Fried carrot salad – delicious! Recipes for salads of fried carrots with Chinese cabbage, chips, tongue, mushrooms. Delicious quick salad with fried onions and carrots Salad with fried carrots

Fried carrot salad – delicious! Recipes for salads of fried carrots with Chinese cabbage, chips, tongue, mushrooms. Delicious quick salad with fried onions and carrots Salad with fried carrots


Salad with fried carrots and onions- this is a dish that can cause real surprise, because it is both simple and incredibly tasty. In addition, this salad is also very healthy. Carrots have always been one of the best sources of fiber and carotene. It also helps improve vision, skin and stomach condition. Try to use it in your diet as often as possible so that the body regularly receives useful substances. As for onions, they also retain some of their vitamins and minerals after frying.

We present to your attention a simple recipe for salad with fried carrots and onions with step by step photos, which can be used to guide you during the cooking process. The dish turns out very juicy and tender. You can be sure that everyone will like this salad, especially in winter.


  • (2 pcs.)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (250 g)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (12 pcs.)

  • (4 peeled kernels)

  • (taste)

  • (taste)

  • (2 tbsp.)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Peel the onions and finely chop them. Place the frying pan on the fire and pour a small amount of vegetable oil into it. Add chopped onion and fry until it becomes soft and turns slightly golden in color.

    Now let's move on to the second main ingredient, namely, let's start peeling the carrots. After that, rub it on coarse grater and fry until done.

    At the next stage, add salt and mix the carrots and onions and let them cool.

    Boil the potatoes in advance and peel them. Let it cool, then grate it.

    After this, we move on to the boiled chicken, which will also need to be finely chopped.

    Then cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes.

    Take a deep plate and begin to lay out layers of salad in it. It is desirable that it be transparent, then all layers will be clearly visible. The first layer consists of grated potatoes.

    After this, you need to grease the potatoes with dressing. It consists of mayonnaise mixed with sour cream. They must be mixed in equal proportions, 50:50.

    The next layer consists of boiled chicken, which, like potatoes, will need to be greased with dressing.

    Then, on top of the chicken layer, place finely chopped pickled cucumbers. And again, don’t forget about refueling.

    The fourth layer will consist of fried carrots and onions. And don’t forget to season it well.

    To decorate the dish, we will use chopped prunes and walnuts, which will need to be chopped in advance.

    So our incredibly delicious salad with fried carrots and onions is ready. Sit down dinner table with your family and share with them the pleasure of tasting this wonderful dish.

    Bon appetit!

Cooking time: 15 min.

Preparation time: 5 min.

Type of dish: salads

The recipe is suitable for:
fasting, dinner, lunch.

Ingredients for the recipe “Roasted Carrot and Onion Salad”:

Fresh cilantro 4 sprigs Ground coriander 1 pinch Onion 0.5 pcs Extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp. l. Carrots 3 pcs. Dandelions 20 g Dry oregano 0.5 tsp. Ground allspice 1 pinch Sugar 1 pinch Lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.

Making a salad of fried carrots and onions

Have you ever tried lightly roasted carrot salad? Want to try? If you, like me, sometimes crave very light dishes, and in the spring this is exactly what you want, then you will like the salad. This is as simple as shelling pears. A little sweet carrots, pickled onions with sourness, aromatic herbs and spices, that's all the taste.

The salad is useful during Lent, it diversifies the vegetarian menu and can serve as a side dish for complex dishes.

Preparation of the recipe “Salad of fried carrots and onions”:

Step 1

To prepare a salad of fried carrots and onions, take the sweet fruits of medium-sized carrots (for a serving of 3 pieces), 1/2 onions, a little fresh cilantro or parsley, dry oregano, lemon juice, olive oil, a pinch of sugar and salt.

How to squeeze more juice out of a lemon

Step 2

Cut the onion into thin half rings.

Step 3

Rinse well cold water from bitterness, squeeze out. Add lemon juice, ground coriander, salt and sugar. Stir and leave to marinate.

Step 4

Cut the carrots into thin rings, finely chop the cilantro or parsley.

Step 5

Add 4 tablespoons of water and 1 spoon to a heated frying pan. olive oil. Simmer the carrots until al dente, stirring occasionally, for 3-5 minutes. You can do without water, adding more oil as you like. The carrots become softer, slightly brown, but still remain dense and hold their shape well. Lightly salt it to taste.

Even small children know that carrots are very healthy vegetable. So beneficial that the ancient Greeks considered it a sacred plant.

Carrots are a real storehouse of vitamins. And it is useful to eat it in any form: raw, boiled, dried, fried. Useful substances are preserved in any form.

There are many recipes for cooking carrots, some of which we will introduce you to below.

Salad with fried carrots

  • chicken fillet– 200 g;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • mayonnaise.

Boil the chicken fillet and cut it into large cubes. Peel the carrots, cut into strips and fry.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Chop the walnuts.

Pass the garlic through a press and mix with mayonnaise. Next, we lay the finished products in layers.

Place the chicken on the bottom of the salad bowl and coat with mayonnaise mixed with garlic. Then lay out the fried carrots, grease them with mayonnaise again, sprinkle with cheese, again with mayonnaise and finally sprinkle with walnuts. Let it brew for 20 minutes.

Serve to the table.

Zucchini fried with carrots

  • zucchini – 3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Wash the zucchini under cold water, cut in half and cut into slices. Cut the carrots into strips, place them in a heated frying pan and fry a little over low heat. Cut the onion into rings and add to the carrots, fry together until golden brown.

Add the zucchini to the pan and fry together until the zucchini is lightly browned. Salt. Beat the eggs with a fork and pour our zucchini in the pan.

When the eggs are slightly fried, mix everything thoroughly and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

Fried carrots with onions

  • carrots – 5 pcs.;
  • onions – 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 1/4 cup;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt pepper.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the carrots.

Cut the onion into thin half rings and add to the carrots. Mix the vegetables and fry for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add salt, pepper and bay leaf.

Cut the sweet pepper into small cubes and place in a frying pan. Stir and fry for another 10 minutes.

Turn off the heat and serve.

Potatoes fried with carrots

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • parsley;
  • salt pepper;
  • pork fat.

Cut the potatoes into thin strips. Place 2 tbsp in the pan. spoons of pork fat, melt it and add potatoes, fry over low heat.

When the potatoes have set and become a little soft, salt them and add the chopped onion. And add another spoonful of fat. Fry everything under the lid, stirring from time to time.

When the onion becomes soft, add the carrots, grated on a coarse grater. Fry our vegetables until done.

Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and dill.

Fried eggplants with carrots

  • eggplants – 5 kg;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • carrots – 400 g;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • parsley and dill;
  • vegetable oil - 0.8 l.

Wash young fresh eggplants and cut them off from the stem along with part of the fruit. Cut them into cubes and fry in hot vegetable oil until cooked. After the eggplants are removed from the oil, sprinkle them with ground black pepper.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into slices, and finely chop the garlic. Place the eggplants in a 0.5 liter jar, alternating with onion slices, carrots, garlic and finely chopped herbs. We compact the layers tightly.

Fill with the oil in which you fried. Add 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar.

We seal the jars hermetically and sterilize for 15 minutes.

Fried carrot salad – delicious! Recipes for salads of fried carrots with Chinese cabbage, chips, tongue, mushrooms

Roasted carrot salad is delicious! Recipes for fried carrot salads with Chinese cabbage, chips, tongue, mushrooms, peppers and squid

Carrots have always been considered one of the best sources of fiber and carotene. In addition, it contains lycopene, ascorbic acid, vitamins of various groups, minerals and many other valuable substances. In addition, carrots can be combined with any fruit, fish, vegetables or meat.

Regular consumption of this vegetable can improve your vision, skin and stomach condition. The more often this product appears on your tables, the more nutrients your body will receive.

Even when fried, this product retains some of its vitamins. A lot of salads are prepared from fried carrots, and often this vegetable is just an addition. But there are dishes that lose their original taste without this ingredient.

Recipes for just such salads are presented below.

Fried carrot salad general principles of preparation

Peel carrots with a special kitchen vegetable peeler.

For salads, use young carrots.

Fry carrots only in hot oil.

To ensure that the carrots turn brown when fried, dry them with paper towels before cooking.

Fry carrots in vegetable or olive oil.

Add salt only at the end of cooking.

To make carrots fry faster, grate them.

Dress salads with fried carrots with low-fat mayonnaise.

If you are preparing a fry of onions and carrots, then add the second ingredient to the pan only after a couple of minutes.

Before serving, decorate salads with any greens.

Fried carrot and beef tongue salad

. three fresh carrots;
. 440 g beef tongue;
. salt;
. half a can of canned peas;
. vegetable oil;
. two spoons of mayonnaise;
. one bow;
. spices;
. five tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

1. Thaw the beef tongue, wash it with a brush and place it in the pan. Fill the tongue with plenty of water, add salt and cook for three hours.

Check for doneness with a fork; it should easily pierce the meat.

2. Cool the finished beef tongue, remove its skin and cut into strips.

3. Grate the peeled carrots using a special Korean carrot grater. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the grated ingredient there.

Fry for 5 minutes, then drain off excess oil.

4. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Place the rings in a deep container, cover with vinegar and leave to marinate for half an hour.

After the time has passed, drain the vinegar and squeeze the onion.

5. Take a plate and put the washed canned peas. Add mayonnaise, fried carrots, salt, beef tongue and pickled onions.

Stir the dish and serve, garnished with lettuce leaves on the table.

Hot salad of fried carrots and Chinese cabbage

. three tomatoes;
. carrot;
. three leaves of Chinese cabbage;
. 55 g salami;
. one pickle;
. two branches of green onions;
. half a spoon of vinegar;
. cheese;
. three tablespoons of olive oil;
. half a spoon of regular mustard.

1. Peel and chop the carrots. Fry the vegetable in heated sunflower oil until cooked.

Finally, add salt and pepper if desired.

2. Rinse the Chinese cabbage leaves under running water and chop them with a sharp knife on a cutting board.

3. Cut the pickled cucumber into strips.

4. Free the sausage from the film and chop into strips.

5. Wash one tomato and cut into cubes.

6. Green onions rinse and chop very finely.

7. Take a serving dish and place the Chinese cabbage in the first layer, then the fried carrots.

8. Next place the salami, on top of them the cucumber and tomatoes. Sprinkle the top with chopped green onions.

9. For dressing, mix mustard, vinegar and olive oil. Pour this mixture over the salad.

10. Grate the cheese as the last layer on the salad and place the dish in the microwave for three minutes. Decorate hot salad slices of tomatoes.

11. Serve the salad immediately after baking, cut like a cake. No additives are required for this dish.

Fried carrot salad with mushrooms and prunes

. two carrots;
. homemade mayonnaise;
. salt;
. 265 g champignons;
. a pair of onions;
. half a glass of walnuts;
. pepper;
. frying oil;
. 130 g prunes.

1. Peel the carrots and grate on a medium grater. Peel the onion and chop into small cubes.

2. Rinse the champignons, wipe with a napkin and cut into cubes.

3. Place the prunes in a bowl and cover with boiled water. After the time has passed, remove the prunes, squeeze and finely chop.

4. Heat a dry frying pan and fry the nuts in it, then chop them with a knife.

5. In another frying pan, heat the oil and fry the carrots in it, stirring occasionally, for 4 minutes.

6. Salt the carrots and transfer to a container.

7. Place the onion in the same pan and fry it until translucent. Also transfer it to a plate.

8. Fry the mushrooms in the remaining oil until soft. Don't forget to add salt.

9. Take a special round salad pan and place cling film on the bottom. The edges should hang down.

10. Place nuts on the bottom. Place carrots on top of them.

Sprinkle everything with pepper and spread mayonnaise.

11. Next add a layer of onions, then mushrooms. Evenly distribute prunes and mayonnaise over the mushrooms.

12. Sprinkle with nuts again, add onions, mushrooms and again pepper and spread mayonnaise. Spread the carrot layer last.

13. Remove ready salad in a cold place and let it brew.

14. Then remove the dish and turn it over. Handsome and delicious salad ready!

15. Serve this yummy dish along with meat or fish dishes.

Fried carrot salad with chips

470 g chicken fillet;
. vegetable oil;
. 190 g carrots;
. bay leaf;
. salt;
. 120 g chips;
. peppercorns;
. five cloves of garlic;
. mayonnaise;
. one sweet bell pepper.

1. Rinse the chicken fillet under running water and remove the films. Fill the pan with water and place the chicken in it.

Cook the meat for 20 minutes. After the water boils, add peppercorns and bay leaves to the broth.

2. Peel the carrots with a special knife and chop them. Fry the vegetable in hot vegetable oil until cooked.

Finally, add your favorite spices.

3. Rinse the bell pepper, cut in half and remove the center. Cut the remaining part into strips.

4. Peel the garlic cloves and squeeze out using a garlic press.

5. Cool the finished chicken fillet and cut into strips.

6. Take a deep salad bowl and put in it fried carrots without oil, salt, chicken fillet, chopped garlic, bell pepper, mayonnaise and chips halved.

7. Stir the salad just before serving to keep the chips crispy.

8. Serve the salad along with country-fried potatoes.

Salad of fried carrots, champignons and bell peppers

. 700 g champignons;
. two carrots;
. two bell peppers of different colors;
. salt;
. three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;
. pepper;
. two bows;
. 95 g olive oil;
. 4 cloves of garlic;
. two spoons of sugar.

1. Peel the carrots and grate on a special grater for Korean salads.

2. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings.

3. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it first, and after a while add the carrots. Fry until the ingredients are soft, then transfer the vegetables to a plate to cool.

4. Add olive oil to the same frying pan and fry the champignons cut into layers until tender. At the end of cooking, add salt to the ingredient.

5. Rinse the bell peppers, remove the stem and core. Cut the vegetable into thin strips and combine with fried carrots and onions.

6. Add sugar, salt, fried champignons and pepper to the vegetables.

7. Squeeze the garlic into the same mixture, add vinegar and mix everything carefully.

8. Let the salad brew for a couple of hours and serve.

9. The dish goes well with meat snacks and main courses.

Spicy fried carrot and squid salad

. 1.4 kg squid;
. 2 carrots;
. spoon of sugar;
. spoon of sesame seeds;
. 2 onions;
. six cloves of garlic;
. two spoons of 9% vinegar;
. 8 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
. a little paprika.

1. Open the squid until cooked, cool and cut into long strips.

2. Cut the onion into half rings and fry with half the vegetable oil for 6 minutes. Add sesame seeds there.

3. Cut the peeled carrots into thin strips and fry them in the remaining vegetable oil along with sugar and paprika until tender.

4. Take a bowl and put in the squid, sautéed onions, cooked carrots and the oil in which they were fried. Add salt, vinegar and squeezed garlic to the salad.

5. Mix the dish well and put it in the refrigerator.

6. Serve the carrot and squid salad with garlic bread.

7. Boiled rice is suitable as a side dish for this dish.

Fried carrot salad Obzhorka

. 430 g beef;
. 5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
. pepper;
. three carrots;
. greenery;
. two pickled cucumbers;
. salt;
. oil for frying;
. onion.

1. Boil the meat until cooked, let it cool and cut into large strips.

2. Peel the onion and chop it. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater or cut into strips.

3. Peel the pickled cucumbers and cut into cubes.

4. Fry the onion in a frying pan with a little oil until browned.

5. In the same pan, fry the onion for 10 minutes.

6. Place fried vegetables, meat and cucumbers in a salad bowl.

7. Add pepper, mayonnaise, salt, mix everything and leave to brew for half an hour.

8. Serve the Obzhorka salad as a main course, placing it on plates along with a slice of bread.

9. Don’t forget to sprinkle each plate with chopped herbs.

Fried carrot salad tricks and useful tips

For a spicy touch when frying, add chopped garlic to the carrots.

Carrots acquire an even more interesting taste if you fry onions together with them.

For spiciness when frying, add hot capsicum to the carrots.

For a sweet taste, add honey to the carrots while frying.

Carrots can be fried immediately along with mushrooms.

To better absorb the beneficial substances of carrots, add butter to the pan when frying.

Before adding the fried carrots to the salad, drain all the oil.

Fried carrots can be replaced with Korean carrots.

Roasted Carrot and Onion Salad

Making a salad of fried carrots and onions

Have you ever tried lightly roasted carrot salad? Want to try? If you, like me, sometimes crave very light dishes, and in the spring this is exactly what you want, then you will like the salad.

This is as simple as shelling pears. A little sweet carrots, pickled onions with sourness, aromatic herbs and spices, that's the whole taste.

The salad is useful during Lent, it diversifies the vegetarian menu and can serve as a side dish for complex dishes.

Preparation of the recipe “Salad of fried carrots and onions”:

To prepare a salad of fried carrots and onions, take the sweet fruits of medium-sized carrots (for a serving of 3 pieces), 1/2 onions, a little fresh cilantro or parsley, dry oregano, lemon juice, olive oil, a pinch of sugar and salt.

Cut the onion into thin half rings.

Rinse well with cold water to remove bitterness and squeeze out. Add lemon juice, ground coriander, salt and sugar.

Stir and leave to marinate.

Cut the carrots into thin rings, finely chop the cilantro or parsley.

Add 4 tablespoons of water and 1 tablespoon of olive oil to a preheated frying pan. Simmer the carrots until al dente, stirring occasionally, for 3-5 minutes.

You can do without water, adding more oil as you like. The carrots become softer, slightly brown, but still remain dense and hold their shape well.

Lightly salt it to taste.

Place fresh dandelion leaves or arugula on a plate. I was surprised that young dandelion leaves have no bitterness at all, they are absolutely neutral in taste and very pleasant.

Place fried carrots on top. Sprinkle with oregano and pepper.

Place the pickled onions on top of the carrots in a heap, sprinkle with chopped cilantro. The salad is ready and can be served immediately.

carrot and onion salad

Carrot and onion salad

I would like to present you a very tasty salad in two versions. For those who love mayonnaise and for those who do not prefer it. Also during fasting you can replace regular mayonnaise lean mayonnaise or don’t put mayonnaise at all, and the salad will become lean.

In both cases, it’s hard to tear yourself away from the salad!

Ingredients for carrot and onion salad:

Onions 3 pcs
Medium sized carrots 3 pcs
Peas, canned 1 can
Parsley 1 bunch
Black pepper
Vegetable or olive oil

How to make carrot and onion salad:

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the parsley.
Fry onions and carrots in olive or vegetable oil. Cool it down.

Add peas, parsley, black pepper, salt and vinegar (if you make it with mayonnaise, add that too). Mix well and the salad is ready!

Recently, I had the chance to find out a recipe very delicious dish which decorated my New Year's table. Woman.

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  • November 22, 2015
    Read 1617 times.

  • What kind of fried carrot salads do you know?

    Galina Butovskaya Artificial Intelligence (283177) 5 years ago

    Salad with fried carrots, tomatoes and bell pepper

    500 g bell pepper
    500 g carrots
    500 g tomatoes
    sunflower oil
    salt and sugar to taste

    Wash, peel and cut fresh carrots into thin strips. Remove bell peppers from grains and cut into thin strips. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin, and chop finely.

    Cut the onion into half rings. Mix the finished products, place in a greased frying pan, and leave over low heat, stirring occasionally.

    When the vegetables are fried, add salt and pepper to taste.

    Salad with fried carrots, cheese and chicken

    200 g chicken fillet
    1-2 carrots
    100-150 g cheese
    handful of walnuts
    garlic (to taste)

    Boil and cut the chicken fillet into large cubes. Peel the carrots, cut into strips and fry.

    Also grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Chop the hazelnuts.

    Pass the garlic through a press and mix with mayonnaise. Next, the finished products are stacked in layers.

    First place a layer on the bottom of a deep salad bowl chicken meat, then coat the first layer with mayonnaise mixed with garlic. After that, lay out the fried carrots, grease with mayonnaise again, then sprinkle with cheese, grease with mayonnaise again and sprinkle with walnuts to finish.

    Gena Korot Enlightened (34879) 5 years ago

    * 500 g small carrots,
    * 2 tsp. whole cumin seeds,
    * 1-2 small dry chilies (crushed).
    * 2 cloves of garlic (peeled).
    * 2 sprigs fresh thyme,
    * 1 orange (cut in half).
    * 1 lemon,
    * 3 ripe avocados,
    * 4 slices ciabatta or other good bread 1 cm thick,
    * 2 handfuls of mixed lettuce leaves,
    * 2 packs of watercress,
    * 140 g sour cream,
    * 4 tbsp. l. different seeds (roasted).
    * olive oil,
    * red and white wine vinegar,
    * sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. ‘This is a place for your advertisment’

    1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Boil the carrots in boiling salted water for 10 minutes, leaving them a little hard.

    Drain and place on a baking sheet. Season while still hot.
    2. Crush cumin, chili, salt, pepper, garlic, and thyme leaves in a mortar. Add olive oil to this paste and add vinegar to create a marinade and dressing.

    Mix well and pour the carrots into the pan. Place the orange and lemon halves cut side down.

    Let them roast together with the carrots, soaking in their aroma. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes.
    3. Place peeled and sliced ​​avocado into the prepared carrots. Squeeze the juice from oranges and lemon, mix with the same amount of olive oil and a drop of red wine vinegar. Pepper, salt, season the salad.

    Stir, taste and re-season if necessary. Place the ciabatta to roast and invite guests to the table.
    4. Break the bread and sprinkle over the salad. Stir, add lettuce leaves and transfer to a large platter or plates.

    Top the salad with sour cream and fried seeds, sprinkle with olive oil.

    Vera Kapinos (Ozerova, Nagaeva) Connoisseur (260) 5 years ago

    I fry carrots with onions, tomatoes and red peppers (already delicious!). Separately, I fry thinly sliced ​​eggplants. I chop fragrant herbs (cilantro, dill - to taste) and garlic finely.

    Arrange in layers: eggplant, garlic mixture, vegetable mixture. Very tasty both warm and cold.

    Nadya K. Master (1750) 5 years ago

    I like this one:

    1 can of canned food "Natural tuna" (in own juice).
    1 cup boiled rice,
    1 pickled cucumber,
    1 head of onion,
    2 hard-boiled eggs,
    0.5 cups of mayonnaise,
    dill and parsley to taste.

    Irisha_Ch Enlightened (43352) 5 years ago

    Oksana Yaroshenko Thinker (5913) 5 years ago

    I tried it with a friend, I really liked it, fry the onions and carrots, add finely chopped smoked chicken(breast, but I think any parts can be used) and finely chopped cucumber, season with mayonnaise. Carrots = a lot, everything else is to taste, filling, tasty, aromatic!

    Larisa and Leonid Pro (563) 2 months ago

    Oksan, what kind of cucumber? fresh or salty?

    Irina Ustimenko Pro (727) 5 years ago

    fry carrots (finely grated) with onions. cool, add 1/1 of the cheese grated on the same fine grater, mix with mayonnaise, sprinkle with kirieshka (other crackers, preferably black bread) to serve.

    dream Enlightened (24024) 5 years ago

    300 g liver, 300 g carrots, 300 g onions, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp starch, mayonnaise, vegetable oil for frying. Boil the liver, cut into thin cubes. Cut the carrots and onions into cubes, fry for a while. oil, salt. spices.

    Beat eggs with starch, salt, spices. Make small pancakes from this. When they have cooled, roll them into a tube and cut them into strips.

    Then mix everything and season with mayonnaise. A little long, but very tasty!

    William Artificial Intelligence (210567) 5 years ago

    Carrot salad with fried pork

    Carrots - 3 large pieces.
    onion - 2 medium pcs.
    pork - 150 gr.
    black pepper,
    Red pepper,
    garlic - to taste,
    salt - to taste,
    sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
    water - 2 tbsp. l.
    soy sauce - to taste,
    raises oil.

    Cooking method:
    Chop the carrots as you like. (I have everything simple - a food processor:), salt, pepper black and red pepper, add soy sauce, mix.
    Grow in a frying pan. Fry the onion in half rings until golden brown, add the chopped meat to the onion and fry until tender.
    Transfer the roast to the carrots, add crushed garlic and sugar syrup: mix 2 tbsp. l. water and 1 tbsp. l. sugar, mix well. You can add some herbs or sprinkle with sesame seeds.
    Very tasty, healthy and hearty salad ready. Have a nice one)))

    Irina Vedeneeva(Burlutskaya) Artificial Intelligence (313590) 5 years ago

    New Year's fish salad with carrots and onions. Recipe with step-by-step photos

    We are ready to offer you a very simple and tasty New Year's salad of fish with carrots and onions. which you can prepare both for a regular dinner with your family and for a holiday table!

    • bulb
    • 300 g white fish fillet
    • carrot
    • Bay leaf
    • Peppercorns
    • Half a bunch of parsley
    • Vegetable oil for frying
    • Salt to your taste
    • Packaging of mayonnaise, you can use homemade mayonnaise
    • 100 g cheese

    Fish salad with carrots and onions - recipe.

    Take the fish fillet, rinse it under running water, put it in a pan and fill it with water. There you also need to send a few peppercorns, a bay leaf, half an onion, herbs, and put it on the fire.

    Add a little salt to the pan and cook the fish until cooked.

    We take carrots, peel and wash them. Grate the carrots and cut the rest of the onion into half rings.

    Then you need to put a frying pan on the fire with vegetable oil and warm it up well. Now put the carrots in a frying pan and fry them.

    Fry the onion separately in a frying pan until tender.

    After the fish is cooked, you need to remove it from the pan and let it cool. After this, the already cooled fish needs to be disassembled into small pieces.

    To prepare a New Year's salad, you need a serving ring, but if you don't have one, you can do without it by making something like a serving ring with your own hands.

    To do this, take a plastic bottle and cut it on both sides so that a ring comes out. We put our ring on the plate and lay out the fish, it will be the first layer of our salad.

    The top of the fish should be well greased with mayonnaise.

    Place the next layer of onion on the fish and distribute it evenly over the surface.

    Lubricate the top with mayonnaise again. Place the fried carrots on the onion, smooth it out and brush it again with mayonnaise.

    Grate the cheese, then place it in the last layer on the salad.

    Now very carefully remove the serving ring from the salad. We decorate our New Year's salad as desired.

    Published: 07/02/2013
    Posted by: victoria
    Calories: Not specified
    Cooking time: Not specified

    To prepare the salad we will need the following products:

    - raw carrots;
    - bulb onions;
    - pickles;
    - quail eggs;
    - green onions;
    - sour cream.

    Step by step recipe with photo:

    Peel the onions for the “Glutton” carrot salad and cut them into cubes.

    In a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable or butter fry the onion until translucent.

    And then the carrots, adding them to the frying pan with the onions. Add salt to taste and spices.

    Cut pickled cucumbers for salad with onions and carrots into strips.

    Cut quail eggs lengthwise into two or four parts.

    Finely chop the green onions.

    All prepared ingredients for the "Glutton" salad with fried onions and carrots combined in a deep salad bowl and seasoned with sour cream.

    Can be used . To prepare it, beat the raw ingredients in a blender. egg with vegetable oil (approximately 100-150 grams of oil). Then add mustard to taste and your favorite spices. And beat everything again until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Important: store homemade mayonnaise in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days.

    Salad with carrots and onions "Glutton" is ready.

    Madame Gritsatsueva for the site

    Surprise your household unusual combination ingredients, the intricacy of flavors of gastronomic duets and bright colors restaurant serving maybe salads with fried carrots and onions. Juicy vegetables They gently complement each other’s taste qualities and combine interestingly with meat and fish.

    How to cook amazing salad Correctly, with what ingredients should I combine the main “carrot-onion backbone” of the dish? The recipe is not complicated, but will delight experienced cooks with a nutritious result and appetizing appearance.

    The optimal solution for losing weight. What are the benefits of carrots and onions?

    Variations of salads with fried carrots and onions are actively used by nutritionists, because the main components of light dishes are vitamins with a small amount of calories, nutritional assistants to traditional healers. Thanks to the abundance of nutrients, carrots and onions will help:

    • normalize carbohydrate metabolism;
    • have a beneficial effect on the emotional background;
    • stabilize blood pressure;
    • remove waste and toxins accumulated in the body.

    Regular consumption of these products will also have a positive effect on the general condition of the body and increase immunity.

    Classic salad recipe with fried carrots and onions. Detailed description of processes

    Fast, simple, cheap, piquant, satisfying... All this - short description dietary result of simple culinary shenanigans. You can dilute the colorful range of flavors with the help of spices (cumin, coriander, cumin, paprika).

    Products used:

    • 430 g carrots;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 bunch of parsley;
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil (for frying).

    Cooking process:

    1. Cut the carrots into neat slices, the onion into slices, and finely chop the parsley.
    2. Fry the onion in a frying pan until translucent, add carrots and parsley to the finished ingredient.
    3. Mix the contents of the pan thoroughly.
    4. Season with salt and spicy spices.
    5. Fry for 3-4 minutes until the main ingredients are browned.

    For a more piquant taste, add freshly squeezed lemon juice, a few drops of sour seasoning will have a positive effect on the taste and vitamin characteristics of the dish.

    Appetizing variations on a traditional dish. How to improve the usual composition of ingredients?

    Experimental chefs who want to “play” with the textures and flavors of products create unique flavor combinations using fennel, potatoes, and seafood.

    Salads with fried carrots and onions will become even better if you add garlic, bell pepper, and Chinese cabbage. Fry the ingredients with soft cheeses, such as mozzarella.

    Appetizer with carrots, onions and chicken. Hearty recipe for meat eaters

    How is the following salad healthy? Fried carrots with onions and chicken not only create a fragrant collaboration of flavors, but also have a positive effect on the gourmet’s well-being. For greater nutritional value, exploit the gastronomic capabilities of potatoes and garlic.

    Carrots contain a massive arsenal of microelements, including carotene, phosphorus, and magnesium. Onions are a healthy source of vitamins B and C, chicken is a source of potassium, sulfur, and sodium.

    Products used:

    • 8 small potatoes;
    • 4 medium carrots;
    • 4 chicken legs;
    • 1 Yalta onion;
    • 1 red pepper;
    • 1 sprig of rosemary;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;

    For spices, use kosher salt, rosemary, spicy curry, oregano, marjoram. A pinch of ground turmeric and thyme will reveal the flavor potential of the chicken.

    Cooking process:

    1. First, heat the oven to 210 degrees, place the potatoes on a baking sheet and bake for half an hour.
    2. Once the potatoes have cooled, cut the pliable tubers in half and set aside.
    3. Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a frying pan, season the chicken legs, and fry the meat on each side for 7-8 minutes.
    4. Add the remaining oil to the pan along with the garlic, onion, red pepper and chopped rosemary and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
    5. Cut the carrots and onions into chaotic slices, season with salt and pepper, and place the vegetable mixture in the frying pan.
    6. Place the chicken in the pan among the vegetables, scatter the rosemary sprigs on top and roast until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are golden brown.

    This salad with fried carrots and onions will also serve as a main dish; to reduce its calorie content, change the amount of meat, and instead chicken legs use fillet slices.

    A mushroom version of a nutritious dish. Salad with broccoli and cauliflower

    A juicy salad with mushrooms, fried onions and carrots will become even better if you dilute the usual combination of products with new vitamin elements. The dish will easily become part of the diet of those losing weight and will delight vegetarians with its satiety and vegetable set of healthy ingredients.

    Products used:

    • 120 g broccoli;
    • 110 g champignons (shiitake);
    • 90 g cauliflower;
    • 2 large carrots;
    • 1 head of Crimean onion;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil.

    Use white wine and rice vinegar as a flavoring dressing. One tablespoon alcoholic drink will add an exquisite aroma to the dish, saturate the products with malic and succinic acids, emphasize the natural tastes of vegetables, fully revealing their gastronomic potential.

    Cooking process:

    1. Cut the onion in half, chop the halves of the aromatic ingredient into elegant strips.
    2. Chop the garlic into slices, mix the ingredients together with two tablespoons of olive oil, season with salt, and fry in a frying pan for 4-7 minutes.
    3. Meanwhile, chop the broccoli and cauliflower into small flowers, carrots - into thin strips, mushrooms - into tiny slices.
    4. Mix the ingredients together thoroughly, add to the almost ready onion and garlic, cook for 5-8 minutes.
    5. Mix the dietary ingredients together, add spices and rice vinegar.

    What's so good about this salad? Chicken, mushrooms, fried carrots, onions, delicious pieces of broccoli and cauliflower have a minimal set of calories, but each of the ingredients will saturate the human body with an arsenal of proteins and vitamin microelements.

    Harmonious spices. Powders and herbs that improve the taste of dishes

    You can make salads with fried carrots and onions more flavorful and nutritious with the right set of spices, including:

    • black, allspice;
    • cloves, ginger;
    • cilantro, coriander.

    Be careful with the dosage: an abundance of hot spices can easily spoil the overall picture of the dish, emphasizing the tastes on bitterness and a burning aftertaste.



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