Boiled sea bass salad. Fish dishes. Ordinary dishes with unusual perch

Boiled sea bass salad. Fish dishes. Ordinary dishes with unusual perch

Light salads for weight loss Sergey Pavlovich Kashin

Salad from sea ​​bass with tomatoes


250 g sea bass fillet, 150 g potatoes, 200 g tomatoes, 150 g lettuce, 100 g green onions, 130 ml vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 15 g sugar, pepper, salt.

Cooking method

Boil the sea bass fillet in salted water for 10 minutes. Then cool and cut into small pieces. Boil the eggs hard, peel and chop.

Boil the potatoes in their skins, then cool, peel and cut into cubes.

Wash and chop the green onions and lettuce. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut the pulp into small pieces.

Place the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl, salt, pepper, sprinkle with sugar, season vegetable oil, mix and serve.

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228. Sea bass soup Fish waste 200–150, pressed caviar 8, parsley 4, onions 10, stalks of parsley, celery, fish according to the norm of the Collection of Recipes. Fish soup can be prepared from pike perch, catfish, carp and other fish. Delicious fish soup obtained not only from sea bass, but also from chum salmon,

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Hot smoked cod or sea bass salad 400 g fish, 1 apple, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 fresh tomato, 6-7 stalks of green onions, 50 g green salad, 3 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 egg, parsley, salt, ground pepper, vinegar to taste. Peeled cucumbers and apples

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Sea bass soup with corn Ingredients 500 g sea bass fillet, 200 g canned corn, 20 ml white wine, 20 ml corn oil, 5 g corn starch, 1/2 bunch of green onions, salt. Method of preparation Wash sea bass fillet, cut into small pieces

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Sea bass soup with corn Ingredients: 500 g sea bass fillet, 200 g canned corn, 20 ml white wine, 20 ml corn oil, 5 g corn starch, ? bunch of green onions, salt. Method of preparation: Wash sea bass fillet, cut into small pieces

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Sea bass salad with tomatoes Ingredients: 250 g sea bass fillet, 150 g potatoes, 200 g tomatoes, 150 g lettuce, 100 g green onions, 130 ml vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 15 g sugar, pepper, salt. Method of preparation : Boil sea bass fillet in salted water

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From the book Clay Pots. Fish and seafood dishes author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Sea bass soup with vermicelli and tomatoes Ingredients: 500 g sea bass fillet, 100 g vermicelli, 70 ml olive oil, 4–5 potatoes, 4 tomatoes, 1 bunch of parsley, pepper, salt. Method of preparation: Wash, peel, and coarsely chop the potatoes. Wash the tomatoes, coarsely

From the book Light salads for weight loss author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Sea bass jellied Ingredients: 500 g sea bass fillet, 5 g gelatin, 100 g mayonnaise, 10 ml lemon juice, 40 g parsley roots, 40 g celery root, 50 g carrots, 40 g cucumbers, bay leaf, allspice, 10 g parsley, salt. Method of preparation: Roots

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Sea bass soup with garlic Ingredients: 250 g sea bass fillet (boiled), 800 ml fish broth, 100 g onion, 10 g garlic, 100 g spinach, 150 g canned green peas, 100 g tomatoes, 40 ml vegetable oil, pepper , salt. Method of preparation: Onion and garlic

From the author's book

Sea bass soup with corn Ingredients: 500 g sea bass fillet, 200 g corn (canned), 20 ml white wine, 20 ml corn oil, 5 g corn starch, ? a bunch of green onions, salt. Method of preparation: Wash the sea bass fillet, cut into small pieces

From the author's book

From the author's book

Sea bass salad with tomatoes Ingredients: 250 g sea bass fillet, 150 g potatoes, 200 g tomatoes, 150 g lettuce, 100 g green onions, 130 ml vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 15 g sugar, pepper, salt. Method of preparation Sea bass fillet cook in salted water 10

Perch is a low-fat fish, but it contains a lot of protein, which is easily digestible. In addition, perch contains Omega-3 acids, which help regulate metabolism and normalize the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Fatty acids are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system.

Sea bass salad with tomatoes and cucumbers

Cooking time: 40 min

167 kcal

4 servings


  • 400 g sea bass fillet
  • 250 g cherry tomatoes
  • 4 cucumbers
  • 4 lemon slices
  • 1 bunch of green salad
  • 0.5 bunch of dill
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • pepper
  • salt


Wash the sea bass fillet, boil in salted water, cool and cut into small pieces. Wash cherry tomatoes and cut in half. Wash the cucumbers and cut into strips. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them, cut into strips. Wash the dill and chop finely. Mix fish, lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. Add lemon juice and olive oil. Salt, pepper, mix. Arrange the salad on plates, sprinkle with dill and garnish with lemon slices.

Sea bass salad with pickled honey mushrooms

Cooking time: 45 min

215 kcal

4 servings


  • 400 g sea bass fillet
  • 100 g pickled mushrooms
  • 2-3 cucumbers
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bunch of green salad
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 parsley root
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • pepper
  • salt


Wash the parsley root, peel it and chop it coarsely. Wash the sea bass fillet, boil in salted water with the addition of parsley root and bay leaf, cool and cut into small cubes. Wash the cucumbers and cut into cubes. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry and cut into narrow strips. Wash the parsley and chop finely (leave a few sprigs for decoration). Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it. Mix fish with cucumbers, onions, lettuce, parsley and pickled mushrooms. Season the salad with salt, pepper, oil and lemon juice. Stir, place on plates and garnish with remaining parsley sprigs.

Royal perch salad with bell pepper and orange

Cooking time: 45 min

187 kcal

4 servings


  • 400 g king perch fillet
  • 4 pods bell pepper
  • 1 red onion
  • 0.5 bunch of parsley
  • 0.5 bunch of dill
  • 1 orange
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • ground red and black pepper
  • salt


Wash the perch fillet, boil in salted water, cool and cut into small pieces. Wash the bell pepper, remove the stems and seeds, cut into rings. Wash the orange, peel, divide into slices, peel off the film from each and cut into small pieces. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into thin rings, and pour boiling water over it. Wash the parsley and dill, finely chop (leave a few sprigs for decoration). To prepare the dressing, mix olive oil and lemon juice, add pepper and salt. Mix fish with bell pepper, onion, orange and herbs. Place the salad on plates, pour over the dressing, and garnish with the remaining sprigs of dill and parsley.


River perch is widely used in cooking for cooking various dishes. Perch has relatively few bones; perch meat has good taste. This fish can be boiled, fried, smoked and baked.

In addition, perch fish is well preserved when dried and is used for preparing canned food and fillets. Perch dishes are considered dietary.

Many people do not like to cook river perch because of the prickly spines and dense scales, which are not so easy to peel. So how to cook perch so that it turns out delicious?

Recipes with perch They advise: to make it easier to clean the perch from scales, you need to lower it into boiling water for a couple of seconds. To avoid being pricked by thorns, it is better to cut perch while wearing rubber gloves.

Perch dishes are popular in Russian, German, Finnish, Karelian and Estonian cuisine. In Finland, the recipe recommends using perch to make fish pie with lard.

In Karelia, the national soup naparokko made from dried perch is popular. Italians serve perch with white wine as a Christmas dish.

Most often we cook fish soup at home. River perch is one of the most suitable fish for its preparation. Both small and large individuals enter the ear.

small fish perch usually they are not scaled, but only gutted. It is wrapped in gauze, boiled for a long time, and then thrown away.

After this, large fish are placed in the broth and boiled in a small amount of water. You can add to river perch soup fresh mushrooms. usually white or mushrooms. spices, cucumber pickle, dry white wine.

In addition to all the above dishes, you can also prepare aspic from river perch. This dish is prepared with rice, vegetables and mushrooms.

River perch can also be baked in foil in the oven or microwave. You can also make delicious fish cutlets from river perch meat.

River perch dishes

The perch reaches small sizes, a maximum of 20 cm. It has a grayish color with dark stripes and red fins. It’s easy to get hurt on the sharp thorns, so it’s best to clean the fish with gloves and as carefully as possible.

River perch can retain its taste even during long-term freezing for up to 4 months. For more convenient processing, the fish can be placed in boiling water for 2 minutes, then the scales will be easier to remove. (Sprats are made from small river perch - this is a very long and painstaking work, but it is worth it, and they also cook fish soup, less often - smoke and fry.

The most delicious river perch recipes we have collected for you in this section.

River perch in the oven

Today I want to offer you an amazing recipe for cooking river perch in the oven. Fragrant, juicy, crispy - what could be tastier? Absolutely any side dish will suit this dish.

In addition, I will tell you how to painlessly, carefully and correctly clean fish, no matter how bony it is.

And most importantly, you don't have to bother with cleaning the fish.

River perch with onion sauce

Perch is one of the most common fish in Russia, which means that every housewife should have at least a couple of recipes for preparing perch dishes in her cookbook. Today I will tell you one of these recipes, because we will be preparing river perch with onion sauce.

To prepare this delicious dish we need a few available ingredients and 1 hour. Let's not waste time, let's get started!

River perch in batter

Perch meat has excellent taste. The fish contains a relatively small amount of bones, which can be considered an advantage of perch over other freshwater fish.

Most often, perch is boiled, fried, smoked, baked and salted. Today I will share with you my recipe for preparing river perch in batter.

The fish cooks very quickly, and the taste is simply finger-licking! Therefore, do not waste time, but start cooking as soon as possible.

I wish you all good luck!

River perch in brine

Perch is a fairly popular culinary fish. One of the fastest fish dishes to prepare is river perch in brine.

This recipe came to us from fishing, and is suitable both for fishing and for home, when you don’t want to spend a lot of time cutting up fish. The recipe is very simple and quick, does not require cleaning the perch and unnecessary preparation.

River perch in a pot

In the old days in Rus', a clay pot was the only utensil, both in the kitchen of a commoner and in the royal house. Absolutely everything was prepared in it: first and second courses, jelly and compotes.

Times have passed and changed a lot, now our kitchens have a wide variety of kitchen utensils. But the same clay pots that are very popular all over the world are still relevant. And the whole point is that in these dishes, no matter what you cook, the dishes turn out much tastier and juicier.

Today, I suggest you prepare an excellent dish called river perch in a pot! Try it and see for yourself!

Calorie calculator

Perch recipes

Perch (lat. Perca) is one of the most common fish in Russia.

The total number of species is about one and a half hundred (!). Perch lives in fresh lakes, rivers and ponds throughout almost all of Europe, Northern Asia and eastern North America.

River perch should not be confused with sea perch, which looks like freshwater perch. Our Siberian perch reaches a weight of up to 3-4 kg.

Perch cutting

The first method I use is at home. You need to freeze the perch in freezer. At the appointed time, take it out and let it sit for a while. room temperature up to an hour.

As soon as the perch becomes at least a little soft, you need to make cuts in the skin along the back, belly and around the perimeter of the head. The skin and scales of a frozen perch can be torn off very easily and simply, leaving almost no meat behind.

The second option is used for non-frozen perch and is used in the field. We'll need a good fillet knife. We cut the throat of the perch along the head to the ridge.

Then we remove the belly bones with a knife and cut the meat from the skin. We do the same with the second half of the perch. In experienced hands and with a good knife, cutting one perch into clean fillets takes no more than 30 seconds.

8-10 perfect movements and you're done.

Stewed perch with lard and potatoes

Perch with ham

Ingredients: 1 kg. perch, 2 kg. potatoes, 150 gr. ham, olives, mayonnaise, vegetable or olive oil 50 gr. breadcrumbs.

Place the fish in the refrigerator and let it collect its juices.

The final touch is to sprinkle chopped olives on top, it’s both beautiful and tasty. Place in the oven and bake until the potatoes are done.

This may take 1-1.5 hours.

One of my favorite and regularly prepared dishes.

Perch with tomatoes

Ingredients: 800 g perch fillet, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. salt, 6 tomatoes, 100 g lard, onion 1 PC. shallots 2 pcs. 1/4 cup dry white wine, 1 hard-boiled egg, mayonnaise, 3 tbsp. l. yogurt, 4 tsp. mild mustard, pepper, oil.

A very unique and not typical dish for fishermen, especially Siberian fishermen. This is already European cuisine.

But it’s worth trying to cook it, especially at home.

Sprinkle the perches with lemon juice and salt. Cut 4 tomatoes into a cross and lightly salt them.

Finely chop 2 tomatoes. Cut lard and onions into cubes.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Pour a little oil into a cooking dish, put the perch and 4 tomatoes there.

Melt the lard and fry the onion in it, then add the chopped tomatoes, stir, add wine and pour the resulting sauce over the fish fillet. Place the fillet in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Finely chop the egg and shallot, mix with mayonnaise, yogurt, cream and mustard. Season the fish with this sauce before serving.

I am sure that guests and family will be pleasantly surprised that such a delicacy can be prepared from perch.

Perch fillet with cheese and potato puree

1 kg. potatoes, 150 ml milk, 200 g processed cheese, 4 tbsp. l. butter. 4 perch fillets, 200-300 gr. lemon juice, salt, pepper.

Peel the potatoes and cut into large pieces. Boil in salted water until tender.

Drain the potatoes and cool them slightly. Heat the milk and melt the cheese in it.

Make mashed potatoes. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. spoons of butter and milk with cheese.

Season the puree with salt and pepper.

Wash and dry the fish. Water it with 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Fry in a frying pan in 2 tbsp. spoons of butter on each side. Divide mashed potatoes with fish into plates.

Goes well with vegetable salad.

I prepared this dish for the first time quite recently and was very pleased with it.

Perch in brine

Ingredients: perch fillet 1 kg, vegetable oil 50 ml, hot pepper to taste, salt 20 g.

Gut the perches through the head, removing the gills. Place a grate over the charcoal fire and place the washed, kitchen towel-dry and oiled perches on it.

Perch can also be baked on a tin mug sprinkled with coarse salt, placing the mug on the coals or on the grill.

When the perches are browned on both sides, carefully peel them from burnt crusts and adhering salt and place them in a saucepan, adding (to taste) hot capsicum. Pour salted boiling water over the perches (10 grams of salt for 3 cups of boiling water) and let it boil.

Serve in brine, hot or cold.

Perch with onion sauce

Ingredients: perch fillet 4 pcs. butter 2 tbsp. spoons, onions 2 pcs. black pepper, dry white wine 200 g, heavy cream 200 g, egg yolk 1 pc. parsley 1 bunch, green onion 1 bunch, fish broth 600-700 gr.

We prepare broth from heads, bones and other fish scraps. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a deep frying pan, add onion, fish, salt and black pepper.

Fill with fish broth until it almost covers the contents, add wine and cook for another 10 minutes.

We take out the perch fillet with a slotted spoon and place it to dry on a towel or paper. Pour the cream into the broth, stir and let it cook for a while. When the sauce begins to thicken, remove from heat.

Beat the egg yolk and mix with some of the warm sauce, then mix with the rest and heat without bringing to a boil. Add oil and mix well.

All that remains is to season the fish with spices and pour the sauce over it. You can optionally decorate the top with red caviar.

Serve with boiled potatoes or rice. Goes well with cold vodka or dry sherry.

Perch baked in salt

Ingredients: 1 kg. perch, 1 kg. salt, vegetable oil.

The inside of the gutted perch needs to be sprinkled with vegetable oil so that the perch does not turn out too dry. There is no need to salt the perch, since the perch will cook in salt anyway.

Everything can be placed in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Thirty minutes later we take out our dish. Break the salt and take out the perches.

The skin of the perches comes off easily, and the salt not only breaks easily, but also comes off the baking sheet perfectly. Moreover, baked salt cleans the baking sheet very well.

This dish has been prepared many times and is always a hit. Simple and delicious!

It's nice for you to kill the worm!

River perch cutlets

We know what can be cooked from large fish, but what to do with small fish? Delight your loved ones with river perch cutlets.

It is possible that they will no longer want to give the cat this small fish.

- 500 grams of river perch,
- 1 potato,
- 1 onion,
- 1 clove of garlic,
- 1 egg,
- 100 grams of black bread,
- salt and spices to taste,
- breadcrumbs,
- oil for frying.

1. It is necessary to wash and clean the fish from the tail, head, fins and skin. Of course, at first it will be somewhat difficult, but then everything will go like clockwork.

2. Let the carcasses dry a little. We put them in a little bag and put it in the freezer, since frozen fish is easier to grind with a meat grinder.

3. After cooling, we run our carcasses through a meat grinder twice, adding black bread soaked in water, peeled onion, potatoes and garlic.

4. Add an egg to the resulting minced meat and season with spices to taste. Mix everything thoroughly with your hands so that the minced meat is filled with air and the cutlets are more fluffy.

5. Make cutlets by first wetting your hands with water for convenience. Sprinkle them with breadcrumbs and fry in a very hot frying pan until cooked.

We serve our cutlets with onion rings and lettuce leaves.

More recipes:

River perch in the oven

pepper - to taste


First, we cut up the perch carcasses. For this dish you should use only fresh fish.

So, we cut off the fins and tail with scissors and clean them of scales. In general, perch is difficult to clean.

But this process can be greatly simplified. You should first salt the fish overnight, and then it will be easy to clean.

Do not use frozen fish for this dish. As soon as the scales are cleaned, we gut the fish and this is where the preliminary preparation ends.

Pour a little flour into a bowl and roll each fish into it, first add salt and pepper to taste, and also cut off the head. Then fry in vegetable oil in a hot frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

Then we cut the tomatoes thinly into plastic pieces, but before that we remove the skins from them, scalding them with boiling water. Then fry the onions in vegetable oil, also until golden brown.

Place a little onion and tomatoes mixed in a bowl on a baking sheet, then place the fried perch on top and again some tomatoes and onions. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice and then salt and pepper to taste.

Then we put everything to bake in the oven, which should be preheated in advance.

Once the perch has been stewed for a while, it can be served. The perch is decorated with various herbs and can be served with various side dishes and wine or vodka.

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"River Perch in the Oven"

How to cook perch

In terms of its taste and culinary capabilities, perch is considered one of the best river fish. You can cook a lot of different things with perch. delicious dishes, however, housewives often avoid cooking this fish due to the fact that perch is difficult to clean.

We will tell you about all the secrets easy to prepare various perch dishes.

Whole in the oven

Catch river perch, you can take it frozen, thaw it a little, and gut it, along with the gills.

Don't clean the scales. This will speed up the cooking of the perch in the oven. Perch with scales baked in the oven turns out juicy and is easy to peel when eating.

This is how the Khanty cook perch over a fire.

Cooking perch in the oven is simple.

Using your hand with salt, rub it inside the perch, adding salt, then put the onion cut into half rings inside, pour mayonnaise on top of the onion (to taste), put the perch on a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees in the oven for 15-20 minutes.


How to deliciously cook river perch in the oven? Breaded!

River perch baked in the oven in this way is so good that it can be served with anyone festive table on the most significant holiday. To do this you will need:

700-900 grams of river perch fillet;

6-7 small eggs;

a couple of bunches of fresh dill and parsley;

100-150 grams of flour for batter;

5-6 tbsp. l. olive oil;

salt, pepper, spices.

River perch baked in the oven in batter is very easy to prepare. The fish fillet must be thoroughly washed and dried, then cut into small pieces. To prepare the batter, you need to separate egg whites from the yolks, beat the yolks with a whisk and add a couple of tablespoons of flour and salt to them, beat the whites into a foam and gradually add to the batter.

Ideally, it should have a consistency similar to sour cream.

Roll the fish in batter, place on a baking sheet lined with food foil and place in the oven for 20-30 minutes, preheated to 170-200 degrees, turning the fish periodically so that it has time to bake and acquire a characteristic golden hue.


You can also make a very tasty caviar dish from perch caviar:

fresh perch caviar – 500 g;
chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
wheat flour – 3 tbsp. l.;
semolina - 3 tbsp. l.;
refined sunflower oil.

to prepare caviar soup, wash perch caviar under cold water, just be careful, otherwise the caviar may fall apart under high pressure of water. We clean the perch caviar from the films using a sharp knife;

transfer the perch caviar into a clean bowl, sprinkle with salt and refrigerate for 1.5 hours;

We take out the perch caviar and transfer it to a blender, in which we beat it for 30 seconds at the lowest speed;

add perch to caviar chicken eggs, salt and pepper and beat again at minimum speed;

pour semolina and flour into the mixture little by little and stir with a spoon - the dough should turn out a little thinner than for pancakes;

pour a little oil into the frying pan and heat it. Place the dough into the pan with a spoon (we do everything exactly the same when we fry pancakes);

fry perch caviar on both sides until golden brown;

Place the prepared perch caviar pancakes on a dish and serve with sour cream.

In a frying pan

To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients:

Perch (approximately 800-900g);

Long grain rice (approximately 300-350g);

Butter 80g;

Vegetable decoction (approximately 750ml);

Limetta – 2 pcs. (if you don’t have limetta, you can replace it with any citrus fruit).

To marinate perch, you first need to clean, wash and cut it. Determine the size of the pieces yourself, based on the size of the fish.

When the perch is prepared, take lemon juice and sprinkle the pieces on all sides. Next, sprinkle with spices (salt, pepper), close and put in the refrigerator to steep for 20-30 minutes.

Let the fish marinate, and we will make the side dish.

We rinse the rice under regular running water and let it drain. Melt 2 tbsp in a saucepan. l. oils

Chop the onion, choose the cutting form yourself. Sauté the onion in this oil.

Then add the rice and heat it for 2 minutes, but no more, do not forget to stir. Then add vegetable broth, bring to a boil, and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes.

When the rice is cooked, add salt and pepper at your discretion. We also add the lemon zest and juice, mix and the side dish is ready!

How to deliciously fry perch?

fried perch For frying, prepare the flour in a convenient plate. Pour oil into the frying pan, you can use vegetable or olive oil. Roll each piece of marinated perch in flour and place in a heated frying pan.

Fry until crust forms on both sides. Frying time depends on the size of the pieces. It will be ready when the meat turns pale.

The perch is fried, let's move on to the sauce.

For the sauce you will need: egg yolk, the remaining half of lime juice, of course, mustard (amount at your discretion), black pepper, salt, vegetable oil, whipped cream. Mix all ingredients, add butter in small portions, and only after that cream.

Mustard sauce is ready.

Serve the perch on a plate with rice, topped with lettuce and topped with sauce. You can serve the sauce separately.

You can decorate the dish with lemon slices, herbs and vegetables. You can also serve the fried perch with a regular salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil.

Cooking time for this simple but very delicious recipe about 40 minutes, plus preparing the ingredients for about 20 minutes, no more. And perch made exactly according to this recipe will surprise you with its richness of taste and ease of preparation.


Cut the potatoes into cubes or cubes and place in boiling water, add salt and pepper. When the water and potatoes boil again, add the fish and cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat so that the fish does not overcook. Before finishing cooking, throw 1-2 bay leaves and a few peppercorns into the pot.

It is better to serve the fish soup not piping hot, but to let it brew for a little (10 minutes) in a covered pot. Before serving, pour a glass of vodka into the pot.

Fish soup can be easily cooked directly on the ice of a pond. In the fresh air, in the cold, and even with a glass, the soup will seem incredibly tasty.

To do this, it is not necessary to make a fire, which is not at all easy, but it is better to use a portable gas stove.
If you prepare fish soup in winter, on the ice of a reservoir, you need to make sure that the potatoes you take with you do not freeze, otherwise they will be sweetish. The fish must be cleaned quickly, immediately after catching, so that it does not have time to freeze.

Of course, it’s not very pleasant to bother with cleaning fish while fishing in winter, and there aren’t very many people willing to do such an activity. But those who want to sip on fresh, fragrant ears, as soon as they are drawn to the fragrant smoke, usually always, in abundance.

Therefore, it is best to prepare fish soup on ice not alone, but with two or three people, having distributed responsibilities in advance. Then everything can be done quickly: one peels the potatoes, the second fish, the third takes care of the fireplace.

But the cooking of the fish soup must be entrusted to someone alone, otherwise everyone in the company will have their own advice and suggestions for the cooking recipe and the culprit in the case of an unsuccessful, over-salted fish soup, for example, will be impossible to find.


fresh perch fillet – 1 pc. shallots and parsley (to taste), butter - 20 g, olive oil, lemon, salt, pepper.

Step 1. Heat a frying pan and grease it with olive oil.

Step 2: Season the perch fillets with salt and pepper.

Step 3. Place the fillet in the pan, skin side down, and fry it.

Step 4: Add the butter and shallots and fry everything together until the onions turn golden.

Step 5. Place the fish on a plate, sprinkle with parsley and sprinkle with lemon juice. Serve the grouper fillets with salted French fries (or vegetables), half a lemon and tartar sauce.

River perch baked in salt


So it's better for this simple recipe use fresh fish. But you can also use frozen fish, but you should be sure that it is not lost.

So, we wash the fish under running water, and there is no need to do anything else with it.

Then pour a little salt onto a plate and roll each fish in this salt. First, you can pepper the fish directly on top of the scales and sprinkle with any seasonings that you like best or that go well with river fish.

Then place the fish on a baking sheet and sprinkle generously with salt so that the fish is completely hidden. Place in a preheated oven to bake and leave for about forty minutes.

Once the specified time has passed, the fish can be pulled out. Now the most important thing remains - to clean the fish. The skin, along with scales and fins, can be easily removed from it, and you can safely serve such carcasses on the table with various side dishes.

For example, mashed potatoes or boiled rice. This fish will be an excellent appetizer at any dinner with long-awaited guests.

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"River perch baked in salt"

Recipes similar to “River perch baked in salt”:

Ordinary dishes with unusual perch

Perhaps you are interested in the question: “How long does it take to cook such fish?” The answer is simple: it usually takes about 15 minutes to cook in the pan. Many inexperienced cooks are afraid to cook dishes from perch due to the poison contained in the fins of the fish.

How to clean perch, cook without compromising health and get the desired dish?

Proper cutting

In order to clean river perch, you do not need to be a restaurant chef, just follow some rules of caution.

  1. Firstly, handle the fins very carefully. They should definitely be removed.
  2. It is necessary to cut off the head, cut the carcass of the river perch, clean it from the entrails, rinse it under running water and begin removing the fins.
  3. Carefully make longitudinal cuts along the growth of the scales. That is, along from head to tail. In this case, only the skin with scales should be cut.
  4. Tear off the dorsal fin of a river perch by hooking it with a knife on one side and grabbing it with your finger on the other.
  5. You should do the same with all the other fins.
  6. Thanks to the presence of a cut along the back, cleaning a river perch will be quite simple - at the front of the carcass, hook the skin with a knife and tear it off with a sharp movement, getting rid of the scales.
  7. Repeat the same on the other side.
  8. Rinse with cool water. This way you can quickly and without hassle remove scales from the fish and get fillets from which you can easily prepare a culinary masterpiece.

Cooking perch

Cooking perch at home is not at all difficult. Perch dishes, be it fish soup, perch baked in the oven, cooked in a slow cooker or simply fried in a frying pan, are incredibly healthy and worthy of a holiday table.

The red color of the fish should not cause concern. This does not in any way affect the taste of the perch.

After heat treatment it becomes its usual color.

You can prepare a first course from perch - soup or fish soup. Below is a simple recipe for making fish soup from perch, requiring a minimum set of ingredients.


  • Fish -2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • Onions – 1 pc.;
  • Salt and spices.

The recipe is for a 3 liter pan. You should clean the fish and remove the fins in advance.

  1. Cut the fillet in half and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cut the onions and carrots into rings of small width and fry a little in a frying pan, without letting the onions turn golden.
  3. Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes.
  4. Remove the fillets from the water and remove the bones. The main thing is to remove the spine and fin bones.
  5. Add potatoes to the broth and cook for about 10 minutes. Add carrots, onions and fish to the broth. Add salt and pepper to taste, but it is better if the soup is a little spicy. Let simmer for another 7-10 minutes. Turn off the stove and leave the soup to infuse for half an hour.

It is very important to add a large amount of fish to the fish soup. To make the soup rich and rich, it is better to add more fish and less other ingredients.

You can serve the fish soup hot or chilled, garnished with parsley and sour cream.

River perch in foil

How to cook perch in the oven? River perch dishes in the oven are especially tasty if you cook the fish in foil. There are the most various recipes, but the most suitable recipe is Red and Green Snapper.

It retains all the beneficial properties of river perch.

  • Fish 2 pcs.;
  • Several cloves of garlic;
  • Lemon;
  • Greens (parsley is best);
  • Seasoning and salt.

Perch cooks quite quickly in the oven. The recipe below will require a minimum amount of time.

The main thing is to remember to remove the fins from the red snapper.

  1. Place a slice of lemon, herbs and garlic in the belly.
  2. Wrap the fish in foil, each carcass separately. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the baking sheet with the fish for 20 minutes.

Perch baked in foil turns from red to slightly pinkish or completely loses this shade.

River perch in a slow cooker

You can cook perch in a slow cooker using different modes and get different dishes. All of them have a special delicate taste.

How to cook the dish “Perch in a slow cooker”?

  • Fish fillet – 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic;
  • Lemon 1/2 pcs.;
  • Quail egg 3 pcs.;
  • Greenery;
  • Seasoning and salt to taste.

Fish cooks in a slow cooker quite quickly and this recipe is no exception.

  1. Finely chop the garlic and herbs.
  2. Sprinkle the fish with seasoning and salt, outside and inside.
  3. Place lemon, herbs, and garlic in the belly.
  4. Break a few quail eggs on top.
  5. Cook for 10-15 minutes in the “Bake” mode.

That's all! The dish is ready!

Bon appetit!

Video recipe: Moroccan-style perch

River perch recipes | How to cook river perch

Perch is one of the most delicious freshwater fish! Cooking it is a pleasure that doesn’t happen very often, so you need to prepare thoroughly for such an event!

Here are several recipes for how to cook river perch.

Perch fillet with mustard crust recipe

In order to deliciously cook perch in this way, you will need the following products: four perch fillets, about one hundred and fifty grams each, salt, pepper, two tablespoons of vegetable oil or lemon juice. One clove of garlic, sixty grams of butter, one onion, two teaspoons of mustard, and also Italian spices.

Two tomatoes, one hundred twenty-five grams soft cheese, sixty grams of breadcrumbs, one tablespoon of croutons.

  1. Pepper and salt the perch to cook it deliciously, fry it in vegetable oil, and also pour lemon juice over the fish.
  2. Place the perch in a baking dish that has been previously greased with butter.
  3. Finely chop the garlic and onion, mix everything with mustard, spices, and pepper.
  4. With the resulting mixture, coat the perch fillet, tomatoes, and cheese, cut into slices and place on the fillet in the form of a tile.
  5. To cook perch deliciously, heat the oven to two hundred and twenty degrees Celsius.
  6. Melt the remaining butter, mix with breadcrumbs and croutons, cover the slices of tomatoes and cheese with this mixture. Bake for ten to fifteen minutes in the oven.

River perch cooked in a frying pan with vegetables

For four servings, to cook perch deliciously, you will need: four hundred grams of farm perch, two tablespoons of lemon juice, salt, bell pepper, two carrots, two hundred grams of spinach, two small onions, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, two tablespoons of flour . Also, two hundred millimeters of vegetable broth, one hundred and fifty grams of milk, fifty grams of fish paste, pepper and chopped dill.

How to cook river perch?

  1. Wash the perch, dry it with a paper towel, pour lemon juice over the chopped pieces of perch, and also salt them. Bell pepper and cut the carrots into pieces, the onion into cubes.
  2. To deliciously cook river perch, heat vegetable oil in a saucepan and fry the onion in it until transparent, sprinkle it with flour and brown, stirring.
  3. Pour in the vegetable broth, add milk and stir in the fish paste.
  4. Next you need to add carrots and peppers - simmer all together for eight minutes. Then you need to add the perch and spinach and simmer everything together for about ten minutes on low heat, add salt and pepper. Garnish everything with dill - the dish is ready!

Perch fillet is very healthy and delicious product, it has simply amazing taste. How to cook perch fillet?

River perch fillet in sweet and sour sauce

In order to prepare perch fillet, we will need the following ingredients: 750 grams of perch fillet itself, approximately 130 grams of fresh champignons, 0.25 liters of vinegar made from grapes, 90 grams of powdered sugar, 2 small jars tomato paste, 1 tablespoon of starch, 0.3 liters of fresh orange juice, 2 onions, 2 eggs, and sunflower oil.

How to cook perch fillet in sweet and sour sauce?

  1. First, to prepare river perch fillet, we need to mix grape vinegar, powdered sugar, you can just replace it with sugar, add squeezed Orange juice, tomato paste and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  2. Then dilute the starch in 3 tablespoons of cold water, very cold, add to the sauce and bring it to a boil.
  3. To prepare perch fillet, peel the onion and cut into strips, very finely. We take the champignons, wash them and finely, in the form of straws. Beat the eggs, put the wheat flour on a plate and roll first in the flour, then in the eggs the previously thoroughly washed and peppered and salted fish.
  4. Then we put this perch fillet in a frying pan, into which we first add sunflower oil and fry until a beautiful and crispy crust appears. When ready, transfer to a plate and let cool and dry.
  5. Immediately add chopped onion and champignons to the pan in sunflower oil. Fry for 4 minutes, no further frying is required.
  6. When the river perch fillet is ready, place the champignons and onions on top of the cooled and dried fish on a plate and pour over the sauce that we previously prepared. And you can serve it to the table. Your guests will definitely love the perch fillet.

The benefits of river perch

  • Many famous chefs in the world constantly compete with each other, trying to come up with new recipe how to cook perch fillet and serve it at the holiday table, because it is truly a delicacy.
  • Perch fillet has many beneficial vitamins and minerals. Therefore, perch takes its rightful place among dietary dishes. But even though the perch is dietary dish, but its nutritional properties remain at a high level, and you will not remain hungry under any circumstances.
  • Any fresh vegetable salad of your choice will be suitable in combination with perch fillet. Whether it's a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, or a radish salad, that is, whatever you can think of and what you like.

These recipes showed you how to cook delicious snapper.

How to cook river perch

There are many in various ways preparations
river perch. Perch can be used to make excellent fish soup, fish can be
delicious fried or dried. Perch is a suitable fish for smoking.
You can use hot or semi-hot smoking. Excellent fish can be cooked with mushrooms, vegetables or rice, under
aspic and so on. Very tasty and satisfying are obtained from perch meat
fish cutlets. Every housewife knows hundreds of recipes on how to cook river perch .
Among them there are very gourmet dishes who will take pride of place
on any table. One such recipe is the Zucchini Snapper recipe. On
four servings of this dish you will need four perches, two vegetables
zucchini, lemon, butter and olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

First you need to wash, clean and gut the perch, get
his fillet. Season the fillet thoroughly with salt and pepper. Wash two zucchini
under cold water and cut into thin, uniform strips. Very
melt 50 grams of butter over low heat, add juice
one lemon. As soon as this mixture boils, add it to the saucepan.
zucchini cut into strips, simmer them for a couple of minutes. Add spices according

Meanwhile, heat a frying pan with olive oil (50 milliliters).
Fry the river perch fillet on it, on both sides, until tender.
golden crust.

All ingredients of the dish are ready. Now carefully place on a plate
still warm zucchini, place pieces of fried perch fillet on top,
decorate it all with greenery at your discretion. This dish is desirable
serve hot. Perch prepared in this way will be appreciated
every foodie.
Also, many housewives use a proven cooking method -
baking in foil. The perch turns out very tasty and soft. There is one
secret: if you first sprinkle the fish thoroughly with salt and other
spices, the fish will be cooked with a crust - a shell of salt. This is very

Fried river perch


Cooking method:

Not many people can boast that they have eaten fried river perch! The smaller it is, the more tender the meat, which means the fish tastes better!

Frying perch is not difficult, the usual classic way. But not everyone can catch and prepare it for frying, because for this you need to master some tricks and knowledge! Namely

  1. Using a filleting knife, cut the fish around the head.
  2. Then we make cuts along the entire back of the perch next to the fins on both sides.
  3. Then we peel off the skin along with the scales and entrails, on both sides one by one.
  4. We tear out the sharp fin, grabbing it from the tail.
  5. We cut off the tails of the finished carcasses with scissors.
  6. Pour flour and salt into a plastic bag.
  7. Place the fish in the bag, close it and shake it several times so that it is completely coated in flour and salt.
  8. Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and add the prepared fish.
  9. Fry until golden brown on both sides.
  10. We fry the caviar in the same way.

Place the fried perch on a serving plate in a half-shell, next to the caviar, serve with lemon and herbs. Delicious!

Step-by-step photos for the recipe Fried river perch

Perch jelly


  • River perch heads 2 kg
  • Water 1.5 liters
  • Carrots 2 pcs.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon
  • Garlic 4 cloves
  • Parsley

Cooking method:

To the festive table! Very, by the way! Jelly can be prepared from the heads of fish such as pike, pike perch, and perch.

They contain a lot of gelling agent! If you want to get a stronger, denser aspic, you can add a little pre-soaked gelatin to the hot fish broth.

But I didn’t add any, since there were a lot of heads and the jelly froze perfectly.

  1. Place the perch heads, without gills, in a saucepan and fill with cold water.
  2. As soon as the water boils and foam begins to form, drain the water and rinse the heads under cold water.
  3. Fill them again, bring to a boil, remove the foam.
  4. Reduce heat and add 2 carrots and whole onions.
  5. Cook over low heat for 1 hour, then add salt, allspice, bay leaf and cook for another 45 minutes. During this time, the liquid should evaporate 3 times.
  6. Strain the broth.
  7. Finely chop the garlic and after 5 minutes add it to the broth.
  8. Place the boiled carrot flowers and parsley leaves on the bottom of the aspic form.
  9. We select boneless meat, cheeks, and eye sockets from the heads and place them on carrots and greens.
  10. Sprinkle with ground black pepper and carefully pour in the broth.
  11. Cool at room temperature, cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.
  12. After the time has passed, carefully turn the mold over.
  13. Serve the fish jellied fish with grated horseradish, seasoned with lemon juice (add a little sea salt).

Step-by-step photos for the Perch Jelly recipe

How to cook river perch caviar?

Mio Chan Master (1326) 4 years ago

I think it's best to just fry it

Thai Boxer Student (88) 4 years ago

wrap it in gauze, put it in a cap so that it gets a little stronger, and then put it in a frying pan and fry it with the crust and mushrooms and don’t forget to salt it

Tonya Stuber Thinker (5225) 4 years ago

We always marinate. mix well, remove the films (when you stir, they cling to the fork themselves), add very finely chopped onion, maybe a little garlic if you like. add salt and pepper to taste (I add a little extra salt, because caviar absorbs salt), sprinkle with vinegar, leave for 12 hours in the refrigerator, I really don’t live up to the deadline, we start eating in two or three hours)))

Tolik Zakharov Student (129) 1 month ago

What is this, a recipe for eggplant caviar?

MARIA OSTAPIUK Guru (3286) 4 years ago

You can simply fry it with onions. You can also make a thick batter from eggs, flour, and water.

Dip caviar into batter and fry in oil.

how to salt perch

Sonya Sonya Master (1452) 5 years ago

Perch (lat. Perca) is one of the most common fish in Russia. The total number of species is about one and a half hundred (!).

Perch lives in fresh lakes, rivers and ponds throughout almost all of Europe, Northern Asia and eastern North America. River perch should not be confused with sea perch, which looks like freshwater perch.

Our Siberian perch reaches a weight of up to 3-4 kg.

Perch usually does not have any special commercial significance, but it is found quite often on the shelves of Siberian stores, especially in dried and smoked form. Perch meat is tender, white, lean, and has a pleasant taste.

Perfect for fish soup, frying and baking in the oven.

Perch cutting
Usually, cooks are irritated by perch scales, which can even be called a shell. But with a certain skill, ridding a perch of scales is even easier than cleaning crucian carp or ide.

I know of two options for cutting perch.

The first method I use is at home. You need to freeze the perch in the freezer.

In due time, remove and let sit at room temperature for up to an hour. As soon as the perch becomes at least a little soft, you need to make cuts in the skin along the back, belly and around the perimeter of the head.

The skin and scales of a frozen perch can be torn off very easily and simply, leaving almost no meat behind.

The second option is used for non-frozen perch and is used in the field. We'll need a good fillet knife. We cut the “throat” of the perch along the head to the ridge.

We place the perch on one side and immerse the knife near the head to the ridge, turn the knife blade towards the tail and, following parallel to the ridge, cut off one half of the perch from the ridge along with the bones and skin.

Then we remove the belly bones with a knife and cut the meat from the skin. We do the same with the second half of the perch.

In experienced hands and with a good knife, cutting one perch into clean fillets takes no more than 30 seconds. 8-10 perfect movements and you're done.

Stewed perch with lard and potatoes
Ingredients: 1 kg. perch, 150 gr. lard, 6 potatoes, 3 onions, 1 cup sour cream, pepper, bay leaf, salt, broth.

Cut up the perches (see above). Leave the heads and rinse the gills.

Then put the heads to boil to obtain a broth.

Place a layer of sliced ​​\u200b\u200binto the pan raw potatoes, layer of perches. Spread sour cream on top, sprinkle with onion, pepper, salt, bay leaf and cover with pieces of finely chopped lard.

You can layer the potatoes and perch on top again in exactly the same way.

Pour the prepared broth from the perch heads into the pan and simmer in the oven until the perch bones soften. This recipe is especially relevant in winter, since most of the fisherman’s catch contains small perch.

And in this dish, the small fish along with the bones are so boiled that you can easily eat the whole fish without thinking about the consequences.

Perch with ham
Ingredients: 1 kg. perch, 2 kg. potatoes, 150 gr. ham, olives, mayonnaise, vegetable or olive oil 50 gr. breadcrumbs.

Cut up the perch. Salt and pepper the inside of the carcasses, sprinkle with lemon juice or pour over vegetable oil (to your taste).

Place the fish in the refrigerator and let it collect its juices.

Pour 1 tbsp into the bottom of a ceramic or glass refractory mold. l. olive oil. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut the ham into long strips 2-3 cm wide.

Remove the fish from the marinade, roll in breadcrumbs, wrap with strips of ham and place in the pan.

Top the fish with sliced ​​potatoes. Salt. Pour over mayonnaise and the remaining marinade from salting the fish.

The final touch remains - sprinkle chopped olives on top - it’s both beautiful and tasty. Place in the oven and bake until the potatoes are done.

This may take 1-1.5 hours.

Metallurg Sage (18283) 5 years ago

Oh, Yo-oh, just like crucian carp.)))
release the intestines and salt. and then by the tail and to the gallows.

you need to lick it, and then sprinkle 2g every 3 hours and the main thing is to look into its eyes all the time!

Jokes aside, would you try to write for what dish? fry, fish soup, smoke, dry?

Natalia Sage (19139) 5 years ago

For 1 kg of fish you need 100 grams of salt, roll it, put it under a small press, after 2-3 hours put it in a cold place for 2 days, then take it out, rinse thoroughly and hang it to dry.

River perch

Perch is the general name for one and a half hundred species of small (weighing from 100-300 g to 2 kg) freshwater fish of the Percidae family. which are widespread in fresh lakes, rivers and ponds in Europe (except the Iberian Peninsula, Italy and northern Scandinavia), northern Asia and eastern North America.

Perch meat is tender, white, lean, and has a pleasant taste. Large freshwater perch is used for poaching with spices, small ones are usually used for fish soup, although this fish usually has no special commercial value and is rarely found on fish counters (the exception is white perch from Lake Balkhash).

River perch should not be confused with sea perch; this is usually the name given to about a hundred species and subspecies of fish that superficially resemble freshwater perch.

How to cook

Perch meat is tender, white, lean, and has a pleasant taste. Large freshwater perch is used for poaching with spices, small ones are usually used for fish soup (the gills must first be removed, otherwise the broth will taste bitter), although this fish usually does not have any special commercial value and is rarely found on fish counters (the exception is white perch in Lake Balkhash ).

Homemade sauce: how and from what you can make it Sauces homemade may not differ at all from production analogues. The main condition for obtaining a quality product is compliance with the recipe. The simplest and most common homemade sauces are mayonnaise dressings, [...]

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  • The holiday is coming soon - Easter. To prepare one of the Easter symbols - Easter - you need cottage cheese of the best quality - fresh, dry, homogeneous.

    Please your loved ones and prepare cottage cheese Easter.

    Ingredients: cottage cheese - 500 g, eggs - 2 - 3 pcs. sour cream 200 - 250 g, powdered sugar 70 - 100 g, butter 100 g, candied fruits, almonds, raisins to taste.

    Delicious buns always to the point. The recipe is very simple, try it.

    Ingredients: flour 1 kg, milk 1.5 cups, yolks 5 pcs, sugar 1.5 cups, margarine or butter 300 g, salt ½ teaspoon, yeast 40 g.

    A chest is a pie that is hollow inside, and then any filling of your choice is placed there.

    This is a round, unusual pie. If you cut off the top, take it off and you can put whatever you want in there.

    For the chest you need puff pastry.

    Young chicken cooked in a spicy paste of ginger and ground paprika with vegetables. This dish can be prepared for lunch, dinner or any holiday.

    Ingredients: 2 young chickens (900 g each), 40 g ginger, 1 lemon, ground paprika 2 teaspoons, vegetable oil 3 tablespoons.

    Lingonberries are very healthy and tasty on their own. But hardly anyone will refuse a pie with lingonberries.

    According to the proposed recipe, baking a pie is quite simple, the result will please you.

    Ingredients for the dough: eggs 2 - 3 pcs, sugar 0.7 cups, sour cream 0.7 cups, soda ½ teaspoon, flour 1 cup. Ingredients for filling.

    Boiled sea bass

    Sea bass is a deep-sea fish that has a spotted-striped or solid color. Nowadays, the most common color is pinkish or red.

    Calorie content of boiled sea bass

    The calorie content of boiled sea bass is 112 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    Composition of boiled sea bass

    Boiled sea bass contains vitamins (A.B.E.C.D). It also contains macroelements: calcium. magnesium. potassium. sodium and trace elements iron. zinc and others.

    The presence of these substances is the reason for the increasing popularity of this dish on any table in different parts of the world.

    Useful properties of boiled sea bass

    The carcass of boiled sea bass contains fish oil, which helps regulate metabolism in the body, reduces cholesterol levels, and prevents cardiovascular and neurological diseases. The carcass of boiled sea bass contains protein, which is easily digestible and has a positive effect on the growth of cells, tissues and muscles of the body.

    Boiled sea bass in cooking

    Perch itself is a very tasty fish, so it is logical that it is often bought and bred in huge quantities. There are a wide variety of methods for preparing perch; it can be salted, fried, boiled, smoked or baked.

    However, I would like to pay attention to the boiled sea bass (calorizator). Boiled sea bass very much justifies the hopes of people who are concerned about their own weight and are trying to reduce the calorie content of food consumed per day without losing the pleasant taste of the food, and people who have recently undergone surgery and simply connoisseurs of delicious food.

    Sea bass

    Sea bass (Sebastes)

    Sea bass belongs to the scorpionfish family, suborder Perciformes of the perciformes order. This fish has sharp fins, the sting of which is very painful and causes local inflammation. The smallest species of sea bass reach a length of 20 cm, and the largest exceed 1 m. The weight of sea bass can reach 15 kg.

    In body shape, sea bass is very similar to river perch, but differs from it in some external features. Sea bass live up to 15 years.

    There are about 90 species of sea bass in nature. Sea bass are found in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as in the North Pacific Ocean.

    Sea bass lives mainly in cold waters at significant depths from 100 to 500 m. Sometimes it can be found at a depth of 900 m. In the Norwegian Sea and the Arctic Ocean, sea bass gathers in large schools and makes summer migrations.

    The largest catches of sea bass are taken by trawl in Northern Norway. In the spring, there is a specialized fishery for sea bass along the shelf edge north of Bear Island.

    Sea bass is caught all year round in most of the Norwegian economic zone and around the island of Spitsbergen.

    In terms of taste of meat, fresh and smoked, sea bass occupies one of the first places among purely marine fish. There are many recipes for sea bass dishes.

    Its meat is fatty and stays fresh for a long time; sea bass tastes best when salted. Cutting sea bass requires a certain amount of caution.

    There are many recipes for sea bass dishes. Fresh sea bass is usually fried or boiled. You can buy this fish fresh as fillets and salted whole carcass or fillets.

    Sea bass is especially tasty when salted.

    Sea bass is very popular in Japan, where it is often called spring fish, because the sea bass fishery begins in early spring with their fishing. This fish is also called mebaru. This name comes from the huge eyes of these fish, disproportionate to the body.

    Sea bass typical Japanese fish, as it is a traditional sushi ingredient. sashimi, soups and other dishes.

    Sea bass is especially good for the thyroid gland.

    Calorie content and the nutritional value sea ​​bass

    Calorie content of sea bass 103 kcal.

    Nutritional value of sea bass: proteins - 18.2 g, fats - 3.3 g, carbohydrates - 0 g

    What to cook from boiled perch

    splena Enlightened (20313) 3 years ago

    disassemble into meat, mix 50/50 with mashed potatoes, add spices and egg. Form into cutlets and fry.

    Rimma Master (1658) 3 years ago

    Can you tell me more about the cutlets?

    splena Enlightened (20313) I made these cholets from pike, but perch would also be delicious. Disassemble the boiled fish into small pieces of meat so that there are no bones or skin.

    Separately, boil the potatoes and mash them. Let the puree cool a little, add spices (salt, pepper, dill looks good there), egg and fish.

    Mix everything and with raw hands Make cutlets, roll in flour or breadcrumbs and fry.

    Nick Hawk Thinker (6088) 3 years ago

    You can't make anything out of it anymore. But you can have some potatoes with it

    Dmitriy Thinker (8859) 3 years ago

    Marina Akhunova Master (1501) 3 years ago

    **Alechka** Thinker (7326) 3 years ago

    Omelette with perch fillet
    For the recipe you will need:
    perch – 300g
    salt - to taste
    butter - 50g
    for the omelet:

    milk - 1/2-1/4 cup
    egg - 5-6 pcs.
    dill or green onions - to taste.

    Cut the prepared boiled fish fillet into small pieces and fry in a frying pan on both sides in hot fat. Beat the eggs well, mix with milk, add herbs and a little salt, pour them over the fish and bake in the oven.

    The omelette must be served immediately.

    An omelet can be prepared in another way: heat the fat in a frying pan, pour in a mixture of eggs and milk. Slowly heat the frying pan over low heat (at first you can stir the omelet in the middle with a spoon). then put it in a hot oven for a while (the omelette will rise better).

    When the egg mass has thickened enough, fill the omelette (before folding it in half) with pieces of fried or stewed sea bass.

    If you want to get a very fluffy omelette, you need to separate the egg whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with milk, season and add the whipped whites to them.

    Comrade Vera Enlightened (32469) 3 years ago

    Capricious.Ya. Ta. Enlightened (41030) 3 years ago

    75 g arugula
    1 cucumber
    1 bell pepper
    100 g fried fish (I used perch)
    1 boiled egg
    50 g sun-dried tomatoes
    50 g olives
    2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
    1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice
    salt, black pepper to taste
    Cooking method

    Place the washed and dried arugula in a salad bowl.

    Cut the cucumber and bell pepper into cubes, cut the fish into small pieces and also place in a salad bowl.

    Cut the sun-dried tomatoes into thin long strips, cut the egg into 6-8 pieces, add olives and mix everything.

    Season with salt and pepper to taste and season with olive oil and lemon.

    How to cook perch

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    In terms of its taste and culinary capabilities, perch is considered one of the best river fish. You can cook a lot of different delicious dishes with perch, but housewives often avoid cooking this fish because perch is difficult to clean.

    We will tell you about all the secrets of easy preparation of various perch dishes.

    Perch has relatively few bones, and its meat has excellent taste. Perch can be smoked, baked, fried and boiled, salted, and also dried - when dried it can be stored for a very long time.

    By the way, dishes made from this fish are considered dietary.

    Thorny spines and dense scales are the main problems that everyone faces. To solve them easily, it is enough to know a few simple secrets: to make it easier to clean the perch, you can pour boiling water over it, or lower it into boiling salted water for a few seconds - then the fish can be easily cleaned.

    In many recipes, you can bake perch with its scales, the main thing is to rinse it well and gut it. To avoid getting cut by the spines of the perch, use rubber gloves when cutting it.

    With perch you can prepare a vegetable stew, fish soup, bake it whole or in pieces with vegetables - there are a lot of options for dishes with this fish.

    It’s easy and simple to fry perch in a frying pan: if you make cuts in the carcass of the fish, then all the small bones will dissolve during frying. Before frying, the perch needs to be washed and gutted, but it is not necessary to clean it the same way as when baking.

    A simple recipe for baking perch: rub washed, gutted perch with pepper and salt, wrap in foil and bake in coals for 15-20 minutes. You can also bake perch in the oven or microwave.

    The perch should be cooked until the pupils in the eyes turn white - this is a sign that the fish is cooked and ready to eat. You can add chilled boiled perch meat to various salads.

    If you have a lot of small perch, you can boil the fish like crayfish - rinse, gut, boil with a lot of dill and salt, leave to let it sit - you get real “crawfish tails”.

    Dishes with perch are very popular not only in ours, but also in Finnish, Karelian, German, and Estonian cuisines. Works great with perch and aspic.

    In general, the main thing is to choose the cooking method that suits you best and is suitable depending on the size of the fish, and the perch will reveal its wonderful taste properties in its entirety.

    Video recipe for preparing perch

    Delicious perch recipes

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    Sea bass soup recipe Galician cuisine

    Sea bass soup is traditionally prepared in Galicia. This region is located in northwestern Spain.

    The waters of the Atlantic Ocean wash it in the west. And there is nothing unusual in the fact that an important part of Galician cuisine consists of sea bass dishes and fish and seafood dishes in general.

    Sea bass is not a very large fish; its length can range from 20 centimeters to 1 meter. By ocean standards, this is not a large fish. There are two types of sea bass: deep-sea and coastal.

    The latter live among algae, where they find food. Deep-sea creatures are not too attached to their place of residence, so to speak, and in search of food they are forced to make long voyages. Both of these types of sea bass have tasty white meat.

    Only during processing it is important to remove their poisonous fins.

    Sea bass soup

    • one kilogram of fish,
    • one head of onion,
    • a bunch of herbs for soup (parsley, dill, celery),
    • one bay leaf,
    • five black peppercorns
    • two tablespoons of olive oil,
    • half a clove of garlic
    • two tablespoons of wheat flour,
    • two tomatoes,
    • six tablespoons of cream,
    • ground black pepper, salt.
    1. First, we clean the perch from scales. remove the entrails, head, skin, bones and don’t forget the fins, cut the resulting sea bass fillet into medium-sized pieces.
    2. All so-called waste from the perch, except for the entrails of course, needs to be filled with 1.5 liters of water and left to cook.
    3. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and quickly add onions, herbs, peppercorns, and bay leaves into the soup from our okushki and continue cooking for another 30 minutes.
    4. Strain the finished broth through a sieve, pour it over the perch fillet, put it on low heat and cook until tender.
    5. Then take out the pieces of fish. we need not to delay the rest of the process for too long, the perch should be warm when we put it in the broth.
    6. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, add flour to it, fry it lightly so that its color does not change, cool a little and pour a little broth into the flour, mix well. There should be no lumps left in the flour. Add the prepared dressing to the rich broth, stirring the latter constantly.
    7. Meanwhile, we should already have crushed tomatoes (instead of tomatoes, you can use one tablespoon of tomato paste) and crushed garlic, which we add along with cream at the very moment when we finish stirring our future sea bass soup, add salt and pepper.
    8. Place warm pieces of boiled perch into the soup, bring it to a bubbling state again, remove from the stove, cover with a lid and leave the finished soup to brew alone for five minutes. Delicious fish soup is ready. Regarding delicious fish, I remembered one quote.

    The most delicious meat does not look like meat, and the most delicious fish does not look like fish. Philoxen.

    This may be true, but by and large, what difference does it make to us what the taste of our sea bass dish tastes like? , as long as the soup was tasty and we liked it. Sea bass soup should be served with fresh, preferably freshly baked wheat bread and basil.

    What to cook from perch, sea and river


    Perch is a delicious fish, but the main thing is to cook it correctly. There is sea bass, which is a deep-sea fish from the ocean. This species includes several fish that differ in appearance and weight.

    In the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, in its northern waters, red perch with huge eyes is caught; such fish weigh up to 3.0 kilograms. Red snapper meat is tasty with a pleasant fishy smell. This kind of perch is used for preparing fish soups and second courses.

    They usually fry the perch fillet without defrosting it, then the dish turns out tasty and juicy. The heads and bones are used to prepare a rich and aromatic fish soup.

    Smoked sea bass can be used to make fish hash.

    In tropical waters, they catch sea bass that are similar in appearance to gobies; this type of perch is called merou. Such perch can be very large, some reach a weight of up to 180 kilograms, but more often you come across perches with an average weight of about 2-3 kilograms.

    Tropical perch meat is white, has a high taste, and is used for all types of culinary processing.

    We are more familiar with freshwater perch from the reservoirs of our country, especially fishermen who often go specifically to fish for perch. Perch excellent takes the bait. Large perches are often found, the body length of which reaches 40-50 cm. and weighing about 2 kilograms.

    Freshwater perch meat is white, tender, without fat, and has a pleasant taste. In terms of digestibility, it can be compared with pike perch meat.

    Fish soup is often prepared from small perches. The broth obtained from cooking perch is excellent for preparing jellied fish.

    Large perches can be fried, baked, or steamed. To make perch dishes more tasty when cooked, add mushrooms, roots and dry white wine or cucumber pickle.

    Boiled sea bass. The fish must be prepared and cut into pieces, put in a pan. Melt the butter and add it homemade crackers from white bread . stir, then pour in a little milk, add salt and bring to a boil.

    Pour boiled milk with breadcrumbs over the pieces of perch. Cook over low heat until done.

    Serve the boiled perch with potatoes and pour the sauce obtained during cooking over the entire dish.

    Sea bass baked with vegetables. Wash the fish, dry, cut into pieces, add salt and pepper. Peel the roots of celery, carrots and parsley.

    Chop the leeks and onions and fry them butter, add chopped roots. Place pieces of perch on the vegetables in a frying pan, pour over tomato sauce diluted with water and place in the oven. Bake the fish in the oven at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes, shortly before it is ready, pour melted butter over the dish.

    When serving, garnish the dish with leek rings and lemon wedges.

    Fried river perch with green pea sauce. Wash, clean and fillet the fish.

    Salt the perch fillet, sprinkle with pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil. Prepare the sauce. Blanch green peas, place in a sieve, add 2 tablespoons mashed potatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, salt, pepper and a glass of vegetable broth.

    Turn everything into puree. Serve fried perch on lettuce leaves, sprinkled with green pea sauce.

    Smoked perch salad. Cut the smoked sea bass, cut the flesh into pieces, add boiled potatoes and fresh cucumber.

    Season the salad with mayonnaise and place thin onion rings on top.

    Perch in tomato. Poach the perch fillet in a small amount of water.

    Place the pieces of fish on a dish, place marinated mushrooms with onions on them and boiled potatoes next to them. Pour heated tomato sauce over the entire dish.

    Sea bass cutlets with filling. Perch fillet without skin, lightly beat, salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice.

    Place minced meat in the middle of the fish and form into a cutlet. Dip in egg and breadcrumbs, fry in vegetable oil.

    For the filling you can use fried mushrooms, boiled eggs, cheese with garlic and dill. Serve with sauce and fresh vegetables.

    Sea bass stewed with vegetables. Place peeled parsley, parsnip, and celery roots into a saucepan, cut into small pieces.

    Place portioned pieces of fish on the roots, sprinkle with salt and nutmeg powder. Pour strained perch cucumber pickle with dry wine added to it (20 ml) Close the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then drain the broth from the fish, add a spoonful of flour, ground with a spoonful of butter, stir well and heat until thickened.

    Pour the sauce over the fish and heat through. Serve the stewed perch with rice or potatoes, seasoned with sauce and dill.

    Fish solyanka from perch. Cut the perch fillet into small pieces and place in a saucepan.

    Add sliced salted cucumbers, having previously cleaned them of skin and seeds. Fry the onion and also add to the fish.

    Pour diluted cucumber brine over the fish and simmer until cooked. Separately, simmer the salted cabbage. Place a layer of cabbage, a layer of perch and another layer of cabbage in a baking dish.

    Sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs. Place in the oven for 10 minutes.

    Serve directly in the pan with lemon wedges.

    Perch baked with potatoes. Prepare the perch, remove the fillet.

    Cut the perch fillet into pieces and place on a baking sheet, alternating with potato slices. Season everything with salt and pepper, add peppercorns and bay leaves. Cover the potatoes and fish with onion rings, sprinkle with grated cheese and pour over mayonnaise.

    Bake in a preheated oven for 40 minutes. Serve sprinkled with dill with fresh vegetable salad.

    Whole baked perch. Prepare the fish by removing the entrails without cutting into the belly.

    Rub with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and let stand for 0.5 hours. Then place the fish on a baking sheet, make a couple of cuts in the skin, grease with mayonnaise and bake in hot oven 40 minutes.

    Serve whole on a platter, garnished with carrot roses, tomato and cucumber slices.

    Perch roll. The roll is made from fish fillet.

    The fish must be salted, peppered, greased with soaked gelatin and mayonnaise. Wrap the fish in a roll, wrap it in cling film and tie it with twine. Bake fish roll in the oven for 40 minutes.

    Then cool and keep in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. The twine and film can be removed and the roll can be cut into thin slices.

    Place the fish roll on a plate and garnish with fresh vegetables, olives and herbs.

    Spicy sea bass salad with beans


    • 300 g boneless sea bass fillet
    • 150 g green beans
    • 40 g green onions
    • 2 hard-boiled eggs
    • 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
    • 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider vinegar
    • 0.5 teaspoons dried and crushed marjoram
    • red hot peppers(ground)

    Cooking method

    Rinse the sea bass fillet well and boil in salted water until cooked (see materials Cutting fish and Cooking Features boiled fish), then remove from the broth, cool and cut into small pieces.

    Wash the green bean pods, remove the hard longitudinal veins, cut into small pieces and boil in salted water until tender. Place the finished beans in a colander and cool.

    Peel the boiled eggs, separate the yolk from the white and chop them separately.

    Wash the green onions, shake off the water and cut into medium-sized slices.

    Mix sea bass fillet, boiled green beans, green onions and egg yolk in a salad bowl.

    Prepare a salad dressing from vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar, salt, marjoram and ground red pepper. Pour this dressing over the salad.

    Mix everything thoroughly.

    Ready salad sprinkle with finely chopped egg white.

    Read about the properties of chili peppers, sea bass pulp and green onions in the articles “Green onions”, “Sea bass” and “Chili peppers (cayenne pepper, mirch)”.

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    Marine diet

    The marine diet helps you lose weight without compromising your health

    The marine diet has a special place among numerous weight loss programs, as it is low-calorie and very healthy. By using it, you can not only quickly lose weight, but also significantly improve your health.

    The basis of the marine diet is made up of various seafood: shrimp, cabbage, sea fish, etc.

    The particular benefit of seafood lies in its rich composition of protein, amino acids, vitamins A, D, iodine, calcium, omega-3 and other useful components, thanks to which this dietary method has many undoubted advantages:

    • Weight loss without harm to the body;
    • The condition of hair, nails, and skin improves significantly;
    • The body rejuvenates;
    • Immunity is strengthened, bone and heart muscle;
    • The blood is cleared of harmful cholesterol;
    • Many harmful toxic substances are removed from the body.

    The marine diet is also good because it can be successfully combined with physical activity. However, doctors warn that it is not recommended for use for diseases of the digestive system.

    The dietary food ration consists of the following types of seafood, the consumption of which promotes weight loss, cleansing and beneficial saturation of the entire body:

    • Shrimp, mussels, clams, oysters, scallops, crabs;
    • Sea kale;
    • Canned tuna, sardine;
    • Flounder, sea bass, pollock, trout, etc.

    In addition to seafood, the menu includes:

    • Vegetables, herbs, mushrooms;
    • Fruits, dried fruits;
    • Cottage cheese, yogurt;
    • Green or herbal tea with a slice of lemon, water, fruit juices;
    • Marmalade.

    Ready meals should be fresh, boiled, stewed, baked or steamed. During the period of weight loss, you should completely avoid fried foods, sweet products, flour products and other unhealthy high-calorie foods.

    The seafood weight loss program is presented in several dietary options.

    Diet based on seaweed (kelp)

    Laminaria enriches the body with iodine and iron, excellently draws out toxins and eliminates excess weight. The daily norm of kelp is 200 grams. Before use, dry kelp must be brought to a ready-made state:

    • To do this, the dry collection is poured with cold water 1:8 for 10 hours, then the kelp is washed and boiled for 20 minutes in lightly salted water.
    • Next, the broth is drained and clean water heated to 50 degrees is poured back into the pan with kelp.
    • Then the cabbage is boiled for another 15 minutes.
    • The cooking procedure must be repeated three times.

    By applying a weekly dietary method based on kelp, you can achieve excess weight loss of more than 4 kg.

    Approximate daily menu for seaweed:

    • Morning: chamomile tea, salad with olive oil (cucumber, bell pepper, kelp, tomato);
    • Lunch: kelp with stewed mushrooms, grated carrots and olive oil;
    • Lunch: two eggs, fish cutlet or a piece of lean boiled meat, kelp with herbs, tomato and green salad, pineapple juice or apricot compote;
    • Afternoon snack: carrot salad with kelp;
    • Dinner: green tea with a spoon of honey, apple, kelp and pumpkin salad, boiled egg, marmalade.

    Diet of sea bass

    Sea bass is enriched with many vitamins, Omega 3 and minerals. It also contains taurine, which is necessary for normal metabolism and stabilization of cholesterol levels.

    A diet containing sea bass dishes will have a positive effect on health and the process of losing weight. Perch can be stewed, baked, or you can make an excellent dietary salad:

    • To do this, take 200 g of perch fillet, 1 potato and 1 carrot. boiled, cooled and chopped into pieces.
    • The tomato is cut into thin slices, the cucumber is cut into thin slices, green beans into diamonds.
    • Next, potatoes, beans, carrots, cucumber are mixed with olive oil, laid out on cauliflower leaves, decorated with pieces of fish, tomato and herbs.

    Diet sea cocktail

    This version of the dietary method should not exceed three days. The result of a mono-diet will be the loss of 3 extra pounds.

    Assorted seafood cocktail consists of squid, octopus, shrimp, mussels, lean fillet sea ​​fish with a few drops of lemon juice.

    The three-day diet consists of assorted seafood and warm drinks (tea, infusion). The prepared dish is divided into 4 parts of 150 grams each and consumed throughout the day.

    Marine diet from Karl Lagerfeld

    Karl Lagerfeld's nutritional system is based on the consumption of seafood and vegetables. Allowed foods include:

    • Fish, seafood;
    • Veal liver;
    • Spinach, carrots, asparagus, green beans, tomatoes, cauliflower;
    • Tangerines, melon, raspberries and peaches;
    • Low-fat butter or margarine.

    An approximate weekly menu from Karl Lagerfeld for each day is as follows:

    • Morning: a couple of low-fat yogurts, a slice of bread, a dessert spoon of butter;
    • Lunch: water or tea;
    • Lunch: some vegetable salad, protein shake;
    • Dinner: soup with shrimp and vegetables, salad, and a choice of stewed grouper, sushi, tuna or chicken breast.

    The diet of the famous fashion master is very strict, so you should not follow such a diet for more than 7 days.

    Tolerating a seafood diet is not difficult, especially for seafood lovers. The right way out after the dietary method, it involves a gradual transition to the usual diet with an increase in food norms.

    However, you should not suddenly stop eating fish and various seafood, especially kelp.

    The results of the marine diet - in 5-7 days, weight loss usually reaches 4 kg or more. But no matter how useful the weight loss program on fish and seafood may be, according to doctors, it should be repeated no earlier than after 3 months of good nutrition.

    Reviews of the marine diet among those who have used it vary. Most of the women who lost weight were satisfied with the achieved effect and diet. Many would be happy to repeat it again.

    Only a few diet lovers have failed to lose the desired weight using this method.

    Doctors, although they note the high health benefits of seafood, do not recommend following such a diet very often, because excess iodine can lead to problems with the thyroid gland.

    Pperch patty with champignons
    400 g sea bass fillet, 300 g beef liver, 100 g rendered lard, 300 g champignons, parsley, 10 g caraway seeds, pepper, salt.
    Cooking method
    Sort the mushrooms, peel, rinse and finely chop.

    Wash the sea bass liver and fillet, cook in salted water until half cooked, then finely chop and fry in lard along with mushrooms until cooked. Cool the resulting mass, pass through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, cumin, and the remaining fat from frying.

    Then carefully rub the minced meat through a sieve.
    Transfer the finished pate into a mold and leave to cool in a cool place for 2 hours, then sprinkle with parsley and serve.

    Sea bass jellied
    500 g sea bass fillet, 5 g gelatin, 100 g mayonnaise, 10 ml lemon juice, 40 g parsley roots, 40 g celery root, 50 g carrots, 40 g cucumbers, bay leaf, allspice, 10 g parsley, salt .
    Cooking method
    Peel the roots and carrots, wash, cut into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Wash the cucumbers and cut into slices.

    Wash the parsley.
    Rinse the fish fillet, cover with cold water, add parsley and celery roots, carrots, bay leaves, peppercorns, salt and cook until tender.
    Remove carrots, roots and fillets from the broth. Strain the broth, mix with gelatin diluted in water, heat without bringing to a boil, then strain again.
    Finely chop the fillet, place in a mold, put carrots and roots on top, pour in broth and place in a cool place for 2-3 hours.
    Cut the jellied fish into portions, pour over mayonnaise, garnish with cucumber slices, parsley sprigs and serve.

    Layered fried fish salad
    800 g sea bass fillet, 600 g tomatoes, 200 g onions, 100 g cheese, 200 g mayonnaise, 80 ml olive oil, 20 g sugar, 15 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice, dill, salt.
    Cooking method
    Wash the sea bass fillet, dry it, cut it into pieces, add salt and fry in olive oil until golden brown. Ready fish Place on a plate, sprinkle with lemon juice and cool.

    Wash the dill, dry and chop. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Wash the tomatoes, remove the stems and cut into circles.

    Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into rings, pour boiling water over it, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 15 minutes. Place mugs of tomatoes, onion rings, slices of fish in a deep salad bowl, grease with mayonnaise.

    Then again add tomatoes, onions and fish, etc. Sprinkle the salad with grated cheese, dill and serve.

    Perch salad with asparagus
    600 g sea bass fillet, 500 g asparagus, 60 ml vegetable oil, salt.
    For the sauce: 50 g lemons, 40 g grated horseradish, 40 ml vegetable oil, 4 egg yolks, 30 g sugar.
    Cooking method
    Wash the sea bass fillet, dry it, cut into small pieces, add salt and fry in vegetable oil. Peel the asparagus, wash, chop finely, boil in salted water, drain in a colander, cool and
    mix with fried fish.
    To prepare the sauce, beat the egg yolks with sugar and, without ceasing to beat, add vegetable oil, horseradish, and finely chopped lemon pulp in small portions. Mix everything until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Season the salad with the resulting sauce.

    Salad "Journey"
    500 g sea bass fillet, 60 g white beans, 150 g bell pepper, 100 g onions, 1 egg, 200 g tomatoes, 6 g capers, 70 g pitted olives, 60 ml olive oil, 10 g mustard, dill, salt.
    Cooking method
    Wash the sea bass fillet, dry it, boil it in salted water, cool and cut into small cubes. Wash the beans, soak for 2 hours in cold water, then boil. Hard boil the egg, cool, peel and chop.

    Wash the pepper, remove the stems and seeds, cut into strips. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings. Wash the tomatoes and cut into thin slices.

    Wash the dill, dry it, finely chop it. Mix fish, beans, bell pepper, onion, egg, capers, season with mustard and olive oil, salt and place in a salad bowl.

    Garnish the salad with tomato slices, olives, sprinkle with dill and serve.

    Salad "Gourmet"
    200 g crab meat, 300 g sea bass fillet, 100 g olives, 50 g champignons, 50 g cheese, 30 g lettuce, 50 g mayonnaise, salt.
    Cooking method
    Wash the sea bass fillet, dry it, boil it in salted water, cool and cut into small cubes. Cut the crab meat into cubes. Wash the champignons and chop finely.

    Wash the olives and grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
    Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them, and line the bottom of the dish with them. Mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise, place on a dish and garnish with olives.

    Milk soup with perch
    500 g of boiled sea bass fillet, 500 ml of milk, 700 ml of fish broth, 100 g of onion, 300 g of potatoes, 50 g of carrots, 60 ml of vegetable oil, 40 g of butter, cilantro, salt.
    Cooking method
    Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes. Peel the onions and carrots, wash them, grate them on a coarse grater and sauté in vegetable oil. Cut the perch fillet into large pieces.

    Bring the broth to a boil, add vegetables, fish, salt and cook for 5 minutes over high heat. After this, remove the fish from the soup.
    Heat the milk and pour into the soup. Cook for another 5 minutes.
    Wash the cilantro, dry it, finely chop it. Season the finished soup with butter, serve the fish fillet on a separate plate, sprinkled with herbs.

    Sea bass soup with garlic
    250 g boiled sea bass fillet, 800 ml fish broth, 100 g onion, 10 g garlic, 100 g spinach, 150 g canned green peas, 100 g tomatoes, 40 ml vegetable oil, pepper, salt.
    Cooking method
    Peel the onion and garlic, wash, grate on a fine grater and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Wash the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, remove the skin and chop. Wash the spinach, dry and cut into narrow strips.

    Add tomatoes, peas, spinach, 60 ml of broth to the onions and simmer for 4-6 minutes. Cut the perch fillet into cubes.
    Bring the broth to a boil, add vegetables, fish, salt and pepper and cook until tender.

    Bean soup with sea bass
    1 liter of fish broth, 200 g of boiled sea bass fillet, 150 g canned beans, 50 g onion, 10 g mustard, dill, cloves, nutmeg, salt.
    Cooking method
    Peel the onion, wash it, chop it. Cut the sea bass fillet into small cubes. Grate the nutmeg on a fine grater.

    Bring the broth to a boil, add fish, onion, cloves, nutmeg, beans, and salt. Cook for 10–13 minutes.
    Wash the dill, dry it, finely chop it. Before serving, season the soup with mustard and sprinkle with herbs.

    Soup with seaweed and perch
    1 liter of fish broth, 300 g of boiled sea bass fillet, 200 g of canned seaweed, 300 g of potatoes, 50 g of carrots, 50 g of onions, 150 g of sour cream, 20 g of butter, cilantro, salt.
    Cooking method
    Cut the sea bass fillet into small cubes. Peel the onions and carrots, wash and grate on a coarse grater.

    Fry vegetables in butter.
    Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into small cubes. Bring the broth to a boil, add the potatoes and cook for 10 minutes.
    Then add onions, carrots, perch fillets to the boiling broth, seaweed, add salt and cook until done.
    Wash the cilantro, dry and finely chop. Before serving, season the soup with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.

    Telnoe with vegetable garnish
    1 kg of sea bass, 100 g of onions, 130 ml of milk, 140 g of stale bread, 2 eggs, 300 g of eggplant, 150 g of carrots, 200 g of champignons, 200 g of sour cream, 100 ml of fish broth, 60 ml of vegetable oil, 30 g butter, 20 g flour, 50 g breadcrumbs, cilantro, pepper, salt.
    Cooking method
    Clean the fish, gut it, rinse thoroughly, remove the bones. Leave a third of the fish for filling, and prepare minced meat from the rest.
    Soak the loaf in milk for 10–15 minutes. Pass the fillet and bun through a meat grinder twice, add butter, milk, salt and pepper and mix thoroughly.
    Peel, wash and chop the onion.
    Finely chop the left fillet and simmer together with the onion in the broth until half cooked.
    Cut the minced meat into small balls, place them on a wet board, and press them together to form flat cakes. Place a small amount of fish filling in the middle of each and carefully connect the edges.
    You should get crescent-shaped cutlets. Brush them with beaten egg, roll in flour, bread in breadcrumbs and fry in heated vegetable oil.
    To prepare the side dish, cut the champignons into slices. Wash the carrots and eggplants, peel them and cut them into cubes.

    Simmer vegetables and mushrooms in a small amount of water for 10 minutes, then add sour cream, salt and pepper and simmer for another 15 minutes.
    Wash the green cilantro, dry and finely chop. Before serving, sprinkle the vegetables with cilantro.

    Sea bass with vegetable salad
    700 g sea bass fillet, 150 g cheese, 200 g cucumbers, 250 g red cabbage, 200 g sour apples, 150 g crushed peanuts, 20 g flour, 30 g butter, 50 ml vegetable oil, 30 ml olive oil, 20 ml lemon juice, parsley, pepper, salt.
    Cooking method
    Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and mix with peanuts.
    Wash the perch fillet, dry it, carefully cut into portions, add salt and pepper. Dip the fish in flour and fry in heated vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes on each side.
    Place the fish pieces on a baking sheet greased with butter and bake in an oven preheated to 180 °C for 30 minutes. 10 minutes before being ready, place the cheese mixture on the fish.
    Wash the cucumbers and apples, peel and cut into cubes.
    Wash the parsley, dry it and finely chop it.
    Red cabbage wash, chop and rub with lemon juice.
    Mix cucumbers, apples, cabbage and parsley, season with olive oil.
    Place the finished fish on a dish and serve the fruit and vegetable salad separately.

    ANDfried perch with peanuts
    700 g sea bass fillet, 150 g crushed peanuts, 60 g flour, 80 ml vegetable oil, 50 g cucumbers, 30 ml lemon juice, 150 g hard cheese, parsley, pepper, salt.
    Cooking method
    Wash the perch fillet, dry it, salt and pepper and roll in flour. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the fish over high heat for 2 minutes on each side.

    Line a baking sheet with foil and place the fish.
    Wash the cucumbers, grate them on a coarse grater, and sprinkle with lemon juice.
    Also grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix with crushed peanuts, spread on the perch fillet, and pepper. Bake the fish in an oven preheated to 200°C for 5 minutes.
    Wash the parsley, dry it, finely chop it. Place the finished fish on plates along with the cucumber salad and sprinkle with herbs.

    Perch under sour cream sauce
    1 kg of fish, 40 g of breadcrumbs, 40 ml of vegetable oil, 100 g of sour cream, 20 g of garlic, 200 g of tomatoes, 150 g of cucumbers, dill and parsley, pepper, salt.
    Cooking method
    To prepare the sauce, peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater. Wash and chop the dill greens.

    Beat sour cream with garlic, salt, pepper and dill.
    Clean the fish, gut it, wash it, cut it into portions, add salt, grease with 20 ml of vegetable oil, and roll in breadcrumbs.
    Grease the grill with the remaining vegetable oil, place pieces of fish on it and fry over hot coals, brushing with the prepared sauce every 2-3 minutes.
    Wash cucumbers and tomatoes and cut into thin slices. Wash the parsley and dry it.
    Place the fish on a dish, garnish with parsley sprigs and decorate with slices of cucumbers and tomatoes.

    Boiled perch

    • river perch 500-600 g,
    • carrot 1,
    • bulb 1,
    • vinegar 3% 1/3 cup,
    • parsley 1-2 roots,
    • Bay leaf
    • peppercorns
    • lemon 1,
    • butter 1/3 cup,
    • several potatoes
    • parsley 2 bunches.

    Boil water along with chopped carrots, onions, parsley, peppers and bay leaves. Peel the perch, gut it, wash it, put it in the prepared broth, add vinegar, salt and cook for 10-15 minutes until tender. Carefully remove the fish from the broth
    Peel the skins and place in a preheated dish, sprinkle with lemon juice. Cover the perches with parsley and lemon slices. Serve melted butter in a gravy boat, and on a separate plate - hot boiled potatoes sprinkled with finely chopped parsley.

    Boiled perch recipe sent by the chef Vasily Ivanovich

    Most delicious


    Great recipe. I made some changes to it. I replaced the cheddar cheese with hollandaise.
    FLAOUNES - Easter Cypriot pies

    Everything is fine, but you messed something up with the felt. Felt felt is something completely different.

    Felt felt is a completely different area, to cooking, and even more so.

    Crazy a delicious cake, my favorite since childhood, they used to take 5-6 hours.
    Very tasty cake

    Anyone interested in the production of kurta in any country, please contact us if you have any extra milk.

    Fried meat

    • 100 g boiled meat lamb or beef
    • 150 g potatoes
    • 35 g carrots
    • 35 g onions
    • 10 g ghee
    • 30 g broth
    • 30 g flour for breading
    • 1 bay leaf
    • 5-6 black peppercorns
    • salt to taste

    Wash the meat with bones, cut into pieces, salt, pepper, bread in flour, put in a frying pan and fry until browned on all sides. Place the fried meat into a saucepan. Pour one glass of water or broth into the pan where the meat was fried, boil it along with the meat juice, strain and pour into the pan with the meat.

    Pour two more glasses of water into the pan and simmer for 30-40 minutes over low heat. Place chopped raw onion with carrot slices on the stew and after 10 minutes boiled potatoes, cut in half, bay leaf, 5-6 peppercorns and simmer all over low heat for another 10-20 minutes.

    The meat is served hot.

    Fruit casserole with cottage cheese

    • 300 g strawberries
    • 4 nectarines
    • 4 eggs
    • 50 g sugar
    • 400 g fat cottage cheese
    • 50 ml cream
    • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
    • 20 g flour
    • butter for the pan
    • powdered sugar for sprinkling
    • several sprigs of currants

    Cut strawberries in half. Cut the nectarine pulp into slices.
    Grease 4 ovenproof shallow ramekins. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites well.

    Mix the yolks with sugar until a cream forms. Add cottage cheese, cream, lemon juice, flour and mix everything well.

    Mix with protein foam.

    Divide the curd mixture into molds and place strawberries and nectarines on it. Bake for 25 minutes at 180C.

    Sprinkle over still hot casseroles powdered sugar and garnish with red currant sprigs.


    How to cook sea bass in the oven recipe from Petr de Cril’on

    How to cook sea bass theoretically, probably everyone knows, since many of us have cooked perch, maybe not sea perch, but certainly river perch. What is the essence of the difference between how to cook sea bass and how to cook river perch?

    In terms of their taste, even sea bass has a big difference between subspecies, not to mention the difference between sea bass and its river cousin. Therefore, when preparing, sea bass requires a special culinary approach.

    In our article How to Cook Sea Bass, we use the most delicious of sea bass, red snapper, which in the old days was very famous in the form of hot and cold smoking.

    How to cook sea bass in the oven video from Petr de Cril’on

    And before how to cook sea bass, you are welcome to look at our article Perch fillet. in which you will learn exactly how you can get perch fillets from sea bass.

    We want to tell you and show you how to cook sea bass baked with mushrooms, onions and potatoes in sour cream sauce. In the future, we will tell you an easier way to cook sea bass without mushrooms, onions and potatoes and sour cream sauce.

    But we cook it, this sea bass, in such a way that everyone thinks it’s hot smoked perch. And we will reveal this secret to you in the next article: How to cook sea bass baked under the grill.

    But, if we have already intrigued you, you can cook sea bass according to our video recipe TERPUG IN THE OVEN DIETARY RECIPES FROM Petr de Cril’on. Although the greenling is very similar to both sea and river perch, for some reason it was recorded as a relative of the links.

    How to cook sea bass. Ingredients

    • To prepare sea bass, we need red sea bass itself, you can use any other perch, or you can use pike, cod, catfish, 150-300 grams.
    • Flour 100 grams.
    • Mushrooms, preferably fresh champignons, since these mushrooms do not have a pronounced mushroom smell and taste, but at the same time they have an elastic structure, which is very pleasant to eat 200-300 grams.
    • Onion, juicy 1 large head.
    • Hard boiled eggs 2 pieces.
    • Raw egg for batter 1 piece.
    • 2 medium sized potatoes.
    • Sour cream 0.5 1 cup.
    • Butter for white sauce 50 grams.
    • Hard cheese 100 grams.
    • Vegetable oil 500-700 grams.
    • Fresh dill, green onions 50-100 grams.
    • Salt, freshly ground black pepper, black peppercorns to taste.
    • To stew mushrooms, you can use any mushroom seasoning to taste.
    • Breadcrumbs, preferably branded, specifically for breading seafood 100-300 grams.
    • Cucumber pickle 0.5 1 liter.

    How to cook sea bass recipe from Petr de Cril’on

    1. Before preparing the sea bass, place the perch fillets in a container and pour homemade cucumber pickle to lightly cover the perch.
    2. Pour sea bass with cucumber brine to remove the pungent fishy smell.
    3. Cover the container with sea bass in brine with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    1. After 30 minutes, place the sea bass fillet in a colander and let the excess brine drain off.
    2. We blot the perch fillet with a paper towel or napkin so that the oil does not hiss or crackle when frying.

    1. Now we need to prepare the sea bass fillet.
    2. To do this, you need to deep-fry it in breadcrumbs.
    3. First, dredge the sea bass fillet in flour.

    1. Then quickly and carefully dip the sea bass fillet into the egg and salt mixture.
    2. We try to do everything carefully so that the egg does not drip in all directions.

    1. Now quickly dip it in breadcrumbs.
    2. We try to ensure that the crackers are evenly distributed over the surface of the perch fillet.

    Place the perch in the deep fryer and fry until golden brown on both sides.

    1. If necessary, turn the sea bass fillet over with tongs.

    1. When the perch is browned, place it on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

    1. To cook sea bass in the oven we need to first prepare the white sauce.
    2. Pour 1 heaped tablespoon of flour into a hot frying pan and stir.
    3. Fry the flour, stirring constantly, until slightly golden brown.

    1. Remove the pan with flour from the stove.
    2. Let it cool a little and add 1 tablespoon, about 50 grams, of butter.
    3. Mix everything until the butter melts and mixes evenly with the flour.

    1. Then add 1 cup of sour cream, mix everything and put the pan back on the fire.
    2. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes.
    3. You can use less time so that the sauce does not thicken too much. Then remove the sauce from the heat.

    1. Now you can cook the sea bass. Take a baking sheet with high sides.
    2. Divide the sour cream sauce into two parts and grease the bottom of the baking sheet with one part of the sauce in a thin, even layer.
    3. Place fried sea bass fillet on top of the sauce.

    1. We peel the potatoes in advance, cut them into thin slices and fry them in a frying pan until crispy.
    2. Place crispy potatoes on a baking sheet around the fried sea bass fillet.

    1. We also fry the champignons in butter with green onions in advance.
    2. You can add a little of any mushroom seasoning to the champignons.
    3. Place fried mushrooms on top of the perch and potatoes in a baking tray.

    1. Place fried onion half rings on top of the mushrooms.

    1. Cut the hard-boiled eggs crosswise into slices.
    2. Place the egg slices on the onion, yolks up.

    1. Place the second part of the sour cream sauce on top of the eggs, evenly over the entire surface.

    1. And finally, sprinkle our layered sea bass dish evenly with grated cheese.
    2. Grease a layer of cheese with vegetable or melted butter.
    3. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 25 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius, periodically checking for the appearance of a golden brown crust.
    4. If a golden brown crust appears a little earlier than after 25 minutes, then our dish can be removed from the oven.

    1. And now we get a miracle dish of sea bass baked in the oven with mushrooms, potatoes, eggs and cheese in sour cream white sauce.
    2. Let the dish cool a little and enjoy the divine taste.

    Serving sea bass baked in the oven according to a recipe and photo from Petr de Cril’on

    • On a beautiful white porcelain plate we place a portion of our flaky sea bass miracle dish.
    • As a side dish for this dish we serve any korean salad from vegetables. We chose to serve Korean carrot salad.
    • And for lovers of Russian cuisine, be sure to serve salted or pickled cucumber.
    • Bon appetit from Petr de Cril'on, dear friends!

    So that you are always aware of our new video recipes from fish and seafood for a gentle protein diet, subscribe to our video channel by clicking on the portrait of the author in a midshipman's uniform in the upper right corner of this page.

    Diet type: Complete with limited fat

    Number of servings: 4

    Cuisine: Russian seafood

    How to cook sea bass fillet

    • For sea bass fillet with wine sauce:
    • - 250 g sea bass fillet;
    • - 0.5 glasses of dry white wine;
    • - 200 g of tomato sauce;
    • - 2 red bell peppers;
    • - 1 bunch of basil;
    • - 3 cloves of garlic;
    • - 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
    • - salt
    • pepper to taste.
    • For sea bass fillet with vegetables:
    • - 150 g sea bass fillet;
    • - 2 large tomatoes;
    • - 1 sweet red pepper;
    • - half a zucchini and an eggplant each;
    • - 1 lemon;
    • - 50 g hard cheese;
    • - 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
    • - 1 tsp. breadcrumbs;
    • - parsley and thyme;
    • - salt to taste.

    Sea bass fillet with wine sauce

    Rinse the sea bass fillets under water and pat dry. If the fish was frozen, defrost it completely.

    Wash the bell peppers. Cut them into 2 parts, remove the stem with seeds.

    Place the halves on a rack and place in the preheated oven or grill. Roast the bell peppers until the skins begin to dry out and become charred. Cool the peppers, remove the skin and cut the flesh into small pieces.

    Chop the garlic. Tear the basil leaves with your hands.

    Heat 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil over medium heat in a frying pan. Sauté the garlic in the oil for 1 minute, stirring constantly.

    Then pour in dry white wine and bring it to a boil. Add tomato sauce, roasted peppers and some of the basil. Bring to the boil again and simmer for about 5 minutes until the sauce thickens.

    Stir it constantly with a spoon. At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper to taste.

    Place the perch fillets in a baking dish. Drizzle the fish with the remaining olive oil.

    Add some salt. Pour the prepared sauce over the fillet and place in an oven preheated to 200°C for 20-30 minutes.

    Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh basil leaves.

    Sea bass fillet with vegetables

    Wash the vegetables. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut the pulp into slices.

    Peel the bell pepper and remove the seeds. Peel the skin off the eggplants and zucchini. Cut the peppers, zucchini and eggplant into medium-sized slices.

    Cut the lemon into two equal parts. Squeeze the juice from one half.

    Grate the hard cheese on a fine grater.

    Sprinkle sea bass fillets with lemon juice and salt. Heat 1 tbsp in a frying pan. l. vegetable oil and fry the fish on both sides.

    In the same pan, fry the vegetables for 5 minutes, adding olive oil if necessary.

    Transfer the fish to a baking dish. Place tomatoes and fried vegetables on top. Finely chop the greens, mix them with breadcrumbs, cheese and remaining vegetable oil.

    Bake sea bass fillet with vegetables at 200°C for about 10 minutes. Serve with half a lemon.

    How to cook sea bass

    Sea bass soup

    Soup ingredients
    Sea bass - half a kilo
    Potatoes - 4 pieces
    Carrots - 1 piece
    Onions - 1 head
    Parsley - a small bunch
    Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
    Salt and pepper - to taste

    How to cook sea bass soup
    If the perch is frozen, defrost. Remove scales from the perch, cut in half, gut and rinse well.
    Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add perch and cook for 15 minutes. Remove the perch from the pan, cool, separate the fish fillets from the bones and return to the broth.
    Peel and chop the onions. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Heat a frying pan, pour oil, add onion and fry it for 5 minutes, stirring.

    Then add carrots and fry for another 10 minutes, stirring.
    Peel and cut the potatoes into 1 cm cubes. Place potatoes in fish broth, cook for 10 minutes, add frying, salt and pepper and cook for another 5 minutes.
    When serving, sprinkle sea bass fish soup with chopped herbs.

    The calorie content of boiled sea bass is 103 kcal/100 grams of fish.

    How to cook sea bass aspic

    Ingredients for jellied perch
    Sea bass fillet - half a kilo
    Gelatin – 10 grams
    Lemon - half
    Peppercorns - 5 pieces
    Bay leaf - 3 pieces
    Salt - to taste

    How to cook sea bass aspic
    Pour half a liter of water into a saucepan and place on medium heat, add salt and pepper, and add bay leaf. Wash the sea bass fillet, make cuts in the skin and place in boiling water, skin side up, and reduce heat.

    Cook the sea bass fillet for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam.
    At the end of cooking, remove the fish from the broth, cool, separate from the bones, cut into pieces and place on the bottom of a dish for aspic.
    Strain the sea bass broth, add gelatin in a thin stream, stirring. When all the gelatin has dissolved in the broth, pour it over the fish.
    Cut the lemon into slices and decorate the aspic with them. When the aspic has cooled, put it in the refrigerator to harden.
    Serve the prepared sea bass aspic with mustard and horseradish.

    Perch recipes

    Recipe for perch fried in sour cream

    1 kg perch
    50 g butter or olive oil
    2 – 3 onions
    1.5 cups sour cream
    2 tbsp. spoons of flour

    Cooking perch fried in sour cream

    Peel the perches, salt them, bread them in flour, put them in a heated frying pan with butter and onions, fry them lightly on both sides until color appears, transfer them to an enamel frying pan, coat them with sour cream, put them in the oven and, when browned, pour a new portion of sour cream on them and again put it in the oven, where it should be fried, covering it loosely with a lid, for about 25 - 30 minutes. Serve in a frying pan.

    Hot smoked sea bass with potatoes

    Sea bass is a deep-sea, large-headed and large-eyed, rather large fish (weighing 1–2 kg, sometimes 8–9 kg), which our trawlers catch from the depths of the Barents Sea.

    Sea bass in tomato sauce

    Recipe: Simmer portions. sliced ​​fish fillets. Place the finished fish on a dish or plate, place boiled potatoes on the side, and on top of the fish boiled mushrooms, pieces of crab.

    Product composition: Fish 150g. carrots, onions, parsley 10g. crayfish 1 pc. or crabs 10g. mushrooms 30g. side dish 150g. sauce 75g. lemon, greens.

    Perch with potatoes and onions

    Recipe: Lightly fry the peeled, washed and thinly sliced ​​onion in oil in a frying pan. Place the prepared and salted pieces of perch in the same frying pan. cover with tomato slices, add 3-4 tbsp. spoons of water, sprinkle the tomatoes with salt and pepper and place around the fish.

    Ingredients: For 750 g of perch. 2 onions, 800 g potatoes, 300 g tomatoes, 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar, 4 tbsp. spoons of butter.

    Recipe: Perch can be fried with a little fat or submerged in fat. To ensure that the perch is evenly fried, fish fillets or large fish are cut into pieces no thicker than 3 cm, since the top layer of a thick piece may be overcooked before it is all ready.

    Perch fried with garnish

    Recipe: Salt the prepared perch, sprinkle with pepper, roll in flour and fry in a frying pan with butter. When serving, pour oil over the perch and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or dill.

    Ingredients: For 750 g of perch (or 500 g of finished fillet) - 2 tbsp. spoons of butter and flour.

    Fried perch with tomatoes and onions

    Recipe: Dip the prepared pieces of perch in milk mixed with salt and pepper, roll in flour and fry. Separately, fry fresh or canned tomatoes, cut in half, salted and sprinkled with pepper.

    Ingredients: For 750 g of perch (or 500 g of finished fillet) - 1/4 cup milk, 4 tomatoes, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 3 tbsp. spoons of butter.

    Perch fried in dough

    Recipe: Prepare the dough. In a bowl, mix flour and salt with two tablespoons of melted vegetable or cow's butter, then dilute with warm water (1/2 cup) so that there are no lumps.

    Ingredients: For 500 g of prepared perch fillet - 5 tbsp. spoons of flour, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 lemon, 2 eggs and 100 g of fat for frying.

    Perch fried in breadcrumbs

    Recipe: Wash the prepared fish, dry on a napkin, salt, sprinkle with pepper, roll first in flour, and then, moistened with an egg diluted with milk (1/4 cup per 1 egg), roll in breadcrumbs. 10-15 minutes before serving, fry the fish in fat.

    Ingredients: For 750 g of perch (or 500 g of finished fillet) - 1/4 cup milk, lemon, 1/2 cup crushed crackers, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and 100 g of fat for frying.

    Perch in tomato sauce with vegetables

    Recipe: Cut the perch fillet into portions and simmer them with the addition of onion and parsley. When serving, place boiled mushrooms and pieces of crab on top of the fish.

    Garnish: boiled potatoes.

    Ingredients: Perch 150 gr. onion 5 gr. parsley 5 gr. mushrooms 30 gr. crabs 10 gr. side dish 150 gr. sauce 100 gr. pepper, greens

    Smoked perch in sour cream

    Recipe: Remove skin from smoked perch, remove head and entrails and rinse. Add grated onions and ground allspice to boiling sour cream and heat it again to a boil.

    Ingredients: Smoked perch 80g. sour cream 50g. onion 25g. allspice 0.05g. side dish 150g.

    List of fish dishes

    • My recipes The holiday is coming - Easter. To prepare one of the Easter symbols - Easter - you need cottage cheese of the best quality - fresh, dry, homogeneous. Please your loved ones and prepare cottage cheese Easter. Ingredients: cottage cheese - 500 g, eggs - 2 - 3 pcs. sour cream 200 - 250 g, sugar […]
    • Similar Closed tartlets with chicken, mushrooms and spinach Recipes Closed tartlets with chicken, mushrooms and spinach Ingredients: 500 g flour 250 g drained butter 2 eggs 2-3 tbsp. water 0.5 tsp. salt 250 g forest mushrooms 1 large onion 2 cloves garlic 40 g drained butter 300 g chicken fillet […]

    Crab salad.

    Ingredients: crab sticks 1 pack 100 grams, canned corn 1 small jar, canned champignons 1 jar, fresh cucumbers 2 pcs, boiled eggs 2 pcs, red salad onion 1 pc, lettuce, mayonnaise, dill, salt.
    Cut the peeled crab sticks, cucumbers and onions into small cubes, finely chop the eggs, chop the dill. Remove corn and mushrooms from jars. Combine everything, add salt and season with mayonnaise.

    Place the finished salad on lettuce leaves.

    Salad 5 minutes.

    Ingredients: seaweed 100 g, Korean carrots 100 g, canned corn 1 can, fresh cucumber 1 pc, bacon-flavored croutons 150 g, parsley, mayonnaise.

    Cut the cucumber into strips, chop the greens. Place corn, carrots, seaweed, and greens in a salad bowl. Crackers. Add mayonnaise, mix well.

    Before serving, garnish with parsley.

    Fish salad with fruit.

    Ingredients: boiled fish 400 g, apples 1-1.5 pcs, plums 50 g, boiled eggs 2 pcs, sour cream 2 tablespoons, mayonnaise 2 tablespoons, horseradish, salt, sugar, herbs.

    Remove the bones from the boiled fish, divide into pieces and mix with diced apples, plums and chopped egg.

    Place everything in a salad bowl, pour a mixture of sauces seasoned with spices.

    Garnish with egg and herbs.

    Fish salad with egg.

    Ingredients: boiled fish 300 g, eggs 2 pcs, pickled cucumber 1 pc, potatoes 2 pcs, mayonnaise 150 g, green salad, salt.

    Remove the bones from the boiled fish and divide it into pieces.

    Cut boiled potatoes, eggs and pickled cucumbers into thin slices, place in a salad bowl lined with lettuce leaves, and place pieces of fish on top.

    Pour in mayonnaise.

    Boiled fish salad.

    Ingredients: Fish 400 g, stale wheat bread 100 g, onion 100 g, vegetable oil, mayonnaise 100 g, egg 1 pc, greens.
    Boil the fish in salted water with spices, remove skin and bones, cut into small pieces. Boil the eggs, peel and chop. Chop the onion. Grate the bread on a coarse grater.

    Mix the prepared products, season with vegetable oil and mayonnaise.

    Sauerkraut salad with squid.

    Ingredients: sauerkraut 600 g, squid (fillet) 150 g, onion 1 piece, carrot 1 piece, vegetable oil 4 tablespoons, vinegar 1 tablespoon, salt, pepper, herbs.

    Peel the squid fillet from the film, rinse, cook in boiled water for 3-5 minutes, cool and cut into strips.

    Pour vinegar into 1 liter of water, add salt, stir well, pour the resulting mixture over the cooked squid and leave for 40 - 60 minutes.

    Cut the onions into rings, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, scald with boiling water, pour in vinegar solution and leave for 7 - 9 hours.

    Mix the prepared products, add sauerkraut, pepper, fill with vegetable oil.

    Garnish the finished salad with herbs and lemon slices.

    Fish salad with mushrooms.

    Ingredient: Fresh fish 600 g, green peas 300 g, pickled mushrooms 200 g, mayonnaise 200 g, carrots 80 g, onions 1 pc, parsley root 50 g, eggs 1 pc, bay leaf, pepper, mustard, herbs, salt.

    Boil parsley root, carrots, peel and cut into small cubes.

    Boil the fish in salted water with spices and chop finely. Chop pickled mushrooms and onions.

    Mix the prepared products, add green pea, mustard, salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise.

    Decorate the finished salad with egg slices and herbs.

    Sea bass salad with vegetables.

    Ingredients: sea ​​bass 400 g, potatoes 250 g, tomatoes 2 pcs, cucumbers 2 pcs, green peas 50 g, mayonnaise 100 g, ketchup 5 g, salt, herbs.

    Boil the fish in salted water with spices, remove bones and finely chop. Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel the skins, cut into cubes. Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into slices.

    Mix the prepared products, add green peas, salt, season with mayonnaise and ketchup.

    Garnish the finished salad with herbs, tomato slices, and cucumber slices.

    Salad of navaga with cucumbers.

    Ingredients: fresh navaga 400g, fresh cucumbers 150g, pickled cucumbers 150g, mayonnaise 100g, green onions, herbs.

    Peel the navaga, fry it, cut into small pieces.

    Cut the cucumbers into cubes, chop the green onions. Mix all products, season with mayonnaise.

    Decorate the finished salad with herbs.

    Cucumber salad with fish.

    Ingredients: fresh fish (sardines) 500 g, fresh cucumbers 100 g, little vegetable 2 tablespoons, vinegar 20 g, hot pepper 20 g, eggs 2 pcs, bay leaf, thyme, herbs, pepper, salt.

    Clean fresh fish, cut along the ridge and remove the bones.

    Sprinkle the prepared fillet with salt and pepper, put together, placing thin strips of hot capsicum between them.

    Soak the fish in the egg, pour in vegetable oil and vinegar, add bay leaf, thyme and place in the oven for 10 minutes.

    Cool the finished fish and place it on a dish with prepared fresh cucumber salad.

    Sturgeon salad.

    Ingredients: boiled fish 150 g, mayonnaise 100 g, potatoes 1 pc, cucumbers 1 pc, tomatoes 1 pc, carrots 1 pc, cauliflower 40 g, bean pods 40 g, green peas 30 g, greens 20 g.

    Cut the boiled sturgeon into thin long slices.

    Boil carrots and potatoes, peel and cut into cubes.
    Cut the bean pods into diamond shapes. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into slices.

    Boiled cauliflower divide into small parts.

    Mix the prepared products, add canned green peas.

    Season with mayonnaise and garnish with herbs.

    Fish salad with green peas.

    Ingredients: fish 500 g, potatoes 450 g, carrots 250 g, pickled cucumbers 2 pcs, green peas 200 g, mayonnaise 200 g, vegetable oil 3 tablespoons, sugar 1 tablespoon, vinegar 1 tablespoon, bay leaf, pepper, salt, herbs .

    Boil the fish in a small amount of salted water with spices, remove the bones, cut into small slices, pour in vegetable oil, vinegar, add salt, sugar, parsley.

    Keep the poured fish in a cold place for about 1 hour, then chop it.

    Boil potatoes, carrots, peel, cut into small cubes along with pickles.

    Mix all prepared products, add green peas, chopped cucumbers and mix thoroughly.

    Garnish the finished salad with sliced ​​eggs and chopped parsley.

    Fish salad with tomatoes.

    Ingredients: fresh fish 300 g, tomatoes 300 g, apples 150 g, mayonnaise 150 g, pickled cucumbers 1 pc, onion 1 pc, mustard, salt, pepper, herbs.

    Boil the fish in a small amount of water with spices, remove bones and cut into pieces. Peel and seed the apples and cut into small cubes. Mix the prepared products, add salt, pepper, mustard, season with mayonnaise and mix. Decorate the finished salad with herbs.

    Cod salad with radishes.

    Ingredients: fish 300 g, apples 100 g, radishes 100 g, mayonnaise 100 g, fresh cucumbers 100 g, celery 60 g, vinegar 15 ml, green salad, salt.

    Boil fresh fish in salted water, remove skin and bones, cut into small pieces, pour in vinegar and place in a cold place for 1-2 hours.

    Cut the vegetables and apples into strips, lightly salt them, pour over mayonnaise, place on lettuce leaves, place pieces of fish on top and pour over the remaining mayonnaise.

    Garnish the finished salad with chopped herbs.

    Vinaigrette with fish.

    Ingredients: fish fillet 300 g, potatoes 3 pcs, beets 1 pc, carrots 2 pcs, pickled cucumbers 2 pcs, mayonnaise 1/2 jar, tomatoes 2 pcs, salt, pepper, dill and parsley.

    Boil the fillet and cool, cucumbers, boiled potatoes, beets, carrots and part of the fish, cut into slices, leave the rest of the fish for decoration.

    Mix the prepared vegetables and fish and season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

    Carefully place in a heap in a salad bowl, garnish with pieces of fish, tomatoes, and herbs.



    This is interesting: