Shawarma dough recipe. How to wrap shawarma: open method. What kind of meat and sauce is best to use?

Shawarma dough recipe. How to wrap shawarma: open method. What kind of meat and sauce is best to use?

Real, classic shawarma is quite fatty fried meat ( chicken thighs, pork or lamb) with the addition of aromatic sauce, vegetables, special sauce and fresh herbs. They are wrapped in thin pita bread, which is then fried in the fat that was rendered while frying the meat until crispy and golden brown. In some cases, to prepare shawarma, pita is used - oriental bread with a cavity inside into which a delicious filling is placed. But you can’t always trust street vendors, and sometimes you can’t trust restaurants, but home-cooked shawarma will be one hundred percent under your control. You are using fresh ingredients, favorite types of meat and vegetables, and even prepare the sauce to your liking.

Homemade shawarma is completely the fruit of your labors and the quintessence of your preferences. In this version it will be difficult to talk about harmfulness; shawarma will be no more harmful than salad. I often, especially in the summer, prepare homemade shawarma and consider it an excellent and quick snack for the whole family. An easy way to feed your household and fresh vegetables and healthy proteins from meat. If you don’t get carried away with sauces or prepare it not from fatty mayonnaise, but from sour cream, for example, then the usefulness of the dish will not raise any questions.

Features of cooking meat, sauce and vegetables

Dairy products are used as shawarma sauce - sour cream, kefir or mayonnaise, with the addition of fresh herbs, spices, and chopped garlic. It is the sauce that makes a simple dish, convenient for eating “on the go” and quick snack original and juicy.

In addition to traditional vegetables - crispy fresh cucumber and juicy tomato, fresh or sauerkraut, Korean carrots, French fries and many other ingredients.

Thin pita bread or flatbread, and for those who know how to masterfully bake baked goods, can be prepared at home, this requires a minimum of products, and the cooking process is simple.

Delicious homemade shawarma with chicken, cucumber and Korean carrots

In fact, initially only lamb was used to prepare shawarma, but later the recipe was modified, and now chicken meat from the legs and thighs of chicken is increasingly used. You can also take chicken breast, but then you need to be careful not to dry out the meat when cooking. Shawarma with chicken is one of the most popular now in home cooking, because it is very simple, inexpensive, and the result is very tasty.

  • Korean carrots – 100 gr.;
  • Fresh cabbage (Beijing) – 100 gr.;
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • Some fresh herbs;
  • Chicken meat from legs or fillet – 300 gr.;
  • Thin Armenian lavash- 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato paste – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mayonnaise 0 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • A pinch of curry seasoning;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Coarse salt and black pepper - to taste.


1. Cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with curry spice. Rub the spices well into the meat and fry it until golden brown in a small amount of oil. The chicken should be fully cooked. Transfer the fried chicken to a bowl to cool.

2. Finely chop the washed fresh herbs and chop the cabbage into thin slices, cut the cucumber into thin strips without removing the core.

3. Mix good mayonnaise with regular mayonnaise tomato paste, to taste, you can add garlic or a little hot chili pepper to the sauce.

4. Coat part of the pita bread with sauce, lay out pieces of meat, vegetables and herbs, add Korean carrots, add more sauce on top and wrap in a roll.

5. Form the required number of servings and fry, heating the shawarma until golden brown on all sides.

To serve, cut the shawarma in half, making an oblique cut, add fresh lettuce leaves and separately - an additional portion of sauce.

Juicy homemade shawarma (shawarma) with minced meat and mushrooms

Very tasty and incredibly juicy shawarma is obtained according to this recipe, because instead of pieces of meat it is used homemade minced meat with seasonings and spices. In addition, mushrooms mixed with processed cheese are used. Believe me, such shawarma at home will turn out no worse than in street cafes and restaurants. The combination may seem unusual to some, but I highly recommend trying to make shawarma with this set of ingredients.

To prepare you will need:

  • 250 gr. homemade minced meat;
  • 280 gr. any mushrooms, such as fresh champignons;
  • 2 small onions;
  • A little soft processed cheese;
  • Fresh Chinese cabbage;
  • 1 chili pod;
  • Thin pita bread;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Dry herbs, salt and pepper - to taste.


1. Cut one onion into small cubes, wash the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.

2. Heat in a frying pan vegetable oil and fry the mushrooms first to remove all the liquid. Add salt and spices to the mushrooms and processed cheese, stirring constantly to ensure that the cheese melts and turns into a thick sauce.

3. Separately, fry the chopped onion and place in a frying pan. chopped meat. Bring all the ingredients on the stove until fully cooked, not forgetting to season with salt, spices and black pepper.

4. Cut the second onion into thin half rings, salt well and pour boiling water or a small amount of apple cider vinegar. If regular onions are suitable for frying, then it is best to marinate red varieties.

5. Grind the chili pepper, removing the hot seeds first.

6. Place on pita bread mushroom sauce, add minced meat fried until cooked, cabbage, prepared chili and pickled onions on top. The final layer is made of mushroom sauce.

7. Now wrap the filling tightly in pita bread, trim off the excess flatbread and fry until golden brown in a dry grooved frying pan.

Well, you can serve the dish to the table by decorating it with sprigs of lettuce leaves or fresh herbs.

Delicious homemade shawarma with turkey - revealing the secrets of cooking

Delicious and at the same time very unhealthy food for a quick snack if you decide to buy shawarma on the street. But if you have fresh shawarma on your table, prepared at home, then you know all the products and methods of storing them, you fried the meat yourself, and added spices to your taste. There will be much more benefit and pleasure in such shawarma. For example, turkey shawarma will not be too fatty, like pork shawarma. After all, the turkey fillet that is used is lean and healthy enough meat that the finished product can be considered almost dietary. The calorie content will depend on how much sauce you add and oil you use to fry the meat. Everything is in your hands here.

To prepare you will need:

  • Beijing cabbage - a small head;
  • 1 red onion No.
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 100 gr. Korean carrots;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard;
  • 2-3 sweet tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and mayonnaise;
  • 85 gr. processed cheese;
  • 300 gr. turkey fillet;
  • Spices - salt and black pepper, sweet paprika and curry, Provencal herbs - a pinch;
  • A little vegetable oil.


1. Cut the onion into thin half rings, place in a bowl and either scald with boiling water or marinate in salt, sugar and apple cider vinegar.

2. For the sauce, mix processed cheese, soy sauce, sour cream and mayonnaise, and mustard. Add salt and season with spices, and mix thoroughly. You can add a couple of cloves of garlic to taste.

3. Cut the turkey into small pieces, season with salt and spices and fry until cooked.

4. Cut cucumbers, both fresh and salted, into thin strips, and chop tomatoes into cubes. Chop the cabbage and mash it with your hands.

5. Place pita bread on the work surface of the table, coat it with sauce, lay out meat, cucumbers and tomatoes, Korean carrots and cabbage, add more sauce and pickled onions, roll into a tube.

6. Fry on all sides in a clean, dry frying pan, and for those who are not afraid of extra calories, the frying pan in which the turkey was fried will come in handy - you can fry the tortilla in it with the remaining oil.

Bon appetit!

You can pleasantly diversify the taste of shawarma by replacing the meat with good ham or any other smoked meat, and a large number of vegetables will make the dish juicy and healthy.

To prepare you will need:

  • Thin lavash – 1 piece;
  • 350 gr. good ham;
  • Any hard cheese– 200 gr.;
  • A large bunch of greens and lettuce leaves;
  • 150 gr. Korean carrots;
  • A little mayonnaise;
  • 2 juicy tomatoes;
  • Red bell pepper- 1 PC.


1. Cut the ham into thin strips.

2. Grind bell peppers and tomatoes, cutting them into small cubes.

3. Chop fresh herbs as finely as possible and mix with mayonnaise, add black pepper.

4. Place pita bread on the work surface of the table, coat with sauce, lay out ham with vegetables and lettuce leaves, add Korean carrots and roll well so that the shawarma does not fall apart when frying.

Warm up, frying the sides of the flatbread until golden brown and serve hot. Delicious, crispy and healthy shawarma at home is ready!

When preparing shawarma according to this recipe, you should pay special attention to the taste of the meat; perhaps it should be marinated for a short time for juiciness and softness, giving additional taste. A special place here will be occupied by Suluguni and Adjika cheese. True Caucasian taste. If you've never tried this, I highly recommend it.

To prepare you will need:

  • Sauerkraut with beets (Gurian style) – 150 gr.;
  • Juicy lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Not very salty cheese or suluguni – 200 gr.;
  • A bunch of cilantro and basil;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of adjika;
  • 1-2 juicy tomatoes;
  • Thin pita bread;
  • 300 gr. lamb pulp;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 gr. Greek yogurt;
  • Favorite spices and seasonings - to taste;
  • 1-2 red onions.


1. Chop the onion, add salt and mash it slightly with your hands so that it releases the juice. Peel and chop the garlic, add to the onion along with spices and seasonings. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and the purple basil leaves.

2. Cut the lamb into large pieces, salt well and mix with onion and seasonings. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours. To make the spices better absorbed into the pulp, you can add a little vegetable oil to the meat.

3. Add chopped garlic, salt, pepper, a little lemon juice, cilantro to the yogurt and mix well.

4. Cut large pieces of pickled cabbage into thin strips.

5. Fry the pieces of meat in a hot frying pan with oil until cooked, then cool and chop into pieces of a convenient size for eating.

6. Spread a small amount of adjika on the pita bread, add a layer of cabbage, then pieces of meat, chopped tomatoes and cheese, and a generous portion of sauce.

7. Wrap the filling in a tortilla and fry in a frying pan or grill until crispy. You can serve it in any convenient way, for example, by making a wrapper out of baking paper.

Any part is suitable for cooking chicken meat, but it will turn out better and juicier with thigh fillet; it must first be cleaned of fat, skin and cartilage. Mushrooms can also be any kind, but the easiest way is to take tender champignons.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 sweet onion;
  • 200 gr. any mushrooms;
  • 250 gr. chicken meat;
  • Salt pepper - to taste;
  • A couple of cloves of garlic;
  • Thin pita bread;
  • Fresh herbs;
  • 2-3 juicy tomatoes;
  • 85 gr. mayonnaise.


1. Chop the onion, garlic and mushrooms and fry until the liquid evaporates.

2. Cut the chicken into thin strips, add to the mushrooms and fry with salt and spices.

3. Cut tomatoes and fresh herbs. Lay out the pita bread, coat it with mayonnaise with salt, pepper, garlic and herbs, place meat and vegetables on top and add more sauce.

4. Wrap and fry in a dry frying pan, but slices of fried potatoes are perfect as an addition to this shawarma.

Bon appetit!

Delicious and simple pork shawarma at home

And of course, you can’t ignore the traditional and familiar look homemade shawarma with pork. This is the most common meat in our latitudes and can be cooked very tasty. Pork shawarma may seem a little fatty to you, but the whole point is what kind of meat you use for it. If you don’t like fatty foods, use lean pieces of ham or shoulder. Neck for those who are not afraid for their figure. By the way, you can also wrap shish kebab in shawarma; you just need to lightly cut it into pieces when finished. But in this video recipe you will see how to cook a simple but very tasty homemade shawarma with pork.

While the Internet is arguing about how to correctly say “shawarma” or “shawarma”, we will quickly prepare this hearty snack. It is not at all necessary to go outside the door in search of street food, and at home, shawarma is no worse, and even better. Judge for yourself: we control everything that goes into the thin flatbread, absolutely all the ingredients: meat, vegetables, and sauces. We can replace fatty pork with turkey or chicken, eliminate hot sauces, or, on the contrary, put it from the heart if you like it spicy. Huge scope for imagination!

I don't know about you, but in our city all the points with street food, to put it mildly, questionable! If you have a similar situation, do not risk your health, cook yourself!

So, let's move on to the ingredients (for 4 pcs):

It is difficult to indicate what sauces and ingredients are needed, since your shawarma should consist of your favorite products! The same applies to the number of ingredients... But I will indicate those ingredients that are usually used for cooking in our family, and you will adjust the recipe to suit you.

  • Armenian lavash - 2 pcs. (we will cut each sheet into two parts)
  • Chicken (or turkey) fillet - 400 g. You can use any meat of your choice: pork, beef, etc.
  • Garlic sauce - 4 tbsp. l. (you can prepare it yourself by mixing thick sour cream with squeezed garlic clove and herbs)
  • Green salad onions - 2 tbsp. l. (finely chopped)
  • Vegetable oil for frying meat - 2 tbsp. l. (I use olive)
  • Korean carrots - 250 g (in our shawarma this is a mandatory ingredient)
  • Ketchup or any other favorite sauce (you can use barbecue, sweet and sour,
    chili sauce, etc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs. medium size
  • Salt, sugar, pepper to taste

Which pita bread to choose for shawarma?

In our city we sell two types of Armenian lavash: round and in the form of rectangles. In this recipe I used a rectangular one, but the shape does not affect the taste, use whichever is more convenient. I prefer to pack the filling properly so that none of the sauce leaks out, so I prefer a rectangular pita.

Shawarma at home (recipe with photos step by step)

Wash the chicken fillet, dry it on a paper towel, and cut it into small pieces. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and lower the meat into it.

Fry until slightly golden brown, then add salt, pepper, and your favorite spices. Stir with a spatula so that the pieces do not burn.

It doesn’t matter what kind of meat you make shawarma from, the meat needs to be fully cooked! In the case of chicken, it takes 10-15 minutes, beef will take longer to cook.

If at the end of cooking meat pieces If you find them too large, you can further cut them with a knife.

While the meat is frying, chop the vegetables. Tomatoes - into medium-sized pieces. Usually I also add green fresh cucumbers, but now is the time of year - late autumn and cucumbers are long gone, and Turkish ones are completely tasteless. If you have fresh cucumbers on hand, be sure to use them in the filling: they make shawarma tastier and “fresher” in taste.

Finely chop the onion.

Now we lay out a thin sheet of pita bread on the table and begin to fill the flatbread. I usually cut each leaf into two parts, and the shawarma still turns out very large in size. You can make one trial and then adjust the size of the pita bread to suit you. For example, divide not into two parts, but into three.

How to wrap shawarma?

How I fill the pita bread: I step back 2-3 cm from each edge, first grease the flatbread with ketchup and garlic sauce. Then I post it Korean carrots, fried meat, then tomatoes and herbs are used. Here you give room to your creative impulses and focus on your taste: for example, if you like white cabbage, chop it and add it to the filling.

If you are using fresh white cabbage, first shred it, add a little salt, and then press it with your hands to make the cabbage more tender.

We bend the edges of the pita bread as shown in the photo. And then we twist the folded edge from left to right. While rolling, lightly press the tube with your palm so that the filling is compacted well. That's it, the shawarma is almost ready!

To make the pita bread crispy and not remain rubbery, I recommend frying it in a grill pan without oil on each side. Firstly, the pita bread will not unfold if we heat the seam. Secondly, the structure of the cake will change dramatically! And thirdly, hot shawarma tastes better - it has been tested many times!

And now we’re finally inviting our family over for a hearty snack)! Bon appetit!

Shawarma is very nutritious, and perhaps each family member will eat one piece, no more. If you still have the filling and pita bread, wrap the shawarma in reserve, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. There it will be stored for several days (2 days, I don’t recommend storing it longer). At any time you can heat the shawarma in a frying pan and serve. Do not heat it in microwave oven, because tomatoes heated in it are not very pleasant to the taste, and greens are even worse.

Be sure to share in the comments how you prepare shawarma? Maybe you put something tasty and unusual in the filling? I’m also wondering, have you tried baking pita bread yourself? I heard that it bakes once or twice, but I haven’t had a chance to try it yet. If you have a proven recipe, please share.

Bye bye!

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Everyone knows this dish from oriental cuisine. At least once, everyone bought shawarma in tents. There are several varieties of shawarma - meat with vegetables in pita bread or meat with vegetables in thin pita bread. The first option seems more familiar to some, while others love exclusively the second.

It is believed that real shawarma, traditional turkish dish, is deep-fried lamb mixed with salads and wrapped in pita bread.But outside eastern countries, lamb is not so often used as food, so for shawarma you can also use other types of meat - chicken, pork, veal, turkey, beef. It all depends on your personal preferences. Of course, in eastern countries they choose meat only in accordance with traditions, and they prepare this dish somewhat differently than we are used to, but in general the technologies are approximately the same.

Making shawarma at home is not at all difficult, we hope our tips and recipe will help you.

Shawarma filling

In addition to the main ingredient - meat - tomatoes, onions, pickles, cabbage, lettuce, and mushrooms are added to shawarma. Again, it all depends on personal preference. Some shawarma connoisseurs do not recognize any fillers other than meat and sauce. It is important that various spices are used in this dish - this will add an oriental touch and make the taste more pronounced.

As a sauce, which is also added to the filling, you can use sour cream, cheese (hard or creamy), mayonnaise, garlic or sour cream sauce, ketchup, mustard. It’s good to add a lot of herbs to the filling to taste - dill, cilantro, basil, parsley, green onions. If you want to cook shawarma at home, then it depends only on you how complex or simple the filling will be, how many components it will contain and what its taste will be.

A few cooking secrets

Pay attention to the pita bread or pita bread that you plan to use for shawarma. They must be fresh. Dried pita bread is in no way suitable for preparing this dish, because it cannot be rolled without cracks. It is also difficult to put filling into stale pita, as it will crumble and look unpresentable.

In order for your shawarma to be juicy and soft, we recommend marinating the meat first. Lemon juice, kefir, olive oil- any simple marinade will make even the toughest meat tender. It is very important, if you want to get that same shawarma taste, to fry the meat correctly. Best to use cast iron frying pan, you can use a cast iron grill pan.

Before frying, the meat is blotted with a dry towel to remove excess marinade and moisture. Fry it practically without oil in a heated frying pan, stirring constantly until golden brown. It is recommended to lightly fry the finished dish, placed in pita bread or rolled into a lavash roll, in a dry frying pan on both sides.

Preparing sauces for filling

Shawarma with garlic and spicy sauce tastes best. They are very easy to prepare. For garlic sauce, mix sour cream with garlic, green onions and pickled cucumber. And for hot sauce mix natural tomato paste with cilantro, olive oil, lemon juice and adjika.

Grind all the ingredients for the sauces in a blender until smooth and add them to the finished filling in the quantity you like. If you want to make a more traditional dish, then use two of these sauces for the filling. Or add the sauce that you personally like best.

Rolling shawarma from pita bread

In order for the shawarma to be similar in appearance to store-bought and so that meat and vegetable juices do not leak out of it, it is important to learn how to roll it correctly. It is best to unfold the lavash sheet on the table and lightly sprinkle it with water.

We step back a few centimeters from the edge and generously grease the pita bread with one or two sauces. We put vegetable filling, put the meat on top, pour the sauce over it. Then we cover everything with the short part of the pita bread, then with the side parts, and at the very end we roll up the roll using the long part of the pita bread.

Recipe for homemade shawarma in lavash

You can add sweet bell peppers, tomatoes, lettuce leaves, and grated cheese to the filling of this shawarma to taste.


Knowing how to cook shawarma at home yourself, the housewife will be able to regularly pamper her family with delicious food. hearty dish. A homemade treat will definitely not contain cheap, harmful or completely stale ingredients, which fast food cafes are often guilty of using. Preparing shawarma according to any of the given recipes is very quick and easy.

You don't need any special tools to make homemade shawarma. The usual knife and spoon are enough. If the pita bread is very wide and you have to cut it into pieces, then it is most convenient to do this with large kitchen scissors.

  • The main product in shawarma is, of course, its base, in which the filling will be wrapped. Usually this is thin Armenian lavash, which is better to buy ready-made.
  • You can use a variety of ingredients as a filling - any fresh and/or pickled vegetables, canned legumes, fish, meat, poultry, herbs.
  • A special sauce will help make shawarma especially tasty. For example, based on sour cream or kefir.

Vegetables for shawarma are simply washed and cut into medium pieces. But the selected meat or fish must definitely pass heat treatment. They can be boiled, fried in a frying pan or grilled, or baked in the oven. Next, the product is cut into slices or torn into fibers.

How to properly fill and wrap shawarma?

It is very important to fill and wrap the snack correctly. Then the sauce will not flow out of it and the filling will not spill out.

  1. To do this, a sheet of shawarma dough is laid out on a flat surface and brushed with sauce.
  2. The filling is distributed on top of it. It must be on the edge of the sheet. At the same time, impressive indentations are made on all sides of the pita bread. There can be quite a lot of filling so that the structure ends up being dense.
  3. First of all, the remaining part of the side edge is folded over the filling. Next, the top and bottom edges are also folded. It is in this position that the workpiece is twisted into a roll. Then there will be no holes left either below or above.

With chicken fillet

Ingredients: 380 g poultry fillet, 2/3 tbsp. mayonnaise, 3 tomatoes, 2 sour cucumbers, 3 Armenian lavash, half a glass of sour cream, garlic, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, a pinch of curry, fresh herbs.

  1. The chicken is cut into small pieces, poured with soy sauce and sprinkled with spices. In this form, it is marinated for 40 - 50 minutes in the cold. Next, the meat is fried.
  2. For the sauce, mix sour cream, mayonnaise, chopped herbs and finely grated garlic.
  3. The remaining ingredients are cut randomly.
  4. Chicken, vegetables, sauce are laid out on pita bread.

Shawarma with chicken is carefully wrapped, fried in a dry frying pan for a couple of minutes and served for breakfast.

You need to start frying from the seam side in order to immediately “seal” it.

With beef in lavash

Ingredients: 3 long thin pita breads, 230 g white cabbage, 270 g beef pulp, fresh cucumber, half a sweet pepper, salt, 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice, ketchup and soy sauce, half an onion, 1 tsp. sugar, garlic, 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

  1. For the sauce, mix crushed garlic, mayonnaise and ketchup.
  2. Vegetables are finely chopped. The cabbage also needs to be mashed by hand.
  3. Thin slices of beef along with onions are fried until tender in a small amount of oil. Sauce, fresh lemon juice, sugar and salt to taste are added to them.
  4. The entire pita bread is coated with sauce. Vegetables and fried onion and meat are alternately laid out on it. A little sauce is also poured on top.

A neat, dense shawarma is wrapped in pita bread, after which all that remains is to brown it in a dry frying pan. You can take a sample!

How to cook a snack on coals?

Ingredients: Armenian lavash, ¼ onion, glass of fried chicken fillet, half a tomato and cucumber, 30 g Korean carrots, a couple of leaves Chinese cabbage, mayonnaise, ketchup, spices for barbecue.

  1. To make the sauce, mix ketchup, mayonnaise and barbecue seasonings.
  2. Onion, cucumber and tomato are finely chopped. The cabbage is chopped into strips.
  3. Lavash is coated with sauce. Chicken and vegetables are laid out on it. The remaining sauce is distributed among the ingredients. The last thing to add is Korean carrots without marinade.
  4. The appetizer is carefully rolled up, placed on the grill and fried for a couple of minutes on a grill with “gray” coals.

You should not warm up the treat for a long time, so as not to dry out the pita bread. Otherwise, it will lose elasticity and crack.

Vegetarian shawarma at home

Ingredients: 4 pcs. pita bread, 4 tomatoes, a bunch of lettuce leaves, 2 sweet peppers, lime, 420 g champignons, olive oil, 3 sour cucumbers, 1 potato, garlic, salt.

  1. Onions are cut into thin half-rings, cucumbers into circles.
  2. The remaining vegetables are randomly chopped.
  3. In a heated frying pan, mushroom slices are fried until golden brown and salted.
  4. The finished potatoes are mashed with lime juice, salt and garlic. Whisk until smooth and creamy.
  5. Olive oil is added to the puree. There should be enough of it so that you end up with a thin, glossy sauce in the bowl.
  6. The pita breads are greased with the mixture from the previous step.
  7. A couple of lettuce leaves, some mushrooms and vegetables are laid out on each piece. The components are also covered with sauce on top.

A neat, thick appetizer is wrapped and served to the table.

With pork

Ingredients: large thin pita bread, 70 g each of sweet pepper, fresh cucumber and Chinese cabbage, 130 g of boiled pork, fresh herbs - onion and dill, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. The cooled meat is cut into thin strips. If there is no need to count calories, then the pork can be fried rather than boiled. Then it is also chopped.
  2. All declared vegetables are also chopped. The strips of chopped cabbage are kneaded with your hands. All greens are chopped very finely.
  3. Lavash is spread with salted mayonnaise. Meat, vegetables, herbs and the remaining sauce are laid out on it.

The workpiece is rolled up, cut into two parts and served to the table.

With duck

Ingredients: 230 g boiled duck meat, 220 g marinated champignons, large fresh cucumber, 40 g Korean carrots, 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and ketchup, 2 thin pita breads.

  1. Cucumber and champignons are cut into thin slices.
  2. The meat is divided into fibers.
  3. For the sauce, mix mayonnaise and ketchup. You can add any seasonings to them.
  4. Lavash is filled with duck meat, all the stated vegetables, pickled mushrooms and spicy carrots. A large portion of sauce is laid out on top of the ingredients.

The preparations are carefully rolled up and immediately served to the table as an appetizer or even a main course.

Appetizer with cheese, meat and vegetables

Ingredients: 2 pita breads, half a kilo of chicken, 230 g soft cream cheese, one cucumber and tomato, a bunch of lettuce leaves, 3 tbsp. l. sweet ketchup and olive mayonnaise, dry garlic.

  1. Tomato, cucumber and chicken meat are cut into medium pieces. The latter is fried until golden.
  2. For the sauce, mix mayonnaise, dry garlic and sweet ketchup.
  3. Lavash is greased with soft cheese. Lettuce leaves are placed on top. Next, vegetables are distributed.
  4. All that remains is to place the chicken on the workpiece and cover everything with sauce.

The pita bread is rolled up and the appetizer is left to brew for 10 minutes.

A simple version of shawarma with sausage

Ingredients: 2 thin pita breads, 2 leaves Chinese cabbage, 60 g cheese, 130 g half-smoked sausage, fresh tomato, 4 tbsp. l. grains canned corn, half an onion, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. Tomato, onion and sausage are cut into medium pieces, after which they are fried together with corn kernels for a couple of minutes.
  2. Chinese cabbage is finely shredded.
  3. The cheese rubs coarsely.
  4. All components of the filling are laid out one by one on sheets of lavash coated with salted mayonnaise.

The workpiece is wrapped tightly.

Shawarma sauce: recipes

It is very important that not only the dough (lavash) is tasty, but also the sauce. Below are collected best recipes the last one.

Classic recipe

Ingredients: ½ tbsp. classic mayonnaise and the same amount of sour cream, a bunch of fresh dill, 4 garlic cloves.

  1. Sour cream is mixed with mayonnaise.
  2. Finely grated garlic is added to the sauce.
  3. All that remains is to add chopped herbs to the mixture.

You can “play” with the taste of this sauce using various spices.

Real red sauce

Ingredients: 120 g of classic mayonnaise, 90 g of fat sour cream, 2 cloves of fresh garlic, ½ tsp. curry, 2 tbsp. l. sweet ketchup, ground sweet paprika and suneli hops.

  1. All spices are mixed well.
  2. Crushed garlic is added to them.
  3. Mayonnaise, ketchup and sour cream also go there.

After stirring, the sauce should stand in a cool place for a couple of hours.

Cooking with kefir

Ingredients: 1.5 tbsp. kefir, 3 egg yolks, 1 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice and sweet mustard, 4 garlic cloves, salt, black pepper, 1/3 tbsp. vegetable oil.

  1. The yolks are poured into the blender bowl. Oil is sent to them.
  2. All other ingredients are added except kefir and garlic.
  3. The products are whipped until smooth.
  4. Crushed garlic and kefir are added to the resulting mass.

The prepared shawarma sauce can be used immediately.

White garlic sauce for shawarma

Ingredients: 80 g each of sour cream and mayonnaise, fresh garlic to taste, a pinch of suneli hops and black pepper, salt.

  1. Mayonnaise and sour cream are combined.
  2. The sauce is peppered and salted.
  3. Garlic is passed into it through a press. The amount of the latter is chosen according to your taste.

Ready garlic Sause Cool thoroughly before use.

Sour cream sauce with basil

Ingredients: 90 g very fat sour cream, 3 tbsp. l. cream, a pinch of dark ground basil, 1 tsp. fresh lime juice, pepper, salt, dry garlic.

  1. Sour cream is combined with cream. You will get a mixture with a consistency convenient for spreading on pita bread.
  2. All other declared components are added to the base.
  3. The ingredients are mixed well.

The sauce is cooled.

Yogurt recipe

Ingredients: 90 ml unsweetened yoghurt, 1 tsp. mustard, a pinch of coriander and a mixture of peppers, 6 olives.

  1. Coriander is ground in a mortar. Together with the peppers, it is mixed into the yogurt.
  2. Mustard is added to the sauce.
  3. Pitted olives are cut very finely and added to the rest of the ingredients.

The sauce is infused for 25 - 35 minutes in a cool place.

As you can see, there are no difficulties in preparing shawarma at home. Like pizza, this dish opens up incredible scope for experimenting with toppings, which can be dietary and high-calorie, spicy and mild, vegetarian and meat - anything! But most importantly, it’s always delicious!

Good day to all! Summer is in full swing and, as usual, shawarma season has arrived. Everywhere you look now there are tents and stalls selling these fast foods. How do you feel about preparing this dish yourself at home?

Making it with your own hands has always been healthier and tastier, so if you are interested, don’t miss it, stay and read this article to the end.

Interesting! Shawarma or shawarma, dener kebab, fakitos, these are such funny names 🙂 Who is used to calling this Middle Eastern (Levantine) dish? Whose kitchen is this? I think that Mediterranean, if you literally translate these unusual names, you get “flatbread with meat.” But indeed, all shawarma is prepared with meat, it can be chicken, beef or pork. Nowadays they even often use lamb or turkey. And plus are added different vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflower and etc.

It is usually served hot when you want something to snack on. As always, there are plenty of options; in our city they even sell under different names, for example “Turkish”, Uzbek, vegetable, colored, etc.

It’s not difficult to prepare this dish at home; it will be even safer than bought at a stall or at a market or train station. After all, the main thing is that you yourself know what you put inside, and you can add or change the ingredients to your own taste and taste. This chicken version is simple and proven, one might say easy to prepare, because instead of flatbread we will use Armenian lavash.

The technology is given for one or two servings. You can modify the composition and take products by eye. I suggest a version without cheese. So what should shawarma or shawarma prepared at home be like?

We will need:

  • Armenian lavash - 1 pc.
  • Boiled sausage -100 g
  • Boiled chicken meat - 200 g
  • White cabbage - 150 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste
  • Greens to taste
  • Ketchup - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Mustard - 1 tsp.
  • Apple cider vinegar or 9% - for pickling onions + a little water

Cooking method:

1. Take one small pita bread, or a large pita bread, but it will need to be cut into two halves. Place it on a clean, dry table. First layer - chop the cabbage with a knife.

Important! If you want to bake lavash yourself, then you will find the dough and all the secrets of its preparation in my other articles, which will certainly appear soon. Usually, everyone takes ready-made pita bread and invents this delicious roll.

2. Second step, sprinkle grated or cut into strips carrots on top of the cabbage.

Important! You can cut carrots with a special knife. And if you want the dish to be even tastier and spicier, then take a ready-made Korean one, or create one yourself.

4. Next step, add the pickled onions. If you don’t know how to pickle onions, then read there I told you how to cook kebabs and, as a bonus, at the end I described the process of preparing pickled onions.

Important! You don’t have to use onions at all, it’s not for everyone.

Then place the sausage cut into strips and bell pepper on top. AND boiled chicken in small pieces. Lubricate everything with mayonnaise and ketchup. Such bright colors, even now at this stage you want to eat everything. Season with salt and pepper to taste; you can also use fresh herbs or replace them with dried ones.

5. The most important point remains, this is how to wrap the shawarma beautifully so that it does not crumble.

Important! Do not do it large filling in volume, because then you won’t be able to wrap it, it will be too thick.

First, fold the right edge into the middle of the sheet, as shown in the picture.

7. Well, it's time to see what came of it. Try it, it's simply delicious. This juicy delicacy will give you an unforgettable taste. My husband says this is the best food in the world, what do you think? 🙂

Classic recipe for making shawarma (shawarma) with chicken

I would like to immediately note that traditional options great multitude. This type is the most common, but at the same time the best and real. It will be cooked without carrots with an interesting and aromatic sauce based on sour cream and mayonnaise. This original vegetable step-by-step version of shawarma turns out no worse than the chef’s.

We will need:

  • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg
  • Armenian lavash -2-3 pcs.
  • cucumber, either fresh or salted - 2 pcs.
  • white cabbage - 150 g
  • tomato - 2-3 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc., if you like
  • herbs and seasoning to taste

For the sauce:

  • sour cream - 3-4 tbsp
  • kefir - 3-4 tbsp
  • mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp
  • garlic -3 cloves
  • ground black and red pepper
  • curry, coriander, dried spices (basil, cilantro, parsley, dill, etc.)

Cooking method:

1. Take any chicken meat, wash it in running water, and then cut it into small, neat pieces.

2. Then they need to be marinated in any spices, or made in any way.

3. Chop the cabbage with a chef's knife.

Important! Cut it into thin slices.

5. The next step is the tomatoes, which are very important to cut into small pieces and shake off the excess juice.

Important! If the tomato has a thick peel, remove it by pouring boiling water over them and holding for a minute, then pull out and remove.

6. Now, in order to prepare the sauce for shawarma or shawarma, use these instructions. Mix mayonnaise, sour cream and kefir in a bowl. Squeeze the garlic through a press, pepper, add spices and your favorite seasonings. The main thing here is not to overdo it, try it, it will turn out very tasty. Stir.

7. Fry the chicken pieces in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Important! Fry over high heat for 4 minutes, since we don't have a grill on hand, it means we'll have to fry in a very hot pan to get the pieces to cook very well. They were crispy on top and juicy on the inside. 🙂

8. Well, now the most decisive moment. Unfold the lavash sheet and place the filling one by one: soum, chicken pieces, tomatoes, cucumbers, seasonings, salt and pepper, sauce.

9. Wrap it in pita like this! 😛 How do you wrap the shawarma?

10. Now you can fry a little in a frying pan on both sides until crispy.

11. The pan-fried delicacy is ready! Place on lettuce leaves and serve with good mood. Delicious discoveries to you!

Homemade pita shawarma with sausage

This option will be with cheese and sausage; the sausage can be replaced with ham. We cook at home quickly and tasty, with love and care for your loved ones, so that it turns out no worse than in the popular McDonald's.

We will need:

  • lavash - 1 pc.
  • boiled or smoked sausage - 100 g
  • fresh cucumber, salted in winter - 1 pc.
  • processed cheese - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp
  • salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Unwrap half of the finished pita bread and spread mayonnaise on the surface with a silicone brush.

2. Then sprinkle with sausage.

3. Then grated or finely chopped cucumbers. Salt and pepper to taste.

4. Now this is a super ingredient unusual cheese, namely melted, in order to make it convenient to grate, place it in the refrigerator freezer in advance.

5. The final stage is to apply tomato paste or ketchup over the entire surface of the filling.

6. Carefully wrap the resulting miracle and place it on a plate. Make another “creation” from the other half of the pita bread. Invite a friend or girlfriend to visit and treat yourself!

Pork shawarma - homemade recipe

In addition to the most popular types with chicken, in rare cases made with beef, they are also made with pork. You will now find out how to cook, we recently did it with our family at a picnic on the grill, and why not, in the summer you can do it outdoors, and not just at home. Instead of pork, you can also use other products, such as mushrooms, because they are not inferior to meat in terms of calorie content.

We will need:

  • pork meat - 110 g
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • cabbage - 40 g
  • thin lavash - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • mayonnaise - 1-2 tbsp
  • ketchup - 1-2 pcs.
  • pork seasoning mix
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Cut all the vegetables on the list in any shape; it is better, of course, to choose the form in the form of bars or straws.

2. Chop the pork meat into small pieces, add salt and pepper, and fry if you are at home in a frying pan for 3-4 minutes over high heat. You can also marinate the pork in advance. If you are on vacation, then in general such meat can be fried on skewers. 😛 For the sauce, take mayonnaise and put it in it, or better yet, finely chop the garlic. Then the aroma will be much richer.

3. To make this sauce even more piquant, add chopped herbs.

4. Now unwrap the pita bread and spread the sauce on it. Next, lay out all the ingredients in random layers.

6. Well, it turned out to look like a restaurant or a cafe. Place on a plate and add a parsley leaf for decoration.

Delicious shawarma with Korean carrots and french fries just like in the tents

In my opinion, this type of shawarma is the most popular and most in demand. In the end, I even got it specially for you in one of our eateries, as everyone calls it “lump,” exactly the technology that is used there in grams.

Well, now I propose too original version preparations. By the way, who knows how many calories are in one piece of shawarma? Write your comments.

We will need:

  • chicken meat - 150-200 g
  • potatoes - 1-2 pcs.
  • cheese - 60 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • any greens to taste
  • pickled cucumbers - 1 - 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise, sour cream, kefir - only 10 tbsp.
  • garlic - 1 clove

Cooking method:

1. Cut all the ingredients in stages, as you see in these pictures. Fry potatoes and chicken pieces in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Important! One day I didn’t have sour cucumber, so I replaced it with sauerkraut. So don't be afraid to add or change it to something of your own.

2. Now place all the resulting products in layers on the pita bread. Don't forget to add pepper and salt and make the sauce. Mix mayonnaise, sour cream and kefir, you can take only 2 components, for example sour cream and mayonnaise approximately 1:1:1 or 1:1, and of course chopped garlic, mix. Apply, grease the filling, and then wrap it in such a roll.

Important! If you're a fan of heat, add hot red pepper.

3. Love crispy sharma then use a frying pan and fry it or use grill. Bon appetit!

As promised, the option is like in a stall or tent in our city, which you are used to usually ordering with home delivery.

Love baked meats fried foods? Then try making samsa.

Shawarma with crab sticks without meat

I consider this option to be original. Yes, as soon as they appeared in stores crab sticks we began to add them anywhere, to salads and even fry them in batter, and we also began to use them in this dish.

What kind of meat do you usually use for shawarma? This option is without meat at all, you can also make it without cabbage, imagine, but by the way it turns out very tasty. By the way, such a roll can be made for a holiday, cut into pieces and served as an appetizer for any celebration or feast.

We will need:

  • crab sticks – 110 g
  • white cabbage - 100 g
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • lavash - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise -2 tbsp
  • salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Take the pita bread and cut it in half. Grease the surface on the side where the filling will be with mayonnaise. Next, lay out the first green layer - chopped cabbage.

Important! To make the cabbage juicy, you need to salt it after cutting and squeeze it with your hands.

3. Roll up like an envelope or pita.

4. Well, it turned out very well, and most importantly, it’s superbly simple!

Shawarma from professional Stalik Khankishiev. Video

I advise fans of this famous person to watch this video and listen to his advice and recommendations. Well, for those who are just curious?! 😛

Diet shawarma

I didn’t even know that such options existed, it turns out there are a lot of them, so I suggest you choose any filling and create this dish. How do you like it?

Shawarma sauce, like in stalls

What do you think is the most popular sauce and the one that is most ordered in tents and stalls? I did a little research and it turned out that in our area it is garlic sauce made from kefir (sour cream) and mayonnaise, in second place is yogurt, and third place is mayonnaise+ ketchup.

I suggest you watch the video from the YouTube channel of the most mega-famous sauce; another article will be published in more detail about other options, so if you are interested, come to my blog more often and see for yourself.

P.S. Well, finally I wrote a note about different interpretations sauces for shawarma, read here:

How to properly wrap shawarma.Learn to wrap quickly and easily!

And now I still want not only so that you can cook delicious filling, and also learned how to “cook” this dish beautifully and in different ways. This video is very short, but after watching it, you will immediately understand everything and you will certainly succeed the first time. Choose your favorite method and cook with pleasure, dear subscribers and guests of the blog!

Secrets and rules of delicious juicy shawarma from chefs

1. Many cooks and chefs 🙂 prefer to add heaps of meat different varieties, that is, mix chicken with lamb or pork.

2. To prevent fried meat from turning out dry, sprinkle it with lemon juice.

3. If you want to make the sauce not white, but a slightly different color, then add any seasonings to it, such as curry. It will be much richer and piquant.

4. Remember an important rule: after cooking, you do not need to heat the dish in the microwave, as it will soften very much and lose its taste.

That's all for me, have a nice and productive day! May this day be good and bring you only joy and positivity! Don't forget to write your reviews and wishes. Bye-bye everyone. See you!

P.S. Joke of the day: The company “Shaurma from Suri” will quickly and completely free of charge rid your area of ​​stray cats and dogs!



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