Gongbao chicken: recipe, photo, cooking recommendations. Gongbao chicken is one of the symbols of Chinese cuisine Serving and garnish

Gongbao chicken: recipe, photo, cooking recommendations. Gongbao chicken is one of the symbols of Chinese cuisine Serving and garnish

There is one spicy dish in Chinese cuisine that is in great demand among Europeans and is served in expensive restaurants. We are talking about Kung Pao chicken, the recipe of which allows you to make this dish at home. Let's cook chicken in the original Sichuan way, with a lot of ingredients.

Traditional chicken gongbao recipe

Ingredients of the dish:

  • Raw chicken fillet (700 grams)
  • Sen Soy sauce (2 tbsp) classic soy sauce
  • Shaoxing wine (2 tbsp.) Chinese yellow rice
  • Starch (1 tbsp.) premium corn
  • Peanut butter (not paste) (80 ml)
  • Hot Sichuan pepper (2 tbsp)
  • Onion (3 stalks) regular green
  • Peanuts (75 grams), shelled, unsalted
  • Garlic (2 cloves)
  • Ginger (10 grams)
  • Vinegar (1 tbsp.) Chinese black rice
  • Paste (1 tbsp.) spicy chili
  • Whole chili (12 pieces) dried peppers
  • Leeks (2 pieces)
  • Sugar (1 teaspoon)
  1. Cut the chicken into small pieces, about one and a half centimeters each. Add two teaspoons of soy sauce, the same amount of Shaoxing wine, 1 tsp. corn starch. Mix everything thoroughly and marinate for half an hour.
  2. Grind 1 tbsp in a mortar and pestle. l. dry Sichuan hot pepper. Mix the greens of chopped onion with it, setting aside the light parts for now.
  3. Stir unused Sen Soy, rice wine and starch into a new bowl. Put 1 tbsp there. l. black Chinese vinegar and chili paste, as well as 1 tsp. Sahara. Mix the mixture until all the starch has dissolved. The special sauce for the chicken is ready, you will need it later in the recipe.
  4. Pour refined, odorless oil into a saucepan and heat over high heat. Place the remaining half of unground Sichuan pepper and dried chili peppers there. Fry for about 15 seconds until fragrant, then strain the oil using a strainer.
  5. Place the wok on high heat, pour in 20 ml peanut butter. Add half of the marinated fillet pieces and fry for one minute. Next, for 2 minutes. fry, stirring quickly. Transfer the chicken to a separate bowl. After wiping the pan with a paper towel and adding another 20 ml of oil, fry the second half of the fillet in the same way.
  6. Cut the leeks into wide rings. Wipe the wok with a paper towel, add another 20 ml of peanut oil and fry the onion for 1 minute so that it does not lose its fresh crunch.
  7. Add previously prepared peppers, peeled unsalted peanuts and chicken pieces. Add the rest of the oil - 20 ml. Then, pushing the entire mass to the edge, add chopped white onions, as well as garlic and ginger. Fry for 15 seconds.
  8. Place in a separate bowl. Mix the ingredients, adding sauce (from step 3) to taste. Add the remaining Sichuan peppercorns and green onions. The gongbao chicken according to the recipe is cooked and can be served.

“For the dish to turn out as in the photo, all ingredients must be fresh and of high quality.”

Serving and garnish

To ensure everything looks appetizing when served, no components of the chicken should burn. This requires a good wok. These pans are made of high-quality and well-processed steel.

Foreign odors and tastes should be avoided. To do this, wash the wok with a stiff brush under plain water. There is no need to put any detergents in there. During cooking, no extra components are added - no “gag” needed. These rules will help convey the delicate aroma of the food.

After the chicken is made according to the recipe, the dish is immediately served hot. You shouldn't wait for it to cool down. The dish is not supposed to be heated if you follow the tradition to the end. If, after some time, it has cooled down, you should eat it straight cold.

No need to add salt and sugar. There is plenty of the former in the dish itself. The second one does not suit the dish, as well as the cuisine of China (they do not like it). Taking chicken with chopsticks or spoons is the owner’s choice.

If you want to eat properly, then good side dish there will be rice or rice noodles. This is the only side dish that southern Chinese recognize. They eat it all the time different types, preferring to steam it - it tastes better. It should be fresh, but it is always eaten with other food - to fill up.

For drinks, Chinese wine is suitable. To take the edge off a little, there should be glasses of clean drinking water with pieces of ice on the table (the best drink to take the edge off the mouth is full-fat dairy products). A good option for the same purpose would be a plate of bread. Don't neglect the last tips - Asian cuisine is incredibly fiery, especially for those who are trying it for the first time.

“There may be people at the table who are unprepared for a spicy dish or with gastritis. Everyone must be warned that today the highlight of the table is Kung Pao.”

Ingredients for marinade and sauce

The gongbao sauce discussed in the recipe is not the only one with which you can cook Szechuan chicken. The Chinese use various options spicy gravy. The ingredients described in this cooking are typical for oriental cuisine:

  • Traditional product asian cuisine. It was invented in China, then borrowed by the Japanese.
  • It is made from soybeans and is the result of their fermentation.
  • Recipe in different countries mine. Often used as a marinade.
  • There are two types - dark and light. The first one is not so salty and has a rich aroma. This is what is recommended for meat.
  • A classic example is the Chinese product Sen Soy. No dyes or flavors are added there. Can be bought in many stores in Russia.

  • This drink in the Land of the Rising Sun is made not only for gourmet, but also for health purposes. Until 1980, they did not make wine from grapes at all.
  • In addition to rice, a folk product, herbs and other ingredients are added to the drink.
  • It has an amber transparent color and belongs to the category of yellow wines.
  • The strength ranges from 15 to 20%.
  • In the kitchen, a special chef's style is used to prepare dishes. One of the most famous is Shaoxing vintage rice. It is inexpensive and can be ordered through online stores. The traditional one is sold in convex ceramic bottles, as in the photo.

Cornstarch (not to be confused with flour).

  • It is made from corn kernels that are soaked in sulfuric acid.
  • High-quality starch - without lumps, white with a yellowish tint. There shouldn't be any other smell besides corn.

Black rice vinegar.

  • Possesses rich taste. Recommended as a marinade for meat dishes.
  • Made from high quality glutinous rice.
  • Its manufacturing technology consists of dozens of steps. The wine goes through a phase which, thanks to the addition of Acetobacter bacteria, becomes vinegar.

  • It has Thai roots and is an integral part of oriental cuisine.
  • The composition includes chili peppers along with seeds.
  • Easy to prepare at home.
  • It is very spicy and is not recommended for people with stomach problems.

“If some products are difficult to get in local stores, you can use variations of Szechuan chicken recipes adapted for Russian cuisine.”

Summing up

There are a great many other recipes for this chicken, even in China, not to mention national variations. Sesame oil sometimes “participates” in the marinade. Some chili peppers are cut into pieces and diluted with sweet red pepper. Peanuts can be safely replaced with cashews. So it is hardly possible to call the above-described cooking method the only original one, taken almost from the hands of Ding Baozhen himself - the author of Kung Pao Chicken.

Gongbao chicken is one of the many popular dishes in Sichuan cuisine. Sichuan is one of the provinces of China; a feature of the cuisine of this region is the spiciness of its dishes. Almost any version of Chinese dish in Szechuan version will be many times spicier.

Gongbao chicken, like other Chinese dishes, is prepared from a minimum of ingredients, but the end result is a magnificently aromatic and very tasty dish. In my family, my husband really loves this chicken because it turns out quite spicy. If you are not a big fan of spicy foods, add a little chili pepper.

My deviation from the recipe: instead of chicken breast fillet, I used leg fillet; we now have such fillet on sale. To be honest, with this fillet the meat turns out tastier; it has a little fat on it, which gives the fillet juiciness. Now about the soy sauce: it should be light and not concentrated. When I was in my homeland, I found exactly this one on sale; I never came across the dark one, although I was looking for it.

So, let's start cooking Gongbao chicken.

Cut the chicken fillet into medium-sized pieces, not the way meat is usually cut on a wok, but larger.

Let's prepare the marinade for the meat. To do this, mix sesame oil, Brown sugar and light soy sauce. I would not recommend that you replace these products with analogues. The secret of this dish is in the marinade.

Place the chicken fillet in the marinade and mix the meat with the marinade well with your hands so that every piece is in the marinade. Cover the bowl with the meat with cling film and marinate the meat in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

IMPORTANT: If you leave the meat to marinate overnight, then you will not need to fry it for a long time, since the marinade will make the meat very tender.

Fry the marinated meat in a wok pan on vegetable oil in small portions so that the meat is in one layer. Fry for 4-5 minutes on each side.

Peel the garlic and chop finely, cut the chili pepper into thin rings, cut the green onion with the white part into 3-4 cm pieces.

After all the meat is fried, put the vegetables in a wok pan and quickly fry them for 2-3 minutes until soft.

Return the fried meat to the pan with the vegetables and pour in the remaining marinade. Add cayenne pepper and, if necessary, add salt. Cook the chicken, stirring, for another 10 minutes.

Serve the finished Gongbao chicken with boiled rice and fresh vegetables.

The chicken meat turns out incredibly juicy, tender and flavorful! Bon appetit!

Let's cook a Chinese classic - gongbao chicken. I’ll say right away that this dish is for special spicy lovers. I ate the finished chicken with tears in my eyes, it was so spicy. But it’s impossible to stop, because it’s so soft and juicy fillet I couldn’t even imagine chicken. The pieces literally melted in the mouth, causing more and more tears. But then there was a second portion and a third, then it turned out that my wok was already empty, and I wanted more.

Perhaps this is always the case with culinary classics, dishes are perfected over centuries and we are lucky, we try a cut diamond of culinary art. This recipe was given to me by Chef Gao from a Chinese restaurant in Shanghai (the section contains my review with photos and videos). I specifically asked him to adapt the recipe to our reality. He told me the ingredients, and I said: “Well, no, you can’t buy that from us.” In the end it turned out no worse than his.

Interesting: Kung pao chicken - classic dish Sichuan cuisine, invented in the Sichuan province in western China. Prepared from pieces chicken fillet, fried with nuts and red chili peppers. Like most Sichuan dishes, this dish is spicy and has a distinct flavor.

Ding Baozhen is considered the inventor of the dish. (丁寶楨) was a Chinese dignitary and famous gourmet who lived during the Qing Dynasty. When Ding Baozhen was the governor of Shandong Province, he had more than ten cooks in his service. He often treated the guests who gathered at his house to a dish of his own invention - fried pieces of chicken. Later, when he became the governor of Sichuan province, Ding Baozhen modified his dish, adapting it to the peculiarities of Sichuan cuisine - making it hotter and more spicy. Subsequently, the recipe for this dish became widespread, and it began to be prepared in many restaurants around the world. Since Ding Baozhen held the position of gongbao at the imperial court - the heir's tutor (literally "palace guard"), the dish was called "gongbao jiding", or "gongbao zhouding", - "pieces chicken meat, prepared according to the gongbao recipe."

Cut chicken fillet (2 pieces) into large pieces of 2 centimeters.

In a cup, mix soy sauce (1 tbsp), sesame oil (1 tbsp) and sugar (1 tbsp). IN in this case The ingredients cannot be replaced with anything, because they contain all the subtlety of the dish. Throw in the chicken cubes.

Mix the chicken pieces well, cover with film and put in the refrigerator for as long as possible - from an hour to 12.

Finely chop the garlic (3 cloves), hot chili (6 peppers, 5 cm each), and cut the green onions (a bunch, only the white part) into strips of 3 centimeters. If you are afraid of spiciness, you can replace the chili with sweet pepper.

Heat a spoon in a hot frying pan (I use a wok) olive oil. And add marinated chicken. Take your time, fry the pieces in batches so that there is room for them in the pan.

Fry for 4 minutes, turning. As soon as a good crust has appeared, remove the chicken to a plate and send to the next batch.

In the same frying pan, fry the garlic until fragrant (40 seconds).

Add the onion and chili and fry for another 2 minutes. Add a teaspoon of hot ground pepper (preferably cayenne).

Add the chicken pieces and fry for another 4 minutes.

Serve with a large glass of cold water.

Gongbao chicken is one of the traditional dishes common Chinese cuisine, a classic dish originating from the Western Chinese province of Sichuan (possibly the Russian spelling is “kung-bao”, since the Chinese spelling of the word is made up of 2 hieroglyphs; in English kungpao chicken). The dish has a bright and spicy taste, which is a characteristic feature of Sichuan traditional food culture.

The invention of the recipe for making gongbao chicken with peanuts belongs to a certain Ding Baozhen, a high-ranking official from Shandong province who lived during the Qing dynasty. This talented person in cooking came up with the idea of ​​cooking chicken with peanuts. When Ding Baozhen served as governor and then viceroy of Sichuan Province, he modified the taste of his favorite dish, slightly changing it to suit Sichuan eating habits, making it brighter and spicier. Currently, the wonderful dish of gongbao chicken is popular all over the world, of course, in different regions and countries the original recipe is reinterpreted and prepared using local methods and products.

Gongbao chicken is made from fried pieces of chicken fillet with peanuts and red hot pepper. By the way, you can use other nuts, it will also be delicious.

How to cook gongbao - chicken with peanuts and vegetables in Chinese?

We tried to find the simplest possible recipe and adapt it to our conditions and familiar products.


  • chicken fillet (meat from the breast and thighs) – about 500 g;
  • roasted well-roasted peanuts - about 100 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • fresh ginger – 1 small root;
  • Bell pepper– 1-2 pcs. (preferably dark green, but yellow, orange or red is also possible);
  • hot peppers red;
  • ground coriander;
  • corn starch – 2 tablespoons;
  • high-quality soy sauce - 4 tablespoons;
  • Shaoxing rice wine or mirin – 2 tablespoons;
  • brown sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • sesame oil;
  • peanut or other vegetable oil or rendered chicken fat;
  • greens for decoration (cilantro, parsley, basil, lemongrass).


First, marinate the meat. cut into small cubes or rectangular bars (optionally, short strips).

Place the meat in a container of suitable volume, add 1 tbsp. spoon of starch, 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce and rice wine. Mix thoroughly and place in a cool place for at least half an hour, but no more than 2 hours.

Prepare the sauce. Mix the remaining starch, brown sugar, sesame oil. Add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of water.

Grate the ginger, chop the hot pepper (if it’s fresh), add the crushed pepper and crush the garlic. Pour all this into the sauce and let it brew, then strain.

Cook in a wok or deep frying pan. The meat should be fried in small batches, the pieces should not be crowded, or use a larger frying pan. Heat the oil and fry the chicken pieces over medium-high heat, stirring frequently with a spatula and shaking the pan, for about 5-8 minutes. Add sweet pepper, cut into short strips. Fry everything together for another 3-5 minutes, turning with a spatula.

Add separately pre-roasted peanuts and sauce. Cook everything together over lower heat, stirring. We bring it to the stage of caramelization: this is when the meat begins to shine slightly and acquires a beautiful and deep dark golden-brown hue (do not miss this moment, otherwise it will burn, it will be tasteless and unhealthy).

Place the finished gongbao chicken on a common dish or in portioned containers. You can sprinkle everything with lemon or lime juice. We decorate with greenery. Be sure to serve boiled rice separately, you can rice noodles. It is also good to serve dishes from fresh vegetables(salads), fruits, rice wine, dark beer and/or stronger authentic drinks from the pan-Asian region.

How delicious it is in Beijing. We moaned with pleasure every time. Over the course of 8 days, we visited 8 different places, including previously tried and familiar ones, and there were a couple of new ones. Fantastically delicious everywhere. Didn't get to Peking duck Because of Putin's arrival, all entrances were blocked. And our driver said that he couldn’t come. In Beijing, precautionary measures began to be taken as early as two weeks before the visit. Tight security everywhere. Everything there is very mature, much cooler than here.

A report on the places of military glory eaten by the ladies later.
And now my task is to have time to exhibit the chicken for community promotion gotovim_vmeste2 .
I especially liked a few Chinese dishes, I even managed to ask around, and they explained to me in their fingers, a little in Russian, how it can be prepared at home. Got a general idea. Next time I’ll ask to go into the kitchen to “take a look.”

We were served chicken with peanuts in two restaurants in Beijing. The taste is slightly different, but it’s like pancakes or borscht from two different housewives. Gongbao chicken is a classic of Sichuan cuisine, one of the most famous recipes, so there are many cooking options.

I was warned from the very beginning that it wouldn’t work out the same way in Beijing. Let it then be a la, with a discount on our products, on a simplified version and on my lack of skills in preparing Chinese food. But I know what it should look like and the taste it should have.

Why am I late again, although I knew in advance that I would cook?
I found a similar recipe on the Russian-language Internet.
I did. It’s delicious, but this is not the same chicken that was served to us. From the very beginning, I was alarmed that in the Russian version they take some huge amount of fillet from 0.5 kg (that’s nothing) to 1.5 kg! The Chinese don't make portions like that!
I went to the English language one and had much better luck. I found videos in English recorded by Chinese women. Some people make this chicken in a frying pan, by the way.

I repeated it all over again today.

All components should be approximately the same size.
Before starting cooking, weigh and cut all the necessary products and place them in bowls. The cooking process is fast enough so that you don’t have to rush around the kitchen like a squirrel.

For 1-2 servings:

250 g chicken fillet
handful of peanuts
several stems green onions(white part)
1-2 cloves of garlic
5-6 dry chili pods
1 protein
5-6 tbsp. l. peanut butter or corn oil
1 tbsp. l. corn starch
3 tbsp. l.dark soy sauce
1 tbsp. l. brown sugar
1 tbsp. l.rice wine
1 tbsp. l. rice vinegar;
1 tsp. sesame oil
3 tbsp. l. cold water

Mix egg white with 1 tbsp. l. starch, ½ tsp. Sahara.
Cut the chicken breast into cubes, slightly larger than peanuts. We must remember that chicken shrinks when fried. Place the meat in the marinade and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Cut the onion diagonally every 1.5-2 cm.
Finely chop the garlic.
And chop the chili pepper coarsely, remove the seeds.
Stir starch in 2 tablespoons of water.
Make the sauce by mixing all the ingredients: the remaining sugar, starch water, soy sauce, wine, vinegar and sesame oil.
In a wok over high heat, fry the peanuts in vegetable oil for a minute, remove and set aside.
Add chili to the oil, after a few seconds add chicken breast, stir, then after a couple of minutes the onion and
Stir, pour the sauce around the circumference (along the wall of the wok), stir. Stir and shake the chicken until the sauce thickens and coats everything evenly. Serve immediately.

And this is what we were served in a restaurant in Beijing. Next to it is bread, unleavened strips of fried dough with sesame seeds. And the chicken itself is also sprinkled with sesame seeds on top.

And this is from another restaurant. Here, even in the photo, you can see that the chicken is not only with chili pepper, but also with fresh pepper.

I'm putting on a video.

Maybe it will help someone!



This is interesting: