Amazing salad "Champs Elysees". Salad "Champs Elysees" Salad with sausage

Amazing salad "Champs Elysees". Salad "Champs Elysees" Salad with sausage

Salad "Champs Elysees" has recently become increasingly popular. It is difficult to say why this dish has such an unusual name. Nevertheless, several methods of its preparation are already known today. Let's take a look at some of them as an example.

Low calorie salad

For those who monitor their health and try to eat right, the low-calorie Champs Elysees salad is suitable. To prepare it, you will need 3 fresh medium-sized cucumbers, 2 chicken fillets, 50 grams of olive oil, half a glass of canned green peas, 1 bunch of parsley, green feather onions and dill, one tablespoon of French mustard and apple (or wine) vinegar, as well as 1 teaspoon of sugar, sea salt and black pepper.

Preparing the Champs Elysees salad is not at all difficult:

  1. First, the chicken fillet must be boiled in salt water. It can also be grilled if desired. After that, the meat should be cooled and carefully cut into cubes.
  2. Wash cucumbers, dry and chop into small pieces.
  3. Finely chop the greens.
  4. Pour the prepared ingredients into a salad bowl and mix.
  5. Add peas to them.
  6. Separately prepare the dressing. To do this, collect the remaining components in one bowl and beat them with a whisk until the mass becomes really homogeneous.
  7. Pour the chopped products with the prepared mixture and shake lightly.

To gain a pronounced taste, the dish should stand for about 15 minutes. The result is a tender, fragrant and very tasty salad. "Champs Elysees" can be consumed even while following a strict diet.

Unusual combination

How else can you cook the Champs Elysees salad? The recipe using chicken breast is not the only one. There is an even more original version. It will require: 1 head of Beijing cabbage, 300 grams of chicken fillet (boiled), 1 jar of canned pineapple and mushrooms, 200 grams of cheese, 1 cucumber, 150 milliliters of mayonnaise, 1 bell pepper and some greens.

Salad making process:

  1. First, all the ingredients must be chopped. In principle, this can be done arbitrarily. Although cabbage, for example, is better cut into squares, and pineapples into slices. Cheese and chicken should be chopped into cubes. Mushroom caps can simply be cut in half.
  2. Collect products in a deep bowl. In principle, they can be immediately folded into a salad bowl.
  3. Season it all with mayonnaise and mix.
  4. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top of the prepared salad.

It turns out not quite an ordinary dish with a delicate, refined taste, which in a plate resembles a multi-colored mosaic.

Salad with sausage

The Champs Elysees salad with smoked sausage looks very original. Such a dish will be a real decoration of any holiday table. However, its preparation requires the most common products: 3 eggs, 200 grams of cheese and smoked sausage, 1 cucumber, 150 grams of mayonnaise and a tomato.

This salad is prepared in several stages:

  1. Approximately 130 grams of cheese rub on a fine grater.
  2. Cut the same amount of sausage into small cubes. The rest of the product is useful for decorating the dish.
  3. Grind boiled eggs on a coarse grater.
  4. Now you can start assembling. To do this, first distribute along the bottom of a shallow plate
  5. Cover it with a thin mesh of mayonnaise. For convenience, the sauce must first be transferred to a pastry bag.
  6. Next comes a layer of chopped sausage. It also needs to be poured with mayonnaise.
  7. The third layer is the eggs. They should also be covered with mayonnaise mesh.
  8. Now the dish needs to be decorated. To do this, first the cucumber, the remaining sausage and the peeled tomato must be cut into strips. Rub the unused third of the cheese on a coarse grater.
  9. Put all four ingredients on top of the chopped products in even strips. Cover the joints with mayonnaise.

The dish is not only original, but also very tasty. Moreover, it is prepared in just 10-15 minutes.

Vegetarian option

People who do not eat meat can also prepare the Champs Elysees salad for themselves. The recipe with sausage in this case will need to be slightly adjusted. For work, you will definitely need: 100 grams of salted salmon, 3 tablespoons of capers, 2 oranges, ground pepper, 5 tablespoons of cottage cheese, salt, lettuce and fresh basil, balsamic vinegar and any vegetable oil.

Cooking technology:

  1. Gently remove the zest from one orange. It should be about 2 teaspoons. Divide the second citrus into slices, and then remove the white veins from them. Chop up the rest of the pulp.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with capers, orange zest and chopped basil leaves.
  3. Spread thin slices of fish fillet with the prepared filling. After that, they need to be rolled up, wrapped in plastic wrap and put in the freezer for 60 minutes.
  4. To form the dish, first line the bottom of the plate with lettuce leaves. Top with orange slices, capers, chopped basil and sliced ​​rolls.
  5. Season it all with a mixture of oil, citrus juice and vinegar.

It turns out a wonderful salad with a spicy, exquisite taste, which will quickly become a favorite dish for every vegetarian.

For many salads, it is important that they are not only tasty, but also attractive. If there is a zest in the salad, then it instantly becomes a favorite of the holiday. Salad "Champs Elysees" somehow immediately attracts and I want to try it. It is light, tasty and juicy, and it is not difficult to prepare, as you will see for yourself from our recipe, which we have prepared with a photo. If you are gathering guests and planning a feast, then do not pass by this recipe and take it into service. The composition of the products will not confuse anyone, they are all sold, and you will buy everything the day before the celebration and calmly prepare a salad in 20-30 minutes. If you have time, make it for dressing - it tastes better than store-bought. It is not necessary to soak such a salad for a long time, as, for example, a herring is soaked under a fur coat. Salad "Champs Elysees" should be cooled in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes, and then it will delight everyone at the table. Try and enjoy. The bright colors of the salad cheer you up, you immediately feel a holiday and extravaganza. Get ready, you won't regret it!

- 300 grams of smoked sausage,
- 200 grams of fresh cucumbers,
- 150 grams of hard cheese,
- 150 grams of tomato,
- 1 chicken egg,
- a little salt
- 150 grams of mayonnaise.

How to cook with a photo step by step

The first layer will be grated cheese, or rather its third part. We divide the cheese into two unequal parts. We rub most of it into a deep dish. Each layer will be watered with a mesh of mayonnaise.

Then we put most of the sausage. Cut into strips and put this layer in the salad. Then we also use mayonnaise.

We rub the boiled chicken egg on a fine grater. Thus, we create lightness. It is cheese and eggs that give the salad lightness and airiness. Lightly salt the egg layer.

Now we will lay out impromptu "fields": we put in turn, fresh cucumbers cut into strips, then the remaining grated cheese, followed by the remaining sausage and finish with strips of fresh tomato.

We mark the boundaries of the "fields" with mayonnaise. Salad ready.

We put the dish in the refrigerator, let it cool, infuse a little, rest. After 15-20 minutes, we present the salad to the table. Bon Appetite!
Check out the delicious recipe

Salad "Champs Elysees" Very tasty and beautiful salad. Ingredients: - 200 g of smoked sausage or ham, - 200 g of hard cheese, - 3 eggs, - 1 fresh cucumber, - 1 fresh tomato, - herbs to taste, - mayonnaise, - salt and pepper to taste. Preparation: Lettuce is laid out in layers and part of the ingredients is laid out on top in the form of strips separated by mayonnaise. 1. Boil eggs, peel and grate on a coarse grater. 2. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater. 3. Cucumbers cut into strips. 4. Cut the tomatoes into strips, if they are not fleshy enough, then it is better to remove excess juice and seeds. 5. Sausage or ham cut into strips. We spread the salad in layers: (do not forget to leave some of the ingredients for decoration) 1 layer: grated cheese + a small mayonnaise mesh. 2 layer: sausage and mesh of mayonnaise. 3rd layer: grated eggs and mayonnaise mesh, 4th layer: tomatoes and mayonnaise mesh, 5th layer: cucumbers and mayonnaise mesh. We decorate the top in the form of strips of sausage, cheese, tomato and cucumber separated by mayonnaise. Around the edges you can lay out greenery. Salad ready! Enjoy your meal!

Salad "Day and Night", 2 wonderful recipes 1. Meat "Day and Night" Mentally divide the salad bowl into two equal halves. Put finely chopped beef on one of them, boiled chicken meat on the other. Lubricate the layer with mayonnaise. Next come cucumbers - fresh and salted. We also take an equal number of them - two each. Cut into small cubes, put salted on beef, and fresh on chicken. And again we coat the resulting layer with mayonnaise. Then we put a common layer (on the whole plate) of boiled grated potatoes (3 pcs.). We coat it with mayonnaise and spread again on the whole plate a layer of finely chopped pickled onions. We also cover it with thin strokes of mayonnaise and again go to half layers: put chopped olives on one side of the salad, and salted mushrooms on the other. Next come grated on a fine grater - boiled carrots on one side, and hard cheese on the other. Everything is smeared with mayonnaise. The top of the salad is done in this way: grated egg yolks are laid out on one half, and whites on the other. The salad is decorated with grated carrots and egg yolk, olives, with the addition of protein where necessary. And it's fun to cook this salad, and it's not a shame to serve it to the table. 2. Cheese "Day and Night" Potatoes 1-2 small tubers Mushrooms 100 gr Eggs - 1 pc Pickled cucumber - 1 medium Olives - 5 pcs Corn - 3 tablespoons Hard cheese - 50 g Preparation: Boil potatoes, cool, peel and grate on large grater. Peel, wash, dry the mushrooms, cut into slices or cubes, fry in a dry frying pan so that the liquid is gone, add a little oil and lightly brown. Hard boil eggs, cool, peel, grate on a coarse grater. Grate the pickled cucumber on a coarse grater and let the brine drain, but do not squeeze. Grate the cheese. Salad formation: Boiled potatoes. Fried mushrooms. Boiled eggs. Pickle. Cheese. Lay everything in layers, brushing each with mayonnaise. Sprinkle cheese on top. Decorate as desired - I have corn and olives. If you don't like corn, put in the yolk or something else. Salad ready! Enjoy your meal!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

Salad "Champs Elysees" is a very tasty and original salad that beckons with its appearance. In addition to taste, salads should definitely have aesthetics, and if you are looking for something interesting, then today you have come to the right address, because we will show you in detail and clearly how to prepare a delicate and tasty salad for a festive or everyday table. The products in this recipe with a photo are very simple, they go well together, the bonus of the salad is just three layers of the main ingredients plus decoration. Such a salad can be prepared in portions, but it is better to make it on a large beautiful dish. So let's get started. This one is very quick and easy to prepare.

- smoked sausage - 300 gr.;
- hard cheese - 150 gr.;
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- fresh tomato and cucumber - 1 pc.;
- Parsley - for decoration;
- mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons;
- salt, pepper - to taste.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Prepare all products, also prepare a flat plate. Hard cheese to choose to your taste, in this version, Dutch cheese is used. Grate the cheese with small chips and put the first layer on a plate. Each of the three layers must be lubricated with mayonnaise, salt / pepper if desired. Leave some cheese for garnish.

Lay out the sausage as the next layer - it must first be cut into medium-sized cubes. Set some of the sausage aside for garnish.

Wash chicken eggs in advance and boil hard-boiled, then cool, peel and grate with small chips. Cover sausage with grated eggs. Thanks to the fine shavings of the ingredients, the salad will turn out to be quite tender.

Cut the reserved sausage into strips, grate the cheese. Cucumbers and tomatoes should also be washed, dried and cut into strips.

Arrange the prepared ingredients on top of the salad so that each product is laid out in a separate strip.

Decorate the salad with herbs and mayonnaise, you can immediately serve it to the table. Also take a look at this one.

Enjoy your meal!



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