Mirror glaze. Mirror glaze - the perfect DIY cake Yogurt cake with mirror glaze recipe

Mirror glaze. Mirror glaze - the perfect DIY cake Yogurt cake with mirror glaze recipe

Many people think that mirror glaze is just a Photoshop job on pictures. But in fact, such a result is quite easy to obtain if you prepare the decoration according to a proven recipe. This is exactly what we will tell you about in this article.

A cake with mirror glaze has a glossy, mirror-like surface. Modern confectioners often use these secrets to transform mousse desserts, traditional cakes and pastries. Glaze coating can be white, chocolate or colored.

In the old days, craftsmen deftly sculpted figures from mastic or decorated sweets with syrup. Today this is already a thing of the past and many are interested in which glaze recipe will allow them to recreate the surface of a cake that looks like a mirror. Let all your household and guests be amazed by your skill and professionalism in culinary matters.

How easy it is to prepare mirror glaze

All ingredients that go into a cake with mirror glaze must be preheated, because the main point is the temperature control. So, all the secrets of mirror glaze are presented below and step by step:

  1. The optimal whipping temperature should be 30 degrees. But the indicators are allowed to vary within 29-39º.
  2. It is important that the cake is well frozen before frosting. You need to take it out of the freezer immediately before applying a mirror coating to its surface.
  3. If your goal is to make beautiful streaks on the cake, then you should maintain the lowest possible temperature of 20-30 degrees. As the temperature increases, the streaks may harden into puddles.
  4. Hot, shiny icing can leave gaps and lighter spots that can ruin the appearance of the cake.
  5. The formation of condensation is also unacceptable, because as a result, the mirror glaze for the cake may wrinkle.
  6. The mass is stored in the refrigerator for a short time; before reuse, it must be reheated.

It is also necessary to take into account that it is necessary to work with glaze immediately after its production. In the refrigerator, the mirror glaze for the cake is stored in a container covered with cling film for no more than a day.

The most common mistakes

Before you cover the cake, you need to anticipate and avoid the most common mistakes.

A thin layer of glaze after application, as a result, the sides are visible:

  1. The syrup was cooked incorrectly, meaning it turned out liquid. Most likely, the temperature regime was not achieved taking into account the recommendations.
  2. Multicolored colored glaze must also have a certain temperature when applied to the cake. Most likely, this indicator was lower or higher than expected.
  3. This discrepancy with expectations could have occurred due to the gelatin being pressed incorrectly initially. Excess moisture can cause an unevenly distributed, smooth and runny coating.
  4. As a reminder, the cake must be thoroughly cooled or chilled before decorating.

The prepared glaze turned out to be too thick or came in lumps:

  1. You need to quickly remove the syrup during cooking when it reaches a temperature of 29-39 degrees. Then the covered cake will become tasty and beautiful.
  2. During application the operating temperature was below optimal. The glaze set ahead of time.

What actions need to be taken in case air bubbles for some reason form on the surface of the decor and freeze in this form:

  • while mixing the workpiece, you worked too quickly and actively;
  • using equipment - the blender should be held at an angle of 45 degrees and only the bowl should be rotated;
  • a day after you store the mirror glaze in the refrigerator, the foam with bubbles must be carefully removed with a tablespoon;
  • To cover cakes with your own hands, you should repeatedly pass the cakes through a sieve with small shakes.

Reasons why the mirror glaze became matte and deformed:

  • glucose syrup and dessert should be removed directly from the refrigerator before application;
  • Initially, before coating, you should wipe the dessert with a warm, dry palm.

Simple but invaluable tips:

  1. Silicone molds must be not just good, but of the highest quality.
  2. The cake should be removed from the cake very carefully.
  3. When freezing the cakes, the freezer compartment must be empty. Place the cake on a flat surface, such as a cutting board.

Video of making mirror glaze


Mirror glaze with invert syrup

Here is a recipe for mirror glaze with invert syrup, using which you can create a real culinary masterpiece. Here is a step-by-step recipe that you need to follow carefully:

  1. It is necessary to soak the gelatin in ice water. If you can’t find sheet gelatin, take regular powdered gelatin. But in this case, stick to exact proportions. Calculate 1:6 gelatin to water. This means that if there are 12 g of gelatin powder in a bag, then you need to take 72 g of water and put the container aside. The powder needs to swell for one hour.
  2. Chopped chocolate and condensed milk melted in a steam bath are added to the bowl of a submersible blender.
  3. In a separate iron bowl, mix water, sugar and glucose syrup in the amount indicated in the list of ingredients. Over low heat, you need to melt the mixture, but do not stir with a spoon, but only slightly move the metal container from side to side.
  4. The thermometer will tell you when to remove the mixture from the heat. When you see the 103 degree mark, you should remove the pan from the heat and set it aside. If you overcook the future glaze, it will thicken and nothing can be done with it, and if you don’t overcook it, it will drip. Gaps will appear on the surface.
  5. Add the squeezed gelatin (this is what creates the shine on the surface) and the syrup prepared on the stove into the blender bowl.
  6. Before blending all the prepared ingredients, you should check the operating temperature. It should be 85 degrees, pour everything into the mass and knead gently.
  7. Add a couple drops of food coloring and run the blender on low speed. Lightly beat all the ingredients into a single mass. Add more coloring if there is not enough. But remember that when frozen, the glaze looks brighter.
  8. With this method of preparing glaze, the blender should be held at an angle of 45 degrees. You only need to rotate the bowl. There shouldn't be a lot of bubbles while whipping.
  9. Leave the mixture in the bowl, covered with cling film. To obtain a glossy effect and stabilize the consistency, place the prepared mass in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Usually at night.
  10. If in the morning you press on the mass and it springs back, then you did everything right.
  11. During further preparation of the mirror glaze, you should melt it in the microwave and then beat it again with a blender before applying it to the cake. But you should carefully monitor the temperature. The operating temperature should be 30-35 degrees. It can be adjusted if necessary.
  12. The mixture must then be passed through a sieve to remove excess air bubbles and poured into a jug with a spout. The last step will make the process of confectionery decoration easier.
  13. Remove the cake from the freezer and immediately cover the dessert with the prepared frosting. Don't forget to monitor the temperature.
  14. If the colored mirror glaze sits for several minutes, condensation may form on its surface. This is the main reason why glossy glaze can run off.
  15. If there is any glaze left, you can store it under cling film in the refrigerator. Just warm it up before coating.

If you did everything correctly, you can even see your reflection on the surface of the confectionery decoration.

Ingredients and how to cook

Having mastered the recipe for mirror glaze at home, you will master other options for preparing this amazing confectionery decoration. To do this you will need:

  • gelatin sheets;
  • water - 75 g (using a kitchen scale, you need to weigh it in g, not ml);
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • invert syrup – 150 g;
  • white chocolate – 150 g;
  • condensed milk – 100 g;
  • food colorings, which can be purchased in special confectionery departments.

All of the products listed are available and sold in regular stores and supermarkets. Having mastered the recipe for mirror glaze and acquired all the necessary ingredients, you can call yourself a master in the confectionery business. You can make red, green and even black cake coating.

Equipment required for cooking

To prepare the glaze, everything must be planned with great precision. Therefore, as inventory you will need:

  • cooking thermometer;
  • kitchen electronic scales;
  • immersion blender with a high bowl.

A culinary thermometer that allows you to measure the required temperature. If the icing reads low on the thermometer, it will be difficult to distribute on the surface of the cake. Otherwise, too warm a glaze may spread and is unlikely to resemble mirror glass after hardening.

The same can be said about the accuracy in measuring the weight of each ingredient. You shouldn’t do everything by eye - this is the biggest mistake in making colored glaze.

And with the help of an immersion blender, you will be able to achieve the required consistency, which will then need to be used to coat the delicacy.

What to do if there is no glucose syrup

In this case, you can use honey instead of glucose syrup. The honey taste and aroma will only be an additional plus for your delicacy.

You need to take:

  • water – 75 g;
  • leaf gelatin – 12 g;
  • condensed milk – 100 g;
  • white chocolate, sugar, liquid natural honey - you should take 150 g of each ingredient;
  • food coloring.

The recipe for making glass glaze with honey is similar to the basic one, which uses invert syrup. It is only important to follow one basic rule: honey must be liquid. And for this you need to melt it in a steam bath.

Alternatively, you can also make this syrup yourself. The result will be a white mirror glaze, and if you add dye, it will be colored.

Storage in the refrigerator, covered with cling film, is possible for up to 1 month.

  • sugar – 350 g;
  • hot water 155 ml;
  • citric acid – 2/3 teaspoon;
  • baking soda – 1.5 g.

Step by Step Actions

  1. Add sugar to hot water, stir the mixture well until the sugar dissolves. Then put it on the fire and keep it there until it boils.
  2. After the mixture boils, you need to add citric acid to it and let it simmer under the lid for another 20 minutes. Please note that the syrup should be light golden in color.
  3. Soda must be diluted with a dessert spoon of water. The presented mixture must be poured into the syrup. Something like an explosion will happen. Just wait and the homemade syrup will be ready when all the bubbles have subsided. The consistency will be very similar to honey.

Mirror chocolate glaze

When making at home, mirror glaze made from chocolate is considered a favorite. This decoration is perfect for such delicacies as “Daniella”, “Bird’s milk”, and looks great with all kinds of mousses. Also, a cake with mirror glaze looks great in the company of a variety of sprinkles, mastic, candied flowers, and also in combination with other shades of confectionery coating. The glossy icing on the cake is very beautiful in appearance, but it will also exceed all your expectations in taste.

Ingredients you will need:

  • a packet of gelatin;
  • sugar – 240 g;
  • water – 96;
  • molasses (you can also take liquid honey, or prepare it yourself) – 80 g;
  • heavy cream (more than 30%) – 160 g;
  • cocoa powder – 80 g;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet;
  • crushed or crushed dark chocolate – 50g.

Step by step recipe

  1. First, soak the gelatin in water. Follow the instructions on the package. If you threw away a bag with a detailed description, then you will need our hint. It is necessary to pour gelatin powder with water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the product per half glass of liquid. Leave the gelatin to swell in water for 1 hour. Remember that instant gelatin swells in half an hour.
  2. Now you should prepare a water bath in which you place a container with swollen gelatin. Bring until completely dissolved, stirring continuously. Secret: if you let the gelatin boil, the protein and collagen will be destroyed, after which the dish itself will no longer harden. If you were unable to achieve the desired result, the correct solution would be to throw away the boiled gelatin; it will no longer be suitable for use. The filling on the cake will not work if you add spoiled gelatin to it.
  3. Add sugar, cocoa and vanillin to a separate container and mix until smooth. Gradually add cream and water. Do this very carefully.
  4. The mirror glaze mixture will gradually heat up on the stove and boil. Watch carefully and mix it with a whisk. When you prepare a glossy glaze, remember that it will stick to the sides of the dish.
  5. Then add the previously crushed dark chocolate and let the mixture cool slightly.
  6. Gelatin makes the treat glossy and mirror-like. This means it’s time to add it to the preparation and mix well.
  7. Strain the mixture through a strainer, leave it in the refrigerator to stabilize for at least 20 hours and begin decorating the confectionery product.
  8. We remind you that the working temperature for decorating cakes is 37 degrees.

Now you know how to make mirror glaze from cocoa. It looks very impressive on numerous confectionery masterpieces.

And let's add a couple of secrets at the end

  1. When cutting a cake with glossy icing, problems often arise. Sometimes the glaze can stick to the knife, what should I do about it? There is a solution and the recipe is very simple - you need to cool the dessert very much and heat the knife well. Then you shouldn't have any problems in the future.
  2. If you decide to let the cake harden in the mold, then you need to carefully remove it from there. To do this, use ring tape.
  3. A thick layer of glaze can also be leveled using a spatula.

Experienced chefs can prepare a delicious cake with mirror glaze, but many beginners can do it without any problems if they adhere to the operating temperature and all the nuances of the cooking technology.

Mirror glaze is a spectacular glossy coating for modern cakes and pastries.

It is most often used in mousse desserts, but sometimes it is also used to cover traditional cakes, although in this case, as a rule, not completely, but only the top, so that the glaze drips down in beautiful drips.

1. Recipe with chocolate and condensed milk:

75 g water
-150 g sugar

-100 g condensed milk
-12 g gelatin (180 bloom) or 10 g gelatin (200 bloom)
-150 g white chocolate (milk, dark)

Simply pour the gelatin in the leaves with a large amount of cold water (if it is powder, then pour 6 parts of water into 1 part of gelatin, you will get a gelatin mass, then use all of it).

Bring water, sugar and glucose to 103C, you can immediately add dye.
Pour over chocolate, condensed milk, add gelatin, you can add more coloring. Punch with a blender.
Cover with cling film and refrigerate overnight.

Operating temperature 33-35C. But be guided by the consistency of the glaze.

2. Icing with cocoa powder:

25 g water
-115 g heavy cream
-160 g sugar
-50 g cocoa powder
-6 g gelatin

Soak gelatin in cold water.

Bring water, cream and sugar to a boil. Add squeezed gelatin.
Pour cocoa powder into a glass, pour in our boiling mixture, and puree with a blender.

Cool in the refrigerator overnight. Operating temperature 35C.

3. Chocolate and cream glaze:

265 g chocolate
-6 g gelatin
-175 g heavy cream
-40 g water
-30 g glucose syrup 43%
-25 g odorless vegetable oil
Soak gelatin in cold water. Melt the chocolate.

Bring the cream, water and glucose to a boil, pour over the chocolate, add gelatin, pour in the butter and puree with a blender. Operating temperature 37C.

4. Colored cream icing:

180 g sugar
-45 g water
-200 g cream 35%
-45 g milk
-60 g glucose syrup 43%
-6 g gelatin

Soak gelatin in cold water. Bring cream and milk to a boil.
Separately, bring water and sugar to 110C, add to cream and milk.

Stir in glucose and cook until smooth. Add gelatin.
Operating temperature 30C.

5. Berry glaze with pectin:

90 g sugar
-8 g pectin NH
-15 g glucose syrup 43%
-195 g seedless berry puree or juice
-145 g water
-6 g gelatin

Heat the puree, water and glucose. Add sugar and pectin, bring to a boil, stirring.

Boil for 1-2 minutes. Add the swollen gelatin. Operating temperature 30C.

6. Glaze on berry puree:

100 g berry puree
-70 g milk
-45 g cream 33%
-25 g sugar
-45 g glucose syrup 43%
-320 g white chocolate
-7 g gelatin

Soak gelatin in cold water. Bring the puree, milk, cream, sugar and glucose to a boil, pour in the chocolate.

Add gelatin, beat with a blender. Operating temperature 28C.

7. Glaze on berry puree. Option 2:

500 g berry puree
-2 vanilla pods
-160 g water
-150 g glucose syrup 43%
-185 g sugar
-18 g pectin NH
-50 g gelatin mass
-80 g cold-cooked neutral glaze

Bring water, puree, vanilla seeds and glucose to a boil. Add sugar and pectin. Bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes.

Add gelatin mass and neutral glaze. Punch with a blender. Operating temperature 70C.

8. Caramel glaze:

170 g sugar
-140 g water
-140 g heavy cream
-23 g sugar
-14 g cornstarch
-7 g gelatin

Make dry caramel from 170 g of sugar. Simultaneously heat water and cream to a boil.

Pour into the prepared caramel and stir gently. Add sugar (23g) with cornstarch, bring to a boil, brew for 1 minute.

Add the swollen gelatin. Operating temperature 25C.

9. Cream icing:

180 g heavy cream
-260 g sugar
-70 g water
-20 g gelatin

Soak gelatin in cold water. Boil sugar and water to 120C, pour into hot cream, stirring constantly.

Add gelatin and coloring. Punch with a blender. Operating temperature 33-34C.

10. Chocolate glaze:

130 g sugar
-130 g glucose syrup 43%
-55 g water
-10 g gelatin
-71 g milk
-15 g milk powder
-165 g chocolate

Bring sugar, glucose and water to a boil. Mix milk with milk powder, add to sugar syrup, bring to a boil.

Add gelatin, pour over chocolate, add coloring. Punch with a blender. Operating temperature 27-28C.

11. Chocolate glaze No. 2:

795 g sugar
-285 g water
-160 g cocoa powder
-170 g cream 33%
-27 g gelatin
-100 g dark chocolate

Bring sugar, water, cocoa, cream to a boil. Add gelatin.

Cool to 67C, pour over chocolate. Punch with a blender. Operating temperature 30C.

12. Chocolate glaze:

360 g sugar
-120 g cocoa powder
-280 g water
-210 g cream
-22 g gelatin

Pour sugar into a saucepan and sift cocoa on top. Make a well in the center and, stirring constantly, add water.

Place the pan with the pasta on the heat and add the cream. Over medium heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, cook for 3 minutes.

Remove from heat, add soaked gelatin. Strain through a sieve. Operating temperature 33-35C.

13. Chocolate glaze with condensed milk:

22.5 g gelatin
-125 g water
-225 g sugar
-225 g glucose syrup 43%
-225 g white chocolate
-160 g condensed milk
-90 g neutral glaze

Bring sugar, water and glucose to a boil, pour over chocolate, condensed milk and gelatin.

Punch with a blender. Add neutral glaze. Punch with a blender.

14. Praline Glaze:

600 g almond praline
-300 g heavy cream
-900 g neutral glaze
-100 g water
-16 g gelatin

Heat the neutral glaze to 70-80C. Heat the cream, add soaked gelatin and praline. Punch with a blender.

Add neutral glaze and water, beat with a blender. Operating temperature 35C.

15. Chocolate glaze:

150 g water
-250 g sugar
-100 g cocoa powder
-150 g heavy cream
-15 g gelatin

Heat water and sugar until sugar dissolves. While stirring, add cocoa powder and cream. Bring to a boil, stirring with a whisk. Strain through a sieve.

Cool to 5-60C, add swollen gelatin.
Operating temperature 27-28C.

16. Coffee frosting with chocolate and caramel:

10 g gelatin
-250 g fine sugar
-415 g heavy cream
-125 g condensed milk
-165 g milk chocolate
-84 g chilled espresso

Prepare dry caramel, pour hot cream. Add condensed milk, swollen gelatin, pour over chocolate, add expresso. Punch with a blender. Operating temperature 36-38C.

Cake Recipes

I want to introduce you to my recipe for beginners with a video on how to make a delicious Mousse Cake with mirror glaze. To prepare it you will need

25 h

265 kcal

4.75/5 (44)

Inventory: mixer, blender, sieve, cling film, cake pan, strip of thin plastic, wire rack, bowls, pans.

Elegant in appearance, tasty and tender inside - this is just a brief description of the Mousse Cake with mirror glaze, which is not an easy baking recipe. However, mousse cakes with an elegant glossy surface can become a true decoration of the holiday table, so you can learn how to prepare them step by step at home. These cakes are good with a mousse layer mixed with strawberries, blueberries, and chocolate. Multi-colored complex options are beautiful not only on the outside but also in cross-section. You can, of course, search online for a master class offered by some famous chef, but why? You can easily cope with this task without a microscope, just by reading the step-by-step recipe with pictures on the page below.

I want to introduce you to my recipe for beginners with a video on how to make a delicious glazed mousse cake with mirror glaze. To prepare it you will need to stock up on enough time and patience. But it's worth it.

A simple recipe for making chocolate mousse cake with mirror glaze

Our cake will consist of a brownie base, white and blueberry mousses, and a colored mirror glaze that is used to cover the top of the cake.

General composition of required ingredients

We will need:

Sugar 300 g
Salt 1 pinch
Eggs 3 pcs.
Flour 100 g
Baking powder 1 tsp.
Butter 50 g
Vanilla On the tip of a knife
Powdered gelatin 50 g
Water 370 ml
Fat cottage cheese 240 g
Cream 33% 400 ml
Powdered sugar 50 g
Corn starch 1 tsp.
Blueberry 100 g
Condensed milk 100 g
Non-porous white chocolate 300 g
Molasses/invert syrup 150 g
Food coloring Of necessity

We'll use brownies as a base. It's essentially a chocolate sponge cake.

Cooking brownies

For this we need:

  • 100 g sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g flour;
  • one teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 50 g butter;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife

What other cake layers are suitable for the base of a mousse cake? The base can also be shortbread. You can bake it yourself or make it from sandy cookies.

Shortbread base


  • 50 g butter;
  • 300 g shortbread cookies;
  • 50 g condensed milk.

While the biscuit is cooling, let's prepare the mousse.

Preparing the mousse

We will prepare it in two colors: white and blueberry. You can make just one color or replace the blueberries with other berries.

White mousse

Required list of products:

  • 20 g powdered gelatin;
  • 2 squirrels;
  • 120 ml. water;
  • 240 g soft fat cottage cheese;
  • 200 ml. 33% cream;
  • 1 1/2 bars of white chocolate;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife.

You can replace white chocolate with black. This will make chocolate mousse. It can be used in .

Blueberry mousse

We need to take:

  • 20 g gelatin;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 120 ml. water;
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of cornstarch;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 100 g blueberries;
  • 200 ml. 33% cream.

Mirror glaze

It is best to prepare it immediately before use.

Colored glaze (glaze)

Glasage is the name of the colored glaze that is poured on top of cakes. The glaze contains molasses or invert syrup. They are interchangeable. I’ll tell you how to make this syrup yourself below.

We will need:

  • 100 g condensed milk;
  • 75 + 60 ml. water;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 150 g non-porous white chocolate;
  • 150 g molasses/invert syrup;
  • 10 g or 2 teaspoons without a slide of gelatin;
  • food coloring (if necessary).

Preparing invert syrup

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of warm water;
  • 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 1/4 teaspoon of soda.

Instead of colored glaze, you can make chocolate glaze.

Chocolate glaze

You need to take:

  • 75 + 60 ml. water;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. level spoons of dry cocoa;
  • 40 ml. (2 tbsp) cream;
  • 100 g molasses/invert syrup;
  • 10 g or 2 teaspoons of powdered gelatin;
  • 1/4 bar of dark chocolate.

Prepare gelatin and invert syrup as indicated in the recipe for colored glaze.

This glaze can also be used to cover “Bird’s Milk Cake with Gelatin” or “Bird’s Milk Cake Classic Recipe.”

If sweets were given an Academy Award, mousse cakes would no doubt garner an impressive collection of gold-plated statuettes. A juicy sponge cake, a cloud of airy mousse with a delicious surprise in the form of a crunchy crumble or sweet confrey inside, and on top of all this splendor - a shiny mirror glaze or, if a professional with a culinary spray gun in hand gets to work, fleecy velor. A real masterpiece of taste! Believe me, such a cake is worth spending time, effort, and some money on its preparation.

Mousse perfection

While the whole world enthusiastically devoured Napoleon and Sacher cakes coated with cream on holidays or savored the delicate Tiramisu, European confectioners worked hard, coming up with something special to amaze the public, satiated with classic desserts. And they didn’t waste their time in vain, since through their efforts such a miracle of culinary thought was born as a mousse cake, which in one fell swoop broke all stereotypes about what this delicacy should look like.

First of all, a mousse cake has only one cake layer, which serves as the basis for the entire dessert. This role is usually played by the “king of baking” sponge cake: classic, vanilla, honey, chiffon, marzipan. It happens that at the base of the delicacy there is a chocolate brownie, and an exquisite nutty dacquoise cake, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and almond Mona Lisa, and even shortbread dough.

Above the sponge cake rises a lush head of mousse - fruit, berry, nut, creamy, chocolate or coffee. And inside awaits the eater a filling of wafer crumbs, nuts, chocolate, custard or fruit and berry puree thickened with gelatin. It all depends on the confectioner’s intentions.

The crust, filling and mousse are the “three pillars” of the famous dessert

However, mousse cakes are renowned not only for their exquisite flavor and texture combinations, but also for their spectacular appearance, so none of them can be considered complete without an impressive coating. We won’t talk about “velor” desserts this time; they can only be made with the help of special devices, which makes no sense to shell out for if you are not a professional chef. But let’s mention the mirror glaze, which turns the dessert into either a huge Christmas tree decoration or an exquisite candy. She's definitely worth it.

Mousse cake is a difficult delicacy. Depending on the recipe, its preparation can take from 2–3 hours to a day (keep in mind the fact that most mousse cakes take 8–12 hours to reach condition in the refrigerator). Without sufficient dexterity, it is difficult to master such work in one sitting, so beginners can take advantage of the experience of the author of the article. Since the eternal workload, coupled with equally eternal laziness and slight sloppiness, did not allow the creator of this opus to devote several hours in a row to baking, the idea came to break the preparation of the cake into stages. So on the first day the sponge cake was born, on the second the fruit confit for the filling was prepared and frozen, on the third the mousse was whipped and the cake was assembled, and on the fourth it was time for the glaze. As a result, the dessert reached the table on time, although not without some hiccups.

Gallery of mousse cakes with mirror glaze

Two cake layers is no longer a classic, but it is also a completely acceptable option. If you purchase a spectacular shape, the cake will turn out even more beautiful. Confry, coulis, compote - there are a lot of filling options Mousse cakes look impressive Design plays a significant role Do you agree, it looks delicious? It’s no wonder that mousse desserts are gaining popularity This delicacy will be a credit to any housewife. A real work of art!

What is mousse and how is it prepared?

Although the cake is nominally the base of the dessert, the exponentially growing popularity of cakes is based on a completely different component. Namely, on a sweet mousse, which is churned on the basis of heavy cream, curd cheese or custard. It almost always contains gelatin, thanks to which the sweet cloud gains elasticity and easily holds its given shape, without losing one of its main qualities - lightness.

The exact composition of the mousse depends on the preferences of the cook or the eaters for whom he is creating his delicacy, but it is not recommended to select ingredients at random. Do not forget that there will be a filling inside the mousse, which should be combined with it to taste, so it is better for inexperienced cooks not to experiment in this matter, but to follow the recipe exactly.

Whipping the mousse is the penultimate step in cake preparation, after which the sweet masterpiece is assembled into a mold and sent to the refrigerator or freezer before moving on to the final touch, that is, applying a mirror coating (glaze).

Glamorous glaze

If mirror glaze is not the most significant flavor component of a mousse cake, then its role in the design of the dessert is difficult to overestimate. It is she who gives the delicacy that very impressive look that will make the guests collectively let out a sigh of admiration.

Sometimes a second layer of base glaze is applied on top of the first layer, which allows you to create spectacular streaks on the surface of the cake.

Mirror glaze differs from the glaze familiar to cooks, which usually covers homemade baked goods, in several ways:

  • it is truly mirror-like, that is, glossy and shiny, reminiscent of molten glass;
  • it requires a certain heating temperature, which most chefs recommend not trying to determine by eye, but using a culinary thermometer;
  • it is not applied with a spatula or spatula, but is carefully poured onto the top of the cake, having previously placed it on a wire rack with a base.

As a rule, mirror glaze includes glucose (invert) syrup or molasses. And also water, condensed milk, sugar, chocolate, cocoa, cream, vanilla, coloring and anything else the cook thinks of adding to it.

Video: how to prepare invert syrup for glazing

Recipes for making mousse cakes

  1. Silicone cake mold. You can get by without a silicone one, it will just be easier to remove the delicacy prepared for glazing from this one.
  2. Cake ring or smaller sponge tin. Don't forget, it will have to be completely hidden under the mousse.
  3. Small shaped molds, like those in which you freeze ice, for the filling.
  4. Mixer or blender (it is advisable to have both on hand, since a mixer is convenient for whipping mousse, and an immersion blender will be very useful when preparing icing).
  5. A spatula or, at worst, a wide flat knife to distribute the glaze over the surface of the cake and easily move the cake from place to place.
  6. Fighting spirit and smile.

As mentioned above, professionals use a special thermometer to create mirror glaze. If you have one, great. If not, use your own discretion. The author of this article, for example, decided that it’s not worth spending money on something that you don’t plan to use in the future. Perhaps this is precisely why, or perhaps because the hands were not quite straight (this option cannot be ruled out either), the glaze turned out to be far from being as smooth and mirror-like as the author imagined in his dreams. Which, however, did not in any way affect the taste of the cake, so decide for yourself.

Silicone molds make the task much easier

  • classic cake with berries;
  • “sunny” pumpkin cake;
  • “Three Chocolates” cake;
  • and just chocolate cake with nuts.

But in order not to re-describe the preparation stages common to all mousse cakes each time, we divided the article into blocks:

  • baking biscuits;
  • preparing the filling;
  • preparing mousse;
  • glaze recipe;
  • assembling the cake.

Let's get started?

Baking a biscuit

Although mousse-based desserts saw the light of day in the 18th-19th centuries of the last millennium, mousse cakes are a relatively young delicacy, so it’s too early to talk about classics in the traditional sense. Any mousse cake that has three parts in its composition can be called conventionally classic: sponge cake, creamy mousse and berry filling. You will find just such a recipe below. But if you want to try a cake with a crunchy nut layer inside or make it out of three types of mousse, you will have that opportunity.

Honey cake for a classic cake with berries

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 150–160 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 7–8 g;
  • honey - 20–25 g;
  • sugar - 65 g;
  • soda - 1\2 tsp.


  1. Combine honey, butter and sugar in a ladle or saucepan and heat over medium heat until the sugar dissolves and the mass becomes homogeneous. Don't be alarmed if the mixture darkens a little during cooking, this is normal.

    Once heated, the mixture will darken slightly.

  2. Remove the saucepan from the heat, add baking soda and stir vigorously. There is no need to extinguish it with vinegar or lemon; high temperature and honey will do this for you, as will be indicated by the foam appearing in the saucepan and the mass increasing in volume.

    The mass will begin to bubble and increase in size.

  3. Beat in the eggs, gradually add flour and knead the dough. Be careful here: you may need a little less flour than indicated in the recipe, so add it in parts and watch the consistency of the dough. As soon as it becomes elastic, the goal is achieved.

    After adding flour the dough lightened

  4. Roll out the dough on a floured table into a layer 5–7 mm thick.

    The cake requires a crust 1–2 cm thick.

  5. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper, prick with a fork in several places and bake in an oven preheated to 180° for 5-10 minutes.

    The dough, pricked with a fork, will not puff up during baking.

  6. Let the cake cool slightly and then cut the cake to fit the pan.

    The cake is ready!

If you manage to find buckwheat or linden honey in the store - or better yet, in the market - the aroma of the baked goods will be more intense. You can opt for chestnut, but it tends to impart a slight tartness to the dough, which not everyone will like.

Soft sponge cake for pumpkin cake

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 50 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 1\2 tsp;
  • butter.


  1. Arm yourself with a mixer and beat the eggs with sugar. The mass should increase in volume by about 2-3 times.

    Use a mixer, it's faster

  2. Sift the flour with baking powder and add it to the egg mixture, kneading the dough with a spatula from bottom to top.

    Sifted flour will add airiness to the dough

  3. Line a baking pan with parchment paper and grease the bottom and sides with butter.

    Nothing will burn or stick with parchment.

  4. Pour the dough into the mold and place in an oven preheated to 180° for a quarter of an hour.

    The biscuit is ready if there is no dough left on it after pricking it with a toothpick.

  5. Let the finished biscuit cool thoroughly and remove it from the mold.

    If the cake is too puffy, cut it lengthwise and freeze one half.

Savoiardi for Three Chocolates Cake

It seems that this cake just begs for a chocolate or coffee base. But there will be plenty of chocolate in this dessert, so we suggest you prepare something different: a sponge cake based on the recipe for savoiardi dough - the same one from which soft, melt-on-the-tongue cookies for Tiramisu are baked.

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 50 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • powdered sugar - 30 g;
  • Baileys liqueur - 40 ml.


  1. Break the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Divide the sugar into two parts, adding one to the yolks and the other to the whites. Beat both: whites - into a stiff foam, yolks - until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

    Both the white and the yolk need to be beaten thoroughly

  2. Combine both masses, gently mixing them with a spatula.

    Mix with a spatula from top to bottom

  3. Without stopping using the spatula, add the sifted flour into the mixture.

    Add flour gradually

  4. Prepare a baking pan: line it with parchment and grease the sides with butter.

    Rub a piece of butter well around the sides of the pan.

  5. Place the dough in a plastic bag with the tip cut off (in case you don't have a piping bag with tips) and carefully, working from the center to the edges, release the dough into the mold in a spiral. Sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

    The dough can be transferred with a spoon, but it’s more convenient with a bag

  6. Bake the sponge cake in an oven preheated to 180° for 10–15 minutes, then let cool and soak in liqueur.

    If you plan to serve the cake to children, replace the liqueur with cocoa

Video: dacquoise for chocolate cake with nuts

Preparing the filling

The most common filling for mousse cake is probably berry and fruit cremeux (cremeux) and confrey. We suggest you prepare them. Sea buckthorn and orange go well with pumpkin mousse, and almost any berry goes well with classic creamy mousse, so you can choose according to your taste. Well, for the chocolate cake, since it was decided to put dacquoise at its base, we will prepare a crispy nut parlin. Only the “Three Chocolates” cake will be left without filling - its three multi-colored layers will already delight you with a rich palette of flavors.

Berry cream

You will need:

  • fresh or frozen berries - pitted cherries, raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries, blueberries - 130 g;
  • yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 5 g;
  • white chocolate, broken into small pieces - 40 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l. for sweet berries and 3–4 for sour ones.


  1. Puree the berries using a blender. If you use raspberries, rub them through a sieve to get rid of the seeds, which will ruin the consistency of the dessert and get stuck in your teeth.

    Choose berries according to your taste

  2. Soak the gelatin according to the instructions on the package, let it swell and add to the chocolate.

    Chocolate drops specially designed for melting are very convenient

  3. Beat the yolks with sugar until white.

    Turn mixer to high speed

  4. Add berry puree to the yolks, mix well and heat over low heat until thickened, constantly whisking vigorously with a fork or whisk.

    For inexperienced housewives, it is better to keep the puree in a water bath - this way it will definitely not burn

  5. Pour the thickened berry mass into a container where gelatin and chocolate are waiting in the wings, let them stand for 1-2 minutes, beat everything with a blender and cool to room temperature.

    Chocolate broken into small pieces will quickly melt into hot puree.

  6. Pour the cremeux into the cling film-lined cake ring to create a thin layer of filling. Or do it differently and put the berry mixture into molds - this way you will get figures that look good in the mousse. In both cases, the container with the berry mass will need to be placed in the freezer.

    Today in stores you can find forms for any occasion.

An excellent addition to the cream would be the confrey from the video recipe below. In this case, first make the confry, freeze it in a sponge tin, then pour the cream on top and put it back in the freezer. You will get a two-layer berry filling. In addition, confries can also be frozen in ice cube trays.

Video: cherry confrey

Crispy nut layer

You will need:

  • milk chocolate - 100 g;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • puffed rice - 80 g;
  • almond and hazelnut parline - 175 g.


  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in a steam bath along with butter.

    Place the bowl of chocolate in a water bath

  2. Add nut parlin and puffed rice. Mix everything well.

    A treat for real sweet tooths

  3. Spread the mixture into the bottom of a cling film or parchment lined cake tin and freeze.

    All you have to do is freeze the filling

Video: how to make parline

Whisk the mousse

Let's move on to the sweet “zest” of the sensational cakes - airy mousses that will crown your dessert. And since mousse, as a rule, is made according to the same scheme, we will give the recipe for its preparation in the form of a general algorithm, so as not to describe the same sequence of actions four times. Uncover your mixers!

So, you will need...

For a classic cake:

  • milk - 230 ml;
  • cream 33% fat - 400 ml;
  • white chocolate - 320 g;
  • gelatin - 12 g;
  • vanilla extract (can be replaced with cinnamon) - to taste.

For the pumpkin cake:

  • pulp of oven-baked and pureed pumpkin - 350–400 g;
  • cream 33% fat - 500 ml;
  • orange juice - 50–70 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 125 g;
  • gelatin - 25 g.

For the Three Chocolates cake:

  • dark bitter chocolate - 200 g;
  • milk chocolate - 200 g;
  • white chocolate - 200 g;
  • milk - 120 ml;
  • cream 33% fat - 900 ml;
  • butter - 90 g;
  • gelatin - 30 g.

For the chocolate mousse:

  • dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • milk - 220 ml;
  • cream 33% fat - 450 ml;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • vanilla extract - to taste.


  1. First, soak the gelatin as directed on the package.

    Gelatin should swell

  2. Next, prepare the base for the mousse:
    • for classic and chocolate, boil milk with the spice of your choice, add squeezed gelatin into it, and then add white chocolate broken into small pieces and stir the mass until it becomes homogeneous;

      Dissolve the chocolate in milk first, and then the gelatin.

    • for pumpkin - combine pumpkin puree, orange juice, powdered sugar and dissolved gelatin and mix until completely smooth;

      Your dessert will be full of vitamins

    • for the “Three Chocolates” cake, you will have to tinker, separately melting bitter, milk and white chocolate in different bowls, each with 30 g of butter and 60 ml of milk, and then add 1/3 of the prepared gelatin mass to all bowls.

      Each mousse has its own container

  3. Whip the pre-cooled cream to stiff peaks and stir it in parts into the prepared mousse base, cooled to a temperature of 35–40°. This must be done very carefully, moving the spatula from top to bottom, but efficiently - you should get a homogeneous mass without streaks or inclusions.

    No sudden movements! The cream should not fall off

Once the mousse is ready, you can proceed to assembling the cake.

Dessert assembly procedure

There's a sponge cake on the table, confry and parlin in the freezer, and you've just shaken the last drops of whipped mousse off your spatula... It's time to move on to the most interesting and important stage: assembling scattered sweet pieces into a single appetizing masterpiece. Moreover, you will not do this in the traditional way, starting with the base cake and ending with the top, but exactly the opposite, because mousse cakes are placed “upside down” in the mold.

You will only need half the mousse at first.

  • Return the pan to the table, spread the prepared filling over the slightly frozen mousse: berry confrey and cremeux - for a classic or pumpkin cake; parline - for chocolate.

    The sponge cake should neither protrude too much from the mousse nor sink into it.

  • Using a wide knife or spatula, remove any remaining mousse that has protruded from the edges, cover the pan with cling film and refrigerate for 8–12 hours. After this, the cake can be removed from the mold and turned over with the sponge side down. That's it, you can proceed to the final step - decorating the dessert with mirror glaze.

    All that remains is to decorate

  • If we are talking about the Three Chocolates cake, the assembly order remains the same. You simply skip the filling part and sequentially pour all three layers of mousse into the mold: white chocolate, milk chocolate and dark. Place each new layer in the freezer for 5-10 minutes to allow it to harden.

    Two glaze options

    The cake is almost ready, all that remains is to decide what glaze you will cover it with. We offer two options to choose from. The first recipe is a classic one, the same one used by professional chefs. The second glaze cannot rightfully be called a mirror glaze, but if you don’t have invert syrup on hand and don’t want to cook it, you can use the “budget” variation of glaze.

    Video: universal recipe for mirror glaze

    The glaze without invert syrup is not as mirror-like, but still delicious

    Video: coffee mousse cake Heart

    Methods for decorating mousse cakes - photo gallery

    Why not decorate the cake with marshmallows? Figured chocolates will come in handy And here we used two layers of glaze Dried berries? Why not? And a real artist worked here! Simple and sweet Romantic motifs are what you need for a birthday cake Makes me think of summer, right? For fantasy lovers You can buy chocolate decorative elements or make them yourself Sponge cake - “sponge cake” - a newfangled way to decorate cakes

    Video: how to decorate a mousse cake

    Mousse desserts sometimes look so that inexperienced housewives give up: is it really possible to prepare such beauty on your own?! It’s possible, don’t even doubt it! To do this, you don’t need to complete a culinary course or look for special ingredients in stores. All it takes is your ardent desire and a little diligence, and the mousse cake will certainly satisfy you, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

    Cake is a universal dessert suitable for any occasion. If previously the designated sweet was decorated with butter creams or mastic, modern confectioners use a different coating for these purposes. The mousse cake with mirror glaze, distinguished by its stylish appearance and delicate taste, has become especially popular.

    Basic DIY mirror glaze recipe

    Before you learn how to create a treat, you should figure out how to prepare its main component - mirror glaze. There are many interesting and tasty versions of this coating, but they are all based on the classic recipe.

    • 12 g gelatin;
    • 80 ml water;
    • 150 g glucose syrup;
    • 150 g sugar;
    • 150 g white chocolate;
    • 4 drops of dye;
    • 100 g condensed milk.
    1. Soak the gelatin.
    2. In a saucepan, combine sugar, glucose syrup with warm water. Transfer the mixture to the fire and bring to a boil.
    3. Pour the resulting syrup over the crushed chocolate and condensed milk placed in a blender bowl. Add gelatin here.
    4. Mix all the ingredients, combine them with the dye of the desired color and beat. If bubbles form on the surface of the resulting mass, strain the mixture through a sieve.
    5. Place the resulting glaze in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
    6. Before direct use, warm up the composition in the microwave.

    Advice. The prepared glaze must be decorated with the frozen cake immediately, otherwise condensation will appear on its surface, due to which the sweet mixture will simply drain onto the stand.

    Very beautiful dessert with oranges

    One of the simplest mousse cake recipes is considered to be a dessert with citrus fruits. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to prepare a treat with oranges - you can use lime, lemons or even tangerines.

    For the cake you will need:

    • 70 ml orange juice;
    • 2 tbsp. l. orange zest;
    • 50 ml lemon juice;
    • 1 tbsp. l. lemon zest;
    • 1 sponge cake;
    • 80 g butter;
    • 300 g sugar;
    • 3 eggs + 2 yolks;
    • 250 g cream cheese;
    • 600 ml heavy cream;
    • 13 g gelatin;
    • 70 g powdered sugar.
    1. To make a mousse, mix 5 g of gelatin with 3 tablespoons of water. Separately, beat the eggs with a glass of sugar.
    2. Combine lemon and orange juice with lemon zest. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, and then pour it into the beaten eggs.
    3. Transfer to a water bath. Whisk vigorously until it thickens.
    4. When the mixture has cooled, add gelatin and softened butter. Beat the ingredients with a mixer.
    5. Pour the resulting mousse into a bowl, wait until it cools, then place it in the freezer.
    6. To make another mousse, soak the remaining gelatin. Mix the finished component with cream cheese and powdered sugar.
    7. In a separate container, whip chilled high-fat cream.
    8. Cook the syrup from the remaining sugar and a few tablespoons of water, wait until it cools a little, then combine with the ground yolks. Add the gelatin mixture to the resulting mass and beat with a mixer.
    9. Add whipped cream and combine ingredients with a spatula.
    10. Assembling the cake. Place some of the creamy mousse on the bottom of the plate, place the frozen orange layer on top, then place the base again. Now place the biscuit, cooled for 2 hours.
    11. Place the formed dessert in the freezer and remove it from there only before applying the glaze.
    12. Decorate the cake with orange zest.

    Two-tier mousse cake with mirror glaze

    Before you make a mousse cake with several “floors,” you will have to stock up on two molds of different diameters and an impressive list of products.

    • 6 eggs;
    • 1 tsp. vanilla extract;
    • 1 tsp. baking powder;
    • 1 tbsp. flour;
    • 1 tbsp. Sahara.
    • 450 g frozen berries;
    • 250 g sugar.
    • 150 g glucose syrup;
    • 100 ml water;
    • 25 g gelatin;
    • 1 tsp. vanillin;
    • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
    • 3 tbsp. l. berry jam or jam;
    • 2 g salt.
    • 650 g cream;
    • 350 ml milk;
    • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 17 g gelatin;
    • 1 tsp. vanilla extract.
    1. Let's start with the biscuit. Separate the eggs into components. Mix them with an identical amount of sugar (0.5 cups) and beat separately from each other. Then combine both mixtures, add vanilla extract, sifted flour, baking powder. Knead the dough, pour into the prepared pans, and place in the oven for 30 minutes. Cool the baked biscuits and divide each into 3 layers.
    2. Pour boiling water over the berries for 2 minutes, then beat in a blender, combine the resulting puree with sugar. Cook for 5 minutes. Fruit impregnation is ready.
    3. To make marshmallows, soak gelatin in water, then melt in a water bath. Combine glucose syrup, coarse salt, granulated sugar and cold water in a saucepan. Transfer the resulting mixture to the fire. After 5 minutes, add gelatin, jam and vanillin. Remove, let cool for a few minutes, beat with a blender.
    4. We form the tiers of the cake. We use the mold in which the biscuits were baked. Place the first cake layer, a layer of jam, and a little marshmallow. We carry out a similar procedure with each cake. Cover the resulting structure with cling film and move it to the refrigerator.
    5. For the mousse, combine heated milk with gelatin, and then add sugar. When the ingredients have combined and cooled a little, add whipped cream and vanilla extract.
    6. Pour mousse over both pies and refrigerate for 6-8 hours. All that remains is to cover the cake with glaze, and when the coating has set, decorate it at your own discretion.

    Strawberry flavored

    To prepare a mousse cake with a recognizable berry aroma, prepare the following products.

    • 300 g powdered sugar;
    • 80 ml water;
    • 20 g gelatin;
    • 400 ml heavy cream;
    • 500 g natural yoghurt.
    • 250 g strawberry puree;
    • 10 g gelatin;
    • 50 ml water;
    • 12 g starch;
    • 80 g sugar.
    1. To make confit, add gelatin to water. Combine sugar, berry puree, and starch in a saucepan. Cook the mixture over low heat until it begins to thicken. Mix with prepared gelatin, pour into a mold of the desired size, and place in the refrigerator.
    2. Let's move on to the mousse. Soak the gelatin with water, then dissolve the ingredient in heated cream (100 ml). Divide the powdered sugar into two equal parts. Whip one with the remaining cream, and combine the other with yogurt. Add gelatin to the last composition. Add the whipped cream little by little, mixing the consistency with a spatula.
    3. Let's move on to creating the dessert. First pour the mousse into the prepared form, then the strawberry confit, cover with the mousse. Place biscuit on top. We move the workpiece to the freezer. After 12 hours, all that remains is to decorate the strawberry mousse cake with red icing and add fresh berries.

    Festive dessert for children

    The key to the success of the dessert among children is considered to be the brightness of the treat, a lot of sweet cream and delicious decorations. To make a suitable mousse dessert using this principle, in addition to the sponge cake, you will need the products from the list.

    • 40 g sugar;
    • 40 ml water;
    • 2 tsp. honey;
    • food colorings.
    • 250 g sugar;
    • 8 g vanillin;
    • 6 g gelatin;
    • 200 g cream cheese;
    • 250 ml cream;
    • food coloring.

    For mirror glaze:

    • 60 ml cream;
    • 40 g dark chocolate;
    • 100 ml water;
    • 60 g cocoa;
    • 200 g sugar;
    • 9 g gelatin.
    1. First, soak the biscuit with sweet syrup prepared from the indicated ingredients. It is important to add a dye to the composition, preferably red, so that the cake acquires a bright shade.
    2. Place the prepared biscuit in the mold.
    3. We prepare two types of mousse according to the list of ingredients. To do this, mix the cheese with sugar and vanilla, beat, and then combine with whipped cream. When the mass becomes homogeneous, you need to combine one part with yellow dye, and the second with green. All that remains is to add the soaked gelatin, intensively combining the mousse ingredients with a mixer.
    4. Fill the sponge cake first with yellow mousse, freeze in the freezer for 1 hour, and then with green filling.
    5. After the next freezing, cover the cake with glaze prepared from the indicated ingredients.
    6. For decoration we use multi-colored chocolate balls, cookies and candies.

    Coffee mousse cake with mirror glaze

    Desserts soaked in coffee are a classic of confectionery skills.

    Modern confectioners are increasingly using mastic or butter-based creams to decorate holiday cakes. To surprise consumers, confectionery masters offer to try mousse cake with mirror glaze. The most delicate filling in combination with shortbread or sponge cakes, generously smeared with strawberry confit, the taste of which is complemented by berry mousse, is liked by many people with a sweet tooth. The chocolate mousse cake with mirror glaze is especially delightful.

    What causes the admiration of those with a sweet tooth? Mousse cakes with original mirror glaze have an excellent appearance. The stunning reflective surface on the sweet product attracts with its unusualness. If you don’t know how to make a mousse cake with mirror glaze, we recommend learning the basic secrets of confectioners. At first glance, it may seem difficult for a novice cook to make a mousse cake with mirror glaze with his own hands. In fact, the technology for creating baked goods coated with a reflective sweet mass is not complicated. Having mastered the main nuances, you can prepare delicious mousse desserts with mirror glaze without much effort.


    The standard recipe for mousse cakes with mirror glaze involves the use of a dough component. Confectioners advise giving preference to one of the following types of cakes:

    Housewives often make either shortbread dough or biscuit dough. Making a sponge cake does not require a lot of time and a complex set of products. In the arsenal of every cook, there will probably be a suitable type of delicious sponge cake, according to a proven recipe. It should be emphasized that recipes for mousse cakes with mirror glaze do not involve the use of expensive ingredients. A set of components available to every housewife allows you to create a truly masterpiece confectionery product.

    Why should you choose biscuit? The sponge cake is soft and moderately sweet, which goes well with mousse, berry jam and top decorative glaze. Following the step-by-step technology and recommendations of the confectioners, you can easily reproduce this delicious dish at home using the recipe for mousse cake with mirror glaze.

    List of ingredients

    An original dessert with an unusual decor is formed from four layers, each of which gives the dessert a unique flavor. In addition to the biscuit, you will need to prepare several components.

    Berry confiture, which requires the following products:

    • 400 gr. fresh berries;
    • 17 gr. gelatin;
    • 145 gr. Sahara;
    • 300 gr. fruits or berries;
    • 26 gr. confectionery thickener;
    • 200 gr. Sahara;
    • 0.5 liters of cream.

    Glaze for decorating the finished dessert:

    • 100 ml each of cream and milk;
    • gelatin;
    • 100 gr. white chocolate;
    • food pigment.

    In order not to be distracted by searching for the right ingredient during the cooking process, you need to prepare all the products in advance in the required quantity. When choosing berries for confiture, opt for cherries or raspberries. The slight sourness of the confiture will slightly offset the excessive sweetness of the biscuit and glaze, giving the dish a unique taste. Berries can be replaced with citrus fruits, which go perfectly with any sweet dish.

    Cooking sequence

    To please your loved ones with a mousse cake with mirror glaze, you need to follow the instructions of the step-by-step recipe. After baking the sponge cake, we move on to creating the berry confiture. We turn strawberries, raspberries and other berries into puree. Pour the thickener with water and leave according to the instructions for half an hour. Mix 50 grams of strawberries with sugar, put on low heat, stir. We heat the thickener a little so that it becomes a little thinner. Mix everything, add gelatin. Pour the confectionery mixture into a mold whose diameter matches the container in which the dessert will be created. Place the prepared food in the refrigerator.

    The step-by-step recipe for forming a mousse cake with mirror glaze is not complete. Slowly, observing the required amount of ingredients, you need to prepare all the layers that make up the delicious dessert.

    Confectioners insist on decorating the mousse cake with chocolate icing. You should not replace this component of a luxurious sweet dish with fudge made from other components.

    Chocolate soaking is the most successful option, combined with berry mousse and confiture. Delicious recipes for mousse cakes with mirror glaze require following all the recommendations of experienced confectioners. Therefore, we will not deviate from step-by-step technology.

    Video of making chocolate mousse with mirror glaze

    Making chocolate mousse

    Previously, confectioners did not give out details of how a mousse cake with mirror glaze is created; they kept secret information on how to store this wonderful dessert. Today, all the secrets are revealed. Every housewife can easily please her loved ones with a delicious dessert. If you like the idea of ​​berry mousse, you can use this recipe. Of course, the cooking technology requires endurance and patience from the performer. But everyone will definitely like the result.

    To obtain the component, you need to chop the berries, rub the mass through a sieve and send the resulting puree to a large saucepan. Pour sugar and thickener into the berry mass. Heat the mixture slightly, without bringing it to a boil. In a convenient container, foam the cream to a thick foam and combine with berry puree. Then we send the refrigerator for a couple of hours to complete the cooking process.

    If your choice fell on chocolate mousse, prepare this component according to the following scheme. It is important to strictly follow all the recommendations of the culinary technique. Only in this case will you be able to make a delicious dessert.

    Required Products

    We prepare the necessary products for chocolate mousse:

    • 230 gr. quality dark chocolate;
    • 20 gr. butter;
    • 50 gr. powdered sugar;
    • 3 chicken eggs.

    To get real chocolate mousse, you need to give preference to high-quality products. If you use a confectionery bar instead of chocolate, and a spread instead of butter, the mousse will not turn out to be the desired consistency.

    Cooking process

    When thinking through variations on how to make a mousse cake with mirror glaze, remember that the cooking process includes several stages. Having prepared the cakes and confit, prepare the chocolate mousse.

    Break 250 g of dark chocolate into pieces and mix with a tablespoon of butter. Melt the ingredients in a water bath. Mix a teaspoon of powdered sugar with 40 ml of water, stir everything well to obtain a sweet syrup. Take three eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Whisk the yolks, pour in the syrup, and bring the mixture to a light color. Combine with chocolate and cream base.

    Beat the whites with a teaspoon of powdered sugar until you get a stable white foam. Little by little we transfer the protein mass to the previously prepared mixture and mix carefully to obtain chocolate mousse. Does the recipe remind you of how your mother made mousse cakes with mirror glaze? Having prepared dessert, perhaps you will say thank you very much for the reminder of a sweet dish from childhood.

    Mirror glaze

    To make the cake delicious and look very beautiful, it is important to make not only mousse, but also mirror glaze. If the mirror glaze for a mousse cake is prepared according to the method, you will get a very attractive dessert, suitable for any celebration. If desired, you can prepare chocolate icing for the mousse cake. This decor option will perfectly decorate baked goods.

    Ingredients for glaze

    To finish the mousse cake with glossy frosting, you will need the following set of products:

    • 100 ml each of medium fat cream and milk;
    • Gelatin;
    • 100 gr. white chocolate;
    • food pigment.

    This recipe will allow you to prepare a bright glaze with a mirror reflection for an appetizing dish at home.

    Preparing the glaze

    For beautiful cakes, decorative fondant is prepared very simply. Soak the gelatin in water. For every 12 g of thickener we take about 100 ml of water. Meanwhile, in a deep saucepan, heat the milk and milk cream to boiling temperature. Remove from heat and add prepared gelatin, mix thoroughly. Add chocolate and edible coloring. Mix until you get a confectionery fudge.

    Assembling the cake

    This is the most critical stage in the making of dessert. When all the components specified in the recipe are ready, we move on to the product layout.

    For pastry mousse cake with mirror glaze, it is recommended to use a springform pan. It will allow you to easily remove the finished product without disturbing its integrity. Line the pan with cling film or parchment paper. Experienced chefs advise giving preference to the latter option. Parchment allows you to easily remove baked goods from the container without sticking to the confectionery product.

    We spread the biscuit, then the berry confiture, pre-chilled. Next, cover the dessert with mousse - berry or chocolate. Place the sweet dish in a cool place for two to four hours. It is important to wait the required time so that all layers have time to cool. This will allow the baked goods to acquire the desired taste.

    At the end of the recommended period, remove the cake from the mold. This can be done easily without damaging the layers using a hot knife. They need to pass between the container and the sweet dessert. Cover the mousse cake with frosting. How to decorate a cake with mousse with mirror glaze? To distribute the sweet mass evenly, it should be heated to a temperature of 37-40 degrees. This is the so-called operating temperature limit at which the confectionery mass will be easily distributed over the surface of the dessert.

    Another important aspect that housewives are often interested in is how to store mousse cakes with mirror glaze and how long do desserts last? In a regular refrigerator at home, mousse sweets remain suitable for 72 hours, provided the temperature is maintained at +2+6 degrees.


    After smearing the workpiece with a mirror-like sweet mass, the product must be cooled. How can you decorate a mousse cake with mirror glaze? Note that properly prepared mirror mass itself is an excellent option for decorating any baked goods. You don’t have to come up with anything else, but leave the cake as is. But if the housewife decides to add decoration, confectioners should choose minor decoration for mousse cakes with mirror glaze.

    We prefer edible beads and several leaves made from marshmallow. Berries and fruits look great against the background of dessert. Place a few around the edge of the cake and you will see how the product sparkles with new colors. Show your imagination and you will be able to surprise your guests with a luxurious dessert that will become the highlight of the festive table.

    Elegant in appearance, tasty and tender inside - this is just a brief description of the Mousse Cake with mirror glaze, which is not an easy baking recipe. However, mousse cakes with an elegant glossy surface can become a true decoration of the holiday table, so you can learn how to prepare them step by step at home. These cakes are good with a mousse layer mixed with strawberries, blueberries, and chocolate. Multi-colored complex options are beautiful not only on the outside but also in cross-section. You can, of course, search online for a master class offered by some famous chef, but why? You can easily cope with this task without a microscope, just by reading the step-by-step recipe with pictures on the page below.

    I want to introduce you to my recipe for beginners with a video on how to make a delicious glazed mousse cake with mirror glaze. To prepare it you will need to stock up on enough time and patience. But it's worth it.

    A simple recipe for making chocolate mousse cake with mirror glaze

    Our cake will consist of a brownie base, white and blueberry mousses, and a colored mirror glaze that is used to cover the top of the cake.

    General composition of required ingredients

    We will need:

    Sugar 300 g
    Salt 1 pinch
    Eggs 3 pcs.
    Flour 100 g
    Baking powder 1 tsp.
    Butter 50 g
    Vanilla On the tip of a knife
    Powdered gelatin 50 g
    Water 370 ml
    Fat cottage cheese 240 g
    Cream 33% 400 ml
    Powdered sugar 50 g
    Corn starch 1 tsp.
    Blueberry 100 g
    Condensed milk 100 g
    Non-porous white chocolate 300 g
    Molasses/invert syrup 150 g
    Food coloring Of necessity

    Cooking brownies

    For this we need:

    • 100 g sugar;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • 1 egg;
    • 100 g flour;
    • one teaspoon of baking powder;
    • 50 g butter;
    • vanilla on the tip of a knife

    What other cake layers are suitable for the base of a mousse cake? The base can also be shortbread. You can bake it yourself or make it from sandy cookies.

    Shortbread base


    • 50 g butter;
    • 300 g shortbread cookies;
    • 50 g condensed milk.

    While the biscuit is cooling, let's prepare the mousse.

    Preparing the mousse

    We will prepare it in two colors: white and blueberry. You can make just one color or replace the blueberries with other berries.

    White mousse

    Required list of products:

    • 20 g powdered gelatin;
    • 2 squirrels;
    • 120 ml. water;
    • 240 g soft fat cottage cheese;
    • 200 ml. 33% cream;
    • 1 1/2 bars of white chocolate;
    • 50 g powdered sugar;
    • vanilla on the tip of a knife.

    You can replace white chocolate with black. This will make chocolate mousse. It can be used in Three Chocolate Cake.

    Blueberry mousse

    We need to take:

    • 20 g gelatin;
    • 50 g sugar;
    • 120 ml. water;
    • 1 heaped teaspoon of cornstarch;
    • 2 yolks;
    • 100 g blueberries;
    • 200 ml. 33% cream.

    Mirror glaze

    It is best to prepare it immediately before use.

    Colored glaze (glaze)

    Glasage is the name of the colored glaze that is poured on top of cakes. The glaze contains molasses or invert syrup. They are interchangeable. I’ll tell you how to make this syrup yourself below.

    We will need:

    • 100 g condensed milk;
    • 75 + 60 ml. water;
    • 150 g sugar;
    • 150 g non-porous white chocolate;
    • 150 g molasses/invert syrup;
    • 10 g or 2 teaspoons without a slide of gelatin;
    • food coloring (if necessary).

    Preparing invert syrup

    • 3 tbsp. spoons of warm water;
    • 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid;
    • 150 g sugar;
    • 1/4 teaspoon of soda.

    Instead of colored glaze, you can make chocolate glaze.

    Chocolate glaze

    You need to take:

    • 75 + 60 ml. water;
    • 200 g sugar;
    • 2 tbsp. level spoons of dry cocoa;
    • 40 ml. (2 tbsp) cream;
    • 100 g molasses/invert syrup;
    • 10 g or 2 teaspoons of powdered gelatin;
    • 1/4 bar of dark chocolate.

    Prepare gelatin and invert syrup as indicated in the recipe for colored glaze.

    This glaze can also be used to cover -Bird's milk cake with gelatin- or -Bird's milk cake classic recipe-.

    Assembling the cake

    You can make cakes of any shape using this method.

    Pour in the glaze

    How to decorate a mousse cake

    The main decoration of the mousse cake is mirror the surface itself.
    The cake can be filled with icing of different colors, and the seam between them can be disguised with a pattern of cream or beautifully laid out fruits and sprinkled with confectionery beads.

    You can decorate a finished one-color cake in the same way. The mass effect of total admiration is guaranteed.

    Video recipe for making Mousse cake

    This video will help you understand the recipe technology for Mousse Cake with Mirror Glaze in more detail:

    Categories:// from 09/10/2019



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