Donuts without yeast with filling. How to make homemade donuts. The perfect dough for fluffy donuts

Donuts without yeast with filling. How to make homemade donuts. The perfect dough for fluffy donuts

National Donut Day is celebrated on the first Friday of summer in the United States. The site has selected for you recipes for the easiest to prepare, but very tasty donuts, revealing all their secrets. After all, donuts are incredibly delicious pastries . The smell of freshly baked donuts will not leave anyone indifferent.

Donuts There are regular ones without filling, with filling, covered with icing, fondant and decorated with culinary sprinkles. They can be round or have a hole in the middle. There are such varieties of well-known donuts as donuts (donuts with a hole) and Berliners (donuts). By the way, American donuts - donuts - are different from the donuts we are used to.

5 secrets for making donuts

  1. In order to cook donuts, you need a deep fryer or a saucepan - a saucepan, a frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides.
  2. It is necessary to pour a lot of oil so that the donuts float freely in it and do not lower the temperature of the deep fat when adding.
  3. Deep fat should be well heated, up to 160-180 degrees. If the deep fat is not heated well enough, the donuts will absorb a lot of oil.
  4. Donuts need to be rotated during cooking to ensure they cook evenly.
  5. Place the finished donuts on a sieve to drain off excess oil. The donuts can then be rolled in powdered sugar, coated with icing or fondant, or otherwise decorated.

Homemade donuts

Donuts are of European origin, and mention of them dates back to the 16th century. The holes appeared later, when, according to legend, the sailor Hanson Gregory made holes in them so that they would bake faster.

Donuts are prepared from ready-made mixtures that include various additives, so their shelf life and consumption are quite long. They are prepared with various fillings, from cool yeast dough , specially form the workpieces, give them time to stand (increase in volume), then lower them into deep fat, immersing them entirely in it. Donuts are covered with various sprinkles, glazes, and fondant.

5 donut recipes


  • Wheat flour – 500 g,
  • Water – 180 g,
  • Butter (margarine) – 100 g,
  • Egg (large) – 1 pc.,
  • Sugar – 1–2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Yeast (dry) - 6 g,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon

We prepare the dough using a non-steam method. Mix the dry ingredients first. Then add warm water. Last comes butter or margarine. Leave the dough for 15 minutes and divide into 70 gram pieces. The pieces should have a round shape. Place the pieces on a sheet of baking paper or a baking sheet greased with oil; they should rest for about 20 minutes. After that, deep-fry until golden brown, about 4 minutes. Then take them out, let the excess fat drain off, and cool. Then you can lay out the filling and cover with glaze.

Berliners at home

Berliners are German donuts. They are also called Berlin balls. They are round in shape without a hole. Can be with various fillings.

According to legend, during the First World War they were invented by a baker who, due to health reasons, could not fight the enemy, but was able to become an army baker, and in honor of one of the victories he invented sweet treat , which in its appearance was supposed to resemble cannonballs. Later they won everyone's love.

Berliners are deep-fried on the surface, alternately on one side and then on the other, and therefore have a white stripe on the product. They may also have a round shape when fried whole. They are filled with jam, preserves, and cream. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or coat with glaze.

5 donut recipes


  • Flour – 500 g,
  • Water – 170 ml,
  • Margarine or butter– 125 g,
  • Chicken egg – 3 pcs.,
  • Yeast (dry) – 6 g,
  • Powdered sugar for sprinkling.

We prepare the dough using a straight method: mix the dry ingredients, add warm water, then add butter or margarine. Leave the dough for 20-25 minutes and divide into 50 gram pieces. The pieces should have a round shape. Place the dough on a baking sheet, cover with a towel and let the dough rise for about 30 minutes. Then place it in the deep fryer, floating on each side for 2-3 minutes. When the donuts have cooled, fill them to taste. The filling weight is approximately 15 grams.

Recipes for Russian donuts and homemade donuts

Homemade donuts with milk

Pyshki are a type of doughnut. The yeast dough is prepared using the straight or sponge method. You can also cook crumpets with baking powder. The crumpets are deep fried. The weight of the donut is 30-60 grams. Cover with powdered sugar and various culinary toppings. They make crumpets with water, sour cream, milk, potato crumpets, with lemon zest, with cinnamon, with or without filling.

5 donut recipes


  • Wheat flour – 1 kg,
  • Milk – 750 ml,
  • Chicken egg – 4 pcs.,
  • Margarine – 1 pack (250 g),
  • Powdered sugar – 300 g + for sprinkling,
  • Baking powder – 1-2 teaspoons,
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.

We prepare the dough using a non-steam method. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat them, add powdered sugar and rub well. Then we add milk , flour mixed with baking powder and salt (the amount of baking powder required for 1 kg of flour is written on the baking powder packaging). Then add softened margarine and knead the dough as thick as sour cream. Place the crumpets into the deep fryer using a dough dispenser or a spoon. Fry until golden brown.
Cook until golden brown, remove and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

It is still unknown who invented donuts and when, and whether there is a recipe that can rightfully be considered a classic. If we take into account that the traditional donut for residents of the post-Soviet space is a deep-fried yeast bun with a hole in the middle, then I think that a donut of this type can be considered a classic. As a sample for making classic donuts, I suggest using the recipe from the 1965 book." Home cooking cakes, pastries, cookies, gingerbreads, pies" edited by R.P. Kengis.

To prepare donuts classic recipe prepare the products according to the list.

The calorie content of donuts in the recipe is indicated in terms of the finished product, taking into account the absorption of a certain amount of oil during frying.

Mix the yeast with warm milk, sugar and vanilla sugar until completely dissolved. Leave for 15 minutes to activate the mixture.

When foam forms on the surface, add sifted flour, softened butter, egg and salt to the bowl.

Knead a soft, tender dough; it should be a little sticky, but at the same time lag behind your hands.

Let the dough rise in a warm place for 1.5 hours. The dough should increase in volume by 2-2.5 times.

On a floured board, roll out the dough into a layer 5-7 mm thick. Using a round cutter, cut out approximately 25-27 donuts. Leave in a warm place for 20 minutes until completely proofed.

Fry the donuts on both sides until golden brown in a large amount of heated vegetable oil.

Place the finished donuts on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

And, of course, according to the classic recipe, warm donuts should be sprinkled with powdered sugar before serving.

Bon appetit!

Delicacies from childhood bring us back to our parents' house, to the noisy family table. The atmosphere of comfort and warmth is provided by your favorite dishes from the family piggy bank. Donuts, fried in oil, sprinkled with powdered sugar, with or without filling, are very suitable for a Saturday tea party with a large group.

We have selected the most delicious and simple donut recipes:

Curd donuts

You can use 2-3 days old cottage cheese. The taste of the baked goods will not be affected by this.

cottage cheese - 300 g
egg – 2 pcs.
0.5 cups sugar
flour - 1 cup
sour cream - 3 tablespoons
sunflower oil for frying
salt, soda - on the tip of a spoon

Cooking method:

Mix cottage cheese with sugar, sour cream, eggs. Add a quarter teaspoon each of salt and soda. Lastly, add the flour and knead well. To make the dough elastic, let it lie covered with a towel for 15 minutes. Let's make a sausage, divide it into 2-3 cm pieces and roll each piece into a ball. Meanwhile, pour oil into a deep frying pan and put it on the fire until it gets hot. Gently lower our balls into the oil and stir with a slotted spoon to ensure even frying. The donuts turn out golden in color. Place them in a colander to drain the oil. You can dip donuts in jam, condensed milk or sour cream. What's great about this recipe? Firstly, the main ingredient is healthy cottage cheese, secondly, the dish is simple and quick to make.

Kefir donuts

Kefir makes incredibly tasty and tender donuts. They are easy to prepare and delicious to enjoy with a large family.

kefir - 1 glass
egg – 1 pc.
soda – 1 teaspoon
sugar, salt - 1 teaspoon each
vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
flour – 1 cup

Add the egg to the kefir, add salt and sugar. After this, add soda. After the active foaming process is completed, add vegetable oil. We sift the flour, then it becomes fluffy, without impurities, enriched with oxygen. Add flour to the bowl and knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic. Divide the dough in half and roll out each part with a rolling pin. Use a glass to cut out circles. In the middle of each of them we make a small diameter recess to make a ring. Fry the rings in hot vegetable oil evenly on both sides. Using a slotted spoon, remove the donuts onto a paper sheet so that excess fat is absorbed. Sprinkle the top with powdered sugar or colored sprinkles (like Easter cake).

American donuts with milk

These donuts are popular in America. They eat tons of them there. And in every house they know how to cook. There are many options. We offer you one of the recipes. American donuts are made with milk. The dish is high in calories, but we don’t allow ourselves to eat it every day.

Ingredients (for 40 donuts):
warm milk - half a liter
yeast - 1.5 tablespoons
sugar - 4 tablespoons
salt – 0.5 teaspoon
egg yolks- 3 pcs.
butter (softened) - 50 g
alcohol (flavored) - 50 g
vanillin - 2 g
flour - 4 cups

For the glaze:
250 g of powdered sugar and half a glass of milk

Cooking method:

Yeast dough is not difficult to prepare if you have a bread machine on hand. Add all ingredients and knead the dough. If you are doing this without an assistant, first place the dough on half the milk. Add yeast, a little flour, sugar, salt. The consistency should be like sour cream. Let the dough stand for 30 minutes in a warm place. Bubbles on the surface will tell you its readiness. Then add milk, butter, cognac, yolks and the remaining flour. Knead the dough and let it rise.

Roll out the finished dough to a thickness of 3 mm. Cut out circles using a notch. We make a small hole in the middle of each. Leave the bagels for 1 hour. Pour just enough oil into a thick-walled pan (cauldron) so that the donuts float in it. Heat the oil until it sizzles, carefully (so that the dough does not shrink) lower the donuts into the oil. Fry evenly on both sides. Place on a sieve or paper towels to remove excess fat. Meanwhile, prepare the glaze. Add milk little by little to the powder and melt. Once the glaze becomes viscous, dip one side of each donut into it and let the glaze harden. All fragrant and delicious donuts ready!

Condensed milk donuts

These donuts are very filling. They're not too fluffy, but they're quick to make for breakfast. The recipe is simple, even an inexperienced housewife can handle it.

condensed milk - half a jar
eggs – 2 pcs.
flour – 2 cups
salt, soda - 0.5 teaspoon each
sunflower oil - for frying

Cooking method:

To prepare dough for donuts from condensed milk, you must first beat eggs with condensed milk, add salt and soda slaked with vinegar. Then add flour. Knead the dough and leave it alone for 15 minutes.

Heat the oil in a deep frying pan and fry the donuts in it. Brown evenly on both sides.

Using a slotted spoon, remove them from the oil, let the fat drain off, sprinkle the donuts with powdered sugar and serve with tea.

Yeast donuts

The highlight of these donuts is that they turn out airy and very tender. There is a special art in cutting dough. And now, in order:

warm milk – 0.5 l
egg – 2 pcs.
flour - 600 g
sugar – 75 g
yeast - 1 teaspoon
butter (melt) – 150 g
powdered sugar

Cooking method:

Dissolve sugar and yeast in 100 ml of warm milk. Wait until the foam rises like a cap. Then add this mixture to the rest of the milk with salt, butter and eggs. Add flour, mix. The dough will be runny. After it rises, about 2 hours, cut it into rings. Grease your hands with vegetable oil. To prevent them from sticking to the dough. Fry in heated vegetable oil until golden brown. Sprinkle the finished donuts with powdered sugar.

Donuts with filling

Airy filled donuts are a delicious accompaniment to the tea ceremony. Inside you can put jam, boiled condensed milk, thick jam, chocolate.

How to do yeast dough, see above (yeast donuts). It will sleep well in the refrigerator. You can bake hot crumpets for breakfast.

Ingredients (for 12 donuts):
flour - 2 cups
yolks – 3 pcs.
sugar - 1/3 cup
milk - 1 glass
salt - a pinch
vanillin – 1 teaspoon
yeast – 1 sachet “quick”

Cooking method:
Roll out the finished dough to a thickness of 1 cm, cut out small circles. Place a piece of chocolate or 1 teaspoon of jam in the middle. Cover with the second circle and pinch the edges. Shape it into a bun. Fry in vegetable oil until cooked. Remove to a plate. Sprinkle the tops of the donuts with powdered sugar.

Liliya Zakirova for Women's magazine "Prelest"

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Classic dish Russian cuisine - donuts - are loved by many housewives. They are baked from yeast or yeast-free dough, filled with filling, sprinkled with sweet powder. American donuts, which are round and covered with glaze, are also popular. It is useful for every cook to know how to cook donuts step by step.

Making donuts

Any housewife should know how to make donuts so that she can please her loved ones with delicious food. aromatic dish. There are two types - lush yeast buns or comfortable rings with a hole in the middle. If desired, the products are filled with filling, for which jam, jam or preserves or cream are taken. They are best served with a sprinkle of powdered sugar, cocoa, or confectionery paste.

The best option for baking donuts is to use a deep fryer with melted butter or refined vegetable oil. This will result in a fatty and high-calorie dish, so don’t get carried away with it. It is best to fry donuts in clean, fresh oil at a temperature of 180-200 degrees until golden brown. The products must be lowered so that they float freely in the oil and do not interfere with each other when boiling and do not touch the surface. A large number of products can be prepared in this way.

In a frying pan

In addition to the deep fryer, you can cook donuts in a frying pan. Such products are not much different from deep-fried ones. A thick-walled cast iron frying pan with high sides is ideal for frying. It needs to be heated, pour out the oil and heat until bubbles appear, lower the workpieces and fry until the surface is golden brown. In addition, in grandma's chests you can find a special frying pan with cells that allows you to cook perfectly round donuts.

In the oven

Oven-shaped donuts are more dietary and low-calorie due to the use of less oil and frying. The donut mold can be anything - silicone, metal, ceramic or glass. Cooking involves kneading the dough, distributing it among the cells and baking in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. Cooking products using this method will be slower, but healthier.

Donut dough

The final taste of the product is influenced by the donut dough, which is kneaded in several ways. The main components for it are flour, sugar, eggs, and the liquid base is water or dairy products. To make fluffy, delicious donuts, you need to add a pinch of salt and slaked soda to the dough. You can prepare the dough with mayonnaise, yeast, kefir or milk.

For yeast donuts, you need to dilute the yeast in warm water, add flour and knead the dough, which sits for several hours. After this, you can prepare delicious lush products. Less caloric, but just as beautiful, are cottage cheese donuts that have a hole in the middle cut out with a glass. Or you can fill the middle with nuts, jam, or chocolate.

The secrets of making donut dough without yeast are:

  • if filling is used, less sugar is needed;
  • you can add liqueur, cognac, rum;
  • After deep frying, remove excess oil by blotting the surface of the product with a paper towel.

Homemade donut recipe

Every experienced cook will find his own recipe for airy donuts, according to which it will be quick and easy to prepare them. Beginners should choose a step-by-step recipe for fried delicacies in order to follow the instructions exactly and get gourmet dish, pleasing the household. You can make different products at home: with jam, with condensed milk, chocolate.

From cottage cheese

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 289 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

The following recipe will teach you how to make cottage cheese donuts. These products will turn out to be incredibly tasty and aromatic, dense in texture and with a pleasant sweetish dough. They should be deep fried using fresh oil, which is recommended to be changed before preparing the next portion.


  • cottage cheese – 120 g;
  • flour – 150 g;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • powdered sugar – 10 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the egg-sugar mixture, add soda, cottage cheese, flour. Knead the dough until smooth, roll out, cut out circles.
  2. Heat the oil and fry the circles for 4 minutes each.
  3. Before serving, remove excess fat and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

On kefir

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 299 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The following instructions will teach you how to quickly prepare dough for donuts using kefir. Mixing the base with a fermented milk drink will give the products airiness and fluffiness, and will saturate them with gas bubbles. The result will be delicate, soft products that will smell pleasant. It is best to eat them with tea, coffee, hot milk or cocoa.


  • kefir - a glass;
  • sugar - glass;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 3.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil – 200 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the sugar-egg mixture, pour in the kefir, stir with a whisk. Add sifted flour, soda, stir until smooth.
  2. Heat the oil in a deep fryer or frying pan, spoon out the dough and fry over low heat until golden brown with a brown tint.
  3. Cool, remove excess fat, serve with powdered sugar.

With a hole

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 269 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The American version of the dish assumes that the products will be flatter and with a hole in the middle. The technology below will teach you how to make donuts with a hole. She will explain how to do it tasty treat with chocolate glaze, which should be eaten chilled: unlike traditional Russian buns, eaten piping hot. It can be prepared in an hour.


  • flour - half a kilo;
  • water - glass;
  • margarine – 100 g;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • dry yeast – 6 g;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • chocolate icing – 35 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix flour, sugar, yeast, beat in an egg, pour in water. Stir in margarine, knead the dough, after 15 minutes divide into portions.
  2. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Deep fry for 4 minutes, cool, remove excess fat.
  4. Cover with glaze.

With filling

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 315 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

An easy recipe for filled donuts suggests that they will be made with jam, jam or preserves. Homemade preparations that can be flavored with nuts, chocolate or coconut flakes. Children and adults will like these aromatic, mouth-watering products if served with black tea, coffee or cocoa. You can prepare them in just half an hour.


  • kefir - a glass;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • sugar - glass;
  • salt – 4 g;
  • vegetable oil - a glass;
  • flour – 1.5 cups;
  • apple jam– 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix kefir with egg, flour, sugar, salt. Mix the dough until smooth, form into balls and flatten slightly.
  2. Place jam in the center of each and secure the edges.
  3. Prepare the oil, heat it, fry the portions until brown. Serve with powdered sugar.

Simple donut recipe

  • Cooking time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 278 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for simple donuts below assumes that you will have to make them at a quick fix. Such “lazy” products will help out the hostess if guests suddenly arrive and there is nothing to treat them with. Using simple ingredients, in just half an hour you can prepare delicious donuts that will decorate your table.


  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 75 ml;
  • sugar – 70 g;
  • vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon - a pinch;
  • soda – 10 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • flour – 130 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar and sour cream, add spices, add slaked soda and flour.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, spoon out portions and fry until browned.

From yeast dough

  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 334 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

A recipe for yeast donuts at home will teach cooks how to make fluffy, delicious donuts. They have an airy texture great taste and a pleasant aroma. The dough will have to be kneaded with yeast, which will take a lot of time, so you should have time to prepare the delicacy before the guests arrive.


  • milk - half a liter;
  • dry yeast -10 g;
  • egg yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 2.5 tbsp;
  • salt – 4 g;
  • butter – 45 g;
  • flour - half a kilo;
  • vegetable oil - a glass;
  • powdered sugar – 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat half a glass of milk, stir sugar and yeast in it.
  2. After 10 minutes, add the remaining warm milk, yolks, melted butter, and salt.
  3. Add sifted flour to the dough and leave for half an hour.
  4. Stir and leave for another 1.5 hours.
  5. Form balls, fry in oil until golden brown, sprinkle with powder.

With condensed milk

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 350 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The following recipe will teach you how to make donuts with condensed milk. They will turn out with a bright, pronounced creamy taste and pleasant aroma, sweet, but without cloying. By using condensed milk, you don’t have to use sugar - the sweetness from this component is enough for the entire dough. The products can be deep-fried or baked in the oven using molds.


  • condensed milk - half a can;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 400 g;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • soda – 5 g;
  • sunflower oil – 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Beat eggs, condensed milk, salt, add slaked soda. Add sifted flour, knead the dough, let it rest for 15 minutes.
  2. Form into balls and fry in hot oil until lightly browned.
  3. After removing excess fat, serve with powdered sugar.


  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 40 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 346 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Chocolate donuts in the oven, which are prepared in the American style, are very tasty and aromatic. traditional recipe, just not deep fried. It is useful for everyone to know how to properly prepare such an exquisite delicacy, because the products differ rich taste and delicious aroma. Chocolate glaze The top looks impressive and attracts attention to the baked goods.


  • milk – half a liter + half a glass for glaze;
  • yeast – 1.5 tbsp;
  • sugar – 80 g;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • brandy – 50 ml;
  • vanillin – 2 g;
  • flour – 0.8 kg;
  • powdered sugar – 250 g

Cooking method:

  1. Add yeast, part of the flour, sugar and salt to half the warm milk. Leave in a warm place for half an hour, pour in the remaining heated milk, soft butter, cognac, yolks, flour. Knead the dough and let it rise for an hour.
  2. Roll out, cut out circles, make a hole in the center. Let rise for an hour, bake on a baking sheet in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  3. Make the glaze for the donuts: melt the glaze in milk and simmer until thick. Apply it to the surface and let it harden.

With milk

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 171 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Kitchen: author's.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Kneading dough for donuts with milk is not that difficult, so even beginners in the culinary world can handle it. How to make the products themselves correctly is already known from the above recipes. After kneading, you need to form round balls, deep-fry or bake in the oven. The result is a mouth-watering delicacy that even gourmets will enjoy.


  • flour – 1.5 cups;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • dry yeast – 12 g;
  • sugar – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix milk, sugar, yeast. After 10 minutes of infusion, under the lid, add beaten eggs, melted butter, and flour.
  2. After resting for half an hour, form the dough into round balls and fry in oil.
  3. Serve with boiled condensed milk.

With jam from yeast dough

  • Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 12 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 299 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

This recipe will teach you how to make donuts with jam based on yeast dough. Cooking takes a lot of time, but the result is round, mouth-watering delicacies that are distinguished by their rich taste, soft, aromatic filling and pleasant aroma. How to make such a delicacy is described and shown below.


  • milk – 1.5 cups;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • margarine – 70 g;
  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • salt – 5 g;
  • dry yeast – 6 g;
  • flour – 550 g;
  • cherry jam – 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Add sugar and yeast to the milk, after 15 minutes pour in the egg, melted margarine, and salt.
  2. Mix with a whisk, add flour. Cover with a towel for 1.5 hours.
  3. Roll out, cut out circles, leave for half an hour to rise. Fry in a frying pan until golden brown.
  4. Make cuts and insert jam with a pastry bag.
  5. Serve with powdered sugar fresh berries and mint leaves.


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How to make homemade donuts

  1. The ingredients must be room temperature. That is, eggs and dairy products must be removed from the refrigerator in advance.
  2. To make the donuts fluffy, sift the flour first.
  3. The frying oil should be hot. Optimal temperature- 180–200 °C. The easiest way to determine the temperature is with a thermometer. But if there is none, you can drop a little water into the oil or throw in a small piece of bread. If the oil starts to sizzle, you can cook the donuts.
  4. Fry the donuts in batches over moderate heat. There should be enough oil so that the donuts can float freely in it without touching each other.
  5. While frying, turn the donuts periodically so that they are fried on all sides. Each side will take approximately 2-4 minutes.
  6. The finished donuts should have a golden brown crust. If the outside has acquired the desired shade, but the inside is not baked, it means that the oil temperature was too high. In this case, you need to reduce the heat a little.
  7. After frying, remove the donuts with a slotted spoon and place them on a paper towel to drain excess fat.
  8. Donuts can also be cooked in the oven. To do this, use a special donut pan or form them by hand and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment.


For donuts:

  • 250 ml warm milk;
  • 10 g active dry yeast;
  • 1 tablespoon sugar;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 60 g melted butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • a pinch of salt;

For the glaze:

  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • 3–4 tablespoons of milk;


Mix milk, yeast and sugar and leave for 15 minutes. If the yeast is fresh, the mixture will begin to foam. Add flour, butter, egg and salt and mix until smooth. Cover with a towel and leave for 1–1.5 hours.

Roll out the dough into a thick layer and use a glass to cut out large circles. In each of them, make another hole with a glass of smaller diameter. Fry the donuts in hot oil.

Mix sifted powdered sugar with milk and vanilla. Pour glaze over finished donuts.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 60–80 g sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 300–350 g flour;
  • powdered sugar - for sprinkling.


Beat eggs, sugar, salt and soda. Add sour cream and beat again. Add half the flour and stir until smooth. Add cottage cheese, stir and add the remaining flour in parts, stirring after each addition.

Form the dough into not too thick sausages and cut them into several long pieces. Roll each piece into a thin rope, roll it into a ring and seal the edges. Fry the resulting donuts in hot oil and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Another recipe cottage cheese donuts you will find in this article:


  • 250 ml;
  • 1 egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda;
  • 600–700 g flour.


Mix kefir, egg, salt and sugar. Then add soda and oil and mix again. Add flour little by little, stirring thoroughly after each addition. Form the dough into balls and fry in hot oil.


  • 400 g;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • a few tablespoons of powdered sugar.


Beat condensed milk and eggs until smooth. Mix flour, baking powder, salt and vanillin. Add the dry ingredients into the egg mixture in portions, mixing well after each addition. If the dough turns out watery, add a little more flour.

Lightly roll out the dough, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then cut the dough into thick strips, cutting them into small pieces. Form each piece into balls and fry in hot oil. Dip the finished donuts in powdered sugar.


  • 250 ml warm milk;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 10 g active dry yeast;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil + for frying;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 200–250 g boiled condensed milk;
  • powdered sugar - for sprinkling.


Dissolve a tablespoon of sugar and yeast in milk and leave for 15 minutes. Add the remaining sugar, salt and butter and stir. Add flour little by little, stirring well after each addition.

Lightly knead the dough with your hands. Cover with a towel and leave for about 1.5 hours. During this time, the dough should double in size. Roll the dough into a sausage, cut into pieces and roll them out lightly.

Place a little condensed milk on each circle of dough. Bring the edges of the dough together and form into balls. Cover with a towel and leave for another 20–30 minutes. Then fry the donuts in hot oil. Sprinkle them with powdered sugar before serving.

Using the same principle, you can prepare donuts with other fillings. For example, with chocolate spread or pieces of fruit.


For donuts:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 300 ml kefir;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 50 g cocoa;
  • ½ tablespoon cinnamon;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

For the glaze:

  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons cocoa;
  • 2 tablespoons milk;
  • a pinch of vanillin - optional.


Beat eggs and sugar until smooth. Add kefir and beat again. Mix flour, cocoa, cinnamon, salt and baking powder. Add the flour mixture to the liquid ingredients little by little, stirring after each addition.

Wrap the container with the dough in cling film and refrigerate for an hour. Then roll out the dough into a thick layer and cut out circles with a glass. Make a small hole in each of them with a small glass. Fry the donuts in hot oil.

Mix the glaze ingredients until smooth and pour the mixture over the finished donuts.


  • 3 ripe;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • 1 tablespoon potato or corn starch;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


Using a fork or blender, mash the bananas into a puree. Add sugar and mix well. Add flour, starch and baking powder and mix thoroughly again.

Scoop the dough with a teaspoon or tablespoon and, using another spoon, quickly lower it into the hot oil. Repeat the same with the rest of the dough.


  • 7 g active dry yeast;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 150 ml warm milk;
  • 350–400 g flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 230 g sour cream;
  • 70 g melted butter;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • cherry jam - to taste (you can take another jam of your choice);
  • powdered sugar - for sprinkling.


Mix yeast, sugar and milk and leave for 15 minutes. In a separate container, mix flour and salt. Add the milk mixture, egg, sour cream and butter and mix with a mixer until smooth.

Cover the container with a towel and wait until the dough doubles in size. This will take approximately 1.5 hours. Then remember the dough well and roll it out into a layer about 1 cm thick. Cut out circles from it, cover with a towel and leave for about 40 minutes.

Fry the donuts in hot oil. Place the jam in a piping bag, make small holes in the side of the donuts with a knife and fill them with jam. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.


For donuts:

  • 250 g flour;
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ¼ lemon;
  • 110 ml milk;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 50 g dark chocolate;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 tablespoon red liquid food coloring;
  • a little vegetable oil.


  • 3 egg whites;
  • 100 g hard cheese(choose one that melts well);
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • a few tablespoons of breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.


Beat the whites with a mixer until thick white foam. Add grated pepper and pepper to them and mix gently. You can add other spices of your choice. Form small balls from the dough, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil.



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