Recipes for dishes made from rice flour - what you can prepare at home. Are noodles allowed on the menu for weight loss and what is the most suitable dish during a diet?

Recipes for dishes made from rice flour - what you can prepare at home. Are noodles allowed on the menu for weight loss and what is the most suitable dish during a diet?

There are many dietary dishes, which are suitable both for weight loss and during periods when you just want something light and low-fat. For those who want to lose weight, there are plenty delicious soups, which give you a feeling of fullness and at the same time have few calories. Ingredients may include vegetables, mushrooms, lean meat and fish. They also add noodles, but not ordinary noodles, but special, dietary ones. It can be rice, buckwheat or even vegetable.

In order not to cook 2 individual dishes, yourself and your household, invite them to try this noodle soup, and it will become one of their favorite dishes.

Diet soup recipes

Noodle soup is extremely easy to prepare and doesn’t take much time. It can be prepared for the whole family, it is unusual dish Your family will love it.

Chicken breast soup


  • 2 liters of chicken broth,
  • rice or buckwheat noodles,
  • bulb,
  • green pea,
  • green beans,
  • cauliflower,
  • small chicken breast,
  • carrot,
  • 2 - 3 potatoes,
  • greenery,
  • a little olive oil.

Pre-boil the chicken, place the meat on a plate and divide into small pieces. Throw diced potatoes into the boiling broth and boil for 15 minutes. At this time, lightly fry the chopped carrots and onions in olive oil until golden brown, set aside. Add cauliflower, peas, beans and noodles to the soup pot. Boil for 5 – 7 minutes, depending on readiness. Add the contents of the pan and the breast, boil for 2 minutes and set aside from the heat. Before serving, decorate with herbs. For homemade ones, you can add croutons. If you like to experiment and try something unusual and new, add whole pitted green olives to the finished dish.

Mushroom soup

You will need:

In a saucepan, fry the chopped garlic, onion and carrots in a little olive oil for a few minutes. Add diced mushrooms and potatoes, simmer for 5 - 7 minutes, add broth and let simmer for about 10 minutes. Add noodles, cook for 5-7 minutes, vegetable noodles - about 2-3. Remove from heat. Pour into plates, add herbs.

Noodles are a rather delicate product, so it is extremely important that they are not overcooked, especially when it comes to vegetables. Do not forget that after you remove the pan with your soup from the heat, the cooking process does not end and due to the high temperature it will “cook”. Take this into account and better turn off the burner a little earlier, otherwise the noodles will simply turn into mush.

These recipes can be improved by removing or adding components, it all depends on your imagination and preferences.

Important points

To prepare vegetable noodles, you need to take young zucchini, zucchini or carrots. They must be thoroughly washed and peeled. Then use a special knife to cut the noodles. If you don't have such a device, you can try to do it with a regular knife. This, of course, will require more time and effort. The noodles must be thin enough, otherwise they will not taste good.

Can be added to soup for richer flavor processed cheese or cream. The dish will acquire a delicate aroma, but will not cease to be dietary. Only the cheese should be added at the beginning of cooking, as soon as the broth boils, and the cream at the end.

To make the soup more to your family's taste, you can add croutons to it. You can make them at home by drying diced bread in the oven for 10 minutes.

U dietary nutrition Recently, my image has been greatly damaged by stereotypes. There is an opinion that losing weight is painful: “eating is more interesting than losing weight, I don’t want to eat oatmeal and water every day.”

According to some points of view, the diet is more for the wallet: “buy olive oil instead of sunflower oil, sweet potato instead of potatoes.” There are a lot of contrived restrictions.

In fact, you can lose weight with the same foods that helped you gain weight. It is enough to review some recipes and think about cooking technology.

Basics of nutrition while dieting

Dietary food is healthy eating, not necessarily intended for weight loss. Different categories of people are on dietary nutrition: children, pregnant and lactating women, sick people, athletes, ordinary active people.

A proper diet is structured so that the food is nutritious and sufficiently high in calories, but without excesses, which the body immediately sends to fat reserves. Food helps overall well-being.

Healthy foods should contain as little unhealthy fats as possible, such as cholesterol. Vegetable fats that are easily digested are healthier. You need “complex” carbohydrates, which will force the gastrointestinal tract to work for a long time to digest them. They are rich in fruits, vegetables, durum wheat products, and some cereals.

You can't do without protein. It is the main building block for muscles, cell membranes and walls. – Load up on protein, such as meat and legumes.

The main prohibition in dietary nutrition is products containing artificial ingredients, chemical substitutes, and enhancers. Such products “deceive” a person with a pleasant taste and aroma; you can eat a lot of them with gusto, but they do more harm than good.

Rules for preparing dishes for weight loss

Particular attention in diet menu It is worth paying attention to the first courses - soups and broths. Without liquid food, weight loss will be slower and more difficult, with more stress on the digestive system. In principle, any soup can be made light if you follow a few recommendations:

  1. Cook broth from lean meats.
  2. If you have ready-made non-diet broth, it can be made lighter. The broth is cooled, the fat solidifies on top. All that remains is to remove it with a slotted spoon.
  3. Avoid pickled and canned ingredients in favor of fresh ones.
  4. More fiber-rich vegetables and protein-rich grains.
  5. Do not add frying.

Soup can be at least a hundred times dietary, but if you eat it as a snack with bread, season it with fatty mayonnaise, you can’t expect any positive changes.

It is important not only to cook the dish correctly, but also to serve it.

No diet is complete without soup, and it is especially valued. Soup or broth is hearty lunch, giving energy for the rest of the day.

The most suitable dish during a diet

Among the most common dietary first courses, the first place is occupied by dietary chicken soup with noodles. It cooks very quickly and satisfies just as quickly. It is best to prepare soup from the breast, since it is the most fat-free part of the entire carcass.

For dietary chicken soup, it is important to properly prepare the meat. The skin is first removed, all films are removed, and fat is removed. The breast is removed from the bone (you can take a ready-made fillet). This is the only way it will be easy and useful product. There is nothing healthy in chicken skin - just calories.

Many will be amazed by this fact, but you can eat chicken noodle soup on a diet. It seems that any pasta is an enemy to your figure, but this is not entirely true. When buying pasta, pay attention to what kind of flour was used to prepare it: if it is from soft varieties wheat, these products are not healthy, but if they are made from durum varieties, then they will not bring any harm to the figure. They can be recognized even by their appearance - they are much darker.

Interesting! The question of egg noodles remains open. Some people are afraid of this product, but in vain: in moderation it is useful and does not spoil the figure. The advantage of egg noodles is that they are enriched with proteins.

Best Recipes

There are several common options for dietary chicken noodle soup. Losing weight with such dishes is easy, pleasant and extremely healthy.


You will need:

  • 0.5 kg chicken breast;
  • 100 g vermicelli;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • any fresh herbs;
  • spices, pepper and salt.

Cooking technology:

Interesting! To prevent the noodles from overcooking, some housewives add them to the soup immediately after turning it off. During simmering, it will cook to the required degree.

With noodles in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • medium chicken breast;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 2 large potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 150 g wide noodles;
  • greenery;
  • salt, pepper, other spices.

In principle, the recipe is not much different from the analogue prepared on the stove, but the result is somewhat different. Diet chicken soup with noodles in a slow cooker turns out much richer.

Cooking technology:

  1. Skinless and boneless breast is cut into small pieces.
  2. Vegetables are cut arbitrarily (but preferably smaller) and added to the meat.
  3. All this is filled with water and cooked for 40 minutes in the “Soup” mode.
  4. Shortly before readiness, the noodles are used, and just before turning off, the greens are used.

To get chicken soup “like straight out of the oven,” you can leave it to simmer while maintaining the temperature overnight. During this time, all ingredients give off their aroma and taste. But you will have to use smaller noodles for stewed soup (100 g) and choose thin instead of the wide version. Otherwise, the pasta will “take over” the entire pan.

With pasta and mushrooms

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg chicken breast;
  • 100 g pasta;
  • 100 g dried mushrooms;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • fresh herbs;
  • spices, salt to taste.

Cooking technologies:

  1. Dried mushrooms are pre-soaked for half an hour to allow them to swell.
  2. The chicken is cleaned and chopped as usual.
  3. Cook the salty broth based on the meat for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Then chopped vegetables and mushrooms are added there.
  5. The mixture is cooked for another 25 minutes.
  6. At the end, throw in pasta, herbs and spices.

Dietary chicken soup with pasta and mushrooms has a pleasant strong aroma. Main benefit it is rich in protein thanks to mushrooms. During physical activity, this soup is the healthiest dish!

Important! It's better to add dried mushrooms instead of fresh ones so that the soup does not turn into mush. Even crushed fresh mushrooms will take up a lot of space in the pan. Soups with any noodles should be “spacious”.

With egg noodles

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg chicken breast;
  • 2-3 “nests” of egg noodles;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 small potatoes;
  • greenery;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking technology:

The soup turns out very tender.

Interesting! Since the soup is prepared without frying, it does not have a golden color. This can be corrected by throwing a peeled onion into the broth and removing it before serving. Onion feathers will “color” the dish. The golden color is also achieved through curry and turmeric.

Tricks and fresh ideas

Chicken noodle soup – great dish for weight loss. And he is also able to decorate both an everyday meal and a feast “for the occasion”. The soup will be even better if it is served in an original way. You can make some changes to the recipe itself so that it plays in a new way. No food will lose its appeal with the constant inclusion of new nuances.

Some tips:

  1. Any chicken soup goes well with eggs. You can whip up a couple fresh eggs and pour them in a thin stream into the broth shortly before adding the vermicelli. Eggs can be served in portions: add half a boiled egg to each plate along with the soup.
  2. If desired, you can make spicy noodles. It is enough to add a mixture of ground peppers and one chili pod, finely chopped.
  3. The chicken does not have to be added in pieces. The breast is ground into mince, rolled into balls - it turns out diet soup with meatballs.
  4. Pasta allows you to constantly experiment with shape. Thin noodles, wide noodles, pasta, spider web, horns - you can gradually try each type in the soup.
  5. The best addition to chicken soup- And olive oil, sauce from natural yogurt and herbs for dressing.


Chicken soup is a diet saver. It never gets boring, in any variation it evokes appetite, with such a dish you don’t have to worry about your health and figure. The soup will appeal to everyone in the family, including children. Any housewife can cope with its preparation: both extremely busy and still inexperienced.

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Calories: 733
Cooking time: 15
Proteins/100g: 3
Carbohydrates/100g: 68

Hearty, high-quality noodles that can be consumed by those who adhere to the Dukan diet. This famous nutrition system helps you say goodbye to extra centimeters on your hips and waist without denying yourself food. The main principle of such a diet is to eat only approved foods and dishes made from them.
Low-fat dairy products, sugar substitute, poultry - you can cook any dish from these ingredients. According to this food system, it is prohibited to eat dishes based on any flour.
Diet homemade noodles made from corn starch, recipe according to Dukan, turn out to be satisfying, tasty and appetizing. A large number of dishes can be made from it. Even an inexperienced cook can create such noodles. The main thing is to choose only high-quality components and adhere to all the recommendations given below.
The amount of starch in the recipe may vary depending on its quality, so you should not add all of it to the egg mass at once. corn product. I also advise you to watch how it is prepared.

- 2 yolks;
- salt (pinch);
- corn starch (6 tbsp).

How to cook at home

Place the raw yolks in a deep bowl and lightly beat them with a fork or whisk.

Add cornstarch.

Place 5 tbsp in a bowl. product and begin to connect the components. If the workpiece is too soft, add the remaining starch. To create “Dukan noodles” we use only corn product, since potato starch prohibited by this power system.

Stretch the workpiece into a thin layer (using a kitchen rolling pin). To prevent the mixture from sticking to the work surface, lightly sprinkle it with starch.

Chop the egg mixture into thin strips, leave it indoors for 2-3 hours or place it in a slightly heated oven.

We use “Dukan noodles” at our own discretion.

Bon appetit!

Wholemeal noodles are fine for weight loss. If her glycemic index is below 50, it will not raise the amount of sugar in the blood, and the pancreas will not release much insulin. Therefore, excess glucose will not turn into fat.

Features of use pasta:

  • Cannot be mixed with store-bought cheese tomato sauce, mayonnaise.
  • They eat noodles only with vegetables or sauces made from them.
  • You can't overeat.
  • Moderate consumption of noodles helps control hunger; they are classified as slow carbohydrates.
  • Noodles improve digestion, strengthen the body's protective functions and improve intestinal motility. The result is weight loss and an even complexion.
  • They promote the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, which means it has greater resistance to stress and depression.

During the noodle diet, you must include fruits and vegetables in your diet, vegetable oil, especially from olive and flaxseeds, seafood. Should be excluded White bread, sweets, baked goods, alcoholic drinks, store-bought sauces and mayonnaise, sausages, canned food, marinades.

Buckwheat noodles came from Japanese cooking. It is prepared from buckwheat flour, mixing in a little rice flour. Noodles cut into thin strips are stored in a fabric bag. If you purchase the product in a store, then among the ingredients there should be nothing but water and flour. It is useful because there are no fats, but there is a lot of fiber, slow carbohydrates, proteins, it contains enough iron, B vitamins. The dish is very quick to prepare.

  • Buckwheat contains a lot of rutin, that is, a special antioxidant that cleanses blood vessels, speeds up metabolic processes and recovery after physical activity. It is needed for hematopoiesis by those who suffer from iron deficiency anemia and low hemoglobin.
  • B1 plays an important role, which is necessary for metabolism and helps normalize the nervous system after stress. Thanks to it, problems with insomnia and sleep disorders go away. Useful for strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle.

The calorie content of a buckwheat noodle dish is no more than 140 kcal.

Rice noodles came from Asia. It has an average calorie content, contains complex carbohydrates and many vitamins. Noodles make you feel full for a long time, although you shouldn’t overeat them. 100 g of products contain more than 120 kcal, mostly carbohydrates, some protein, no fat.

There are two types of rice noodles - traditional and funchose. The latter differs only in very fine cutting. The benefits of rice noodles for weight loss include the following qualities::

  • Contains complex carbohydrates. A person needs to consume 4 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg for normal life. Including it in your diet helps jump-start your metabolism.

However, due to the high glycemic index, the product should not be consumed by people with high sugar levels and diabetes. It is also important to monitor the amount, as it provokes appetite. It's easy to overeat. Good to complement rice noodles seafood.

Rice noodles

Chinese noodles prepare them with mung bean starch. Does not have a pronounced taste. And after boiling it becomes transparent. After cooking dish has a calorie content of no more than 80 kcal per 100g. That's why Chinese noodles are great for weight loss .

Its advantages are as follows:

  • It contains tocopherol or vitamin E, aneurin, folic and nicotinic acids, riboflavin, and pyrodoxin.

Glycemic index less than 50, so the product is suitable for diabetes and allergies.

Home It is made from flour, eggs and salt. Therefore it contains a sufficient amount of protein. During a diet, you need to consume such noodles in extremely measured doses due to the following disadvantages:

  • The calorie content of the dish is about 300 kcal per 100 g of product.
  • Wheat flour is a fast carbohydrate that causes a sharp jump in blood sugar and greatly increases appetite. Therefore, it is very difficult to stop on time.

homemade noodles

Under noodles instant cooking understand “Rollton” and “Doshirak”. Simply pour boiling water over it and wait 10-15 minutes. The noodles are ready. The end result is a satisfying and tasty dish. But the benefits of instant noodles for weight loss are missing. It contains flavor enhancers and dyes.

Regular consumption of this dish not only does not contribute to weight loss, but also negatively affects human health. Moreover, The caloric content of noodles is more than 440 kcal.

Udon – noodles, very popular in Japan. It is prepared from wheat flour, which should contain a lot of starch. This is a very high-calorie dish. 100 g of product contains 300 kcal. Therefore, udon noodles are not suitable for weight loss.

Read more in our article about noodles for weight loss.

📌 Read in this article

Everyone knows that pasta and baked goods are the enemies of a good figure. But not all products are equally harmful. Noodles made from wholemeal flour are suitable for weight loss. If her glycemic index is below 50, it will not raise the amount of sugar in the blood, and the pancreas will not release much insulin.

Therefore, excess glucose will not be converted into fat and stored in reserve. So in some cases, you can eat noodles for weight loss.

The secret to eating pasta without harming your figure is this:

  • Only products from durum varieties are suitable. This is usually indicated right on the package.
  • Do not mix with store-bought tomato sauce.
  • They eat noodles only with or in sauces made from them.
  • You can't overeat. This rule applies to any food, since too much of any food will compensate for its dietary effect.
  • Eating noodles in moderation helps control hunger. It refers to slow carbohydrates that do not provoke a sharp increase in blood sugar, but are gradually digested.
  • Weight loss occurs rather slowly, but a long-term effect is guaranteed.
  • Noodles improve digestion, strengthen the body's protective functions and improve intestinal motility. Therefore, the result is not only weight loss, but also an even complexion.
  • Noodles promote the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, so a person always has good mood. This means he has greater resistance to stress and depression.

Which one is better to choose?

In addition to coarse wheat noodles, there are other types. All have their advantages and disadvantages. Not everyone is suitable for losing weight. A person in a store may encounter the following species.


These noodles come from Japanese cooking. It is prepared from buckwheat flour, mixing in a little rice flour. Noodles cut into thin strips are stored in a fabric bag. If you purchase the product in a store, then among the ingredients there should be nothing but water and flour.

Buckwheat noodles are useful for weight loss because they contain no fat, but they contain a lot of fiber, slow carbohydrates, and proteins. In addition, it contains enough iron and B vitamins. Another advantage is that such a dish is very quick to prepare. And this is important when losing weight, when there is no time to make complicated recipes.

Buckwheat noodles

The benefits of buckwheat noodles include the following properties:

  • Due to the lack of fat, it is good to use for those who want to build muscle mass and have problems with high blood pressure.
  • Buckwheat contains a lot of rutin, that is, a special antioxidant that cleanses blood vessels, speeds up metabolic processes and recovery after physical activity. In addition, it is needed for hematopoiesis and for those who suffer from iron deficiency anemia and low hemoglobin.
  • B1 plays an important role, which is necessary for metabolism and helps normalize the nervous system after stress. Thanks to it, problems with insomnia and sleep disorders go away. It is useful for strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle.

The calorie content of a buckwheat noodle dish is no more than 140 kcal.


This species also came from Asia. It has an average calorie content, contains complex carbohydrates and many vitamins. Noodles make you feel full for a long time. Although you shouldn't overeat it. 100 g of products contain more than 120 kcal, and these are mainly carbohydrates, some protein, and no fat.

Rice noodles come in two types: traditional and funchose. The latter differs only in very fine cutting. The benefits of rice noodles for weight loss include the following qualities:

  • Due to the absence of fat, it can be eaten by people suffering from high blood pressure, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and liver.
  • In combination with beans, it saturates the body with beneficial amino acids.
  • Contains complex carbohydrates. They nourish the brain and prevent it from starving. A person needs to consume 4 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg for normal life. Including it in your diet helps jump-start your metabolism.
  • The product contains vitamin PP, which is beneficial for nerve cells.
  • Selenium helps speed up metabolism and improve brain function.
  • B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle.
  • Iron helps prevent anemia.
  • Thanks to the presence of potassium and sodium, the water-salt balance is normalized. Swelling goes away.
  • It contains a lot of magnesium, which strengthens the nervous system.
  • Rice has adsorbent properties, so it removes waste and toxins.
  • Eating noodles has a positive effect on digestion and intestinal motility.


However, due to the high glycemic index, the product should not be consumed by people with high sugar levels and diabetes. It is also important to monitor the amount, as it provokes appetite. It's easy to overeat. It's good to complement rice noodles with seafood.


This type is prepared using mung bean starch. The noodles have no distinct taste. And after boiling it becomes transparent. Initially, it consists of long “threads” of different diameters. By After cooking, the dish has a calorie content of no more than 80 kcal per 100g. Therefore, Chinese noodles are great for weight loss.

Its advantages are as follows:

  • The product is rich in iron, selenium, manganese, potassium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium. This has a beneficial effect on the nervous and digestive systems.
  • It contains tocopherol or vitamin E, aneurin, folic acid, riboflavin, and pyrodoxin.
  • IN Chinese noodles there are polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Chinese noodles

But at the same time, this type has practically no fiber, protein and amino acids. The glycemic index is less than 50, so the product is suitable for diabetes and allergies. Noodles are suitable for a diet for weight loss.

Including Chinese in the diet helps normalize digestion and remove toxins and waste from the body. All this is reflected in improving the quality of skin and hair.


They usually cook at home egg noodles. It is made from flour, eggs and salt. Therefore, such noodles, unlike other types, contain a sufficient amount of protein. But nonetheless, During a diet, you need to consume such noodles in extremely measured doses due to the following disadvantages:

  • The calorie content of the dish is about 300 kcal per 100 g of product.
  • Wheat flour is a fast carbohydrate that causes a sharp jump in blood sugar and only further increases appetite. Therefore, it is very difficult to stop on time.
  • Homemade may be an allergen due to eggs and gluten.

Thus, this species is not entirely suitable for dietary nutrition. Use homemade noodles costs no more than a couple of times a week.

Making homemade noodles

Instant cooking

Instant noodles include “Rollton” and “Doshirak”. Simply pour boiling water over it and wait 10-15 minutes. The noodles are ready. The end result is a satisfying and tasty dish. But the benefits of instant noodles for weight loss are missing. It contains flavor enhancers and dyes. Noodles are made from wheat flour, which contains a lot of fast carbohydrates. It quickly increases glucose levels and insulin release. Thus, unprocessed energy is stored in reserve.

Contains palm oil. But, despite the benefits of the product in its purified form, it ends up in such a dish of the lowest quality. It is palm oil that can provoke weight gain.

Instant noodles also contain many other preservatives, stabilizers, and flavorings that can be toxic.

Regular consumption of such a dish not only does not contribute to weight loss, but also negatively affects human health. Moreover, the calorie content of noodles is more than 440 kcal.


Noodles are very popular in Japan. It is eaten as often as rice. Noodles are prepared from wheat flour, which should contain a lot of starch. This is a very high-calorie dish. 100 g of product contains 300 kcal. Therefore, udon noodles are not suitable for weight loss.

It is quickly digested and stimulates appetite. Nevertheless, noodles contain many vitamins, macro and microelements. Therefore, it can still benefit the human body.

Udon noodles

You can eat the udon noodle dish either hot or cold. It is served in broth, as well as with seafood, vegetables, mushrooms, ginger, and soy sauce.


The noodles are made from the konnyaku root vegetable. It is processed into flour, from which the dish is already prepared. The main benefit of shirataki is that it contains a lot of fiber. It literally sweeps away all toxins from the body.

These noodles are great for your diet. Its glycemic index is zero. In total it contains 9 kcal per 100 product. But at the same time, it does not contain vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, the dish will have to be supplemented with vegetables, mushrooms, and seafood.

Shirataki noodles

In order for eating pasta to be beneficial for weight loss, you should follow these simple rules:

  • You need to choose a product made from wholemeal flour, rich in fiber and slow carbohydrates.
  • Even the lowest-calorie noodles do not need to add too nutritious and satisfying sauces, otherwise everything will be useless.
  • You need to cook without getting ready. It should have a slightly hard center. So its glycemic index will be significantly lower.
  • The serving should be the size of your fist.
  • You need to eat slowly, wrapping a couple of pieces on your fork. Only by prolonging the pleasure can you increase saturation with a small portion.

Watch the video about instant noodles:

Cooking recipes

Whatever noodles are chosen, the main role is played by the sauce with which it will be seasoned. To lose weight, you need to choose low-calorie foods. The following recipes are suitable for dietary dishes:

  • Tomato sauce. Ingredients: tomatoes, herbs, onions, bell pepper, olive oil and garlic.

Vegetables are ground in a blender. Onions are fried in oil. Then everything is combined and simmered until cooked.

  • From green beans. Ingredients: greens, onions, tomato sauce, vegetable oil, spices.

First, boil the beans, then fry the onions and pasta. Combine everything and simmer a little more until done.

  • From vegetables and shrimp. Ingredients: seafood, herbs, onions, bell peppers, garlic, spices, .

Vegetables and shrimp need to be boiled. Then the peppers, herbs, asparagus and garlic are cut and poured with oil. The shrimp are placed on the noodles, next to the vegetable sauce.

First you need to cook everything and drain the water. Separately, a salad is made from vegetables and herbs, sour cream and mustard. Then they put everything on a plate: noodles, shrimp, salad.

  • Soup. Ingredients: squid or other seafood, pasta, onion, seaweed, sweet potato or potato.

All components, except kelp, are cut and placed in boiling water. Everything needs to be cooked until cooked, then the seaweed is added. The soup can be served.

  • Buckwheat noodles with chicken and vegetables. Ingredients: fillet, bell pepper, onion, carrot, zucchini, olive oil, spices.

Chicken is fried in oil with vegetables and herbs. Cook the pasta until tender. Then combine both parts and fry a little more. Then everything is put on a plate.

Noodles may be beneficial for weight loss. If you use it in reasonable quantities and follow the rules for serving it on the table, then it will not harm your figure. It is very important not to add meat or other high-calorie side dishes to it.



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