Demi-glace sauce: recipe, composition, preparation. Demi-glace sauce, also known as Demi Glace, is an exquisite and unusual invention of the French. Recipes for rich, aromatic Demiglass sauce

Demi-glace sauce: recipe, composition, preparation. Demi-glace sauce, also known as Demi Glace, is an exquisite and unusual invention of the French. Recipes for rich, aromatic Demiglass sauce

Speaking about seasonings for various meat dishes, I immediately want to remember French chefs. After all, they were the ones who invented the famous Demi-glace sauce.

What it is?

Most recipes modern kitchen, as you know, came from the Middle Ages. Then there were no supermarkets with shelves filled with all sorts of spices and seasonings. People created recipes themselves It was in those days that the Demi-glace sauce first appeared. Over time, his recipe was forgotten, and could only be resurrected in the 19th century, when the Frenchman Antonin Carême decided to revive the secret of its preparation. As a cook, this question was especially interesting to him. After all, it is the sauce that can perfectly highlight the taste of any meat. And in this the French have always been considered great specialists. It’s also interesting how “Demi-glace” sauce is translated from its native language. In Russian it sounds something like “half ice.” Quite a strange name for a liquid seasoning. Perhaps it was given because at the final stage the finished Demi-glace sauce is usually placed in a container filled with ice water. This is done to ensure that the thickening process proceeds as intensively as possible.

In the spirit of the national traditions of France

If you want to make Demi-glace sauce at home, the recipe can be slightly adapted and adjusted to the products you already have. For work you will need: 1 kilogram pork bones, 1.2 liters 150 grams of onions, 1 carrot, half a celery root, 60 grams of tomato paste, a little vegetable oil, a bottle (0.5 liters) of dry red wine, 45 grams of flour, 2 bay leaves, 1 sprig of rosemary and 2 thyme, salt, 5 pieces of allspice, 3 cloves and ground pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 230 degrees.
  2. Grease a baking sheet, place the bones on it and bake them for half an hour, placing them at the very bottom of the oven.
  3. At this time, peel and cut the vegetables as desired.
  4. Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in a deep frying pan and fry the vegetables in it.
  5. Add broth and roasted bones. Simmer everything together for 5 minutes.
  6. Add the pasta and pour in a third of the wine. Continue to simmer, but with the lid closed.
  7. Slowly add the flour, and then the rest of the wine. Reduce heat and continue simmering for about another hour.
  8. Add all the spices and cook the mixture for another hour and a half. It is better to add herbs 20 minutes before readiness.
  9. Strain the mixture, add pepper and salt, and then simmer until 0.5 liters of the finished product remains.

The result is a real Demi-glace sauce. The recipe is interesting, and of course it takes a long time to prepare, but the result is simply amazing.

Knorr to the rescue

For those who do not want to waste time and burden themselves with cooking, there is one very simple way out. This is Knorr Demi-Glace Sauce. It allows you to always have a wonderful seasoning on hand for the most different dishes from meat. In the retail chain, the product is sold in buckets. Each of them contains 1.5 kilograms of thick aromatic concentrate. Directions for use are indicated on the label. According to it, the mixture must:

  1. Place the required amount in a clean container and dilute with warm water (35-40 degrees) in the specified ratio.
  2. Mix well until a plastic, homogeneous mass is obtained, resembling a cream.
  3. Place the container on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. Cook the sauce for no more than five minutes, stirring constantly so that the mixture does not burn.

We must agree that this is an excellent solution for the modern housewife. In conditions of time shortage, it is easier to buy a good semi-finished product and make a first-class seasoning from it in a matter of minutes, than to spend a long time running around the shops in search of required components and stand at the stove for hours.

The simplest option

There are several ways to prepare Demi-glace sauce. I must say that making it is not so easy. This is a very long and, moreover, labor-intensive process. To make a real sauce you will need very few products: 2 kilograms of beef (or veal) bones, 120 grams of celery root, 100 grams of onions and carrots, 5 grams of salt, 100 milliliters of dry red wine and 7 liters of plain water.

The cooking sequence should be as follows:

  1. Bake vegetables and bones in the oven until characteristic brown.
  2. Place the products in a deep saucepan. After that fill everything cold water and cook for 24 hours until the contents turn into jelly.
  3. Strain the mixture. For this it is better to use a fine sieve.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid back into the pan, add wine and salt, and then place over medium heat. After a few hours of slow evaporation, the contents should decrease by 4 times.

The sauce is almost ready. All that remains is to cool it down. To do this, you can use water with pieces of ice or a refrigerator.

Why is the broth red, what do you mean? And what does demi-glace sauce have to do with it? The broth is made from fried or baked meat parts - this is what is called red in cooking, while ordinary broth is called white. And if you have at least once fried pieces of meat and then poured water or wine into the leftover meat to cook delicious sauce, then you already have a little idea of ​​what demi-glace is. This process is simply called deglazing. This is where the name of the red broth comes from.

Red demi-glace broth is the basis for a large number of traditional dishes. Thanks to the bright taste of fried meat, it is suitable for both spicy soups and stews. Demi-glace is especially widely used as a base for a variety of sauces. Sauces based on demi-glace broth are also called demi-glace sauces.

In order to prepare the popular demi-glace, they take leftover meat, bones and less valuable meat parts, bake them until golden brown and boil them for a long time. A golden brown crust is a prerequisite for obtaining the maximum rich taste broth. This recipe uses a specific culinary trick used by the famous chef Heston Blumenthal: in order to achieve the maximum golden brown crust on the meat, you need to additionally roll it in dry milk.

Demi-glace is most often prepared from beef bones, but lovers of more delicate-tasting broths will prefer chicken demi-glace, the recipe for which is presented here.

Salt in this broth is optional. We recommend preparing demi-glace without salt and adding this seasoning to the dish you prepare with it.

Preparation time: about 7 hours / Yield: 750 ml concentrate


  • chicken wings, necks or broth set 1 kg
  • onion 3 pieces
  • 2 carrots
  • powdered milk 6 tbsp. spoons without a slide
  • Bay leaf


    Wash the chicken wings thoroughly and roll them in dry milk on all sides.

    Peel and coarsely chop the onion and carrots.

    Lay out chicken wings on wide dish, suitable for baking, or baking sheet. The meat should be in a single layer to increase flatness and enhance caramelization. Distribute the vegetables on the baking sheet.

    Bake the meat under the grill at 220 degrees for about 1 hour, turning it over during cooking. It is very important to achieve a ruddy color.

    Transfer meat and vegetables to a large saucepan.

    Fill everything with water so that it covers the meat.

    Don't forget about the meat juices and leftovers on the baking sheet: soak them with water and also add them to the pan.

    Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil.

    When the broth comes to a boil, cover the pan and simmer over very low heat for 4 hours. If necessary, add water to the pan, because it is necessary that the water covers the meat.
    After 4 hours, use a slotted spoon to remove the meat and vegetables. From these leftovers you can make, for example, pate or add it to pancake filling.

    Strain the broth through a fine sieve.

    Now you need to boil the red broth, thereby making it more concentrated. This way it will take up less space when stored. The demi-glace should be evaporated at a very low boil to a volume of approximately 750 ml. however, you can evaporate demi-glace to a more concentrated state.

    Cool the finished broth, skim off excess fat, then pour into ice cube trays and freeze.

Demi-glace is not quite regular sauce. You will have to work hard to prepare it, even more than one hour. The base is made from beef bones and vegetables, it turns out incredibly aromatic, rich, and will be a wonderful addition to any dish.

Demi-glace sauce - general principles of preparation

Bones. There should be a lot of them; the presence of meat is not necessary, but there may be leftovers. The seeds should be washed thoroughly before use. If the quality of the product is in doubt, it is better to soak it in cold water for several hours. By classic recipe The bones are first baked in the oven, then boiled in water for several hours. Sometimes the process can take almost a whole day.

Vegetables. Usually these are onions, carrots, celery. There are recipes with tomato, you can use tomatoes. Vegetables are added to the meat bones. Next, the sauce is boiled again for several hours. In classic French recipe Initially they used three types of onions, but later they began to take the one that was available.

Wine. It makes the taste of the Demi-glace sauce deeper, more unusual, and emphasizes the meat notes. Red wine is usually used.

Spices. Salt, pepper the sauce, add all kinds of aromatic herbs it is necessary at the very end, since in the process of prolonged heat treatment and boiling of the mass there is a possibility of over-salting, adding extra pepper or spoiling the taste with spices.

Demi-glace sauce with red wine

This recipe for Demi-glace sauce can be classified as classic version. It is the one most often found in French cooking. The base takes a long time to prepare, but you can boil the seeds in advance.


4 kg beef bones;

600 grams of carrots;

600 grams of onion;

100 grams of vegetable oil;

400 ml dry red wine;

6 cloves of garlic;

400 g fresh celery.


1. Wash the beef bones and place them on a baking sheet. Put it in the oven, bake until brownish at 200 degrees. You need to make sure they don't burn.

2. Now put the bones in a saucepan with a capacity of ten liters. Fill with water to the very top, leave a few centimeters to boil. Cook the bones without a lid for about five hours; on the sides, the amount of liquid will not be reduced by half. At the same time, we do not allow the liquid to actively gurgle.

3. As soon as there is exactly half of the water in the pan, add all the chopped vegetables and garlic cloves to the bones, add enough boiling water so that the water becomes 2/3, cook the broth again until half of the liquid has evaporated.

4. We take out the seeds and throw them away. We rub the boiled vegetables through a sieve and strain the rich broth.

5. Add red wine and butter to the broth with vegetables, put it on the stove again, and boil until a thick mass is obtained.

6. This quantity of products should yield approximately 1.5 liters of demi-glace. At the end, add salt and pepper to the sauce. French cooks often add rosemary, thyme, cloves and other spices to it.

Demi-glace sauce with tomato (simplified recipe)

To prepare this “Demi-glace” sauce you will need fewer ingredients, but it will be slightly inferior in taste to the original.


1.3 kg of seeds;

150 ml red wine;

100 grams of tomato puree;

300 g each of celery, carrots, onions;

Spices, bouquet garni, oil.


1. Place the washed bones on a baking sheet and sprinkle with oil. Bake at 200 degrees until lightly browned.

2. Take out the seeds. Lubricate tomato puree or slightly diluted tomato paste.

3. Chop the onions and carrots. Chop the celery into large pieces. Place the vegetables on top of the seeds and also sprinkle with vegetable oil.

4. Place the seeds back into the oven and cook until the vegetables are browned.

5. Transfer the food from the baking sheet into the pan, add water so that the liquid covers the contents by about five centimeters. Place on the stove and cook until the water has evaporated by half.

6. Now take out the seeds. Add wine to vegetables. Boil the liquid for about fifteen minutes.

7. Remove the sauce from the heat and wipe the vegetables. Be sure to strain everything so that no shards of beef bones accidentally get into the sauce.

8. Now you can boil the sauce with the addition of salt, pepper, and add a bouquet garni. Boil for a few minutes and you're done!

Demi-glace sauce with cream

To prepare this sauce you will need a concentrated Demi-glace sauce base. You can prepare it according to the first recipe.


100 ml sauce;

70 ml cream;

20 ml olive oil;

90 g onion;

15 g butter;

3 spoons of wine.


1. Combine both types of oil in a frying pan or small saucepan and melt on the stove.

2. Peel the onion. Cut the head into small cubes, add to the oil, fry for about three minutes, turn the heat to moderate.

3. Add red wine to the onions. Evaporate alcoholic drink just a minute.

4. Pour in the cream. Heat with onion until almost boiling, stir occasionally.

5. Add to cream sauce concentrated broth "Demiglace". Stir.

6. Turn the heat to minimum, cover the vessel, and cook under the lid for about five minutes so that the flavors meld.

7. At the end, you need to taste the sauce, add a little salt and pepper if necessary.

Demi-glace sauce (adapted recipe)

A simplified recipe for French sauce using regular brown broth. The bones need to be fried in the oven, then simply boiled for 2.5-3 hours, be sure to strain.


1.5 liters of broth;

0.5 onions, carrots, celery;

120 g melted butter;

70 g flour;

Spoon of tomato paste;

0.5 glasses of wine;

Four tablespoons of vegetable oil.

For the sachet you will need a bay leaf. A few sprigs of parsley, thyme, rosemary. We tie it all in a gauze bag. You can add cloves, peppercorns, and a piece of ginger.


1. Fry the chopped meat in vegetable oil until translucent onion, add carrots and celery.

2. Heat in another container melted butter, add flour and fry until golden brown. Stir the mixture constantly, never leaving for a minute. Pour in half the broth and simmer the sauce until it thickens. Can be removed from heat.

3. Add to fried vegetables tomato paste, after a couple of minutes add the wine.

4. Simmer the vegetables in wine a little, then pour in the remaining broth. Cook covered for about half an hour.

5. Wipe the vegetables with the broth.

6. Combine both masses, add salt and pepper to your taste, stir. For aroma, add a sachet with spices.

7. Place on the stove, boil everything together for about five minutes, then keep under the lid for about half an hour. Then the sachet must be removed, otherwise the sauce will have an overly pronounced aroma.

Demi-glace sauce with mushrooms

To prepare this sauce you will need a base of concentrated demi-glace. Champignons are used here because they are the most affordable and fastest to prepare.


150 g concentrated Demi-glace sauce;

2 champignons;

0.5 onions;

0.2 glasses of wine;

1 tbsp. l. oils


1. Wash the champignons, cut into thin slices, place in a frying pan, fry the pieces on both sides. Let's remove it.

2. Cut the onion into half rings. Place in a frying pan after the mushrooms and fry until translucent. We're bringing back the mushrooms.

3. We pour wine over it all. We wait. Until it completely evaporates.

4. Add sauce.

5. Cover the frying pan and simmer over low heat for about ten minutes. At the very end we try. If necessary, add salt and pepper.

Demi-glace sauce with cherries

A recipe for an incredibly interesting Demi-glace sauce, which requires cherries in wine. Prepare the base according to one of the recipes above.


100 g cherries;

150 g wine;

15 g sugar;

200 ml sauce;

1 tsp. butter.


1. We remove the seeds from the cherries; the weight of clean berries is indicated in the recipe.

2. Melt the butter, add the berries, and warm up slightly.

3. Mix wine and sugar, pour in cherries. Cover and simmer until soft.

4. As soon as the berries are cooked, add demi-glace to them. Stir, salt and pepper to taste.

5. Simmer the sauce with cherries on the stove for a few more minutes to combine the flavors.

6. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Serve cherry sauce with meat or poultry.

Meat in Demi-glace sauce

A simple recipe for aromatic meat dish using meat sauce. Veal is indicated here, but you can also take pork, lamb, it will turn out tasty and tender in any version.


600 g veal;

200 g Demi-glace sauce;

1 tbsp. l. oils;

1 pinch of salt.


1. Cut the veal into half-centimeter slices. Lightly tap on one side with a hammer.

2. Rub the pieces with salt and grease with the prepared sauce. Leave to marinate for 40-50 minutes.

3. Place the veal in one layer in a greased pan. Bake at 200 degrees until golden brown.

4. Remove the pan from the oven. Pour the remaining sauce over the pieces. Cover with a piece of foil.

5. Return to the oven. Reduce the temperature to 180 degrees, cook for about twenty minutes.

If you like the French sauce, then it’s more convenient to prepare a lot of base for the demi-glace at once. It can be poured into molds or containers and frozen. At the right time, the mass can be melted on the stove, added with the necessary spices, and refreshed with wine.

When cooking bones for sauce, do not let the broth boil actively. Otherwise, the base will turn out cloudy and not very appetizing in appearance.

Demi-glace turns out to be interesting in autumn in a spicy version. When adding vegetables to the broth, it is enough to throw in a chopped pod hot pepper chili, simmer everything together. It’s even easier to add a little Georgian adjika to the total mass.

Demi-glace sauce is a culinary legend. It refers to classic dishes French cuisine, considered the main sauce. This means that it itself serves as the basis for preparing other dishes. However, this base is very difficult to prepare. The difficulty is that when cooking this sauce you need to be in the kitchen almost continuously for 12 hours, although ideally demi-glace sauce needs to be cooked even longer. Nevertheless, it is impossible to imagine French cuisine without this sauce, which is made from meat and vegetables and is so thick that when frozen, it partially retains its jelly-like shape. By the way, this is where the name of the sauce comes from: “demi-glace” translated means “half-ice.”

Cooking features

In order to prepare a sauce identical to the original one at home, you need to take into account many subtleties.

  • Not any meat is suitable for the sauce, but only beef shank. It is best to use veal for the sauce, which has not been frozen. In this case, the meat will boil better and the sauce will acquire the desired consistency and have an appetizing aroma. When making sauce, every drop of juice released from the meat is valuable. This is why frozen food is not suitable for it. After all, during defrosting, part of the meat juice is lost, even if you try to avoid temperature changes.
  • The sauce will have an ideal taste only if you use all the ingredients included in its composition, and also strictly follow the proportions specified in the recipe. Typically, per kilogram of meat take 3 liters of water. However, you need to understand that half of it will evaporate during the long boiling process, so you won’t get that much sauce.
  • When cooking the sauce, it is better not to let the broth boil, otherwise the sauce may turn out cloudy.
  • The classic version of demi-glace sauce necessarily includes dry red wine. It gives the sauce a unique flavor. It will even do Home wine of average quality, but it cannot be completely excluded.
  • Spices and salt are added to the sauce at the very end, since during the cooking process it boils down greatly, which is why there is a high probability of over-salting or peppering it. Although the spicy version of the sauce is also good and many people like it.

Considering that the process of preparing the sauce is quite labor-intensive, it is advisable to prepare it in not too small portions. Unused sauce can be poured into containers and frozen. This method of storing sauce is considered traditional. IN freezer it will last quietly for two months, during which time you will probably have time to use it completely.

Classic demi-glace sauce recipe

  • beef and veal bones - 1.5 kg;
  • meat - 0.25 kg;
  • dry red wine - 0.75 l;
  • water - 4 l;
  • onions (you can replace half with leeks) - 0.2 kg;
  • carrots - 0.2 kg;
  • Bell pepper- 0.2 kg;
  • celery root - 80 g;
  • celery stalks - 60 g;
  • zucchini - 70 g;
  • eggplant - 70 g;
  • tomato paste - 60 ml;
  • dried parsley, dill, garlic - 10–15 g each;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • rosemary, thyme - a pinch;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • black peppercorns - 3 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil- 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat and bones well. If necessary, separate the flesh from the bones. Dry everything with paper towels.
  • Cut the meat into small pieces.
  • Place the bones on a baking sheet and place in the oven for about an hour. During this time, the temperature in the oven must be maintained at around 180–200 degrees.
  • Place the pieces of meat into a separate mold, generously greased with vegetable oil. Place it in the oven for about 15 minutes. Remove the meat and pour the juice released from the meat into a separate container.
  • Wash and peel the vegetables.
  • Cut the zucchini and eggplant into pieces of arbitrary shape and size, but not too large.
  • Immerse the eggplants in salted water for 20 minutes, then rinse and dry.
  • Finely chop the celery stalk and the peeled root of this plant.
  • Peel and cut the carrots into large pieces.
  • After removing the skins, cut the onions in half.
  • Heat a dry frying pan, place onions and carrots on it. Fry until they blacken slightly.
  • Remove from pan.
  • Pour the juice released from the meat into the pan. Place celery, zucchini and eggplant in it. Fry them for 5 minutes. Place the meat itself in the refrigerator.
  • Place the tinted bones into a mold with sides. Place carrots, onions and vegetables from the pan on them. Sprinkle with dried herbs. Pour in a glass of red wine and place back in the oven. Bake the whole thing for 30 minutes.
  • Transfer the entire contents of the mold into a saucepan with a thick bottom and equally thick walls. Fill everything with clean water.
  • Place the pan on low heat and simmer for 24 hours. From time to time it is necessary to approach the pan to remove the greasy film from the surface and stir the future sauce.
  • After the specified time has passed, remove the bones from the broth and strain the broth itself.
  • Place the spices in a cloth bag or wrap them in cheesecloth. Dip into the broth.
  • Fry the beef for 10 minutes after removing it from the refrigerator. Put it in the broth.
  • Return the pan with the broth to the heat and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, for another 2 hours.
  • Add tomato paste, remaining wine, remove spices. Add salt and pepper to taste. Simmer over low heat for another 2-3 hours until the sauce begins to resemble olive oil in consistency.

Demi-glace sauce is served very chilled. To do this, you must first cool it at room temperature, then place in the refrigerator for several hours. Thus, you will be able to taste real demi-glace sauce only two days after you start preparing it. But you won’t regret the effort spent - the sauce turns out unusually tasty and aromatic.

Simplified recipe for demi-glace sauce

  • beef broth- 1.5 l;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • celery stalk - 100 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 80 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • Madeira or similar wine - 80 ml;
  • tomato paste - 30 ml;
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil and strain the beef broth, divide it into two approximately equal parts.
  • Peel the carrots, cut them into small cubes or grate them on a coarse grater.
  • Remove the skin from the onion. Cut the onion into small pieces.
  • Finely chop a well-washed celery stalk.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add vegetables to it and fry them for 10 minutes.
  • Add tomato paste to the vegetables and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Transfer vegetables from skillet to saucepan.
  • Place the spices in a cloth bag. It is best to use bay leaf, peppercorns, a small bunch of fresh herbs (parsley, dill, celery).
  • Place the bag in a saucepan with vegetables, pour in one part of the broth, and put on fire. After 20 minutes, remove the sachet with spices, after another 20 minutes, remove the broth from the heat and strain.
  • In a clean frying pan or saucepan, melt the butter, add the flour and fry them together until they form a smooth paste.
  • Pour the remaining broth into the saucepan in a thin stream, whisking it with a whisk. Stir thoroughly and cook until the broth thickens.
  • Combine the broth sauce with the strained broth in which the vegetables were cooked. Pour in the wine. Keep it on the fire until the sauce reaches the desired consistency.
  • Add salt and pepper, cook for a couple more minutes and remove from the stove.
  • Cool the sauce - it is served cold, almost icy.

Despite the fact that this recipe for making demi-glace sauce is much simpler than the classic one and takes very little time, only a real gourmet and a connoisseur of French cuisine. So your guests and household members will still be delighted with your culinary successes, eating with pleasure what you have prepared. legendary sauce, with which any dish acquires an exquisite taste.

Demi-glace sauce is the hallmark of French cuisine. If you appreciate it, then you will have to learn how to prepare this sauce according to classic recipe. However, there are more simple options preparing the sauce. In this case, it will take no more than one and a half to two hours to prepare, and the result will certainly please you.

Demi-glace sauce is a legendary masterpiece of French cuisine. Its thickness prevents it from turning into a piece of ice when frozen, so this jelly-like broth was called "demi-glace", which in French sounds like demi-glace.

In addition, the sauce is called “red”, since the technology of its preparation involves boiling not raw, but baked meat.

It takes a long time to prepare, but the advantage is that you can prepare several liters of sauce at once, freeze it in portions and use it within 2 months.

On sale you can find dry demi-glace, which is a powder and is used in cooking as a seasoning. But simpler does not mean better, so try to be like the French chefs and make demi-glace at home.

To make it tastier:

  • IN original recipe Beef is used for the sauce, but you can use any meat - pork, chicken, etc. At the same time, there is no need to strive to take the best pieces; on the contrary, use bones, leftover meat, and trimmings. Veal shanks that have not previously been frozen are considered ideal.
  • To get a golden brown crust that creates the most delicious sauce, when baking meat, use the trick of chef Heston Blumenthal - roll the meat fragments in dry milk before baking.
  • The cooking technology provides for a proportion of 1:3, i.e. For 1 kg of meat (bones) you need to add 3 liters of water. This will ensure that it evaporates during the long cooking process without the need to add new water, which can ruin the taste of the sauce.
  • After boiling, the broth should simmer over low heat and not boil.
  • It is not advisable to exclude components, including wine, from the composition.
  • It is necessary to add salt and season the demi-glace with spices only at the end of cooking, since the volume of the broth at this time will more than halve.
  • The finished sauce is eaten cold: first it is cooled by pouring it into a glass container, after cooling it is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and only then served.

Sauce preparation algorithm

Knowing the main stages of preparation, you can prepare your own, original demi-glace. This is a simplified technology, but it fully reflects the essence of cooking.

  1. We select the meat, bones, weigh it, wash it, chop large pieces and bake in the oven until golden brown.
  2. Place the finished meat and the juice released on the baking sheet into a large saucepan.
  3. We prepare the vegetables you love - onions, carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, etc. We chop them, fry them (separately) and transfer them to the meat.
  4. Add the required amount of water, bring the broth to a boil and simmer over low heat for at least 12 hours.

However, if you like to use only ready-made recipes and do not want to conduct experiments, then use those presented below.

Classic demi-glace

The presented recipe reflects the process of preparing the sauce using French technology, which will take you about 30 hours. But you won’t need to continuously stand over the stove, and the result will be above all praise.


  • bones and meat (usually beef) - 2 kg
  • water – 6 liters
  • red wine (can be homemade) – 1 bottle (700-750 ml)
  • onion – 250 gr.
  • carrots – 250 gr.
  • bell pepper – 250 gr.
  • celery (root and stems) – 150 gr.
  • zucchini (zucchini) – 100 gr.
  • eggplant – 100 gr.
  • tomato sauce– 100 ml
  • vegetable oil (for frying) – 1-2 tbsp.
  • cloves – 1-2 buds
  • bay leaf – 1 leaf
  • black and allspice pepper – 3 peas each
  • sugar, salt, parsley, dill, garlic, thyme, rosemary - to taste.

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Separate the meat and bones and wash. Cut the meat.
  2. Place the bones on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about an hour.
  3. Remove the bones from the oven and place the meat in a bowl. After 15 minutes, take it out and pour the juice into a cup. We will need it further. Place the meat in the refrigerator.
  4. Wash, peel and coarsely chop the vegetables.
  5. Separately fry the carrots and onions.
  6. Pour the meat juice from a cup into another frying pan and soak the pieces of zucchini, eggplant and celery in it.
  7. Place the baked bones in a high baking sheet, place vegetables from both frying pans on top of them, pour in half the wine and put in the oven for half an hour, then transfer everything from the baking sheet, including the liquid, into a large saucepan.
  8. The pan (covered with a lid) is initially placed on low heat and continues to remain there for a whole day.
  9. After 24 hours, remove the pan from the heat, remove the bones and strain the remaining broth into a clean pan.
  10. The meat, put in the refrigerator, needs to be fried and put into the broth along with spices. Continue simmering the demi-glace for about 2 more hours.
  11. Pour the wine mixed with the tomato sauce into the pan and remove the bay leaf. Add salt, sugar and simmer for another 2.5 hours. The finished demi-glace should resemble olive oil in thickness.

Demi-glace sauce (instant)

What can replace real demi-glace? Of course, a simplified version of it! If you don’t have gourmets among your family who regularly visit restaurants in France, they won’t know original sauce from its “fake”, and you will save a lot of time.

Simplified recipe for demi-glace sauce


  • broth (usually beef) - 1.6 liters
  • red wine (can be homemade) – 100 ml
  • onions, carrots, celery (stem) - 100 grams each
  • butter – 100 gr.
  • vegetable oil – 50 gr.
  • tomato sauce – 50 ml
  • premium flour – 100 gr.
  • salt, sugar, herbs and spices - to taste.

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Divide the finished broth (strong) into 2 parts.
  2. Peel the vegetables, chop finely and fry.
  3. Add tomato sauce to the vegetable mixture and simmer everything for about 5 minutes.
  4. Place the vegetables in a saucepan and pour in some of the broth, add spices, herbs and seasonings tied in a piece of gauze and cook for half an hour over low heat.
  5. Take out the gauze bag with spices and cook for another half hour.
  6. Strain the resulting broth.
  7. In the melted butter fry the flour and dilute the mixture with the second part of the broth. Mash and heat the sauce until thickened.
  8. Transfer it to a saucepan with strained broth. Add wine to this and place the pan on the fire. The sauce must be stirred and boiled to the desired thickness.
  9. At the end of cooking, sugar and salt are added, and at the end of cooking, the sauce is cooled as much as possible.

Chicken demi-glace sauce

This demi-glace is the simplest version of the sauce. It is far from the original, but very tasty!


  • chicken wings, backs or necks - 1 kg.
  • carrots and onions – 3 pcs.
  • powdered milk – 1 glass
  • salt, spices and herbs - to taste
  • water – 3 liters

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Wings (necks or backs) need to be washed and rolled in powdered milk.
  2. Chop carrots and onions (in large pieces).
  3. Place the wings (in 1 layer) and vegetables next to them on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 1 hour. At the end, it’s good to keep the ingredients under the grill.
  4. Place the wings and vegetables in a large saucepan and add water. It should cover all the components.
  5. After boiling, the broth is simmered under the lid for 4 hours on low heat.
  6. Next, remove the bones from the broth and strain it.
  7. After this, the pure broth is evaporated until its volume is 0.7 or 0.5 liters and cooled.



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