Horseradish snacks for the winter. From “horserader” to haute cuisine – traditional and original horseradish snacks

Horseradish snacks for the winter. From “horserader” to haute cuisine – traditional and original horseradish snacks

Before you start cooking, carefully read our tips, as this process is unsafe. It’s not for nothing that the phrase “evil devil” has developed. You need to be more careful with him.

If you plan to process a large amount of roots, prepare gloves, otherwise burns cannot be avoided.

Protect your respiratory system and eyes. Don't be afraid to look strange - wear safety glasses and a respirator. Take out a fan and place it so that the air blows in the opposite direction from you.

It is most convenient to grind horseradish in the closed bowl of a food processor. Get ready for the fact that after opening it, all the “anger” of the roots will spill out on you. Be careful to open the lid away from your face (with your arms outstretched) and do not breathe deeply.

The dug roots must be soaked in water for at least half an hour. This will make it easier to wash them off the ground. If they are slightly wilted, keep them in water longer. Periodically drain dirty water and add new water.

Leave the leaves for pickles and marinades or for making medicinal rubs.

Homemade horseradish (white) recipe

The classic recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • Peeled horseradish – 1 kg;
  • Boiled chilled water – 0.5 l;
  • Coarse salt (rock) – 2 tbsp;
  • Granulated sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • Vinegar 9% – 5 tbsp.


  1. Wash the roots thoroughly with a brush, peel and chop. For grinding, you can use a regular grater, a meat grinder, or the bowl of a food processor with knives.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in slightly warm boiled water, add vinegar to the brine.
  3. Pour in the grated horseradish, adding the brine little by little so as not to overdo it with the liquid. The consistency should be closer to kefir.

How much brine is needed depends on the method of chopping the roots: if you grate them on a coarse grater or chop them with a blender, the mass will absorb different amounts of liquid.

Place the finished seasoning in jars and place in a warm place to mature. Be sure to cover the jars with lids to prevent essential oils from escaping. This recipe for homemade vigorous horseradish is basic; its technology can be used as a basis for all others.

Attention! Be careful if you want to smell horseradish: if you inhale its vapors deeply, you can get a burn to the respiratory tract. Do this carefully and from a distance of at least 20 cm.

Depending on the room temperature, it will be ready in 1 – 3 days.

Horseradish (hrenoder, gorloder) with tomatoes, peppers and garlic

An atomic mixture - you will say, and you will be right: it turns out to be nuclear. For horseradish, prepare the following products:

  • Horseradish roots – 0.5 kg;
  • Ripe tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • Garlic – 3 heads;
  • Hot pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Salt, sugar - 1 tbsp.
  1. First, let's prepare the rhizomes. To do this, soak them in water for a short time, clean them, and grind them in a convenient way - in a stationary blender (food processor) or in a meat grinder.
  2. Add the peeled cloves of garlic and a pod of hot pepper without seeds, press “start”.
  3. Grind the tomatoes. Just add them to the horseradish, pepper and garlic and turn on the equipment.
  4. Salt the resulting mixture, add sugar, and mix. If necessary, you can take a little more salt.

If you plan to store the sauce with the expressive name “Hrenovina” for a long time, it would be useful to be on the safe side with aspirin tablets. One tablet is enough for a half-liter jar. Crush it into powder before use.

Any appetizer on a slice of bread flavored with horseradish will take on a completely different taste. To prevent the aroma from dissipating, always close the lid tightly. Keep refrigerated.

With apples

Apples reduce the pungency, but the seasoning is still very tasty. It goes harmoniously with meat and fish.

on a note

If you make the sauce by eye, stick to the following proportions: take 2 times more apples than the main product.


  • Horseradish – 1 root 15-20 cm long;
  • Green apples – 2 pcs.;
  • Table vinegar 9% – 1 tsp;
  • Salt – 1 pinch;
  • Sugar - to taste (depending on how sour the apples are).

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into several parts, and remove the core.
  2. Pour ½ cup of water into a saucepan and place on low heat. Add apples, cover and cook until soft.
  3. Drain off excess water and puree the apples.
  4. Remove the skin from the horseradish, grate it on a fine grater or grind it in a meat grinder.
  5. Mix with applesauce, add salt, sugar, vinegar.
  6. Let it sit for at least a day.

You can bring apples to the desired condition not only in a saucepan. Put them in the microwave for a few minutes - it will be faster and you won’t need to add water. You don’t have to drain the released juice; the seasoning will just be liquid. If the apples are very sour (this will be clear when you try the juice), you don’t need to add vinegar.

Recipe for delicious homemade horseradish with beets

Many people love this option for its color and soft taste. It's not difficult to prepare it at home. In just half an hour you will mix everything you need, and then all you have to do is wait a day, and you can serve the seasoning with jellied meat or dumplings - dishes without which Russian cuisine is unthinkable.

You will need the following products:

  • Horseradish root – 0.5 kg;
  • Beets – 1 pc.;
  • Vinegar – 2-3 tsp;
  • Salt, sugar - 1 tsp each.

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil the beets, cool, and remove the skins.
  2. Peel, wash, and mince the horseradish.
  3. Grate the beets on a fine grater, squeeze a little with your hands, drain the excess juice into a separate bowl (you may still need it).
  4. Combine horseradish with beets, salt, add sugar, vinegar, mix. If the seasoning is too thick, add the previously drained beet juice.

Taste the seasoning and add salt or sugar if necessary. If there is not enough acid, add a little more vinegar.

You need to try the liquid. If the marinade is tasty, then the seasoning as a whole will be delicious.

That’s the whole recipe for horseradish with beets; homemade seasoning is stronger than store-bought. If you like it weaker, take more beets; if stronger, add only the juice for color, and leave the beets themselves for some salad.

The easiest way

For this recipe, in addition to horseradish roots, you only need tomato marinade. If you have opened and eaten a jar of tomatoes stored for the winter, do not rush to pour out the brine.

  1. Prepare the roots as in previous recipes.
  2. Pour in slightly warmed marinade.
  3. Place in a warm place for a day and you can serve.

The combination of salt, sugar and vinegar will be optimal. Try it, you will definitely like it!

Horseradish for the winter: classic recipe

The main thing in preparing for the winter is that the product does not ferment, and for this they use a technique such as sterilization. Ingredients required for preparation:

  • Horseradish, fresh or from the freezer – 1 kg;
  • Boiled water – 1 glass;
  • Vinegar – 150 g;
  • Coarse salt – 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.

Equipment and accessories:

  • Food processor;
  • Small glass jars;
  • Screw caps;
  • Wide saucepan.

The process of preparing horseradish for the winter according to the classic recipe:

  1. Soak the rhizomes for several hours, peel and cut into 3-4 cm pieces.
  2. Pass through a meat grinder or grind in a food processor (blender).
  3. Dissolve salt and sugar in a glass of water, pour in vinegar. For better dissolution, it is recommended to let the brine boil.
  4. Cool the solution, pour into chopped horseradish, mix.
  5. Place the mixture in jars, cover with lids, and sterilize.

on a note

The jars are sterilized for 10 – 15 minutes. Time is counted from the moment the water boils.

After the sterilization time has expired, the jars are carefully removed from the water and the lids are screwed on.

If your family loves horseradish, take any recipe: classic, with beets, apples or tomatoes and prepare a delicious seasoning at home. It will be cheaper and tastier than the one from the store. Before serving, you can add mayonnaise or sour cream to the classic version and the one with beets.

Horseradish has quite a rich history; it was still used by the Greeks 1500 BC, which not only possessed a piquant taste, but also generously gave vitality. The homeland of horseradish is considered to be Southeast Europe and Western Asia, although many consider it a Russian plant.

Horseradish has a wide range of uses. The root is used to prepare various snacks. In general, October roots are considered the best and it is best to prepare a horseradish appetizer for the winter in October. This snack is not only savory, but is a jar of vitamins. The dried leaves powder is believed to retain its properties.

Horseradish appetizers for the winter are prepared in different recipes. You can even prepare a traditional one, and then when using it, add different ingredients that will make your snack more piquant.

How to prepare horseradish snacks for the winter - 14 varieties

The traditional horseradish snack not only has a spicy taste, but is also a very healthy product.

When horseradish roots are passed through a meat grinder, a pungent aroma appears and the eyes water, which is why culinary specialists advise that you always put a plastic bag on the meat grinder.


  • 2 kg horseradish rhizomes
  • 6 tbsp. vinegar
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. salt


First, you need to prepare food for the snack. We start with the horseradish rhizome, wash it thoroughly and peel the skin. Then you need to pass the horseradish rhizome through a fine grinder. After the meat grinder, you need to use a blender, since the secret to the taste of this delicious snack is its creamy consistency, which can only be obtained using a blender. The most important thing is to get a homogeneous mass, gruel. When our horseradish porridge is ready, you need to season with sugar and salt and add vinegar (9% After this, mix thoroughly and place in clean, dry jars. It is better to store horseradish snack in the refrigerator.

It is impossible to imagine a Russian feast without spicy taste, so there is no way to do without horseradish. Horseradish is both an addition to all kinds of dishes and an excellent snack. Especially horseradish with beets for the winter improves the taste, making both meat and fish more piquant. Horseradish roots - 10-12 pieces.


  • Beetroot – 1 piece
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon (with top)
  • Coarse salt - 1 teaspoon


First, you need to prepare food for the snack. You need to start by peeling the horseradish and beets. Then the peeled horseradish roots need to be cut into pieces. Then the pieces should be filled with ice water and left in the refrigerator for about 6 hours. After this, grind the horseradish using a meat grinder, or with a fine grater. Then grate the raw beets on a fine grater, place them on a piece of gauze and squeeze out the juice. After that, transfer the horseradish into a bowl and add beet juice, sugar, salt and vinegar on top, adding cooled boiled water. After all the ingredients are added, everything must be thoroughly mixed. Place the horseradish pulp into sterilized jars and roll up. Jars should be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

This amazing snack has different names: “Ogonyok”, “Russian adjika”, etc.

With this snack you can store a lot of vitamins in one jar for the winter. This appetizer is ideal especially for meat and fish dishes. You can also eat it as a snack with a piece of bread.


  • tomatoes 3 kg
  • horseradish (root) 200 g
  • garlic 200 g
  • red pepper (hot) 2-3 pcs.
  • salt 3-4 tbsp.


First, you need to prepare food for the snack. You need to start with tomatoes and horseradish roots, wash and dry them. Then peel the roots and garlic. Cut the tomatoes and roots into pieces and put into a meat grinder along with the garlic and pepper. Then add salt to the pulp and leave to steep for 3 hours. At this time, you need to sterilize the jars. Place the horseradish mass into the sterilized jars and close with screw caps. Be sure to store in the refrigerator.

Excellent with meat and fish dishes. For variety, you can add sour cream to the horseradish mixture when serving. The recipe is quite universal and you can add tomatoes, lemon, garlic or beets to the horseradish.


  • Horseradish roots 2kg
  • Salt - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp


First, you need to prepare the food for the snack. Rinse the horseradish roots with cold water. Then peel. After this, mince using the smallest attachment. You should get about 1.5 kg of horseradish pulp. Add salt and sugar to the mixture, pour boiling water over it, stirring quickly to form a thick paste. After this, put it into jars. If desired, pour a little lemon juice on top of the jars. Close tightly with lids and store in the refrigerator.

A savory appetizer with an interesting flavor will decorate your holiday table.

Horseradish has a rather sharp and pungent aroma; in order to make this sharp aroma a little softer, cooks advise adding vegetable oil to the horseradish pulp.


  • red beets 1000 gr
  • horseradish 150 gr
  • vegetable oil 4 tbsp
  • vinegar 3 tbsp
  • sugar 1.5 tbsp
  • salt 2 tsp.
  • ground black pepper


First, you need to prepare the food for the snack. Wash the beets, peel them and cook for 45 minutes. Then cut the beets and horseradish roots into cubes. Grind the horseradish and beets using a meat grinder. Boil vegetable oil for 10 minutes, pour into an enamel pan and add horseradish mass. Then season with salt, sugar and pepper. After seasoning, mix thoroughly and place over low heat. Then remove the pan and add vinegar. Then you need to sterilize the jars and fill them with horseradish snack.

This interesting appetizer will add new colors to any meat and fish dishes. This savory snack will make any food taste much better.


  • Horseradish 300 gr
  • Water 400 ml
  • Plums 200 gr
  • Salt 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar 50 gr
  • Vinegar 100 ml


First, you need to prepare the products for the snack. You need to thoroughly rinse, peel and chop the horseradish roots. Then add water and leave for one day to remove the bitterness. After a day, pass the roots and plums through a meat grinder. Then pour boiling water over the resulting mass and leave to cooled down and add salt, sugar and vinegar. When our appetizer is ready, we need to sterilize the jars and add horseradish pulp there and close.

If desired, the horseradish appetizer can be prepared with a mild taste, for which you need to mix a little heavy cream.


  • Horseradish root - 1.2 kg,
  • water - 250 ml,
  • salt, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • vinegar 9% - 80 ml,
  • cream - 100 ml.


First, you need to prepare food for the snack. You need to wash the horseradish root and peel the skin. There are two options: you can leave the root overnight, this will give you a milder taste. Then we pass the horseradish root through a meat grinder and cover with a lid. Then we need to prepare the marinade, which requires 250 ml of boiling water. Add sugar and salt to boiling water. After removing from heat, add vinegar. After thoroughly mixing the marinade, add it to the horseradish gruel. When our snack is thoroughly mixed, you can transfer it to sterilized jars and screw tightly. Store in the refrigerator. During use, you can add heavy cream, which will make the taste of the snack softer.

A spicy horseradish appetizer with carrots has a rather interesting taste. It’s a combination of spicy and sweet.


  • Horseradish root - 100 grams;
  • Garlic - 100 grams;
  • Carrots - 600 grams;
  • Hot pepper - one pod;
  • Vinegar essence 70% - literally 10 drops;
  • Salt to taste.


First, you need to prepare the food for the snack. Wash the vegetables. Peel the horseradish and carrots, grind them with garlic in a blender. Add hot pepper and salt. After that, put the finished mass on the fire and cook for 30 minutes, then add vinegar and pour into sterilized jars.

Horseradish snack with lemons has a rather piquant aroma. There is an elegant combination of hot and sour.


  • Horseradish root - approximately 1.5 kilograms
  • Salt - tablespoon
  • Granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Large lemon - one piece


First, you need to prepare the products for the snack. First, you need to wash and peel the horseradish root, and then mince it. Then add salt and sugar and pour boiling water over it. To stir thoroughly. Horseradish pulp Then put it into jars and pour a teaspoon of lemon juice on top. Close tightly and store in the refrigerator.

Raw appetizer with horseradish in the form of adjika is quite an interesting appetizer and easy to prepare.

It is a storehouse of vitamins. I have been making this adjika for several years now.


  • hard apples - 500 g
  • tomatoes - 600 g
  • hot pepper - 200 g
  • vinegar 9% - 250 g
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.
  • sweet red pepper - 600 g
  • garlic - 300 g
  • carrots - 500 g
  • parsley root - 400 g
  • mustard - 100 g


First, you need to prepare food for the snack. Peel apples, tomatoes, garlic, carrots, and then grind them together with pepper and parsley in a meat grinder with a fine attachment. Add tomato paste to the finished mass. Add salt, vinegar, mustard and mix thoroughly and place in jars. After that we insist and it’s ready.

A savory winter snack that is easy to prepare and does not require cooking.


  • Tomato—1 kg
  • Sweet pepper – 1 kg
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Red hot pepper – 300 g
  • Horseradish - 100 g
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar -1 teaspoon
  • Vinegar - 1 cup


First, you need to prepare food for the snack. First, we clean the horseradish roots and garlic, then remove the seeds from the tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers, and pass them together with the garlic and horseradish through a meat grinder or blender. Add salt and sugar to the already prepared horseradish gruel, stirring thoroughly; if desired, you can add vinegar. After this, put the mixture into jars and close with regular lids. Be sure to store it in the refrigerator.

Spices add a special piquancy to the horseradish appetizer.


  • grated horseradish - 60 g.
  • water - 250 ml.
  • vinegar - 250 ml.
  • cinnamon -5 g.
  • cloves - 3 buds
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.


First, you need to prepare food for the snack. First, wash the beets and cook. Then peel the horseradish and grate it on a fine grater or you can put it through a meat grinder. After that, prepare the marinade. To prepare the marinade, put the water on the fire until it boils and add salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, and cloves to this water. After boiling, add vinegar. After this, put pieces of beets on the bottom of the jars, then a layer of horseradish, and so on one by one until the very top and fill with hot marinade. After this, you need to close the jars with lids and place in a large saucepan with boiling water to sterilize. Then roll it up.

Appetizer - horseradish seasoning for the winter

Minimum effort and maximum pleasure. Basic horseradish appetizer. This recipe serves as a base and you can add plums, chili lemons, carrots, beets, bell peppers, etc.


  • Horseradish root - 100g
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 100g
  • Salt 1-2 tsp.
  • Sugar 1 tsp.
  • Vinegar


To begin with, you need to prepare the products for the snack. First, we peel the horseradish and tomatoes and twist them into a fine grinder. When the horseradish gruel is ready, add salt to taste. You can also add sugar. To store the seasoning for a long time, be sure to add vinegar. Then put into jars. This sauce must be stored in the refrigerator.

The savory snack can be stored for the winter without losing its taste. This delicious appetizer will decorate your feast.


  • Tomato – 1.5 kg
  • Bell pepper – 1 kg
  • Horseradish - 200 g (peeled)
  • Garlic—20 teeth.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Ground chili pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar - 100 ml
  • Aspirin (1 tablet per 1 liter of sauce, if you do not plan on long-term storage) - 3 pcs.


First, you need to prepare the food for the snack. First, you need to wash the tomatoes, bell peppers, and then finely chop them. After this, dispense the chopped vegetables with garlic and horseradish through a meat grinder. When the horseradish mass is ready, season and mix, and add oil and vinegar. You can add aspirin instead of vinegar to preserve it for a long time. Then pour it into pre-sterilized jars and close the lids tightly. You can use nylon. Be sure to store in the refrigerator.

Horseradish is the root of a perennial wild plant of the cruciferous family. Before eating, horseradish is grated and seasoned with vinegar and sugar. The horseradish root should be at least 2-3 cm thick and 20-25 cm long, its surface should be smooth and light, and the flesh should be white. The best roots are produced by horseradish of the first or second year, but older roots are woody and too bitter.

A few simple recipes for Russian cuisine, preparing horseradish at home:

Recipe 1: Horseradish roots are soaked in water, peeled (scraped with a knife), washed, and finely chopped. Place the grated horseradish in a bowl, pour in approximately the same amount of boiling water, cover with a lid and cool. After this, sugar, salt and vinegar are added. You can add grated boiled beets to the prepared horseradish.
Horseradish 100, vinegar 3 percent 80, water 100, granulated sugar, salt.
Recipe 2: Peel the horseradish, wash it, chop it, add sour cream, sugar, salt and mix. Sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise.
Horseradish 100, sour cream 70, granulated sugar, salt.

Recipe: Horseradish with Vinegar.
Grind the peeled, washed horseradish, put it in a bowl, pour boiling water over it, and cover the bowl with a lid. When the horseradish has cooled, vinegar, sugar and salt are added to it, and everything is thoroughly mixed. The sauce is served with cold and hot meat and fish dishes.
Horseradish (root) 300, vinegar 9% 250, water 450, granulated sugar 20, salt.

Recipe: Horseradish with sour cream.
Peeled horseradish, rinse, grate, then mix with sour cream, adding sugar and salt, mix thoroughly.
The sauce is served with boiled pig and meat jelly.
Horseradish (root) 300, sour cream 700, sugar 15, salt to taste.

Recipe: Horseradish with Mayonnaise.
After cleaning and washing the horseradish, grate it, combine it with the prepared mayonnaise, add vinegar, sugar, salt, then stir thoroughly.
The sauce is served with fish and meat dishes, as well as jellies.
Grated horseradish 200, mayonnaise 750, 3% vinegar 50, sugar 20, salt to taste.

Horseradish root must be peeled and thoroughly rinsed in cold water, grated, and placed in a ceramic bowl. After that, pour water, vinegar into it, add sugar and salt, stir. The finished sauce should be stored in a sealed container.
Horseradish sauce is served with boiled meat, fish, jellies, ham, and jellied dishes.
Horseradish (root) 250 g, 3% vinegar 1/2 cup, salt, granulated sugar 1 teaspoon. l., water 1 glass.

Add sour cream, mayonnaise to horseradish sauce prepared in a cold way and stir until smooth.
Horseradish sauce with sour cream and mayonnaise is served with meat jelly or boiled cold meat.
Horseradish (root) 200 g, 3% vinegar 1/2 cup, water (boiling water) 1 cup, mayonnaise 1/2 cup, sugar 1 partial teaspoon. l., salt.

The peeled roots are washed and passed through a meat grinder. Chopped horseradish is thoroughly mixed with sugar, salt, vinegar and placed in small jars.
For 1 kg of grated horseradish: 80% vinegar essence 40 g, sugar 80 g, salt - 40 g, boiled cooled water 800 g, you can add cinnamon and cloves.

Storing horseradish fresh

For long-term storage in fresh container, select undamaged, smoother and thicker horseradish roots. They need to be shaken off the ground, but not washed or scraped. Place in a vessel with slightly moistened sand. The most favorable air temperature is 0-1 "C with a relative air humidity of 85-90%. You can also keep them in the open air, burying them in the ground and covering them with soil and recently rotted manure. You can leave them in the place where they grew, covering bed with plant debris or rotted manure to prevent freezing.

Horseradish in marinade

Dissolve 40 g of salt and 20 g of sugar in 500 g of boiling water, add 1 g of cloves and cinnamon. Cover the vessel in which the marinade is made and, when the water has cooled to 50°, add 200 g of 9% vinegar. After a day, strain the marinade through cheesecloth and add 1 kg of grated horseradish to it. Mix well and pour into 500 g jars, close tightly and store in a cool place.

Horseradish with red beet juice

Grate the beets on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice using cheesecloth. Mix the resulting juice with grated horseradish in a ratio of 500 g per 1 kg of horseradish, combining with 250 g of 9% vinegar, 100 g of sugar, 50 g of salt. Stir well and pour into small jars, close and store in a cool place.

Dried horseradish leaves

Strain the horseradish leaves washed in cold water from the water and leave them in a shady, ventilated place to dry thoroughly. Horseradish leaves are then used to prepare various pickles from cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables. If you add at least a tablespoon of these leaves, the vegetables will remain firm and the filling will be clear and tasty.

Dried horseradish roots

Wash the horseradish roots from the soil, trim the top well, rinse again and grate on a coarse grater. Dry in the oven with the door open. After drying, you can grind it in a coffee grinder. Used for the same purpose as dried leaves.


150 g horseradish root,
20 g 9% vinegar,
2 g sugar,
2 g salt.

Cooking method:

Peel the horseradish root, rinse with cold water, grate on a fine grater, put in a glass or porcelain bowl, season with vinegar, sugar, salt, stir well; Close the container tightly and let stand for 2-3 hours. Keep refrigerated.
Application in cosmetics

Horseradish roots are used in cosmetics.

Dilute fresh horseradish juice in equal proportions. Wash your face with the resulting liquid and wipe your face if you have freckles. The procedure whitens the skin of the face.
Pour 100 g of finely grated horseradish roots into 0.5 liters of table vinegar. Leave the mixture for 14 days in a cool, dark place in a tightly sealed container, then strain. Before use, pour 2 tablespoons of the infusion into 0.5 cups of cold boiled water. Wipe your face with this infusion several times a day for freckles and age spots. It is more effective to apply napkins moistened with a diluted infusion (1:1) to the face. The mask is applied for 5-10 minutes daily or every other day. The procedure makes the skin white and soft. Recommended for oily and normal skin. The infusion can be stored in a tightly sealed container in a dark, cool place.
Mix grated horseradish gruel in equal proportions with cream and yolk (for dry and normal skin) or protein (for oily skin). Apply for 15-20 minutes, remove with a warm, damp swab, then rinse your face with water. Course – 15-20 masks, no more than 2 times a week. For fading, aging skin.
Oily skin can be whitened by a mask made from a mixture of grated horseradish, lemon juice and sour cream, taken in equal quantities. Keep on face for 15-20 minutes.
Mix 0.5 tablespoon of grated horseradish, 0.25 cup of sour milk and a tablespoon of oatmeal until a paste forms. Place it between two layers of gauze and cover your face for 15-20 minutes. The mask is intended for whitening oily skin with freckles and age spots.
To improve complexion and remove freckles, a mixture of horseradish juice and sour cream, taken in equal proportions, is recommended. Apply the mask to your face for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
Apply horseradish root pulp 1-2 times a day for a few minutes on the skin of the face when freckles appear, as well as on areas affected by acne. It is advisable to lubricate the skin with Vaseline or vegetable oil before the procedure.
Mix horseradish gruel in equal parts with sour cream or vegetable oil. Apply to face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. The mask is recommended for dull skin and at the same time whitens it.
Grate the horseradish root on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Use it fresh to rub into the scalp for baldness.
For severe hair loss, it is recommended to apply a paste of fresh horseradish roots to the bald parts of the head 2 times a week. After 30 minutes, rinse your hair with water.

Adjika with horseradish: take 2.5 kg of tomato, half a kilo of ratunda (or 1 kg of bell pepper), 250 g of garlic, 250 g of horseradish (roots), 250 g of hot pepper (or less, to taste), 1 glass of vinegar (apple or wine, better than your own preparation), 1 glass of sugar and half a glass of salt. Grind all these components in a meat grinder and mix well, place in jars, cover with a lid and into the refrigerator.
Try it, you won't regret it.

Recipe - horseradish with beet juice. First, you need to squeeze out the beet juice and let it stand for a while (15 minutes or more) so that the light fractions evaporate. It is better to grind the beets in a meat grinder (you can also chop them on a fine grater), and then squeeze the juice into a plate through a cloth and let it sit until you get through the horseradish roots. You will need 150-200 ml of juice.

Next, take about 300 g of horseradish roots, peel, wash and grind on a fine grater, or better yet, pass through a meat grinder with a fine mesh (this will be faster and you will shed fewer tears). Immediately put the ground horseradish into a jar with a lid (1 liter) and pour beet juice into it. You can also add a little boiled water if the seasoning turns out thick. We also throw salt here - 1 dessiatine. l., sugar - 1 table. spoon and fresh lemon juice (squeeze 0.5-1 lemon).

This is a classic recipe, but it can be adjusted: the amount of sugar, salt and acid can be added to taste, as you like. The seasoning, “horseradish with beet juice,” should always be kept closed, and it is better to store it in the refrigerator.

Horseradish - properties, recipes, treatment

Common horseradish Common horseradish is an unpretentious perennial plant with large oblong leaves and a powerful root system.

It should be grown somewhere in a separate place, because if it takes root, it will be difficult to remove it.

Therefore, for all its usefulness, horseradish can become the worst weed, which will be difficult to remove. But if you dig up its roots every year, the horseradish will grow from the remaining rhizomes without going beyond the territory allotted to it.

Preparation of horseradish. It is better to harvest common horseradish in August-September, although the root can also be harvested in the spring. In folk medicine, as well as in cooking, leaves and roots are used.

The leaves are thoroughly washed, dried in the shade, and then finely chopped and stored in tightly closed glass jars.

The root is harvested in two ways:
1. Keep the root fresh (in the cellar, covering it with sand). That. it remains fresh and juicy for a long time, retaining all vitamins.
2. Grind into powder (before drying, grind on a coarse grater, then dry in a warm oven and grind in a coffee grinder). Store in tightly closed glass jars.

Horseradish is a fairly useful and medicinal plant. Its roots are rich in vitamins, especially C, essential oils, enzymes, and glycosides. They contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus salts, as well as sugar, proteins, starch, bitter substances, mustard oil and resins.

Nowadays, horseradish, as a proven folk remedy, has become a little forgotten, but in vain. After all, its antibiotic properties have a therapeutic effect in inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes. Its infusion can disinfect and refresh the oral cavity. It is also useful for toothache (for rinsing) and for scurvy. For scurvy, 1 teaspoon of grated horseradish is diluted with 1 glass of wine or beer. This infusion is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

The essential oil contained in horseradish in small doses stimulates the appetite, increasing the secretion of the digestive glands. Fresh horseradish contains the protein substance lysozyme, which destroys the cell membranes of bacteria, which is responsible for its antimicrobial properties.

An aqueous infusion of freshly ground horseradish root (1:10) is used for rinsing during various inflammatory processes, for wiping gums, and to accelerate the healing of purulent wounds. Pour 100 g of crushed root into 2 glasses of wine and leave for several days.
Take 1 tbsp orally. spoon of tincture 2 times a day for damaged skin.

For diseases of the sciatic nerve, horseradish juice is used for treatment as an adjuvant, in the form of compresses. In this case, massage is used to help the body get rid of congestion in organs and tissues and develop connective tissue.
There are contraindications for massage - tissue decay and bleeding, neoplasms, acute fever, purulent pleurisy, acute stage of tuberculosis.

Traditional medicine uses horseradish for stomach disorders. Fresh horseradish juice diluted with water enhances the release of hydrochloric acid.

If the acidity of the gastric juice is low, horseradish juice is a good remedy used to treat gastritis.

Horseradish is also used for dropsy, cough, colds, bronchitis, radiculitis, etc.

For otitis (pain in the ears), instill fresh horseradish juice into the ears: grate the root, squeeze out the juice, warm it to body temperature and instill 1-2 drops into the ears, 3 times a day.

It is useful to include horseradish in the diet for vitamin deficiencies, hepatitis, indigestion, pleurisy, high blood pressure, dysfunction of the gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and hematopoietic organs.

Horseradish promotes juice and blood circulation, dilation of blood vessels in the kidneys, spleen, lymph glands and facilitates the functioning of the relevant organs. It also enhances the functional activity of the liver, pancreas and kidneys, and is a medicinal source of vitamin C.

For the first time, information leaked from Israel that English scientists had discovered the unique ability of horseradish to destroy cancer cells. They stumbled upon these features of horseradish quite by accident while studying exotic extracts of the peoples of Africa. As a result of experiments, a molecule was isolated from horseradish that is capable of breaking down cancer cells. In the UK, a horseradish-based vaccine has already been synthesized, which, if necessary, is injected into the patient’s body. The technology for obtaining it is now a great secret.

Horseradish root has a pungent, pungent taste and a strong, prickly aroma. In cooking, it is used as a spice in spicy sauces for meat, fish, jellied meat, pate, jellied dishes, eggs, and in vegetable salads. We dilute horseradish powder with water, let it swell, add sugar, vinegar, salt - you get a spicy seasoning for fish and meat dishes.

Horseradish is also used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, and beets. They eat it with smoked meats, sausages, herring, and add it to mayonnaise, cheese, and sour milk. You can reduce the sharpness of horseradish by mixing it with an apple or sour cream.

Horseradish is also a good preservative and can be used to store canned vegetables in open jars. To prevent the brine with cucumbers or tomatoes from becoming cloudy or moldy, you need to pour a tablespoon of crushed dried horseradish leaves into it - mold will not appear, the brine will be clear and tasty.

Horseradish is contraindicated for:

Children under 4 years old;
Pregnant women;
Carriers of inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases or other intestinal disorders;
People with thyroid dysfunction;
People with kidney and liver diseases.

Horseradish in Russian cuisine is famous for its pungency and special vigorous “anger”. Not everyone likes it. But the spiciness of the seasoning can be softened with honey, tomato juice, lemon, beets - the result is an amazing horseradish appetizer that can decorate the most sophisticated table. It can be prepared according to original Russian and original modern recipes, focusing on the spiciness or enhancing the aromatic component, preparing it as a seasoning or an independent savory dish.

Horseradish is the head of everything

A hot spicy seasoning made from the roots of the vegetable of the same name ground into a pulp, it is considered an original Russian invention and dominated the national cuisine until the 18th century. Horseradish was eaten in large quantities with jellied meats, jellies, fish aspic, boiled and baked meat. He was a frequent, if not daily, guest at both the lordly and peasant tables. With the advent of mustard, which replaced horseradish in everyday cuisine, it gradually moves into the category of “aristocratic” seasonings. As they say, “from rags to riches.”

In gastronomic terms, the taste of the spicy vegetable can be described as sweet-evil. In the first moments, the seasoning seems soft and tender, but the more unexpected and piquant is its extremely strong pungency, which brings tears to your eyes.

In Rus', a foreigner was often recognized by his inability to eat dishes seasoned with horseradish. The secret is simple. First you need to bite off and chew a piece of meat (fish) and only after that, without swallowing, put a portion of horseradish into your mouth. With this method of eating, the taste buds and sense of smell are protected from caustic essential oils. If you start with seasoning, then even a tiny dose of it can cause a “violent reaction” in the body.

How to choose and prepare vegetable roots correctly?

Before you make a horseradish appetizer, you need to properly prepare the base - select, peel, and grate the rhizomes of the spicy vegetable.

The second sign of high-quality raw materials is its juiciness. If horseradish is grown in conditions of moisture deficiency, the roots quickly become woody and acquire a coarse fibrous structure. In such cases, it is recommended to soak it in water, but, unfortunately, this will not add juiciness. It will indeed be easier to grate the soaked root, but part of the aroma and pungency for which it is, in principle, valued will go into the water.

When the raw materials are selected, it is necessary to make a basic preparation for snacks from it.

  1. The roots are washed, scraped off (do not cut off!) the top layer, and damaged areas are removed.
  2. Cut into small pieces to make it easier to grind.
  3. Grind the rhizome to a pulpy state. The ideal consistency is one in which the gruel becomes slightly moist due to the released juice.
  4. Transfer the grated mass to a container with a lid to prevent the essential oils from evaporating.

In the refrigerator, such a product can be stored under a tight lid for no more than 6–8 hours without losing its “acidity.”

There are many ways to twist horseradish without shedding tears. To do this, just put a plastic bag on the bell of the meat grinder, securing it with an elastic band, or use any kitchen appliance with a lid (combine, blender, chopper-grinder).

Horseradish and K⁰

As already mentioned, not everyone likes the “vigorous spirit” of horseradish in appetizers. But it can be adjusted with the help of various seasonings, spices, and other vegetables.

  • With the help of sugar and honey, the sweet notes of the snack are enhanced.
  • Lemon juice, vinegar (preferably natural), tomato juice softens the acridity of freshly prepared horseradish, but adds additional pungency when the essential oils gradually evaporate. It is the acid that “preserves” the seasoning for longer storage.
  • Garlic creates a surprisingly harmonious aromatic composition with horseradish - spicy and refreshing.
  • Chili pepper gives the seasoning a scorching spiciness that is not characteristic of horseradish.
  • Sour cream and mayonnaise add contrasting sensations and elevate the spicy appetizer.

From words to action: horseradish snacks

Table horseradish in Russian

Prepare 0.5 kg of thick, juicy roots. Please note that the recipe contains net weight, so weigh after the vegetable has been peeled and any damaged areas have been removed.

We cut the roots into small pieces, grind them in a meat grinder with the finest grid or grind them in a blender. Close the workpiece tightly and set it aside.

The next step is preparing the brine, for which we take:

  • 400 ml filtered water;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 40 g sugar;
  • 80 ml lemon juice (freshly squeezed).

Dissolve salt and sugar in boiling water, when it cools down to 50⁰ C, pour in the juice and combine the marinade with grated horseradish pulp, knead thoroughly. Place the seasoning in a glass container with a lid and store it in the cold.

If you want to preserve the authenticity of the snack, do not put anything other than salt and sugar in the marinade. Lemon is already influenced by European tradition. To add delicacy to horseradish, add a little thick sour cream or homemade mayonnaise before serving. But this is also not for everyone.

Siberian "light"

As soon as they don’t call a horseradish appetizer with tomatoes and garlic – horseradish, cobra, spark. This is understandable; the duet of horseradish and garlic is an explosive combination. And the most desperate thrill-seekers strive to make it worse with hot pepper.

This dish comes from Siberia and in its classic version consists of:

  • horseradish (calculate a serving for 250 g);
  • garlic (peeled) – 100 g;
  • tomatoes (ripe but firm) - 2 kg.

Salt and sweeten to taste, the indicated amount is approximately 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and the same amount or a little less sugar.

Horseradish roots and garlic cloves are crushed separately to the consistency of a “sticky” pulp. A blender works well in this matter, but a meat grinder produces a more lumpy texture.

Tomatoes are passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a food processor. It’s good if you have fruits with a minimum amount of juice and fleshy pulp, then the seasoning will turn out thicker and richer.

Tomatoes are combined with garlic-horseradish mass, seasoned with salt and sugar. By varying the amount of horseradish and garlic, you can adjust the spiciness of the snack. The given recipe is quite hot, to reduce the spiciness, take 50-60 g of spicy additives for 1 kg of tomatoes.

If you like a more challenging appetizer, mix some hot peppers together with the tomatoes.

Adjika with horseradish

The popular appetizer adjika, made from pepper and garlic, becomes brighter, richer and more piquant under the influence of horseradish - we offer one of the many seasoning recipes.

To prepare the base of the sauce you will need 2 kg of red dense tomatoes with a meaty consistency. Too watery, unripe tomatoes are not suitable, as they will give a lot of liquid and the adjika will turn out sparse. We will season the indicated amount:

  • bell pepper, fleshy, thick-walled, red - 20 pcs.;
  • hot pepper – 3–4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 cup of cloves passed through a garlic press;
  • horseradish - 1 cup of roots crushed into pulp;
  • sugar – 125 g;
  • vinegar – 125 g;
  • salt - to taste, approximately 50-60 g.
Using a meat grinder, food processor or blender, puree the tomatoes and remove seeds and membranes from peppers (sweet and hot). Separately grind garlic and horseradish. The crushed components are mixed, combined with salt, vinegar, and sugar.

This horseradish appetizer can be used as a fresh preparation for the winter, i.e., do not cook or sterilize. To do this, just add 1 tsp to adjika. salicylic acid, then put into jars and close with airtight lids. Storage for 3-4 months in a refrigerator or cellar is guaranteed.

Options with beets

Horseradish colored with beet juice is a culinary product of Polish cuisine. Table beets are used in different ways in the corresponding snack:

  • raw and cooked;
  • only juice and together with “cake”;
  • finely mashed and into large pieces.

Let's consider several options.

  1. 500 g of crushed horseradish roots are poured with 400 ml of beet juice (can be partially diluted with boiled water), in which 20 g of salt and 40 g of sugar are dissolved.
  2. Boil 2 medium-sized beets and pass them through a meat grinder, combine them with 200 g of grated horseradish, pour in 180 ml of brine. To prepare it, dilute 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 100 ml of vinegar. If desired, the finished seasoning can be additionally blended in a blender for a more uniform consistency. Store the sauce in small jars in the refrigerator.
  3. Boil 2 kg of peeled beets, cut into small pieces, in 2–3 liters of water (this is important, since the decoction is used in the appetizer). To the boiled beets add 200 g of grated horseradish and a large lemon cut into quarters. Dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of decoction. spoon of salt and 2 – sugar, pour the workpiece. The beets in the appetizer should sit for at least 3-4 days, and you can try it.

Green horseradish

We are used to the fact that tomato sauce turns sauces red. What if you take green tomatoes? No, not just unripe fruits, but special green-colored varieties. There are such ones - Doctor Green, Golden Zebra, Emerald Pear, etc. When ripe, they are sweet and fleshy.

For 1 kg of unusual green tomatoes you will need:

  • 4 chili peppers (green so that nothing stands out from the color scheme);
  • 300 g grated horseradish roots;
  • 1 large head of garlic, squeezed through a garlic press;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

Beat the tomatoes and peppers in a blender until pureed, combine with the garlic and horseradish paste, and add salt. An unusual emerald appetizer will decorate any holiday table.

Horseradish appetizer with apple

A savory appetizer with a delicate texture is made from horseradish and baked apples. Required sauce ingredients:

  • horseradish – 100 g;
  • green, sour apples – 2–3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2–3 cloves;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • apple cider vinegar – 2 teaspoons.
Bake the apples, peel and core them, puree them in a blender. Pass the horseradish through a fine-mesh meat grinder, squeeze out the garlic, combine with the apple and beat together again with a blender. Salt the sauce, if necessary, add sugar, pour in apple cider vinegar. If the appetizer is served immediately, it is advisable not to use vinegar. It is more needed as a preservative.

Marinate horseradish for the winter

During the season (summer, autumn), it is better to eat freshly prepared horseradish snacks, but you want to stock up on hot seasoning for the winter. One option is to store the roots in the cellar. If this is not possible, you will have to marinate the appetizer.

That is, the main taste quality of horseradish, which distinguishes it from other herbs, is its pungency.

In the Slavic culinary tradition, horseradish as a seasoning began to be grown in the 8th-9th centuries. and over time takes a worthy place in Russian national cuisine. Along with horseradish in our traditions, it is used as seasonings and spices, and.

Beneficial properties of horseradish and its effect on the human body

In addition to proteins, fats, fiber and carbohydrates, horseradish contains essential oils, a number of useful microelements, phytoncides, vitamins C, B and E, as well as folic acid. In terms of the content of substances beneficial to the body, horseradish is quite comparable to everything known, or.

The most valuable component of horseradish is the enzyme myrosin, which has unique antimicrobial properties.

Regular use of horseradish seasoning will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cope with problems in the genitourinary system and skin diseases.

Horseradish is also useful for people who often suffer from colds of various types, since, like or, it contains essential oils.

Culinary features

The smell of horseradish roots is sharp, fragrant and pungent. Comparable in pungency to horseradish, horseradish has a complex flavor bouquet: initially sweetish with a transition to a burning aftertaste. The plant is actively used in Russian traditional cuisine for the preparation of pickled vegetables, sauces and seasonings.

In almost all cuisines of the world there is a plant that has the same properties as horseradish.

Horseradish serves as an excellent addition to any type of meat, fatty fish (salmon, trout, eel), various snacks, etc. Adding lemon juice and sugar to horseradish will significantly improve the taste of the seasoning, and sour cream and apples will soften the spiciness.

Horseradish is traditionally used for...

However, let's get back to cooking horseradish.

General rules for choosing the root and its preparation

If you decide to make horseradish preparation for the winter, then It’s worth considering a few general rules:

  • The optimal period for harvesting horseradish roots is considered to be late autumn, when the plant has managed to fully ripen;
  • the roots should be fleshy, from 30 to 40 cm in length and 3-6 cm in diameter;
  • Horseradish roots dry out quite quickly, so they must be stored in cold water for 3-6 hours;
  • chopped horseradish will not darken if you sprinkle it with a little lemon juice or vinegar;
  • Before chopping, place the peeled horseradish roots in the freezer. This will help get rid of irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes when preparing horseradish seasoning;
  • Store the remaining grated horseradish roots in a cool place in an airtight container and later use them to prepare seasoning, diluting with water.

Traditional seasoning recipe

To prepare the classic version of horseradish you will need:

  • 1 kg horseradish roots;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 glass of boiling water;

Horseradish root can be grated, chopped with a blender or meat grinder.

If you use a meat grinder, do not forget to wrap the part from which the horseradish pulp comes out in a bag.

In this case, you will get rid of irritation in the eyes and nose. At the end of cooking, pour a glass of boiling water into the resulting mass to obtain a porridge-like consistency.

Place in sterilized small jars, adding 1-2 drops of lemon juice to each, and place in a cool place for long-term storage. This seasoning can be stored for about four months.

With tomatoes and garlic

If you want to give horseradish seasoning a special piquancy and spiciness, then all you need to do is add two ingredients.

Prepare the following foods in advance:

  • 1.5 kg chopped horseradish;
  • 4 cloves, peeled;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 1.5 kg.

In this recipe, all ingredients are crushed at the same time. Next, add salt and sugar to the resulting mass of garlic, horseradish and tomatoes.

Horseradish prepared in this way will be sharper if it sits in the refrigerator for about two days.

With beet juice

The beet juice will give the horseradish seasoning a beautiful pink hue, which will give the preparation originality.

For the recipe you will need:

  • 400 g horseradish roots;
  • 150-200 g of water;
  • 150 g vinegar consistency 9%;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. beet juice.

Wash the horseradish roots thoroughly under cool running water and chop.

Then season the grated horseradish poured with boiling water with salt and sugar, leaving to cool for 15 minutes.

While the horseradish is cooling, you can make freshly squeezed juice from it. Add vinegar and the resulting beet juice to the cooled horseradish mass and mix thoroughly.

With apple

Apple sauce made with horseradish will not leave lovers of meat dishes indifferent.

The list of required ingredients is as follows:

  • 100 g chopped horseradish root;
  • half a glass of meat broth;
  • 1.5 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil;
  • 1 green apple;
  • 1.5 tsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

First, mix the horseradish with the chopped apple and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Next, add chopped parsley, vinegar and broth. Finally, season with olive oil and let sit for about 2-4 hours.

This seasoning has a particularly mild taste and will appeal to those who prefer non-spicy sauces. - the most frequent guests on our table and are used in different combinations, for example, when or separately they are used.

Horseradish root seasoning, prepared at home, will become an integral decoration for both everyday and holiday tables.

Horseradish preparations should be served in small gravy boats, as the pungent smell can overwhelm the taste of other dishes.

Having an original taste, horseradish seasoning goes well with various dishes and adds a touch of piquancy to them.



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