to prove that there are more beneficial substances than harmful ones, the product became an indispensable component of many weight loss programs. The average weight of one “gift from the chicken” is 45 grams. It contains water (about 50% in the yolk), proteins, fats, and minerals. There are practically no carbohydrates.

The vitamin composition is impressive. Fresh eggs contain vitamins A, E, D, K, PP and group B. 1 pc. high content of minerals and trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium, etc. The main benefit is the presence of easily digestible protein. Protein is the main material for building muscles. One chicken “gift” contains 15% of the daily protein requirement.

Protein combined with yolk gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Regular consumption of it in boiled, fried or raw form provides a person with strong muscles and also guarantees:

  • improving brain function;
  • disinfecting and antimicrobial effect;
  • prevention of vascular diseases;
  • maintaining a high level of lipid metabolism and metabolism;
  • normalization of liver function;
  • strengthening the immune system and stabilizing the functioning of the endocrine system.

They are introduced into the human diet in boiled form after the child turns 7 months old. It is important to be careful, because the yolk of a boiled egg contains substances that cause an allergic reaction. Children should be introduced to new foods carefully and gradually. A healthy adult can consume 1 pc. in a day. If you have health problems or there is an increase in blood, you should reduce the amount to 2-3 pcs. in Week.


100 grams of raw chicken egg contains almost 160 kcal. The method of heat treatment and additional ingredients affect the calorie content of the product, namely:

  • a hard-boiled egg (relative to 100 grams) contains 50 calories;
  • in a soft-boiled product – 70 kcal;
  • fried sunflower oil– 125 kcal, with butter – 270 kcal, when cooked without butter – 100 kcal;
  • the fried egg contains almost 250 calories, and the nutritional value of 3 scrambled eggs exceeds 250 kcal;
  • in a classic omelet, the calorie content does not exceed 300 kcal; on a diet, the dish is often prepared without the yolk, this way it is possible to reduce the calorie content by more than half;
  • in a poached egg, provided that the product is of medium size, the calorie content does not exceed 65 kcal.

The white of one egg contains no more than 30 calories, so people on a diet often consume only the white tender part. The product goes well with other foods, especially with vegetables - tomatoes, onions, lettuce, celery. You can harm your body and figure if you consume the product with mayonnaise, sauces, bacon and other fatty foods.

It is best to cook with fresh eggs. You can check this indicator in water (read the instructions). Exist diet recipes cooking in the microwave, slow cooker, etc.

For comparison

Chicken products are often compared to “derivatives” from other birds. Therefore, we offer you a small scheme with the calorie content of several types of eggs:

  • IN quail egg(100 g) contains 168 kcal. At the same time, the product does not cause allergic reactions and is characterized by a richer composition. They contain 2 times more vitamins, amino acids and minerals than chicken ones.

  • Ostrich a raw egg has a caloric content of 118 units per 100 grams. However, the product is 20-30 times larger than the usual chicken product.

  • Goose has 370 calories. It is several times larger than chicken. Energy value 100 g. The product is 185 calories.

  • A turkey egg has 170 calories per 100 grams of product. This type is not used in the diet menu, because it contains a lot of fat.

For those who are losing weight or simply watching their figure, counting daily calories is very important. Now you know how many calories are in chicken and other types of eggs, and you can intelligently think through your diet. If you liked our article, share it on your social media page. networks. We thank everyone who cares. See you again!

Eggs are a tasty and filling food that can help with weight loss. This dietary product Highly appreciated by professional chefs and health food specialists.

Information about the effect of eggs on the body and the rules for their consumption will help you get the maximum benefit from food. Information about the calorie content of dishes will allow you to create an optimal menu and normalize your weight.

The popularity of the product is explained by its high taste characteristics and benefits for the body. In modern cooking, there are dozens of options for their preparation - from modest fried eggs to masterpieces of confectionery art.

Eggs are easy to digest, and their chemical composition is rich in valuable elements and vitamins. This is one of the few components of the diet that is absorbed in almost 100% volume.

Several types of eggs are in demand among consumers:

  1. Chicken– a classic of the genre and a hit in the budget consumer basket. The nutritional value of 1 chicken egg in nutrition is equal to 100 g of meat. They are found with white and brown shells. The color of the shell matches the chicken's plumage. The average weight of 1 piece is 70 g.
  2. Quail eggs occupy 2nd place in terms of prevalence. They are fattier than chicken, but less allergenic. They are considered an environmentally friendly product, since poultry requires careful treatment and a thoughtful menu of harmless “chemicals”. The small egg is protected by a speckled shell and weighs about 17 g.
  3. Goose egg– a product with an expressive taste and powerful antioxidant properties. It is useful for strengthening the immune system and is actively used in cooking. Sold only at farmers' markets. The average weight of 1 copy is 200 g.
  4. Turkey eggs They are similar in appearance and nutritional value to their chicken counterparts. The main difference is the higher fat content. Turkeys lay few eggs and seasonally, so their eggs are purchased individually by contacting the farmer-breeder. Weight of 1 piece – 70-72 g.
  5. Ostrich eggs– large exotic specimens. Giant size and bright taste are their key features. The weight of eggs depends on the breed of ostrich. A common indicator is 1600 g.

One ostrich egg can feed a company of 10 people.

  1. Powdered eggs or melange(from the French mélange - mixture) - dried and crushed whites and yolks of ordinary eggs. It is used for preparing dishes - omelettes, pastries, cutlets. Advantages of dry mix over fresh eggs– long shelf life and absence of pathogenic microbes. During the processing process, whites and yolks are pasteurized.

Let’s figure out which egg is better, quail or chicken, together with Elena Malysheva in the program “Live Healthy.”

The energy value of eggs varies. Large size birds are not a guarantee high calorie content product. This is noticeable when comparing calorie content per 100 grams and per 1 raw egg:

The number of calories consumed will depend on the amount of egg mass eaten. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it, which is good for your figure, health and is allowed for people with diabetes.

Compound. Calorie content of protein and yolk

White and yolk differ in composition and have different calorie content.

Liquid protein takes up most of the egg (about 60%). The name of the component gives a clear idea of ​​its composition. Egg white(protein) is a complex of compounds of the same name mixed with water that determine the nutritional value of the product. In the human body, protein performs a construction function and ensures the development of muscle tissue.

Egg white contains minimal fat and is low in calories - 25 Kcal per 1 piece, or 60 Kcal per 100 g.

The yolk is half the size of the white. It contains more fat and has high energy value. The average calorie content of 1 piece is 75 Kcal, per 100 g – 375 Kcal.

The central part of the egg is a cluster of useful components. The composition of the yolk includes vitamins A, D, E, B, folic and nicotinic acid.

Among mineral substances, phosphorus and iron lead in quantity. Potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iodine are present in smaller volumes.

The uniqueness of eggs is explained by the presence of lecithin and niacin. These substances reduce the activity of bad cholesterol in the yolk and make the composition of the product as balanced as possible.

Beneficial features

Saturated mineral composition proteins and yolks explains their high nutritional value.

Egg protein is essential for muscle development and recovery.

Due to their high content of vitamin A, phosphorus and iron, eggs help strengthen bones and teeth, increase the strength and elasticity of hair and nails.

Folic acid is responsible for the normal development of the fetus during pregnancy.

Vitamins D and E strengthen the immune system. Leticin and niacin reduce the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and prevent the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

B vitamins support performance, activate metabolic processes, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and mental activity.

Possible harm

The negative impact of eggs manifests itself in the case of their excessive and inattentive consumption. Things to consider:

  1. Protein-rich foods increase load on the kidneys and liver. Excessive eating of eggs can disrupt the functioning of internal organs.
  2. High cholesterol content in yolk- the main argument of opponents of eggs. Nutritionists agree with them on this issue. Useful lecithin will not relieve problems in case of excessive consumption of the product. Excess cholesterol is fraught with slagging of blood vessels and impaired cardiac function.
  3. Salmonellosis disease threatens raw egg lovers. Poultry products are a frequent source of contamination with dangerous bacteria. Their entry into the human body is fraught with blood poisoning and severe digestive upset.

In this video from the “Live Healthy” program, together with Elena Malysheva and her team of doctors, you will learn in what form it is better to eat eggs and why, how they are useful for our body.

Thermal cooking of eggs is a guarantee of the safety of the product purchased at retail outlets.

Consumption rate

Adult men and women can eat 1-2 eggs per day. If you have high cholesterol or blood sugar, your diet should be limited to 2 pieces per week.

Eggs can be included in the menu for children over 1 year of age. At this age, a child can eat 1 yolk per week. Protein is a strong allergen, so it should not be offered to children under 3 years of age.

By the age of 5, a child’s diet can include up to 5 pieces per week.


There are 2 main categories of persons for whom poultry products are prohibited:

  • Babies under 1 year of age. For a developing child's body, processing high-protein animal foods is backbreaking work.
  • Allergy sufferers. Individual intolerance forces you to give up eggs in their pure form and those dishes in which they are present: baked goods, semi-finished products, sauces.

Calorie content of fried and boiled eggs

Cooking ensures easy digestion of food and maximum absorption of beneficial components.

Calorie content depends on the chosen cooking method. The nutritional value is affected by the duration of heat treatment and the list of ingredients involved in the recipe.

Boiled whites and yolks contain fewer calories than raw eggs. The longer heat treatment, the lower their energy value.

Calorie content fried eggs in the form of fried eggs or omelet depends on the fat content of the oil and additives: milk, cheese, smoked meats, mushrooms, vegetables.

Average energy values ​​per 1 serving of 2 eggs:

Calorie content of egg dishes

The product is in demand internationally. “Egg” recipes are available in many national cuisines and present a wide selection of dishes - from breakfasts and salads to hot dishes and baked goods.

In cold appetizers, boiled whites and yolks are combined with sauces, vegetables, meat and fish ingredients. Egg salad will be a light or hearty dinner and will decorate the holiday table.

Thanks to the addition of eggs, soups and cabbage soup acquire richness and thickness. Sometimes the egg mixture is added to the broth in liquid form. In other cases, chopped boiled whites and yolks are poured into the finished soup and act as a decorative element.

The main hot dishes are European casseroles, Russian stuffed “nests” of vegetables and meat. The star of Caucasian cooking is Adjarian khachapuri, golden-brown bread cakes with cheese and an egg “core.”

In confectionery, a boiled egg serves as a filling for pies. Protein is the main ingredient for airy meringues. Croutons dipped in egg are a breakfast favorite for both adults and children.

In drinks, the egg mixture acts as a natural thickener and is an alternative to dairy additives.

Kaisermelange (“imperial mixture”) is a type of Viennese coffee with loose yolk and honey.

Popular options for dishes with added eggs and their energy value:

Dish Calorie content per 100 g.
Cold appetizers
Egg with mayonnaise194
Eggs with red caviar174
Salad with tuna and mayonnaise270
Salad with cucumber and sour cream70
First meal
Cabbage soup with sorrel36
Chicken broth soup40
Hot dishes
Cauliflower with egg100
Meat nests with eggs180
Gratin ( vegetable casserole with cheese)110
Baking, desserts, drinks
Egg and onion pie290
Wheat croutons with egg195
Eggnog (whites and yolks shaken with wine and sugar)90
Viennese coffee with yolk50 (for 1 cup)

Eggs in dietary nutrition

The high nutritional value of eggs with a low calorie content determines their full presence in a healthy diet.

This is a common component diet menu for weight loss. They help avoid nutritional deficiencies under dietary restrictions. The product provides a feeling of fullness for a long time and helps you survive until your next meal without unhealthy snacks. We invite you to find out which egg is the main component.

In a diet aimed at weight loss, eggs can be present in several forms:

  • Boiled whites and yolks.
  • Fried egg made without oil.
  • Omelette with 1% fat milk.

Flour dishes and confectionery with the addition of eggs should be excluded. They are saturated with sugar and fast carbohydrates, which quickly settle on the body in the form of fat deposits.

When losing weight, it is important to monitor the amount of fat in your diet. The norm is about 1 g of fat per 1 kg of weight; when losing weight, it can be reduced to 0.7-0.9 g per kg of body. There is no point in cutting back any more, it will no longer be good for your health.

Avoiding yolks will reduce the fat and calorie content of eggs to a minimum. Boiled proteins serve as a light dinner. Protein omelet without yolks is a dietary breakfast. Athletes often eat omelette without proteins during the so-called “cutting” period: during the period when they want to reduce the percentage of fat so that the muscles look more prominent. By the way, we have articles on drying and.

A good side dish option - green salad, pepper, broccoli, asparagus. These vegetables are rich in fiber, which helps quickly remove egg cholesterol from the body.

How to select and store

The characteristics are subject to the requirements of state standards. The shells of eggs that go on sale must be marked with letters and numbers. What does it mean?

  • The letter designations “D” or “C” indicate the “age” of the product. “D” (dietary) - those that ended up on the counter within the first 7 days from the date of production. Such products can be purchased in the immediate vicinity of the production site. “C” (table eggs) are sold everywhere.

The degree of freshness is the main difference between products of categories “D” and “C”. Diet eggs“Older” 7 days mechanically go into the category of canteens.

  • Digital marking indicates mass. The higher the number, the easier it is smaller egg. Selected product C0 (weight from 65 to 74.9 g) is heavier and larger than C1 (category 1 weighing 55-64.9 g). Large specimens weighing more than 75 g are marked with the letter “B” and belong to the highest category.

The taste and quality of eggs do not depend on their size and shell color.

In the store you should pay attention to 2 points:

  1. Date of manufacture. Eggs remain fresh for 25 days when stored at room temperature and 120 days when stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Manufacturer's address. The closer the manufacturing site is to the sales center, the better.

At home, eggs should be stored away from substances with strong odors. Optimal temperature- from 0 to 5°C.

You will learn about the freshness of eggs and beneficial properties from this talk show “About the Most Important Thing” with Sergei Agapkin and Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading researcher, professor of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology”, doctor of the highest category, Alla Vladimirovna Pogozheva.

How to cook properly

Questions about cooking usually revolve around the time needed to get the egg to the desired consistency.

2 rules that apply to all recipes:
  • The eggs are boiled over moderate heat.
  • Do not place cold eggs in boiling water. It is necessary to warm them up room temperature or heat water with them.

Cooking in salted water will prevent the shell from cracking and the protein from leaking out.

Cooking options:
  1. An egg “in a bag” consists of a dense white and a runny yolk.

How to do: raw product Immerse in boiling water and cook for 1 minute. After this, the fire is turned off, and the egg is cooked in the same liquid for 7 minutes.

  1. A soft-boiled egg is considered the most healthy and easy-to-digest dish. The finished white is elastic, and the yolk is tender and runny.

How to do: a raw egg is placed in cold water and placed on fire. After the liquid boils, the cooking process takes 4 minutes.

  1. A hard-boiled egg has equally dense whites and yolks.

How to do: After the water boils, the egg cooks for about 7-8 minutes. Cooking for too long (more than 10 minutes) will worsen the taste of the dish and complicate the process of digestion in the stomach.

Eggs are a unique food that combines availability with pleasure and benefits for the body. Both picky kids and brutal men who prefer hearty food will like it. Low-calorie and nutritious eggs will enrich your diet with valuable elements and help you acquire a slender silhouette.

How many calories are in a boiled egg? Before answering, you should figure out what kind of product this is, the familiar egg. A boiled chicken egg is an indispensable product in the diet of a person losing weight. Its balanced composition, amino acids and microelements strengthen vision and have a positive effect on cardiovascular system, strengthen teeth and bones, reduce the risk of cancer. Just one egg contains the daily requirement of vitamins and macroelements so necessary for the body during the diet.

Calorie content of 1 boiled chicken egg: hard-boiled and soft-boiled

Chicken eggs are a healthy and rich in composition product. How many calories are in 1 boiled egg? 100 grams contain 158 calories. On average, one egg weighs 50 grams - therefore, the calorie content of one egg is 79 calories.

Effective diet Maggi menu for every day - features and basic principles of the diet.

How many calories are in eggs by type of preparation: raw, fried, hard-boiled and soft-boiled?

  • Raw - 80 calories
  • Soft-boiled - 50-60 calories
  • Hard boiled - 79 calories
  • Fried - 120 calories

It must be remembered that the yolk is the highest calorie part of the egg - approximately 60 calories. It contains three times more nutrients than protein. The calorie content of protein is approximately 20 calories.

Firstly, a chicken egg is an indispensable food product during a diet. It is a natural source of protein and amino acids. And one of the most convincing factors is the calorie content of a boiled egg, and the quick feeling of fullness that comes immediately after eating it. At its core, this is a unique remedy for hunger.

Vitamins of group E have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Vitamin D strengthens teeth and bones and has a positive effect on the appearance of skin and hair. The choline contained in the yolk promotes active brain activity. Lutein, also contained in the yolk, as a natural antioxidant, strengthens vision by protecting the lens and retina from the harmful effects of the sun's rays.

A few years ago, there was controversy about the harmful effects of cholesterol, which is contained in large quantities in the yolk. Eggs were even prohibited from consumption by many nutritionists, or there was a limit of 1-2 eggs per week. But thanks to modern research, the myths about the dangers of chicken eggs have been debunked.

The cholesterol contained in eggs is absolutely harmless, and even vice versa due to the high content of choline and lecithin, chicken eggs promote the removal of fats and cholesterol from the body.

Read how to make celery soup for weight loss in this article.

Detailed instructions on using fiber for weight loss are in this article. The benefits of Siberian fiber.

Here are some tips on how to properly boil eggs:

  • Eggs straight from the refrigerator need to be boiled in cold water, while eggs are at room temperature, you can cook them in hot water, which in turn will speed up the cooking process.
  • Water should cover the eggs by 1-1.5 cm.
  • After cooking, they must be cooled sharply in cold water; with this trick, we greatly simplify the process of cleaning the shells.
  • The cooking speed does not depend on the intensity of the fire. Cooking should take place over medium heat, and exactly the time corresponding to the type of preparation.

Here are three ways to boil eggs:

  • Soft-boiled eggs - cooking time - 3 minutes

(liquid yolk and soft white)

  • Eggs in a bag - cooking time - 4-5 minutes

    (hard white and soft yolk)

  • Hard-boiled eggs – cooking time – 7-9 minutes

    (hard white and hard yolk)

  • Video on how to boil soft-boiled, pouched and hard-boiled eggs

    In order to check the freshness of the eggs, you need to lower them into water. If the egg is fresh (2-5 days), then it will sink to the bottom, an egg that is 5-10 days old will float, but a stale one will definitely float.

    An egg is a truly healthy product, a storehouse of the most beneficial substances for the body, and a participant in a huge number of delicious, dietary and other dishes. So eggs simply have to be present in our refrigerator.



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