Make cottage cheese from milk. Homemade cottage cheese - delicious recipes and step-by-step preparation. How to make homemade cottage cheese, video and photos. Homemade yogurt cottage cheese

Make cottage cheese from milk. Homemade cottage cheese - delicious recipes and step-by-step preparation. How to make homemade cottage cheese, video and photos. Homemade yogurt cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a product containing milk protein separated from whey. It is obtained with the help of lactic acid bacteria or with the help of calcium chloride. But the latter is not a fermented milk product in the strict sense of the word.

The process of preparing cottage cheese at home differs from the factory one; as for the taste, homemade cottage cheese is devoid of pungency and seems more dietary. Therefore, for example, for stomach ulcers, it is recommended not to buy store-bought cottage cheese, but to use homemade cottage cheese.

Making cottage cheese at home - recipe No. 1

What you will need:

  • For 0.5 liters of raw or pasteurized cow's milk - 25 g of lemon juice. Calorie content 100 grams 60 kcal.

How to cook: Pour milk into a bowl, squeeze the prepared milk into it. lemon juice and stir. Cover the container with a lid and leave it for about 8 hours. After receiving the curd, pour off the whey, squeeze out the curd mass and cool it.

The disadvantage of this method is that Only natural milk is suitable. It is available in stores, but it is expensive.

Alternative recipe for making cottage cheese at home No. 2

This method is fast.

What you will need: For 0.5 liters of milk you will need several tablespoons of kefir (you can use sour cream or yogurt).

Cooking method. Pour milk into a saucepan, add kefir and put on fire. When the milk boils, it will begin to curdle. Stir it with a spoon until the curdling process is completed and you see curd. Place the cottage cheese in a colander to drain the whey. Place the mixture in cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly. The cottage cheese is ready.

What happens during the preparation of cottage cheese

Classic cottage cheese is prepared as follows: milk is fermented with a special streptococcal starter. At home, as you can see, a tablespoon of a “handy” oxidizing agent is added to milk as a starter. Bacteria begin to multiply rapidly and form an acidic environment in which the protein precipitates into a cheesy precipitate. This process occurs at a temperature of approximately 20 degrees Celsius and lasts approximately 6-8 hours. (method 1). After separating the whey, the curd must be cooled so that the reproduction process stops and the curd does not turn out too sour.

Method No. 3 for preparing homemade cottage cheese (using hot water)

Cooking cottage cheese at home may have some nuances. To speed up the separation of whey, the curd is boiled by pouring in hot water at a temperature of 60-65 degrees. Pour in slowly, in a quiet stream, constantly stirring the curd, and then leave it alone for 15 minutes. During this time he floats up.

If you are preparing a small amount of cottage cheese, you do not need to add water. Instead, heat the product in a water bath. If you add water, observe the temperature regime: hot water should not be more than 40 degrees, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out too dry. Place the mass that has separated from the whey on cheesecloth in a colander and leave for 10 minutes. After this, the cottage cheese can be put in the refrigerator.

Unique composition of cottage cheese

The composition of cottage cheese is unique. It contains up to 17%! protein, this is more than some types of meat. In addition, a wide variety of microorganisms live in cottage cheese in very concentrated quantities. For this reason, it is considered a difficult product for the digestive system and cannot be stored for long.

Shelf life of cottage cheese: no more than 3 days and no higher than 6 degrees.

We can say that cottage cheese has a poorly controlled microflora; it contains not only extremely beneficial, but also pathogenic microorganisms. This does not allow it to be used in the diet of people suffering from dysbacteriosis. However, cottage cheese is a product of extreme value and is indispensable in diet menu for many diseases.

If acidophilus is added to cottage cheese, it turns into food with medicinal properties, which is prescribed for anemia, exhaustion, diarrhea and dysentery.

The article uses materials from the book. Boytsov and Liflyandsky “How to overcome dysbacteriosis.”

How to make cottage cheese at home © Magic

While the milk is souring, there is no need to stir it. The milk mass will become dense and bubbles will form on top. As soon as the milk sours, lightly stir the milk mass.

Place the pan with the milk mixture in a water bath. I simply placed the saucepan with the mixture in a larger saucepan with water. From the moment the water boils, keep the pan in a water bath over low heat for about 10 minutes. During this time, you need to carefully stir the mixture from bottom to top several times. The whey will begin to separate. The main thing is not to overheat or overcook the mixture, in which case the cottage cheese will turn out hard.

Leave the gauze with cottage cheese in a colander for a while to drain off excess whey, then tie the gauze in a knot and place a weight on top.

Leave the cow's milk curd in this form for 6-8 hours. If you like soft and not crumbly cottage cheese, then you can reduce the pressing time. Transfer the finished homemade cottage cheese to a jar or bowl and store in the refrigerator.

This is so delicious tender cottage cheese I made it from milk, prepared at home. I love cottage cheese with grains, so I often leave it under pressure, but this is a matter of taste.

Bon appetit!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


benefit and nutritional properties cottage cheese is difficult to overestimate. This product saturates the human body with calcium, proteins, amino acids and other nutrients. We are used to buying it in stores and markets, although we know that you can easily make cottage cheese from milk at home. Your own product is always better than a store-bought or market product, because it does not contain flavorings, preservatives or other chemical additives. Learn how to make cottage cheese for your family and you'll be able to make sweet homemade casseroles, amazing pies and fluffy cheesecakes!

Features of making cottage cheese at home

If you decide to seriously start making cottage cheese yourself, immediately prepare for the fact that the first two or three attempts will not be entirely successful. Despite this, you should not stop. First of all, familiarize yourself with the main features of preparing a homemade dairy product:

  1. Heat treatment should not be excessive. If during the cooking process you overdo it with the temperature, the end result will be a not very attractive product in the form of lumps, which you are unlikely to want to eat.
  2. Heat treatment should not be weak. Undercooked raw material is a sour milk-curd curd, from which the whey is very poorly separated.
  3. The best raw material for making homemade cottage cheese is natural farm milk.

How to make homemade cottage cheese from milk

The technology for making cottage cheese at home is simple and straightforward. Judge for yourself: preliminary preparation is easy, the set of products and equipment is minimal, preparation time is no more than an hour. However, there are many different ways to make homemade cottage cheese. If you are going to get serious about this, try all the known recipes to choose the one you like the most.

Classic recipe for sour milk

The traditional method of making cottage cheese from sour milk at home is known to many. This recipe requires the following:

  • spoiled milk(fat percentage not less than 2.5) – 3 l;
  • kefir (low-fat is not suitable) – 620-640 ml;
  • medium sized saucepan;
  • thin cloth.

How to make natural cottage cheese from sour milk - step-by-step preparation:

  1. Pour sour milk into a saucepan and place on medium heat.
  2. Bring to a temperature of 35-40°C. At this point, you will notice that the whey begins to separate.
  3. While the milk is heating up, you need to prepare a colander. To do this, you need to cover it with fabric folded in 6-8 layers. The edges should hang freely.
  4. Place the milk, heated to the desired temperature, in a colander secured in a large whey container. Let it drain a little.
  5. Without squeezing, tie the corners of the fabric into a knot, secure it above the container into which the whey has flowed, in a suspended state.
  6. Wait a few hours for the remaining liquid to drain away.

Made from fresh cow's milk and sour cream

A quick recipe for making cottage cheese based on fresh milk and sour cream will be appreciated by mothers of young children. The product prepared according to this scheme will be tender and, most importantly, healthy! In a word, just as needed for infants. To make this cottage cheese, you will need:

  • milk (farm milk, from a cow) – 200 ml;
  • sour cream (fat content 25-30%) – 50 g;
  • small metal container;
  • sieve.

Cooking process children's cottage cheese using fresh milk and sour cream, at home:

  1. Bring milk to a boil.
  2. Pour in sour cream.
  3. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Wait until it boils again.
  5. Transfer the contents of the pan to a sieve.
  6. Wait until the whey drains.
  7. After 5 minutes the product will be ready for use.

How to make from pasteurized milk and kefir

If you can’t buy real cow’s milk to make homemade cottage cheese, don’t worry. The traditional method can easily be replaced with an alternative one. What does it mean? And the fact that in some cases it is natural whole milk can be replaced with a sufficient amount of store-bought pasteurized (not low-fat). If you're interested, write down the recipe. So, you will need:

  • pasteurized store-bought milk – 600-650 ml;
  • kefir – 400-450 ml;
  • salt – 4-5 g;
  • small saucepan;

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan.
  2. Add a pinch of salt for taste.
  3. Place the container on low heat. Stirring constantly until foam and bubbles appear.
  4. Add kefir.
  5. When the whey appears, remove the pan from the heat and mix its contents thoroughly.
  6. Place on low heat.
  7. Heat until large lumps form.
  8. Place the contents of the container into a fine sieve and drain the whey.

From milk powder and lemon

Can lemon be an integral part of such a dairy product as cottage cheese? How could he! A small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice makes the curd mass very tasty and tender. If you are interested in this idea, write down what it will take to implement it:

  • reconstituted milk (diluted dry powder) – 3 liters;
  • lemon juice – 50-60 g;
  • medium sized saucepan;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Place a saucepan with milk over medium heat.
  2. After waiting until the foam begins to rise, turn off the heat, add freshly squeezed lemon juice, stir vigorously, and leave for exactly a quarter of an hour.
  3. Pour the contents of the pan into a colander lined with several layers of gauze.
  4. We tie the corners of the gauze to make a bag. We hang it over the sink to drain the whey.
  5. In half an hour the product will be ready for use.

This cottage cheese differs noticeably in taste. At the same time, it is as useful as classic version. Baked milk makes the curd mass more tender and light, which allows it to be used for a wide variety of desserts. To prepare this product, you will need:

  • Baked milk (homemade is recommended) – 1,500 ml;
  • natural yogurt or fermented baked milk – 200 ml;
  • salt – 4-5 g;
  • pot;
  • multicooker;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

Cooking process:

  1. In a medium-sized saucepan, combine milk with yogurt or fermented baked milk.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. We put it in the multicooker, start the “Yogurt” mode for half an hour.
  4. After we hear the signal that cooking is complete, leave for 12-14 hours for the mixture to ferment.
  5. Transfer the milk mixture to a saucepan and place in a water bath.
  6. Heat until the whey begins to separate. Let it cool.
  7. Place the cottage cheese in a colander with gauze. Strain until you get cottage cheese of suitable density.

How to cook goat milk with calcium chloride for children

This recipe for cottage cheese made from milk at home is suitable for those who have experience in such matters. Goat milk is a somewhat capricious product, so it will not be easy for a beginner to cope with it. If you intend to prepare a large quantity at one time, you need to know how much curd is produced from 1 liter of milk in order to prepare a suitable size pan and a large sieve in advance. As a rule, the output is 26-29% of the original volume - that is, 260-290 grams per 1000 ml. So, let's go directly to the recipe. To prepare you will need:

  • fresh goat milk– 1 l;
  • calcium chloride solution – 1 ampoule (10 ml);
  • pot;
  • colander;
  • gauze.

Preparing children's cottage cheese:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place it on a medium-high heat burner.
  2. Bring to a boil
  3. Remove from heat.
  4. Leave the boiled milk for 45-50 minutes to cool.
  5. Put it back on the fire, heat it to 75-85°C, add an ampoule of calcium chloride.
  6. We continue to keep it on fire. After 2-3 minutes, the cottage cheese will begin to curl right before our eyes. At this moment the fire must be turned off.
  7. Let it brew for about a quarter of an hour, and then put it on cheesecloth.
  8. We drain the whey and get the long-awaited goat curd!

Video recipe: how to make delicious cottage cheese at home

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Homemade cottage cheese - delicious recipes And step by step preparation. How to make homemade cottage cheese, video and photos

It is important for mothers that children receive all the healthiest things in their diet, and therefore factory-made fermented milk products are increasingly being replaced by homemade ones. For example, cottage cheese is excellent at home from raw and boiled milk, fresh whole natural cow's milk, and from a pasteurized store-bought product. There are a lot various recipes, who can teach us how to make the most delicious, environmentally friendly cottage cheese by cooking and even using a non-thermal method.

How is cottage cheese made from milk?

Today, in the age of widespread distribution of genetically modified goods, the dangers of which are trumpeted from all over, trust in factory products is melting before our eyes. I become scared not only for myself, but also for my children.

That is why more and more people are striving to purchase a natural, rustic assortment of dairy products. Village residents and farm owners deftly manage milk, preparing a lot of tasty and healthy products. However, many city residents don’t even realize that it’s quite simple to get the same cottage cheese from milk with your own hands, the main thing is to know the algorithm of this process.

So how can you make your own organic cottage cheese?

Homemade cottage cheese from village milk

First, you need to decide what kind of milk homemade cottage cheese is made from. Undoubtedly, homemade fresh milk from milking Burenka is the best raw material for curdling.

This cottage cheese turns out soft, tender, juicy and very nutritious. From 1 liter of milk yield you can get up to 300 g of fresh cottage cheese.

Even homemade milk was passed through a separator, the skim milk will still be an excellent solution for making low-fat cottage cheese.

Homemade cottage cheese from store-bought milk

However, very often city housewives are asked the question: is it possible to make homemade cottage cheese from store-bought milk, since in the city it is not always possible to buy farm goods?

Yes, of course, you can resort to factory-made milk, it curdles perfectly and it doesn’t even matter so much whether the raw materials are fresh or boiled. At home, even from low-fat, pasteurized and lactose-free milk, you can make a good curd product.

To obtain 1 kg of cottage cheese you will need at least 4 liters of milk.

How does the curdling process occur?

Everything is simple here. First, the milk must be allowed to sour and curdle, that is, turn into curdled milk.

This can be done different ways, starting from the banal keeping of the drink warm for about a day, and ending with the use of various natural starters (sour cream, kefir, bifidumbacterin), acids ( lemon acid, vinegar, lemon juice) and chemicals (calcium chloride).

Next, the fermented milk is subjected to thermal and cryo treatment, as a result of which the curdled milk breaks up into two fractions, one of which is cottage cheese. That's all science is. Everything looks quite easy and simple, even without visual video lessons.

Let's now put theoretical knowledge into practice.


  • — 5 l + -
  • Kefir - 1 l + -

Making homemade cottage cheese from milk

This recipe for making homemade cottage cheese can rightfully be called classic or even traditional, because this is how this product has been prepared from time immemorial, mainly from natural cow’s milk.

In order to make homemade cottage cheese, we need both milk and kefir as a starter.

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Heat it over medium heat with occasional stirring to prevent it from burning.
  2. As soon as the milk boils, pour all the kefir into it and, continuing to cook, actively mix the entire mass from top to bottom so that the starter is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of milk.
  3. After a few minutes, you will notice that the milk has curdled and protein grains have risen to the top - this is the curd itself separated from the whey.
  4. Now we need to filter it from the whey liquid, for which we line a sieve placed on an empty pan with gauze folded in two or three times and drain the entire contents of the pan through it.
  5. The curd remained in the gauze, and the whey was glassed into a container. We tie the edges of the fabric in the form of a bag and hang it so that the excess whey completely drains from the curd.

The cottage cheese is ready! Now you can make cheesecakes with it, stuff it, or simply mix it with sugar and raisins and eat it for breakfast.

Among the huge variety various options To obtain cottage cheese, of course, there is also an express recipe that will tell us how to quickly prepare cottage cheese at home from fresh and boiled milk from the store.

To do this, we don’t even need a starter, but we will use a pharmaceutical preparation called calcium chloride. Using this method, back in Soviet times, mothers tried to give their children calcium-enriched homemade kefir and cottage cheese.

These products are not only very tasty, but can also strengthen teeth and bones, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.


  • Pasteurized milk – 0.5 l;
  • Calcium chloride 10% solution – 1.5 tbsp;

Preparation of calcined cottage cheese

The prepared products are just enough to prepare one serving of cottage cheese for a child.

  • So, we heat the milk in a saucepan to 40 o C, after which, with vigorous stirring, we introduce a ten percent solution of calcium chloride into the liquid.
  • Then bring the milk to a boil and cook until the mixture curdles. Next, remove the brew from the stove and, after cooling, place the curd on a strainer. After 15 minutes, the excess liquid will drain and the cottage cheese will be ready to eat.

In this recipe, you should strictly adhere to the stated proportions, because if you add too much CaCl 2 to the milk, the cottage cheese will taste bitter, which will definitely not appeal to either children or adults.

Absolutely healthy people can consume any dairy products without fear for their own health, however, for people with lactose intolerance, the permissible range of dairy products is very limited.

And if in megacities you can still find lactose-free products, then for small cities this is sometimes an outlandish product. And therefore, people with such a diagnosis have no choice but to prepare special cottage cheese at home on their own, since such milk is available today in almost every major market.

And in order to make a product even more useful, we will resort to the help of bifidobacteria instead of sourdough, and we will not cook fermented milk, but will use a gentle cryo curdling method.


  • Lactose-free milk – 1 l;
  • Bifidumbacterin – 2 ampoules;

Making homemade lactose-free cottage cheese

  1. First, we need to bring the milk to a boil, then cool it to 38 o C and pour it into a thermos, where we also add diluted bifidumbacterin.
  2. After 10-16 hours, a luxurious kefir, lactose-free and enriched with bifidobacteria, is formed in the thermos. To preserve all the benefits of this product, we use the freezer, not fire, to prepare cottage cheese.
  3. So, pour the kefir into a bag and send it to freezer for 8 hours, and best of all at night. And in the morning we take out the bag, cut it, take out the ice floe and put it on a sieve lined with three layers of gauze. During the thawing process, the whey will flow through the holes, and the most delicate, juicy and soft cottage cheese will remain in the gauze bag.

Yes, undoubtedly, this method takes a lot of time, but after enjoying the taste of this curd and having gained the lion's share of the benefits, we really understand that it is worth it and then making cottage cheese at home from any type of milk will become your constant activity in the kitchen.

Cottage cheese is a healthy milk replacement, butter and mayonnaise. Cottage cheese contains many amino acids that help build muscle mass. This product is popular among athletes and gourmets healthy food, for people who want to lose weight. Pregnant women are advised to eat cottage cheese frequently. Women can use this product to make masks for rejuvenation. It is given to children as complementary food from 6 months of birth.How to properly prepare cottage cheese at home?

Real cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium and is a rich source of protein (casein). The calcium/phosphorus ratio in this product is 1:1,4, which promotes good absorption of calcium.

Cottage cheese is a useful and healthy food product

Our body is 15% protein. High-quality protein can be obtained from cottage cheese. But it must be properly processed in order to kill lactobacilli in it and neutralize the products of the fermentation process. Substitutes for processed cottage cheese are: legumes(peas, lentils, beans and other products).

These crops contain about 20% quality protein. The ideal ratio of proteins for the human body is to consume green peas with milk. Cereals contain about 12% protein.

The following varieties of this dairy product are produced by industry according to fat content: fat (19% - 23%), classic (4.0% - 18.0%), low-fat (1.8% - 3%), low-fat (0.6%) . Low-fat cottage cheese is used in weight loss diets. Nowadays a grain curd is being produced that contains more protein than regular curds.

The daily consumption of cottage cheese for an adult is 150 - 200 grams.

Mass composition and the nutritional value depends on the fat content of this product:

Nutritional value per 100 g.
Energy value 70 – 226 kcal
Squirrels 14 - 18
Fats 0.6 - 18 g.
Carbohydrates 1 - 1.5 g.
Vitamin A, hsv. 50 - 100 mcg
Beta carotene 30 - 60 mcg
Calcium 150 – 176 mg
Magnesium 23 - 24 mg
Sodium 41 – 44 mg
Potassium 112 – 115 mg
Phosphorus 217 - 224 mg
Iron 0.3 - 0.4 mg

The vitamins that are present in this product well regulate metabolic processes in the body.The proteins of this product are quickly absorbed in the body, unlike the proteins found in other foods. Cottage cheese proteins contain amino acids that support the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

V.V. Karavaev did not recommend taking store-bought cottage cheese or one bought at the market from grannies, since store-bought cottage cheese is sour, while homemade cottage cheese is bland and fresh. This food product is predominantly acidic, and we try to maintain an alkaline environment in the body .

The acidity of store-bought cottage cheese is about 70% and depends on the ratio of minerals in it. Depending on how old the product is, this acidity changes. So try to use freshly prepared curd.

Making cottage cheese at home.

To prepare it at home, it is advisable to use fresh village milk or unpasteurized milk, but pasteurized milk can also be used. The milk must be fresh. Proper preparation Homemade cottage cheese will take 2 days. According to recipes 3 and 4, it is done quickly, within 30 minutes.

If you need to cook skim cheese, then take milk with low fat content or skim the cream from the milk first. The yield from 1 liter of milk is about 200 - 250 grams, depending on the fat content.If you need to prepare a moister and softer curd, then reduce the spin time to 30 minutes, and to obtain a dry one - to 3 hours.

Cottage cheese tastes better when it's fresh. It should be stored in the refrigerator, in a bag or in a plastic container. Shelf life is 3 days and depends on storage conditions. For long-term storage it can be frozen. After a properly carried out defrosting process, the cottage cheese does not lose its useful qualities. Re-freezing it is not recommended.

It can be used to prepare cheesecakes, casseroles, pancakes, dumplings, salads and many other dishes. Or just spray it olive oil, a pinch of salt, pepper and sprinkle with fresh parsley. If you add a little sugar, sour cream to this cottage cheese and just stir, you will get an excellent breakfast.

Cooking cottage cheeseunleavened (1 recipe) .

Place a clean linen bag the size of the pan into the pan and fold the edges of the bag over the edge of the pan at the top. Place cottage cheese in a bag (at the bottom) and pour in a large amount of boiling water. Boiling water needs to be poured into a bag.

In a linen bag for 1 kg of cottage cheese, add 2 tablespoons of cumin, or calendula tincture or calcium carbonate powder in the amount of 4 teaspoons, or between the bag and the walls of the pan you can place 4 tablespoons of the following non-bitter herbs: calendula, St. John's wort, mint, sage or mixtures of them in equal proportions.

First, the cottage cheese must be kneaded well. After pouring boiling water, put the pan on high heat and, stirring slightly, bring the process to a boil. If the cottage cheese turns out to be viscous, this indicates that protein denaturation has occurred. You need to add calcium carbonate (CC) to it and mix well.

The boiling time for cottage cheese is approximately 3 minutes. If we overheat the whey, the product will turn out hard and in the form of grains, and if we do not overheat, then the separation of the whey will be poor and the curd will turn out sour.

After boiling, it must be cooled and hung to drain. This liquid or water contains acidic neutralized substances. If milk product if it tastes sour, then you need to fill it with boiled water again, stir thoroughly and hang again to drain the water.

Due to their alkaline properties, calcium carbonate and herbs neutralize pathological acids that are formed during the fermentation process and protect the protein in the curd from denaturation.

Cottage cheese recipewith calcium (2 recipe).

Pour some water into the pan to prevent burning. Place the cottage cheese in a saucepan and add 0.5 liters of milk per 250 grams of cottage cheese. Mix cottage cheese and milk thoroughly. While stirring this mixture, keep it over low heat until the milk breaks down (protein coagulation).

After this, add calcium carbonate in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of milk to neutralize fermentation products and protect the protein from denaturation. Mix our composition well. After this, increase the heat and bring to a boil.

We take a colander and put clean gauze folded in several layers there. Then cool the cottage cheese and place it in a colander to drain the whey. The gauze with cottage cheese must be tied and hung so that excess whey and moisture are removed.

To speed up the spin cycle, place a wooden plank on top and any weight on it. After 6 hours, the spinning process is completed and the product is ready for consumption. It turns out to be a tasty and healthy cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese recipewith calcium

Cottage cheese recipefromkefir andmilk (3 recipe).

This cooking recipe allows you to make homemade cottage cheese quickly. It is better to take kefir and milk in film (with a short shelf life) or farm milk. The fat content is high if you make it from 2.5% kefir and milk.

Pour some water into the pan to prevent burning. Then pour milk and kefir into the pan.Add 2.5 liters of milk and 0.5 liters of kefir. Further processing is carried out in the same way as indicated in the 2nd recipe.

Cottage cheese prepared according to this recipe is not scary to give to children, since the milk was brought to a boil.

Cooking cottage cheesefrom milk andlemon (4 recipes).

This recipe allows you to cook cottage cheese quickly. Take 2 packets of milk (1 liter) from the refrigerator and pour into a saucepan. Boil the milk until bubbles appear. Then squeeze the juice from half a lemon or lime into it and cover the pan with a lid.

When the milk has curdled (curdled), remove from heat. After about 10 minutes, the curd gradually settles. After settling and cooling, strain. From the resulting whey, rich in sugars and milk fats, you can prepare unleavened pastries, porridges and pancakes. Useful and delicious product it turns out to be about 500 grams.

The daily intake of cottage cheese for the health of the body.

At the beginning of the process of healing the body, if performed according to V.V. Karavaev’s system for two hours a day, the daily intake is three tablespoons of cottage cheese per day.

With an increase in the body's energy, this norm gradually increases to nine tablespoons per day. After regularly taking the norm, you will feel cheerful and well-being.

Cooking cottage cheesefrom milk and kefir(video).

Recipes for making cottage cheese are taken from the prevention and healing of the body and from personal experience. Additionally, we recommend getting good recipes homemade products in our article

Enjoy homemade cottage cheese! The benefits are guaranteed. Bon appetit!



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