Potato pancakes: delicious recipes with photos! Pancakes from mashed potatoes recipe with photo Pancakes from mashed potatoes with starch

Potato pancakes: delicious recipes with photos! Pancakes from mashed potatoes recipe with photo Pancakes from mashed potatoes with starch

Potato pancakes: delicious recipes with photo!

I remembered thin potato pancakes in connection with the beginning of Oktoberfest - the famous beer festival where these same pancakes are served. And I thought that I should have prepared it a long time ago, because these hearty, interesting and very tasty dishes are not only good for the holidays. delicious pancakes! Today we will prepare pancakes from raw potatoes, from ready-made mashed potatoes. The first option tastes closer to potato pancakes. The second recipe will appeal to those who like more traditional, soft and thin potato pancakes. Choose and cook with pleasure!

Raw potato pancakes

Prepared from raw tubers, crushed in a blender or on a grater. The taste is something between potato pancakes and pancakes. The dough is kneaded with milk and boiling water, which “brews” the flour and starch, due to which the products hold their shape better. Added for flavor fried onion And dried dill. You can add spices to taste and experiment with adding grated cheese, other delicious baked goods.


potatoes - 3-4 pcs. (250 g)

onion- 1 PC.

egg large - 1 pc.

wheat flour - 1 tbsp.

milk - 100 ml

boiling water - 200 ml

salt - 0.5 tsp.

baking powder - 1 tsp.

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

dried dill - 1 tbsp. l. optional

How to make pancakes from raw potatoes

I peeled the onion and cut it into cubes. Then he heated the vegetable oil in a frying pan and lightly simmered the onion, that is, brought it to softness and transparency. No need to fry it too much. The task here is to flavor the oil, which will then be added to the dough along with the onions and give our pancakes a pleasant aroma.

Next you need to clean and grind raw potatoes. I recommend using a blender, it does the job perfectly in 1-2 minutes. If you don’t have special equipment, then take a fine-toothed grater (“garlic grater”) and grind the tubers using the old-fashioned method until it turns into a paste.

So, I cut the potatoes into large pieces, placed them in a blender bowl, and added the onions along with the oil. I punched everything until smooth. It is important to grind all the ingredients to a very, very fine creamy state, then the pancakes will not stick to the pan and will be well baked and browned.

Add sifted flour, baking powder, salt and dried dill and mix well again.

Pour in boiling water and whisk again. I left it for 10 minutes so that the gluten swells and the dough becomes more flexible and thick. The consistency should be the same as for regular pancakes. If necessary, you can add a couple of tablespoons of flour or, conversely, add milk.

I baked pancakes in a well-heated frying pan, as usual, on both sides until golden brown. In order for them to turn out holey, the pan must be very hot and red-hot. After pouring the dough into it, reduce the heat and cook over medium heat so that raw potatoes I managed to get fully prepared. Yield: 7 pieces.

Cooking photo recipe:







Pancakes from mashed potatoes

Prepared from boiled and peeled potatoes. The advantage of the recipe is that you can use yesterday’s puree, which is left over after dinner. In this case, it needs to be warmed up properly, and then mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The dough is prepared in milk, the products are soft and hold their shape perfectly. To improve the taste, you can sprinkle with finely chopped green onions when frying, although you can do without any additives at all. These pancakes are very similar to the usual flour pancakes, so, as a rule, everyone without exception likes them.


Potatoes - 3-4 pcs. (250 g)

Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

Milk - 250 ml

Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.

Salt - 0.5 tsp.

Sugar - 1 tsp.

Baking powder - 0.5 tsp.

Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Green onions - 20 g optional

How to make pancakes from mashed potatoes

I peeled the potatoes, washed them, cut them into cubes and boiled them in salted water until tender. I drained the potato broth (you won’t need it) and mashed it with a masher into a thick puree.

Heated the milk - on the stove or in the microwave until almost boiling. I poured hot milk into the mashed potatoes. Mix thoroughly and leave the mixture to cool for 10 minutes.

Added the sifted flour in parts - in three or four additions, vigorously kneading each time with a whisk. The dough should be homogeneous in consistency, slightly thicker than for regular pancakes. If necessary, you can add warm milk, thus adjusting the thickness.

It is best to fry pancakes in a special pancake maker or in a small frying pan to make it easier to flip. Each time I greased the bottom with a cooking brush dipped in vegetable oil, poured potato dough spread it in a thin layer and spread it over the pan in a circular motion. If desired, you can sprinkle with chopped green onions, then the dish will turn out even tastier and more aromatic. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side over low heat until golden brown. Yield: 9 pieces.

This is how the pancakes turned out in the end - both types are good, especially hot, with sour cream. You can eat them just like that, brushed with butter and garlic. Or you can wrap them in them different fillings, fried mushrooms with onions and cheese with garlic are great. They tolerate freezing and heating in the microwave well.

Cooking photo recipe:

Bon appetit!

step by step recipe with photos

Pancakes made from mashed potatoes – interesting option diversify the usual menu. These pancakes are quite easy to prepare. Even if there are a few spoons of mashed potatoes left from dinner, this is already a reason to prepare such a dish. Of course, pancakes are not sweet, so this is not a dessert, but an appetizer or even a full-fledged main course. You can serve these pancakes with sour cream - it turns out very tasty, especially if the pancakes are still hot.


  • 1 chicken egg
  • 100 g wheat flour
  • 350 ml milk
  • 5 tbsp. l. mashed potatoes
  • 3 pinches of salt
  • 3 pinches of spices (optional)
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil


1. Prepare all ingredients - measure out the required amount of milk, wheat flour, mashed potatoes. You can use any spices for pancake dough - for example, a little ground pepper or ground coriander. It is better to take vegetable oil without a pronounced smell and taste.

2. It is convenient to mix some of the ingredients using a blender or food processor. Place mashed potatoes into a bowl.

3. Now beat a fresh chicken egg into the blender bowl.

4. Pour into blender bowl fresh milk. If the bowl is small, you can pour in half the entire volume first.

5. Salt the future pancake dough and add spices to taste - a little ground coriander, ground fenugreek.

6. Close the blender bowl with a lid and grind all ingredients in the bowl for 2-3 minutes at medium speed. Then pour the wheat flour into the blender bowl.

7. Mix all ingredients again for 2 minutes at medium to high speed.

8. Pour the resulting thick mass into a large deep bowl and pour in the remaining milk, as well as vegetable oil. Mix everything - the pancake dough is ready.

1. Pour milk into a deep bowl, beat in an egg and pour in vegetable oil.

2. Mix the ingredients well with a whisk. Add honey and stir again until it is completely dissolved. If the honey is too stiff, melt it a little. And if there are contraindications to this product, replace it with brown or white sugar.

3. Add flour to the liquid ingredients.

4. Mix well again so that the flour is completely dissolved in the total mass. Then add mashed potatoes and stir well. The puree should be completely dissolved throughout the entire mass. The consistency of the dough should be like regular pancakes, like very liquid sour cream.

Note: how to cook mashed potatoes?
Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes. Place in a cooking pan, add water so that it completely covers the tubers, add salt and boil. Then remove the foam that has formed on the surface, close the lid and cook until soft for about 20 minutes. Place the finished potatoes on a sieve to drain the liquid, and pound them with a masher until they have a puree-like consistency.

5. Place the frying pan on the stove and heat it well. Before baking the first pancake, grease the bottom surface with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Then scoop out the dough with a ladle and pour it into the pan. Swirl it in all directions so that it is evenly distributed in a circle.

6. When golden brown edges appear along the oval of the pancake, turn it over to the other side and bake for about one minute.

Potato pancakes are prepared very quickly and easily; the most labor-intensive process is grating the potatoes. But here you can involve the male half in the work, since men love fried potatoes. Potato fritters, it’s tasty, fast and inexpensive, you can use any spices, since we don’t always have it in stock, which is what we recommend to you.

  • Potatoes - 1 kg.
  • Eggs - 3-4 pieces.
  • Salt - 1 level teaspoon.
  • Hot paprika - 1 level teaspoon.
  • Ground black pepper 1/3 teaspoon.
  • Dry garlic - ½ teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Peel and rinse potatoes.

Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater. I poured the grated potatoes too much cold water, then squeezed the water thoroughly. This is done firstly so that the potatoes do not turn black, and secondly the potato pancakes turn out crispier.

Add all the dry spices to the grated potatoes, take the spices to your taste, I indicated the amount of spices, you can add according to my advice. Mix everything thoroughly so that the spices cover all the potatoes.

Add eggs, I have small eggs, so I took 4 pieces and stir everything thoroughly again.

It is advisable to take a frying pan with a small diameter, mine is 20 cm in diameter and non-stick, then the potato pancakes can be easily turned over. Heat the oil well in a frying pan and use a spoon to spread the potatoes in a thin layer, smooth and press lightly. Fry over medium heat until a crispy crust forms.

It is convenient to turn potato pancakes over with a wide spatula. Turn the pancake over to the other side and fry until crispy. The first potato pancakes went to the guests' plates.

Potato pancakes can be placed on a paper towel; I placed them on a wire rack to keep them crispy.

Serve potato pancakes hot, but they are delicious cold too. I served it with adjika and Korean carrots. It’s also very tasty with sour cream or sour cream sauce and chopped garlic or green onions.

Recipe 2: mashed potato pancakes (with photo)

Pancakes made from mashed potatoes, the recipe with photos of which I offer, turn out incredibly tasty and satisfying. I assure you, you can easily bake a mountain of such pancakes. I always make these pancakes when I have leftover mashed potatoes and I really like them. And if you don’t have leftover mashed potatoes, boil potatoes specifically for making pancakes according to this recipe and you won’t regret it. The pancakes turn out soft and tender. They can be served with sour cream or different sauces. You can also stuff potato pancakes fried mushrooms, chicken, stewed cabbage.

If something goes wrong with the dough and the pancakes begin to tear, don’t worry, just add a little more flour and prepare potato pancakes.

You can add fried onions to the pancake dough; it will give them a special taste. But this is optional, and without it it turns out very tasty.

  • mashed potatoes - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;
  • butter for greasing pancakes.

Mix mashed potatoes with warm milk with a whisk. Stir well so that there are no lumps.

Beat the eggs into the potato-milk mixture, add flour and salt. Mix well.

The dough for potato pancakes is ready. Add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, so the pancakes will not stick to the pan.

Grease the frying pan vegetable oil, pour the dough and distribute it throughout the pan. Make potato pancakes thicker, because thin ones will tear.

Fry the pancakes on each side for 2-3 minutes. Fry all the pancakes this way. Place pancakes on a plate. Grease each pancake with butter.

Serve potato pancakes warm with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Thin Potato Pancakes with Garlic

  • 5 small potatoes
  • 250-300 milk
  • 250-300 flour
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp (no slide) sugar
  • 3+2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • parsley and green onions - optional

Peel and cut the potatoes into 4 pieces, add water (just enough to cover the potatoes), add salt and boil until tender. Let it cool slightly and put it in a blender, along with the water in which you boiled it, until it becomes mushy.

Add peeled garlic, eggs, flour, milk (bring to a boil), 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and salt to the potato mixture (1 teaspoon - pancakes should not be fresh). Mix thoroughly and let the dough rest for 20 minutes ( If you have time, you can do more).

Fry in a hot frying pan, with the addition of a small amount of oil, medium in diameter thin pancakes(not for the whole pan - it will be difficult to turn over)

Bon appetit!

Recipe 4, step by step: mashed potato pancakes

Potato pancakes differ little from regular pancakes in the cooking process. The main difference is that you first need to prepare mashed potatoes. The most convenient way to do this is with a blender, but if you don’t have one, you can get by with a fine grater. Next, exactly the same as for traditional pancakes, preparing batter and bake thin pancakes in a frying pan.

  • Potatoes 0.5 kg
  • Wheat flour 4 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs.
  • Milk 500 ml.
  • Salt to taste
  • Garlic 1-2 teeth.
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml.
  • Butter 50 g.

Peel and cut the potatoes, add milk, salt and cook until tender.

Add butter, egg to hot potatoes and beat until pureed. Add the garlic squeezed out by poess, flour and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Ready dough for pancakes.

Grease the pan with oil and fry the pancakes for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Serve hot. Bon appetit!

Recipe 5: hearty potato pancakes (step by step)

Potato pancakes are a great alternative to the usual potato zrazas and just very tasty, satisfying, delicious dish. One of its advantages is the ease of preparation at home. You definitely won’t have any problems with cooking, because we have prepared a recipe for you with visual instructions. step by step photos.

Advice! If desired, you can add garlic to the mashed potatoes. green onions or other herbs, seasonings. This will change the taste of baked goods for the better and make it more original and interesting. In fact, you can prepare a new dish every time using different additives.

The calorie content of mashed potato pancakes made in a frying pan is 268 kilocalories per 100 grams. This is not the most dietary dish, but it is very filling and appetizing.

Making potato pancakes at home is easy. We will need potato dough, how to create which we will describe below in a step-by-step photo recipe, and then you just need to fry the products, making them large and thin or small and thick like pancakes. If you use yesterday’s mashed potatoes, then in general it will be a breakfast for lazy people, because the dish is very quick and easy to prepare.

We wish you good luck in your culinary experiments at home!

  • potatoes - 300 gr
  • salt - to taste
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 10 tbsp.
  • milk - 2 cups
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml

If you don’t have mashed potatoes at home, let’s start by preparing them at home using a step-by-step photo recipe. Peel the potatoes, wash and place in boiling salted water. Boil until tender, and then, using potato broth, make mashed potatoes. Place it in a bowl and add one chicken egg.

Stir the mixture thoroughly with a spoon, and then pour a glass of milk into the bowl. You need to mix again, but it’s better to use a blender to achieve homogeneity.

Then flour is poured in, and the mass is carefully mixed with a spoon so that the dry ingredient does not create dust.

Next, pour in a glass of milk (the second) and beat the dough again.

Place a thick-bottomed frying pan over high heat (it should be medium). Heat the container and then grease it thoroughly with oil. Next, pour out a portion of the dough and start frying.

Then turn the thick pancake over to the other side and continue frying.

That's all, the delicious and tasty potato pancakes that we prepared at home according to the recipe with step-by-step photos turned out. Place them on a plate on top of each other to form a cake. If desired, you can add your favorite pickle. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6: Homemade Potato Pancakes with Herbs

In addition to regular pancakes, I make potato pancakes using milk or kefir or yeast. They turn out to be quite satisfying and can also be eaten with both fillings and sauces. Make it more salty, more bland, more rich - as your heart dictates.

In this recipe I will tell you about spicy potato pancakes - with garlic and herbs.

Such pancakes can be great snack, a separate dish for an afternoon snack or they can be eaten, for example, as a snack with a hot dish for lunch.

  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • fresh mixed greens - a bunch;
  • milk - 200 gr.;
  • flour - 300 gr.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

First of all, I peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes. I fill it with water so that the potatoes are just covered. And let it cook until done, like puree.

When the potatoes are cooked, I don’t drain the water, but blend directly with this water until smooth. It should be quite liquid. Let it cool a little.

Meanwhile, I break the eggs into a separate bowl.

And I beat them with a fork, you don’t have to beat them too much, just until smooth.

I chop the greens, preferably not too finely. I press out the garlic.

I add herbs and garlic to the potato mixture.

I stir and add salt. You can add a little sugar.

I add eggs. I stir.

I add milk. I stir.

I add vegetable oil. I stir.

I add flour little by little and knead so that there are no lumps.

The adze is ready. It should turn out a little thinner than sour cream.

I heat up the frying pan. It should be hot. And I start baking pancakes.

It is better to pour the dough in small portions, otherwise it will be very difficult to turn over and remove the pancakes, since the dough turns out to be very tender and brittle.

I fry each side until nicely browned, again so that they cook through and don’t break.

And in the end I get a mountain of flavorful and satisfying potato pancakes. You don’t really feel the potatoes; they turn out much more tender than potato pancakes. Soft, interesting in taste, versatile.

You can serve them in portions, but to do this you need to let them cool a little so that you can easily roll them up or straight into a stack and everyone can take as much as they need.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 7: Potato pancakes with cheese and herbs

Truly hearty, delicious pancakes! Something in between thin pancakes and potato pancakes. They fly away instantly, I don’t have time to fry them. Highly recommend!

  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 130 g
  • Egg - 2 pcs
  • Milk – 300 ml
  • Water (boiling water) - 0.5 cup.
  • Vegetable oil – 20 ml
  • Hard cheese – 50 g
  • Greens (I had dill) - 0.5 bunch.

Peel the potatoes and grind them together with the onion in a blender until pureed. To make the mixture whip better, you can add a little liquid - milk or water.

If you don't have a blender, grate the vegetables on a fine grater.

Add herbs, eggs and mix.

Then add flour, milk, water, vegetable oil.

Grind the cheese on a coarse grater and also add it to the dough.

Knead the pouring pancake dough.

Fry the pancakes in a hot, oiled frying pan on both sides.

Friends, believe me, these are very tasty pancakes!

Recipe 8: how to make potato cheese pancakes

From available products, quick, simple, tasty, satisfying...

  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • kefir - 1 glass
  • flour - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • hard cheese to taste - 50 g
  • grated Parmesan cheese as desired... - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • onion - 1 head
  • Italian herbs with paprika - 1 teaspoon
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil - for frying
  • more sour cream for serving

Place chopped potatoes, onions, cheeses, then sour cream, eggs and Italian herbs into the container of a blender or food processor. Grind everything into a homogeneous mass. Or rub it.

Add salt, pour in kefir and stir. Then add flour and mix well.

Fry these potato-cheese pancakes in a frying pan (or frying pans) greased with vegetable oil on both sides, i.e. like regular thick pancakes.

Ready. Serve with sour cream, vegetable salads, mushroom preparations, meat, fish, chicken, etc.

To prepare our pancakes you need mashed potatoes. You can use freshly prepared puree or yesterday's puree left over from dinner. In order to prepare mashed potatoes, you need to peel the potatoes, cook until tender (for 20-25 minutes) in salted water. Then drain the liquid and mash the potatoes with a potato masher until you obtain a smooth puree. Place warm (not hot!) mashed potatoes, salt, sugar, eggs into a deep bowl. Mix the mashed potatoes well with a mixer, then add milk and vegetable oil, mix again.

Next, add the sifted flour and use a mixer to knead a moderately thick pancake dough.

Leave the dough to rest for 30 minutes. Heat the frying pan well and lightly grease it with vegetable oil. Pour a small amount of dough onto the heated frying pan and distribute evenly. Bake the potato pancake over medium heat on both sides until golden brown. Fry all the pancakes in the same way.

Serve the most delicious, tender pancakes made from mashed potatoes with milk, piping hot. Sour cream or butter is a good addition to these pancakes.



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