Children's casseroles - the best recipes. Cottage cheese casserole for children How to cook cottage cheese casserole in the oven for a child

Children's casseroles - the best recipes. Cottage cheese casserole for children How to cook cottage cheese casserole in the oven for a child

Cottage cheese casserole 🎂 as in kindergarten, hospital, or also called school casserole, is a proven way for many mothers to get their child to eat cottage cheese. In its pure form, few toddlers eat it with pleasure. And since this product is one of the most necessary for a growing organism, you need to resort to tricks and tricks. The casserole is also made at pp, very healthy and tasty.

Cottage cheese strengthens bones and teeth, normalizes the nervous system, maintains muscle tissue and the circulatory system in tone. This product has no contraindications and does not cause harm, so you can safely start your morning with cottage cheese casserole.

For those who are worried about the benefits of a heat-treated product, there is an indisputable fact - in a casserole, cottage cheese retains almost all useful microelements and vitamins.

6 cooking secrets

How to cook cottage cheese casserole in the oven according to GOST, just like in kindergarten or school? How long will it take to prepare? By following these tips, you will end up with just such a dish.

  1. The basis of the recipe is cottage cheese. It must be homemade. And with it sour cream. If you take village ingredients, the result will be the right consistency and taste. You can also make a casserole from baby cottage cheese at home; it’s very easy and tasty.
  2. Beat the eggs correctly. Delicious casserole It turns out from cottage cheese like in kindergarten not only because of the right ingredients, but also because of the method of preparation. If the recipe requires you to beat eggs with sugar, then do it for a long time until a stable foam appears, fluffy and not liquid. Then the cottage cheese casserole will come out high and airy.
  3. No flour. To prevent the pie from falling and maintaining its shape, cook it with semolina. And don't add flour. After mixing all the ingredients with semolina, be sure to let the mixture stand for 15-20 minutes to swell.
  4. Boiled semolina. According to the recipe, raw cereal is used in a cottage cheese casserole in the oven, just like in a kindergarten. But if you prepare baked goods from already prepared semolina porridge, the taste will be even more delicate. And such a cake will not fall off after cooling.
  5. Baking temperature. The maximum temperature for a cottage cheese casserole recipe like in kindergarten or any other cottage cheese casserole is 200 degrees. And on average it is 175-180 degrees. This is the optimal temperature for uniform baking. The bottom layer does not burn, and the top layer does not remain liquid.
  6. Casserole with raisins. The raisins need to be steamed before adding to the dough, otherwise they will be dry. If you pour hot water over it and leave it for a long time, it will become too soft and tasteless. According to the rules, you should steam the raisins in hot tea for 2-3 minutes or pour boiling water over them and drain the water, then they will swell, but at the same time retain both their shape and taste.

Classic recipe for cottage cheese casserole like in kindergarten

This recipe for cottage cheese casserole in the oven is exactly like in kindergarten. There the kids eat the dish with pleasure. It’s also easy to bake this recipe in the oven at home; it will be fluffy like a cheesecake. Let's look at the recipe step by step.

You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • semolina - 4 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - half a glass;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • baking powder - 1 package;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • salt - a quarter of a teaspoon.


  1. Wash the raisins and steam in boiling water.
  2. Pre-mix sour cream with semolina and let stand for 10-15 minutes to swell.
  3. Place cottage cheese, baking powder, semolina with sour cream, vanillin and salt into a blender bowl. Instead of baking powder, you can take half a teaspoon of soda. Blend to form a paste.
  4. Beat eggs with sugar until foamy.
  5. Gently stir into the egg mixture curd dough so that the foam does not fall off.
  6. Add raisins and stir.
  7. Grease the mold vegetable oil, sprinkle the bottom and walls with semolina. Pour in the mixture. Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Cooking time 40-45 minutes.

Mannik without cottage cheese

If you want to please your child with semolina porridge in an original version, prepare semolina casserole without cottage cheese, as they do in kindergarten.

You will need:

  • semolina - 150 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons.


  1. Dilute milk with water 1:1. Boil in milk semolina to a thick consistency.
  2. Cool the porridge slightly, stir with eggs (2 pieces) and sugar.
  3. Grease a baking tray or pan with oil and sprinkle breadcrumbs or semolina so that the dish does not stick.
  4. Level the porridge according to the shape.
  5. Mix 1 egg with sour cream and cover with a thin layer. Sour cream can be replaced with milk or cream.
  6. Bake in the oven until golden brown for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 220-230 degrees.

A simple recipe without semolina

This kindergarten-style cottage cheese casserole recipe can be baked with just 3 ingredients. But it turns out very tasty and fast. From classic recipe it differs in that it is prepared without semolina.

You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 6 tablespoons.

If desired, you can add vanillin or cinnamon.


  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  2. For the dish, take a baking sheet or a wide pan.
  3. Grease it with vegetable oil and spread the mixture so that the thickness does not exceed 2-3 cm. Level it out.
  4. Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes, cook at 180-200 degrees. When the edges on the sides begin to become golden brown, remove from the oven.

How to make a low-calorie casserole

The dish contains low-fat and low-calorie foods. The calorie content of baked goods per 100 grams is only 129 kcal. Nevertheless, these ingredients will make a hearty and very tasty breakfast.

You will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • kefir - half a glass;
  • corn or rice starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • fructose or sweetener - to taste.


  1. Beat eggs with fructose. Add kefir with starch, stir.
  2. Add cottage cheese to the mixture and mash it with a fork.
  3. To prevent the dough for cottage cheese casserole like in kindergarten from being too liquid, add 2-3 tablespoons of flour. Add baking powder and mix thoroughly.
  4. Grease the pan or use parchment. Pour the dough and cook in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180-190 degrees.

And finally, some tips on how to prepare cottage cheese casserole like in childhood.

  1. Cook only from fresh ingredients. A common myth is that if a product has expired, you can bake something from it. This is not the case. If your stale cottage cheese or sour cream has a sour-bitter taste, you cannot use it. Especially if you are cooking for a child.
  2. The kindergarten-style casserole recipe requires a basic and simple set of ingredients. For example beet casserole Many gourmets really like it. If you want to add your own ingredients, make sure they are compatible with the main ones. And that the consistency will not change. So experiment with pleasure and wisely!

Ready-made cottage cheese casseroles (photo)

Look what happened to those who prepared cottage cheese casserole according to our recipe!

Cottage cheese is an essential product in every child’s diet. It is necessary for the full development of the body, growth of bones and nails, and strengthening of bones. In addition, it improves memory and increases brain activity, develops attention and concentration, and strengthens the immune system. For children under one year old, this product is especially necessary, as it improves the intestinal microflora, the functioning of the esophagus and liver.

If you cannot prepare cottage cheese yourself, buy children's cottage cheese. Before purchasing, carefully check the composition, expiration date and integrity of the packaging. Babies should not be given the usual adult cottage cheese!

Children begin to give cottage cheese from 0.5-1 teaspoon. Give a new product in the first half of the day and observe the baby’s reaction. If allergy symptoms appear, stop administration and contact your pediatrician. You can try again no earlier than in a month.

If the child reacted normally, you can continue to give cottage cheese to the baby and gradually increase the dosage to 50-60 grams per day. By the way, this product can be given to children every day, but do not overfeed the baby. An overdose leads to excess calcium in the body, which causes problems with the kidneys.

Until 9-10 months, cottage cheese is given to children in its pure form, then fruits, vegetables and berries are added to the product. After 10-12 months, cottage cheese casserole is also included. To make the dish tasty, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or put it through a blender before cooking. However, in the second case the mass will be more liquid. Be sure to sift the flour and place the casserole in a slightly preheated oven.

By the way, instead of the usual chicken eggs you can use quail ones. They are healthier and hypoallergenic. For cooking quail eggs take twice as much chicken. Now let's look at how to prepare cottage cheese casserole for one year old child.

Classic recipe

In the oven

  • Cottage cheese – 250 gr;
  • Semolina – 2 tables. spoons;
  • Eggs – 2 pieces;
  • Milk – 100 ml;
  • Sugar – 1 table. spoon;
  • Vanillin to taste.

Heat the milk and pour in the semolina. Beat the egg whites in a separate bowl, grind the yolks with cottage cheese and sugar. Combine semolina with the resulting egg mass and mix. Pour in the whipped whites and mix again. Grease a baking container (baking tray or special mold) with oil or take baking paper, carefully lay out the curd dough, cover the top with foil. Bake for half an hour to forty minutes at two hundred degrees.

In a slow cooker

  • Cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;
  • Semolina – 100 g;
  • Milk – 70 ml;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Sugar – 150 gr..

Break the eggs into the cottage cheese, add butter and sugar, pour in the milk and mix thoroughly. Add semolina and mix again. Leave for half an hour, then place in a pre-greased bowl butter. Cook in the multicooker for an hour in the “Baking” mode at 160-180 degrees.

Other cooking recipes

Casserole for little ones without semolina

  • Cottage cheese – 500 gr;
  • Raisins – 60 gr;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 3 table. spoons.

Grind the eggs with sugar, pour into the cottage cheese and stir. Before cooking, raisins are soaked for 15-20 minutes in boiling water, then poured into the prepared mass. The casserole is placed in a baking container and cooked for forty minutes at 180 degrees. Instead of raisins, you can use dried apricots or prunes. Dried fruits must be pre-soaked and finely chopped.

With buckwheat without semolina

  • Cottage cheese – 100 gr;
  • Buckwheat (cereals or flour) – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Sour cream – 100 gr;
  • Sugar – 2 tsp. spoons.

If you are cooking with buckwheat, boil the buckwheat separately in water without salt, sugar or milk. By the way, buckwheat is the safest and healthiest. Ready buckwheat porridge put in cottage cheese and mix. If you use buckwheat flour, the product is added without pre-cooking. By the way, buckwheat flour is an excellent option for children with allergies. This flour can be used for baking instead of wheat flour. You can buy buckwheat flour or prepare it yourself by grinding buckwheat in a coffee grinder.

Combine eggs with sour cream and sugar, pour 2⁄3 of the resulting mixture into cottage cheese with buckwheat and mix. Place the curd-buckwheat mixture in a baking container and pour the remaining egg-sour cream mixture on top. Bake in the oven for twenty minutes at 190 degrees.

Carrot-curd casserole for a child 1-1.5 years old

  • Cottage cheese – 250 gr;
  • Semolina – 3 tables. spoons;
  • Carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Milk – 200 ml;
  • Sour cream – 100 ml;
  • Sugar – 3 table. spoons.

Peel and grate the carrots or cut into small strips. Place in a saucepan, pour in hot milk, add sugar and put a piece of butter. Simmer covered until done. Pass the finished carrots through a blender. Transfer the resulting puree back into the pan and add semolina. Boil for five minutes and add egg yolks, mix.

Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, beat the whites in a separate bowl and add to the cottage cheese, mix. Add everything to the carrots and place the resulting mixture on a baking sheet or baking sheet. Bake for half an hour at 180-200 degrees. You can add to the recipe walnuts or dried fruits, pre-soaked and chopped. Or add chopped and peeled apples. Choose the green variety as it is less allergenic.

Hello! Do your kids love casseroles? Mine love them very much and always eat them with pleasure! This is a very versatile dish, because it can be prepared for breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner. I found casserole recipes for 2-year-old children that are easy to prepare.

There are two cooking options: one with rice flour and apples, the other with rice porridge with raisins.

With the first option, the casserole turns out to be very light, tender and airy, while with the second it has a more moist, sweet and dense consistency.

I would like to note that the use of rice flour makes this dish possible even for children who are gluten intolerant.

Option 1

We need: crumbly cottage cheese 200 g, 2-3 eggs, rice flour 5-6 tablespoons, sugar to taste, sour cream 3-5 tablespoons, apples 2 sh.

  • It is better to choose cottage cheese that is not very grainy; in any case, it must be rubbed through a sieve to make it more fluffy.
  • Then pour cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream into a deep bowl and mix well, add flour and mix again.
  • Wash the apples thoroughly, peel and cut into small pieces or grate on a coarse grater.
  • Combine the curd mass with apples and place in a baking dish, pre-greased with oil.
  • I recommend using silicone mold, as it is more convenient to use and allows you to cook without using oil.
  • Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30-40 minutes.

Option 2

This rice casserole like a kindergarten recipe. To prepare you need: pre-boiled rice (you need 150g of dry rice), cottage cheese, 2 eggs, sugar to taste, sour cream, raisins.

My advice is, after cooking the rice, do not rinse it, let it remain sticky, so the casserole will be denser.

  • In a deep bowl, beat eggs, sugar, add cottage cheese and sour cream and mix everything until smooth.
  • Then add the rice and mix again.
  • The raisins need to be poured for 20 minutes, then dried a little and added to the mixture.
  • Place the curd dough in the mold and place in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Rice casserole in video format

I like it when children decorate dishes. But I can’t boast about it myself.

Casserole with noodles like in kindergarten

The taste of this vermicelli casserole is really familiar to everyone from childhood! In order to prepare it you need: noodles, cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar to taste, a little butter (if not prepared in a slow cooker).

  • Vermicelli must first be boiled, drained and dried a little.
  • Grind the cottage cheese and sugar well, add eggs and sour cream.
  • Mix this whole mass with a spoon until it has a homogeneous consistency.
  • Then we combine the vermicelli with the mass and send it either to a slow cooker or to a baking dish.
  • Cooking time varies depending on the method chosen, but no more than 50 minutes.

This vermicelli casserole with egg is considered a classic option, but children love it very much. Perfect as an afternoon snack or even dinner!

I would like to give advice, choose cottage cheese with up to 5% fat content (BUT!!! Not low-fat!!!) and a little crumbly, it behaves best when baked! In casseroles, its taste is almost not felt, this is important for those mothers whose children do not really like cottage cheese!

Potato casserole for children

This casserole will also be excellent option hearty and have a delicious dinner, and maybe lunch. After all, it is suitable as a second course. This option is prepared from mashed potatoes, so feeding a child who is very picky about food with this casserole will not be difficult. Almost everyone loves puree!

Necessary ingredients: potatoes, minced meat (chicken, turkey, beef), onions, sour cream, salt to taste, hard cheese.

Recipe step by step:

  • Boil the potatoes in salted water and turn them into puree.
  • Fry the minced meat in a frying pan with onions; I recommend simply simmering it without oil.
  • In a baking dish, place layers of mashed potatoes, then minced meat, then mashed potatoes again. Sprinkle grated cheese on top! You can decorate with a little greenery!
  • You can cook both in a slow cooker and in the oven. Cooking time 30-40 minutes.

Minced meat casserole in video format

This casserole with minced meat turns out to be very nutritious, but at the same time very tasty!

Bon appetit!

Casseroles for children over 1 year old are healthy and delicious dish, because they can combine a large number of different products, fruits and vegetables. Kids enjoy eating casseroles, even those in which their mothers hide their unloved but healthy foods, the presence of which the baby will never guess.

Casserole recipes for children over 1 year old

Meat casserole for children over 1 year old

chopped meat beef or chicken 200 grams
- medium size potatoes 3 pcs.
- milk 100 grams
— onion 1 pc.
- chicken egg 1 pc.
- butter 30 grams
- vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
- sour cream 20 grams
- salt to taste

Cooking process:

Peel the potatoes, rinse and boil until tender. Heat the milk, beat the egg. Boiled potatoes rub through a sieve and pour hot milk and half a beaten egg into it, add a little salt and mix everything thoroughly. Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in vegetable oil, add minced meat to the frying pan, stir and simmer a little. Grease a baking dish with oil, now lay it out in layers, first some mashed potatoes with an egg, then minced meat with onions and again on top mashed potatoes. Smooth the top layer and spread it with sour cream. Cook the meat casserole in the oven for 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole with rhubarb for children from 1 year

To prepare this dish you will need the following products:
- rhubarb stems 250 grams
- chicken egg 1 pc.

- sugar 100 grams
- butter for greasing the pan
- cottage cheese 200 grams
- vanillin and cinnamon, if desired, to taste

Cooking process:

Peel and finely chop the rhubarb, then add sugar (40 grams). Let the rhubarb and sugar sit for a while, then drain off the resulting liquid. Add egg, vanillin, cinnamon and sugar to the cottage cheese. Grease a baking dish and place the rhubarb in an even layer on the bottom of the dish. Place the form with rhubarb in the oven, preheated to two hundred degrees and leave there for five minutes. Now place the curd mixture on top of the rhubarb and return the pan to the oven and bake for 25 minutes.
Cottage cheese casserole with rhubarb can be served topped with sweet sauce or your baby’s favorite jam.

Vermicelli casserole with meat for a child over 1 year old

To prepare this casserole you will need the following ingredients:
- meat 80 grams
- vermicelli 100 grams
- chicken egg 1 pc.
- butter 1 tsp.
- onion 10 grams
- tomato sauce

Cooking process:

Boil the vermicelli in salted water until tender, discard through a colander and transfer to a bowl, add milk and egg. Mix everything thoroughly. Pass the boiled meat through a meat grinder or grind in a blender, sauté in a frying pan with vegetable oil and finely chopped onions. Grease a mold or baking sheet with vegetable oil and place half the noodles, then the minced meat and the noodles on top again. Cut the butter into small pieces and place them on the surface of the top layer of noodles, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. You can serve the casserole with tomato sauce.

We all know that cottage cheese needs to be eaten often, and this is especially true for children. For your baby to eat cottage cheese with pleasure, it is best to cook it in a casserole: it’s tasty, healthy, and easy to prepare. The ideal option is everyone’s favorite cottage cheese casserole, just like in kindergarten, in a slow cooker.

But every child, like an adult, needs variety. How to prepare a dish so that your child eats with pleasure every day?

Subtleties of preparation and serving variations

  • Cook in silicone molds. Take children's figurines for the dish, lay out a three-layer cake prepared in shapes of different diameters.
  • Decorate. Make the finished casserole “beautiful”. You can draw patterns with icing, make flowers from protein cream, or lay out “faces” from pieces of fruit. In a word, be imaginative.
  • Change the ingredients. Sugar can be replaced with condensed milk, sour cream or milk - with fruit or berry yogurt, some of the semolina can be omitted and the same amount of sweets can be added. corn sticks. For color, add cocoa powder to the dough. Various fruits and berries will become in a good way for improvisation.

Eggless casserole for children over 1 year old

It is often difficult to get children of this age to eat cottage cheese in its pure form. Therefore, this recipe for baby casserole in a slow cooker will be much tastier for a one-year-old baby (as in the photo). Cottage cheese during heat treatment retains all the beneficial substances that a growing body needs.

You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • semolina - 2 heaped tablespoons;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Combine all ingredients and knead the curd dough.
  2. Take the multicooker bowl and lightly coat it with vegetable oil.
  3. Pour the curd mixture into it and smooth it out, pressing with your hands.
  4. Place in the multicooker and cook in the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes.
  5. Remove the container and leave to cool for a few minutes. Then take cookie cutters and squeeze out shapes from the curd layer. Or decorate the casserole to your liking.

This recipe is for older children (from 2-3 years old), as well as for mothers who prefer low-calorie baked goods. You can also make it from baby cottage cheese.

You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • starch (potato, corn, rice) - 3 heaped tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar or powdered sugar - 160 g.


  1. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the egg whites (preferably chilled) until they form a stable foam. Add powdered sugar or granulated sugar (80 grams) and beat until a snow-white cream forms. Add cottage cheese, starch, sour cream and 80 grams of sugar to the yolks. Stir with a spoon. Then beat with a blender.
  2. Mix in three steps protein cream to the curd mass, stirring from top to bottom.
  3. Grease the multicooker container with butter. Pour in the curd mixture and turn on the “Baking” mode for 1 hour. After the signal, do not open the lid for at least another hour to allow the casserole to strengthen. Then open the lid and let cool, remove and cut into portions.

The result is dietary casserole from cottage cheese in a slow cooker, since the calorie content of the dish per 100 grams is only 184 kcal. Not much for baking. This is a suitable dessert option for those losing weight. If you are not on a diet, you can top the curd soufflé with jam, marmalade or fruit sauce. For children, you can prepare multi-colored marmalade, which you can use to decorate the top of the pie.

Recipe from kindergarten

Children often prefer food prepared in kindergarten. In this case, a casserole recipe like in kindergarten, which is prepared in a slow cooker, will be a lifeline for mothers.

You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • semolina - 100 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator to soften.
  2. Mix all the products in a separate bowl and set aside for 30 minutes for the semolina to swell.
  3. Grease the bottom and walls of the multicooker bowl with a piece of butter and pour in the curd mixture. To prevent the baked goods from sticking to the bottom and walls, you can sprinkle semolina.
  4. Cook in the “Bake” mode for 45 minutes. Open the lid and let cool slightly.

Curd and chocolate casserole

You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - half a glass (100-120 g);
  • cream (at least 9%) - 50 ml;
  • chocolate - 50 g;
  • starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - for greasing the mold.


  1. Mix cottage cheese, sugar and eggs in a blender or mixer.
  2. Divide the mass into 2 parts. Pour into separate containers.
  3. Melt the chocolate in the cream over low heat. If you don't have cream, replace it with milk and a piece of butter.
  4. Add melted chocolate and 0.5 tablespoon of starch to one of the parts. Stir well.
  5. Mix 1.5 tablespoons of starch to the other part.
  6. Grease the multicooker container with butter.
  7. Place 2 tablespoons of light dough in the center and 2 tablespoons of dark dough on top. And so on until the entire mixture is finished. You can “draw” a pattern on top with a toothpick. Lead from the edge of the pie to the center, make several lines.
  8. In the multicooker, set the “Baking” mode and cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes. After the beep, do not open the roof. The casserole should stand for another 20-30 minutes.

This creates a beautiful striped Zebra casserole. A simple recipe can become a decoration festive table. Although for variety of everyday cheesecakes or other cottage cheese baking This will also work, because preparing the dish is not at all difficult.

Curd “Lakomka” with poppy seeds

You will need:

  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • semolina - 80 g;
  • yogurt (without filler) - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 70 g;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • poppy - 50 g;
  • coconut flakes - 30-40 g;
  • butter - for greasing;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Pour boiling water over the poppy seeds and let it brew.
  2. Using a blender, mix cottage cheese with egg and sugar until smooth.
  3. Add salt, baking powder and semolina, beat again.
  4. Pour yogurt into the mixture, add poppy seeds (let them drain on a sieve first) and coconut flakes. Mix everything.
  5. Grease the bottom and sides of the multicooker pan with butter, sprinkle with semolina, and pour in the resulting mixture.
  6. Set it to “Baking” mode. Cooking time 50 minutes. Open the lid, let it cool a little, and take it out.

Children's cottage cheese casserole in a multicooker will delight you with its original taste and beautiful appearance. You can make some adjustments to the recipe. If you don't have yogurt, you can replace it with sour cream and milk. If you add currants or cherries to the mixture, a bright taste of sweet baked goods with sourness will appear. Instead of coconut flakes you can use raisins.

Cottage cheese casserole, just like in a kindergarten, is prepared in a slow cooker quickly and without monitoring the baking. Add your child's favorite ingredients and healthy casserole will become your signature dish.



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