Homemade apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar at home, simple recipes. No particular health benefits

Homemade apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar at home, simple recipes. No particular health benefits

Autumn... We've picked the apples, now it's time to cook Apple vinegar. Its benefits and applications are described in another article, but here we will consider only the recipe for making apple cider vinegar at home.

Natural apple cider vinegar is so called because it is made exclusively from apple juice with a small addition of honey or sugar. The principle is this: the juice is fermented during the manufacturing process and alcohol is obtained, and with further processing acetic acid is formed.

To prepare apple cider vinegar, it is advisable to take sweet varieties of apples, as they produce more alcohol and require less sugar. You can take either whole fruits or ready-made juice from them.

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes

A simple apple cider vinegar recipe

You will need 1.5 kg of apples. Rub them on coarse grater Place the whole thing, without throwing away the core, in a glass jar or enamel bowl and fill with 2 liters of boiled cold water.

Then place a piece in the container rye bread, approximately 50 - 60 g and add 150 g of natural honey. Do not cover with a lid, just cover the top with a towel or gauze, keep warm for 10 days, the apples should ferment during this time.

The recipe is a little more complicated

Take 2 kg of apples and 1.5 liters of clean raw water, for sweet apples take 100 g of sugar, and for sour apples - 300 g.

Apples of any variety are suitable for cooking; just grate them on a coarse grater along with the peel and seeds, put them in enamel pan and add water, adding half the sugar and mixing everything well.

Cover the container with the vinegar being prepared with a towel or gauze, since fermentation should occur with access to air. Leave to ferment for 3 weeks. Stir the mixture occasionally with a wooden spoon.

After 3 weeks, strain the mixture, add the remaining sugar, stir until it dissolves, and pour into jars, covering them with gauze. Wait another 40-50 days, let everything ferment. Over time, the liquid will lighten and then become completely transparent - this means that fermentation is complete and the vinegar is ready for use.

Filter it, bottle it, seal it and place it in a cool, dark place for storage.

An old recipe for making apple cider vinegar at home

In principle it is also simple. Vinegar is prepared from overripe apples. Wash them, cut them and grind them finely. Place the resulting slurry in an enamel pan and fill with hot water (about 70 degrees). The water level should be 3-5 cm higher than the pulp level. Add sugar at the rate of 50 g per 1 kg of sweet apples or 100 g per 1 kg sour apples.

Place the pan with the gruel in a warm, dark place, and do not forget to stir the contents occasionally. After 2 weeks, strain and leave for further fermentation. After another 2 weeks, homemade apple cider vinegar is ready; it needs to be poured into the container in which it will be stored. Drain without shaking, and strain the sediment. Store vinegar in a cool, dark place with the containers containing it well sealed.

How to make apple cider vinegar from juice

Take natural apple juice without pulp. You don’t have to add yeast and sugar, but to speed up the process, it’s better to take just a little dry yeast, about a quarter of a teaspoon, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and dilute it in a small amount of warm water, this will make a dough. When the dough begins to foam and rises a little, it is poured into a container with juice. To speed up the fermentation process, you can also add a crust of rye bread to the container with the juice.

A medical glove is usually placed over the neck of the container with vinegar being prepared to prevent air from entering the container. The carbon dioxide that is formed during the fermentation process will gradually fill the glove, and if it ruptures, you need to wear a new one. So the juice should stand for 4 weeks, during which time fruit sugar will completely turn into alcohol.

The result is something like new wine, but we need vinegar, so we leave the contents to ferment further, only now in an open form. It is best to pour the liquid into a saucepan, cover it with something and ferment for 1.5-2 months at room temperature.

The vinegar is ready when the sharp unpleasant odor, which usually appears during the processing of alcohol into vinegar, disappears.

Making apple vinegar - video

If you have your own methods and recipes for making apple cider vinegar, please write them in the comments. Which apples make the best apple cider vinegar (in your opinion).

The best reviews from gardeners

    The best vinegar I got was from pure (without additives) freshly squeezed juice. She left the freshly squeezed juice in a village house in a wide-necked jar, covered with a napkin, and forgot about it. And when I remembered (about two months later), I found in this jar a vinegar matrix that resembled kombucha. After it settled to the bottom of the jar, I drained the vinegar and it was the best vinegar of all that I had previously prepared using other recipes.

Apple cider vinegar is a flavorful seasoning for delicious salads and snacks, an affordable means for cleansing the body, preventing and treating blood vessels, stomach, liver and kidneys. Prepare apple cider vinegar at home; a simple recipe will tell you how to save time and preserve the beneficial properties of apples.

The preservative is prepared in a glass container

The benefits of home-made apple preservative compared to factory-made vinegar are incomparable. At first glance, two products that are identical have different compositions. from the store, see the details in a separate article. Below we will talk about the beneficial properties of a homemade preservative made from natural apples.

An inexpensive store-bought seasoning, regardless of what the manufacturer wrote on the label, hardly contains natural apples or even juice from them. For cost-effective production, the product is prepared quickly and in large quantities for profit. There is no time to keep the vinegar starter for several weeks; the process is accelerated with the help of synthetic additives and pasteurization. Then the finished solution is given the aroma, color and taste of apple sourdough with preservatives and dyes.

Make your own homemade vinegar from fresh apples, collected at the dacha or purchased at the market. First, the raw materials ferment together with sugar, then they are aged for several weeks. Finally, the vinegar is filtered. The result is a golden-yellow liquid with a characteristic apple aroma, mild taste and substances in the composition:

  • vitamins A, C, E, group B;
  • iron, zinc, iodine;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium;
  • copper, sodium, fluorine;
  • oxalic, malic, lactic, acetic acid;
  • vegetable fiber - pectin;
  • fructose.

It has the beneficial properties of natural apple juice with pulp, but they are enhanced by the content of acetic acid. This substance provides the fat-dissolving, stimulating, antiseptic properties of vinegar, thanks to which it is used in medicine and cosmetology. If you use vinegar correctly, it produces the following results:

  • cleansing blood vessels and improving blood composition;
  • normalization of digestion and improvement of metabolic processes;
  • cleansing the intestines of toxins and helminthic infestations, pathogenic microflora;
  • saturation of tissues with vitamins and minerals, necessary for restoration and rejuvenation.

A vinegar solution made from apples rejuvenates the skin, restores healthy color and elasticity, eliminates age spots, freckles, spider veins and cellulite. If taken orally, your slim figure will return. The effectiveness of apple cider vinegar is enhanced with the help of various additives. Honey improves immunity and gives you energy. – an ancient remedy for cleansing blood vessels from harmful cholesterol, and for the intestines – from worms and old toxins.

Have you made apple cider vinegar at home?


Another advantage is the availability of ingredients for cooking. In the summer and autumn seasons there are a lot of apples, they cost pennies. Any variety is used, as well as apple juice or puree. How exactly is described below, there are several options.

Video about the composition and beneficial properties of vinegar:

Step-by-step recipes for making vinegar at home

Do not rush the process of preparing vinegar, it will not be fast. But you can’t leave it to chance either; the fermentation of the wort is constantly monitored. Otherwise it turns into cider, not vinegar. No equipment required. All you need is natural raw materials and careful preparation.

Kirilova Olga

The sweeter the apples, the faster the fermentation. It takes about 2 months to prepare high-quality, concentrated vinegar.


To prepare you will need:

  • fresh apples, sweet and sour – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 250 gr.;
  • yeast – 20 g;
  • purified water - about 2 liters.

If the apples are sweet, then the amount of sugar can be reduced by 2 times.


  1. Wash the apples, cut them into halves, remove the seed pods.
  2. Grind the fruits into medium-sized pieces.
  3. Place in a 3-liter jar, shake until the pieces fit tightly, but do not compact.
  4. Add sugar, cover with gauze and leave for 3-4 hours so that the apples release their juice.
  5. Pour in warm water - completely cover the apples, but leave a distance of 7-10 cm to the edge of the dish. When you add the yeast, the liquid will begin to ferment and rise. Stir, cover, and leave in a warm place overnight.
  6. In the morning, stir the wort again. Foam forms on the surface. It cannot be removed and drained because it contains acetic bacteria. If there is not enough foam, add another piece of yeast.
  7. Now the container with the future vinegar is covered and put away in a warm pantry, or under the kitchen table near the radiator. There is no need to touch it anymore for 10-14 days, until the first stage of fermentation is over. Fermentation is over when all the apples sink to the bottom.
  8. All you have to do is wait until the vinegar becomes clear. After this, the liquid is filtered, bottled and capped.
  9. Homemade vinegar produces sediment after bottling. This is normal and is not considered a sign of poor product quality.

It is convenient to prepare apple vinegar in a three-liter jar

The strength of ready-made homemade vinegar can reach 9-10%. Whereas the strength of store-bought should not exceed 6%.


Apple vinegar homemade can be taken orally without fear. But first you need to dissolve a tablespoon of the product in 100-150 ml of warm water without gas. You should drink it a quarter of an hour before meals or an hour after meals.

Did you like the taste of homemade apple cider vinegar?


You can - they will become shiny, elastic, and grow faster. The video will tell you more about the use of vinegar in cosmetology:

From sour apples

If you have a lot of sour apples at your disposal, use them to make vinegar. But in this case, you must add sugar, otherwise fermentation will not start.


  • sour apples – 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 500 gr.;
  • warm water – 2 l.;
  • live yeast – 60-70 gr.


  1. Wash the apples, dry them, cut them randomly into pieces.
  2. Place in a container, add sugar, warm water, crumble the yeast.
  3. Stir everything, cover with a towel and put in a warm place.
  4. For the first 10 days, the mixture is stirred several times a day. There is no need to collect or remove the foam.
  5. Then the mixture is strained and squeezed, poured into a bottle, covered with gauze and put in a warm place for 1.5-2 months. There is no need to stir the vinegar any more and you don’t need to touch it at all.
  6. When the liquid becomes completely transparent, it is filtered again and used for its intended purpose.


– blood glucose levels are normalized, the condition of blood vessels improves, and extra pounds are lost.

At the last stage of fermentation, it is important not to disturb the starter and not even move the jars

Kirilova Olga

You can plant vinegar mother in the container if it remains from the previous preparation of homemade vinegar. Then fermentation will be faster and more intense. It is not recommended to pour in ready-made store-bought vinegar; it will only spoil the raw materials.

From juice

This is an ideal product for treating and healing the body, since it contains nothing but apples, not even water. This recipe is suitable for pregnant women, allergy sufferers and the elderly. If you want, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sweet and sour apples – 2 kg;
  • glass bottle or jar and wooden tub;
  • rubber glove and linen napkin.


  1. Wash the apples, cut into quarters and place on a plate to darken.
  2. Squeeze juice from apples.
  3. Pour it into a bottle, put a glove on the neck and wrap the glove tightly.
  4. Leave in a warm place for 4-5 weeks until the glove swells.
  5. Pour the fermented juice into a tub, cover with a napkin, tie it around the edge and put it back in a warm place for another 3-4 weeks.
  6. The finished vinegar is filtered through the same napkin under which it fermented, bottled and used for its intended purpose.

Video on how to prepare vinegar from apple juice with pulp:

Kirilova Olga

To ferment apple must, you should use a ceramic, wooden, enameled or glassware. Aluminum and any metal are not suitable.


There are many different methods. In order for the product to effectively break down fats without harming the digestive organs, the technology for preparing the product is important. This recipe is ideal for both oral administration and wraps. In both cases, the product is first diluted in warm water: 1-2 tbsp. for 150-200 ml.

With honey

Honey saturates the finished product with potassium, magnesium, iron and fructose. This vinegar is ideal for those who adhere to a strict diet. It saturates with the necessary energy and protects against depression and blues.


  • apples – 3 kg;
  • heated water – 3 l.;
  • honey – 900 gr.;
  • stale rye bread – 200 gr.

If you replace sugar with honey, you get an ideal product for weight loss


  1. Wash the apples, remove spoiled areas, cut into cubes or slices.
  2. Place in a wide container, add water and stir.
  3. Separately, stir the crumbled bread in warm water to form a thick leaven. Add a spoonful of yeast.
  4. Add half the honey and sourdough to the apple mixture and stir.
  5. For the first 10 days, the mixture is kept at a temperature not lower than 18 degrees, stir three times a day with a wooden spatula.
  6. Now stir the mixture, strain, add the remaining honey.
  7. Pour into jars or bottles, wrap the necks with a bandage or gauze, and secure with rubber bands.
  8. Place in a warm place and leave for another 45 days.
  9. During this period, do not stir the vinegar or move the bottles. When it becomes transparent, it is filtered, corked and put in the pantry, cupboard or refrigerator.


Depends on the goal. For beauty and rejuvenation, it is better to drink it from 11.00 to 12.00 before the second breakfast. To treat diabetes, atherosclerosis, and gallstone disease, it is better to drink the solution at night. Then the vinegar will act faster, and the tissues will begin active restoration.

A weight loss cocktail made from vinegar, honey and water is drunk on an empty stomach every morning.

According to Jarvis

Jarvis is a famous American physician and researcher. He developed a recipe for homemade vinegar from apples to treat blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and obesity. The big advantage of making your own vinegar is that it is not pasteurized. This means that the valuable substances in apples remain unchanged. Apple cider vinegar like Jarvis's is rich primarily in potassium and iron.

Rye bread sourdough - a feature of the Jarvis apple vinegar recipe


  • apples – 2-3 kg of ripe or overripe fruits;
  • water - about 2 liters;
  • honey – 200 gr.;
  • rye bread crackers – 20 g;
  • yeast – 10 gr.


  1. Wash the apples, remove rotten spots and stems, grind into puree in a meat grinder or grater.
  2. Place in a vat or pan and add water.
  3. Add crackers and yeast.
  4. Add 100 gr. natural honey.
  5. Stir everything well, cover and put in a warm place for 10 days.
  6. After 10 days, stir the mixture and strain. pour into jars and add the remaining honey at the rate of 50 grams. for every liter of starter.
  7. Cover and store in a warm place for another 40 days. When the vinegar becomes completely transparent, it is ready.


Dr. Jarvis recommended taking this product in the amount of 1.5 tablespoons, dissolved in half a glass of warm water, every morning on an empty stomach. But now it is known that the human body does not absorb acid in the morning. Therefore, it is better to take the vinegar solution before lunch.

Have you tried making apple cider vinegar with honey?


In the end, each person decides for himself. You should take your lifestyle and tasks into account first.

An old recipe for spoiled apples

The beginning of making vinegar from water, apples and yeast dates back to 5000 BC. in Babylon. The exact recipe has not been preserved. The recipe below is compiled according to monastic books dating back to approximately 10-11 centuries. What is its advantage: overripe, spoiled apples that are no longer good for anything else are used. In the old days, first-class fruits were used to make confiture and wine for the nobility. And the second variety, collected from the ground, with a wormhole - for vinegar and sour cider for the common people.

Rejected fruits will be an excellent raw material for healthy and tasty vinegar.

However, wormy, fallen fruits can be used to make an excellent home remedy for the whole family. If you care about delicious, healthy meals for your family, you will also be interested in knowing. Well, if the quality of vinegar from spoiled apples seems questionable to you, you can use it to make wraps and masks for the face, hair, and body.


  • overripe apples – 2-3 kg;
  • sugar - based on 50 g. for every kilogram of fruit;
  • water - as much as needed, heated to 60 degrees.


  1. Crush the apples into a pulp; you can simply stir with a wooden spoon so that pieces of fruit remain. There is no need to puree the mass completely, removing the peel and seeds.
  2. Place the apple mass in an enamel-coated pan, sprinkle with sugar and add warm water until it covers the mass by 3-4 cm.
  3. Stir, cover with a napkin, put in a warm place for 2 weeks. In this period apple sourdough interfere every day.
  4. Then the workpiece is poured into containers of smaller volume and removed again for fermentation. A vinegar matte should form on the surface - a dense foam. it cannot be removed or stirred.
  5. When a clear liquid forms and the uterus settles to the bottom, the vinegar is ready. It is filtered without shaking and used for its intended purpose.

The sediment can also be filtered, and the remains can be thrown away - they will no longer be useful. This vinegar is used in the same way as regular vinegar. The only difference is that it may have a more intense aroma, color, and taste.


If you know, use the same proportions to make the apple cider vinegar medicinal solution for this recipe. The resulting liquid should be drunk half a glass 2-3 times a day to lose weight, cleanse the body, and simply maintain good tone. The result: clean and elastic skin, a slim figure, excellent digestion and a good mood every day.

How to prepare unfiltered vinegar

Unfiltered homemade vinegar prepared in a similar way. But after the last stage, do not strain it, but immediately bottle it. The product will be cloudy and with sediment, and will form a grayish film on the surface. Such phenomena occur because fermentation continues in vinegar. The product prepared in this way is useful for dysbiosis, thrush in women and children, stomatitis, and sore throat. It destroys pathogenic bacteria and populates colonies with new, beneficial ones.

The photo shows what unfiltered, fermented vinegar looks like

How to tell if vinegar is ready

The readiness of vinegar is checked by its transparency. This is the main criterion. When the liquid becomes completely transparent and the vinegar mother settles to the bottom, the product is fermented and ready for use. But before straining and pouring into bottles, they take a sample, just in case.

High-quality homemade apple vinegar has a yellow color, a characteristic fruit aroma, and a spicy and at the same time sweetish taste.

Kirilova Olga

If the first 10 days have passed and the wort has not fermented, it needs help. This can be done different ways. The mixture is heated or placed in the sun. Add 2-3 tbsp. yeast diluted in warm water with sugar.

Methods for clarifying vinegar concentrate

Even after 45-60 days of aging, the uterus settles to the bottom, the vinegar remains cloudy. People complain about this problem when making a bite. But sometimes this phenomenon occurs even among experienced owners. How to drink apple cider vinegar, if it is cloudy and has sediment, should it be clarified?

Only filtration will help, double or triple if required. The vinegar is filtered through a sterile cotton pad and then left again in a dark place for a couple of days. Do not shake the container at this time. If this doesn’t help, it’s okay. Cloudy vinegar is no worse than clear vinegar; it is healthy and not dangerous to health. But the look is less aesthetic.

On a note

  1. Apple cider vinegar is used in cosmetology and medicine to solve a number of problems with skin, hair, excess weight, and treat diseases of internal organs.
  2. The healthiest product is homemade from natural apples.
  3. Fermentation of apple cider vinegar without fermentation lasts 2-2.5 months.
  4. The finished vinegar is filtered, bottled, tightly sealed and stored in a cool place. The shelf life of a homemade unpasted product is up to 5 years.
Apple cider vinegar at home simple recipes

There is one magical product that you want to keep for the whole year. I'm talking about apple cider vinegar now. Some people think that there is no point in preparing it, because it is easier to buy it in a store. But, to be honest, you won’t find a better quality homemade product anywhere. And it’s not a fact that manufacturers of store-bought products used apples at all. It's worth thinking about, isn't it?

Now let’s talk about what is needed for such a preparation.

First, of course, you need apples. Ripe fruits of late sweet varieties are best suited; they ferment better. They also require the addition of less sugar.

Fruit can be taken from a tree, but even carrion will do, as long as there are no signs of rotting on it. And most importantly, we do not use store-bought fruit. I'll explain why.

The fact is that beneficial bacteria live on them; during fermentation, they act as yeast. But so that they remain in their place and bring us benefit, we do not wash the fruits, but only wipe them with a cloth to remove dust and soil.

But store-bought fruits are not just washed, but also treated with chemicals or wax. In general, as you guessed, they will be of no use.

The process of making apple cider vinegar is very simple, but takes a lot of time. There are two main cooking options: traditional and simplified. They differ mainly in the production time.

And I’ll tell you a little more about additives. The fact is that if you haven’t washed the fruits and they have a natural coating on them, then you won’t need additives. But to speed up the process, rye bread, sweetener, raisins or yeast are often introduced. I don’t recommend using the latter at all. It’s better to take 7-8 grape berries, crush them with a masher and put them in apple pulp.

And I’ll immediately answer the popular question of how to understand that the fermentation process has ended. To do this, take your container with semi-finished vinegar and look inside. If the liquid becomes translucent, it means that fermentation is over.

By the way, it is better to take the container itself with a wide neck and bottom. After all, the wider the surface, the more active the fermentation itself will be. The material of the container used must be free of impurities: glass, ceramic or clay.

Apple cider vinegar with honey at home, a simple recipe

I'll write a recipe that I really like. There is no sugar or yeast here. But to start fermentation, we introduce honey and rye bread.

Let's take:

  • 1 l applesauce,

  • 1 liter of warm water,

  • 3 tbsp. honey,

  • 30 g rye bread.

The amount of honey per three-liter jar can vary from 50-100 g.

So, let's start with the first very important stage. Take the apples and wipe them with a dry towel. At the same time, we sort it so that there is no rot in the pulp or on the skin. Even if you cut it off, it will still spoil the final product with an unpleasant odor.

Now we take three liters. Maybe you will need not one jar, but two. It depends on how much pulp you made.

Containers should be washed clean with baking soda. Now the second stage - fill the jars. We need to put the pulp in the container to 1/3 of the volume. And fill it with warm water. You should get something like this: a jar with a volume of three liters is filled with about 2 liters.

Why not to the top? But because in a week this mass will increase in volume and may overflow. That is why we leave 6-7 centimeters up to the neck of the jar unfilled.

We also introduce a piece of bread here. By the way, it is better to use spring water.
Now you need to cover the neck of the container well, but so that air can flow inside to activate fermentation.

It is better to cover with thick cloth or 6-7 layers of gauze. Rubber gloves are also used, in which one puncture is made.

To securely fix the cloth on the neck of the jar, it is better to use thin money rubber bands.
This stage is also very important, because the sweet smell of fermenting liquid will attract plenty of midges. And so that you don’t end up with fly worms inside, you need to close it correctly. By the way, life hack: nylon socks are great for covering necks.

Next, we put the container in a warm but dark place for 15 days. You know that the sun's rays inhibit fermentation. If you don't have a dark, warm place, put a black T-shirt over the jar. Then everything will work out too. The ideal temperature for standing is 20 degrees. And the higher it is, the more active the process is.

The semi-finished product should be stirred daily with a wooden spoon. But if you forget, it’s okay.

Then filter the mass through triple-folded gauze. Separate the pulp from the liquid. This process can be done twice.

But the resulting liquid is not vinegar yet. You need to add another 50 g of honey into it and mix. We close the banks for another 15 days.
As soon as the liquid becomes clear and the smell of alcohol disappears, the vinegar is ready.

Store in glass bottles.

Video recipe for making apple vinegar without sugar and yeast

In order not to be unfounded, watch one visual video recipe for preparing a healthy drink.

The cooking method echoes what I described earlier.

A simple recipe for apple juice vinegar without adding water.

The easiest way to make vinegar is to use homemade apple juice.
You don’t have to add sugar at all, but it’s still better to add it to activate fermentation. Moreover, it will be completely converted into acid.

Need to:

We take apples, we won’t wash them, you already know why. We simply cut off the darkened areas from the blows from each fruit.

Then we pass them through a screw or manual juicer. And pour it into a 3-liter jar, not adding 5-7 cm to the top.

Stir the sugar and tie the neck with gauze or canvas. We put the jar in a dark place, the standing temperature is 20-25 degrees.

So, we forget about our semi-finished product for 3-4 weeks. There is no need to stir the mixture in this recipe.
By the way, you will see a whitish layer inside the jar - it is called the uterus.

There are legends that it is very useful and is formed only in vinegar that has not been stirred and has stood properly. It is better to catch it by hand. This uterus is perfectly stored all year round in the same vinegar liquid. And it can also be used for further faster preparation of this product.

Then strain the liquid twice. After the first time, let it settle again and strain again. Pour into glass bottles and store in a cool place.

Jarvis's classic apple cider vinegar recipe

And now the most popular recipe among our compatriots is at the suggestion of Dr. Jarvis. I will try to give it in more detail.

Vinegar is prepared in two stages.

Let's take:

  • for 0.8 kg of apples,

  • 100 g honey or sugar,

  • 1 liter of water,

  • 10 g of yeast or 20 g of rye bread or a handful of unwashed raisins,

  • 50 g honey-sugar for the second time.

Unwashed apples need to be chopped as convenient for you, along with the peel and seed portion.

Next, place in a barrel, pan, jar or bowl. Mix with sweetener, water and yeast carrier (yeast, black bread, raisins or grapes).

Here is the resulting volume.

Stirring daily, keep the semi-finished product in a dark and warm place for 30 days. Provide air access. cover with thick cloth.

Then transfer the mass into a gauze bag and squeeze out. Then filter the squeezed liquid again and pour it into a vessel with a wide neck.

If desired, you can add 50-100 g of sugar or honey to it.

We close the jar with gauze and place it in a warm place, where fermentation will continue for 40-60 days.
Then you need to filter, pour into containers and seal with stoppers.

Store in the refrigerator at a temperature of 6-8 degrees.

Recipe for making pulp

Another detailed cooking process, but with an increased fermentation period.
According to the amount of sugar: for sour apples add 100 g of sugar, for sweet apples - then 50 g.

Let's take:

  • 1 kg apples,

  • 1 liter of water,

  • 10 g bread,

  • 50-100 g sugar.

I also don’t wash the fruits. We cut into slices, removing everything inedible: the core and damage. Twist through a large meat grinder.

Transfer the resulting cake into three liter jars. You need to fill the container 2/3, a little more than half the jar.

Pour water so that it slightly covers the surface of the cake, about 2-3 cm.

Pour sugar into it and put a piece of rye bread.

Cover the three-liter container with a thick cotton cloth or gauze, folded 6-8 times.

We leave them in a warm place for 1.5 months.

It is normal for the product to peel off. Let's strain it into a separate jar and add 50 g of honey into this strained liquid.

Close with a tight lid and place again in a warm place for 2 weeks.

And now we bottle the vinegar and put it away for storage.

How to make vinegar without squeezing juice from sour apples in Czech

Now I’ll tell you a version of cooking in Czech. It is simpler and more understandable.

Let's take:

  • 1 kg apples,

  • 100-200 g sugar,

  • 1 liter of water,

  • 100 ml table vinegar 9%.

Place the chopped fruits in glass jars and fill with water.

Add sugar. We close it with a cotton wool plug, and on top with gauze and put it in a warm place. For fermentation, after a week the semi-finished product must be squeezed out and vinegar added.

Cover the jar again with gauze and put it in a warm place for 1 month. If your place is cold, below 20 degrees, then it will take longer, about 3 months.

Filter the finished product through cheesecloth and pour into bottles.

Seal well and store in a cool place.

The nuances of making apple cider vinegar

But there are times when vinegar still doesn’t work. Let's look at the most common of them. First, you shouldn't have any black mold. Its appearance means that the fermentation process has not started. Perhaps the apples were washed after all. To prevent this, next time add 10 raisins to the cake. And a little sugar. Then the natural process will definitely start.

Please note that the liquid will still not be completely transparent. And the longer the product sits, the more sediment appears. It's an apple slurry, and that's okay.

On a high-quality, correctly made product, a vinegar uterus is formed, reminiscent of kombucha. It needs to be taken out of the jar, because it feeds on fermentation bacteria, and put into a jar, you can fill it with the remaining sediment. Similar to kombucha.

If you leave it, you won’t get vinegar; it will eat all the acid. It is removed 30-60 days after the start of preparation.

Applications and benefits of apple cider vinegar

It is used for medicinal, food and cosmetic purposes.

Briefly, for the purpose of familiarization, the scope of its application is described in this video.

It is even used for cleaning.
All the best to you.

Homemade fruit vinegar

Many people have heard about the healing benefits of apple cider vinegar, and the demand for it is stable, and healing properties Few people know about berry vinegars and vinegars infused with herbs. Berry vinegars lasts longer than apple cider vinegar. The herbs with which we enrich our vinegars are extracted in the vinegar and give it all their aromas and healing properties. Making vinegar at home is not difficult. Looking through ancient cookbooks, you can be sure that our ancestors understood vinegar, prepared it from different products and also added various herbs to it. Fruit vinegar How food product used for preparing drinks, for acidifying cabbage soup, borscht, for dressing salads and vinaigrettes, for preparing sauces and mayonnaise, for canning vegetables and fruits. Drink made from 1 tbsp. spoons of fruit vinegar and 1 glass of water, a useful remedy for colds. Fruit vinegar can be used as a healing external remedy (rubs and compresses to relieve fatigue from varicose veins, joint diseases, etc.). At home, to prepare fruit vinegar, in addition to apples, you can use pears and plums, currants, gooseberries, rowan, currant and grape leaves, i.e., almost any fruit and berries grown on your site. Healing herbs should be infused in ready-made vinegar, since herbs, by releasing phytoncides, prevent normal fermentation. The recipes below are available to any housewife. The technology for preparing vinegars for each of them is almost the same; the raw materials need to be poured with boiled water and sugar and set for fermentation, which lasts approximately 2 months. The container in which the fermentation process takes place must have plenty of air access, because without it, good vinegar will not be made. Ready vinegar is stored at room temperature. Berry vinegars are stored for a long time, more than 8 years, the longer the better. Apple cider vinegar has a limited shelf life of up to 2 years.

Vinegar from grape leaves Fresh grape leaves - 500 g, fresh oregano - 100 g, granulated sugar - 200 g, white bread - 50 g, water - 1 l. Wash the grape leaves, add chilled boiled water, add granulated sugar, leave to ferment in a glass jar with a wide neck, cover with gauze on top. After fermentation is complete, strain the finished vinegar into bottles with a narrow neck, into which sprigs of fresh oregano are placed in advance, capped, and stored in a dark place.

Fruit vinegar with St. John's wort Place the cut stems of flowering St. John's wort, along with leaves and inflorescences, into a bottle in the form of a loose sheaf, filling the entire volume of the bottle, add tarragon sprigs there, and fill the weight with fruit vinegar.

Fruit vinegar with hyssop Place flowering hyssop branches vertically in clean bottles and fill with fruit vinegar. Store at room temperature. This vinegar is used as a seasoning for cabbage, raw carrots, added to hot tea for colds.

Green gooseberry vinegar Gooseberries (unripe berries) - 1 kg, granulated sugar - 200 g, tarragon (fresh herbs) - 50 g, water 2 l. Wash the gooseberries, mash them, pour boiled cooled water, add granulated sugar, place everything in a glass jar with a wide neck and set to ferment at room temperature. The neck of the jar must be covered with a double layer of gauze to ensure air access. When the fermentation process is over, the vinegar must be filtered, poured into bottles with a narrow neck, and capped. Store at room temperature in the dark. Infuse the prepared vinegar with fresh sprigs of tarragon (tarragon).

Vinegar from chokeberry Chokeberry juice - 1 l, granulated sugar - 200 g, cherry (leaves) - 200 g, raisins or fresh grapes - 50 g, water - 2 l. Dilute freshly squeezed chokeberry juice with chilled boiled water, add granulated sugar, raisins or fresh grapes, cherry leaves, and set for fermentation. After the fermentation process is complete, strain, pour into bottles with a narrow neck, and close with stoppers. Store in a dark place at room temperature.

Redcurrant vinegar Red currants (berries) - 500 g, granulated sugar - 200 g, water - 2 l. Wash the berries, mash them, add cooled boiled water, add granulated sugar, and put them in a wide-necked jar to ferment. After the fermentation process is complete, strain the finished vinegar and pour it into bottles with a narrow neck, closing them with stoppers. Store at room temperature in a dark place. The same recipe is used to prepare vinegar from white and golden currants.

Black currant leaf vinegar Blackcurrant (leaves) - by container volume, granulated sugar - 100 g per 1 liter of water. Wash freshly picked blackcurrant leaves, place in a glass jar with a wide neck, filling the container 1/2 of the volume, add cooled boiled water, add granulated sugar, cover with gauze and leave to ferment at room temperature in a dark place for 2 months. Then remove the leaves, strain the prepared vinegar, pour into regular bottles and seal with corks. Store in a dark place.

Vinegar from rosehip leaves and fruits Place fresh leaves and berries of rose hips (take in equal parts), green apical shoots in a glass jar with a wide neck. Pour cooled boiled water, add granulated sugar at the rate of 100-150 g of granulated sugar per 1 liter of water, cover with gauze, leave to ferment at room temperature in a dark place. After soaking for 1.5-2 months, drain and strain the finished vinegar, pour into bottles, and seal with corks. Store in a dark place at room temperature.

Cherry vinegar 300 g pitted cherries, 20 g fresh basil, cinnamon, 800 g 9% vinegar. Wash the ripe cherries, place them in a glass jar with a wide neck, add cinnamon and basil. Pour in vinegar. Leave for 2 days, then strain through several layers of gauze. Pour into bottles and store in a cool, dark place. Cherry vinegar is perfect for kebabs (and other fried fatty meats), as well as for making salads from red cabbage and boiled beets. Orange vinegar Peel of 1 orange, 1 liter of 9% vinegar. Peel a thoroughly washed orange and cut into long strips. Pour vinegar over them. The longer they infuse, the tastier and more aromatic the vinegar will be. It is especially good in sauerkraut salads.

Apple and Blackcurrant Leaves Vinegar Apples - 500 g, black currants (leaves) - 500 g, granulated sugar - 200 g, water - 2 l. Wash the apples and mash them. Wash the blackcurrant leaves. Pour chilled boiled water over the chopped apples and leaves, add granulated sugar, and place in a wide-necked jar. After fermentation is complete, strain the vinegar, pour it into bottles with a narrow neck, and close with stoppers. Store at room temperature in a dark place.

Apple honey vinegarApple juice— 1l. honey - 100 g. The highest quality and healing vinegar can only be obtained from well-ripened, clean apples. Very aromatic vinegar is also obtained from wild apples with the addition of honey. Apple honey vinegar is prepared as follows: add 100 g of aromatic honey, completely dissolved in the juice, to 1 liter of freshly squeezed apple juice. Pour apple juice and honey into a wide-necked jar, cover with gauze and leave to ferment in a warm, dark place. After 2 months of fermentation, the vinegar will be ready. The appearance of sediment at the bottom of the jar is normal for natural healing vinegar.

Jerusalem artichoke vinegar honey Jerusalem artichoke juice - / m, honey - 100 g, grapes or red currants (berries) - 0.5 kg. Wash the Jerusalem artichoke thoroughly, pour boiling water over it and squeeze the juice out of it. Add 100 g of honey to 1 liter of juice, pour the juice with the honey dissolved in it into a wide-necked jar, into which you place the washed berries in advance, cover the neck with gauze and leave to ferment in a warm, dark place. After 2 months bottle. Store at room temperature.

Fruit vinegar with basil Basil, preferably purple, rinsed in cold water, put in bottles (without compacting, as much as will go in), fill with fruit vinegar. Store at room temperature. This vinegar is good for meat marinades and for future use. Basil is a spicy healing plant. Has a wonderful aroma. Relieves headaches, soothes coughs, and quickly restores the sense of smell after a cold. Improves metabolism with regular use.

Fruit vinegar from sweet and hot peppers Chop a sweet pepper (you can use a non-standard one), place it in a bottle, add hot pepper to it, and pour in fruit vinegar. Store at room temperature.

Fruit vinegar with garlic, hot pepper and dill umbrellas Separate the head of garlic into cloves and remove the peel. Wash the apical part of 3-4 dill stems with umbrellas and place in a sterilized bottle, along with a pod of hot pepper and garlic cloves. Pour fruit vinegar over everything. Dill umbrellas should be completely immersed in liquid.

Fruit vinegar with dill umbrella and onion inflorescence Place the dill umbrella and onion inflorescence beautifully in a sterilized bottle, pour in fruit vinegar. Store at room temperature.

Vinegar made from tarragon, hot pepper and dill umbrellas Place 1-2 sprigs of flowering tarragon, 1 pod of red hot pepper and dill umbrellas into the bottle. Pour fruit vinegar over everything. Store at room temperature. Use for marinating meat, fish, as a seasoning for raw and boiled vegetables.

Fruit vinegar with garlic, lemon and hot pepper(American recipe) Peel the garlic, place the cloves in a dried bottle for about 7* containers. add chopped lemon, 1 pod of hot pepper. Pour in fruit vinegar. Leave for 2-3 weeks. This vinegar is served with meat and fish, it also serves spicy dressing for vegetable salads.

Fruit vinegar with monarda Cut off the upper part of the monarda stems with leaves and flowers, wash them and place them in boiled clean bottles, cut side down, carefully straighten the leaves and flowers, pour in fruit or berry vinegar so that the weight of the plant part is completely immersed in the liquid. Take 2-3 flowering stems for each bottle; along with them you can place sprigs of tarragon or umbrellas of dill.

Fruit vinegar with yarrow and hot pepper Wash three or four yarrow stems with leaves and inflorescences and place one at a time in a clean boiled bottle. Wash the hot pepper pod, cut into rings (along with the seeds), push the rings into a bottle with yarrow and pour fruit vinegar over everything.

Fruit vinegar with garlic, lemon and dill Separate the head of garlic into cloves and remove the peel. Wash the lemon and cut into slices, wash the top part of three or four dill stalks with umbrellas and place in a boiled bottle, add lemon slices and garlic cloves, pour fruit vinegar over the weight. Dill umbrellas should be completely immersed in liquid. Fruit vinegar with tarragon (tarragon) Wash a bunch of cut tarragon shoots with leaves and flowers, dry and place in a clean boiled bottle with a loose sheaf, filling the entire volume of the bottle, pour fruit vinegar to the top so that the greens are immersed in the liquid.

Fruit vinegar, oh rich in three types of onions Leek(green feathers) 100 g, bulb onions purple (bulbs) - 100 g, shallot(bulbs) - 100 g, fruit vinegar - 1 l Wash the green part of the leek and cut into small pieces. Peel and finely chop the purple onion and shallot bulbs. Place, mix, everything in a glass container. Pour in enough fruit vinegar to cover the top of the crushed mixture. Close the glass jar with a lid and place in a dark place. Keep at room temperature for at least 1 month, then drain the liquid, squeeze out the onion, strain, pour into bottles and seal them with stoppers. Fruit vinegar, enriched in this way with three types of onions, is very healing. It contains a lot of potassium and biologically active substances. It can be added to drinks, but not more than 1 tbsp. spoons per serving, as well as in various salads, vinaigrettes, cold appetizers.

As history shows, vinegars are an ancient and national thing. For thousands of years, people have widely used vinegar as a flavoring agent, medicine and cosmetics. Mentions of it are found in almost all ancient texts, from the Bible to magic spells, including ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian texts. During the Great Plague in the Middle Ages, not a single doctor went to see patients without using vinegar to disinfect their hands. In Ancient China, they also knew the healing properties of vinegar, although its source was rice, as it is now. In Japan, vinegar is made from brown (unpeeled) rice. He is credited amazing properties maintain youth, strength and health.
The Egyptians made vinegar from figs. Cleopatra wins the bet, promising Mark Antony that she will treat him to the most expensive dinner. She dissolves a huge pearl in a goblet of vinegar and drinks it.
In India, to this day, the most popular source for making vinegar is palm juice
In Rus', apple cider vinegar was traditionally prepared - one of the most useful.
But everywhere it is noted as a medicine for healing wounds, burns, bleeding, snake bites, gangrene, fainting, and is even credited with the ability to resolve solid tumors - fibroids and cysts.
Almost everyone knows about the healing properties of natural vinegar. These properties depend directly on the main ingredient of vinegar - fruits, herbs, vegetables, berries, cereals, etc., acetic acid itself further enhances the healing effect of herbs and other products, preserves, having a strong antiseptic property. Vinegars are used for food, treatment, and of course, beauty. I want to tell you a few of my ideas, secrets, and in general, probably unexpected interpretations of traditional vinegar for you, because high-quality natural vinegar easy to make at home! So:
1. Let's start with a fairly popular one - apple You can read a lot about him on the Internet. This is a real cocktail of useful microelements: in total there were more than 30 important vitamins, enzymes and pectins - heart protectors.

How to make it:
apples 5 kg
water 5 l
yeast 50 g
black bread crackers 100 g
honey (or sugar) 0.5 kg.
Grind the washed apples along with their seeds and peel and place in a bowl with a wide neck. Add warm water, yeast, crackers, honey. Keep the container open for ten days in a warm, dark place, stirring the grounds daily. Afterwards, strain the liquid, cover with a clean cloth (gauze) and leave for 2-3 months in a warm room.
Vinegar is considered ready when fermentation is complete and the liquid has turned light. After this, the vinegar is bottled, tightly closed and stored in a cool, dark place.
How to use: for rinsing hair, for healthy eating and weight loss, for rinsing the mouth and teeth (with a very weak solution!!!), for the skin, for enriching any cosmetic products - especially shower gels. :), etc.
2.Fruit and berry vinegar.
Fruits and/or berries 10 kg
Water 5 l
Sugar 500 g
Place the washed raw materials in a glass container, add water and sugar, cover with several layers of gauze and place in a warm, dark place for 2 months. At the end of fermentation, filter, pour into bottles, and tightly close with corks or lids. For a more subtle aroma and taste, honey is added instead of sugar.
You can make any kind of vinegar from peaches, apricots, cherries, plums and other berries and fruits. I especially like raspberry vinegar - it’s simply wonderful for hair, and people say that blueberry vinegar is also very tasty. Fruit and berry vinegars are good for dressing salads, giving dishes various shades, in cosmetology, and simply diluted in water for drinking.
Don’t be afraid to experiment - traditional, southern, grape or wine vinegar is not the ultimate dream of natural vinegar)))

3.Herbal vinegar. This is the most interesting thing for me now :)
Some modern gourmets believe that it is a good idea to infuse synthetic vinegar with herbs, so it acquires nobility and natural (healthy) ingredients in its “dead” composition. This vinegar is infused in a warm place for about two weeks on herbs: fresh basil, parsley, dill, garlic, red capsicum, celery, etc.
I still believe that infusions should be prepared using natural vinegar. You can use any natural vinegar as a base. Traditionally, the base vinegar for preparing herbal vinegars is apple cider vinegar, basil (herbal vinegar too), rice, wine, and grape.

How to do it (using basil vinegar as an example):
For 1 liter of vinegar - 500g of fresh basil.
A wide-necked bottle is filled with fresh basil leaves, poured with vinegar and infused for 10 days, then the liquid is filtered, the leaves are replaced with fresh ones and infused for another 14 days. It’s also good to add a little cloves, lemon zest or lemon peels to it.
Vinegars are made in the same way with any aromatic herb or herbal composition - tarragon, marjoram, thyme, etc. Your imagination will tell you what else you can add there for flavor, for example: nettle leaves, pieces of pineapple, milk thistle seeds, green tea leaves, St. John's wort, honey, cherry and currant leaves, bay leaves, herbs and spices, etc.
You can also add essential oils to cosmetic vinegars.

Thinking about herbal vinegars, many ways to use medicinal herbal vinegars immediately came to mind. Sharing:
Agree, it’s nice to take a bath with herbs - but you don’t always want to brew them, strain them, etc. It is much easier to pour a little herbal vinegar into the water - and your herbal bath is ready. Plus, natural acetic acid has a number of additional benefits for your skin. Personally, my choice fell on...
Chamomile vinegar
The vinegar is brought to a boil in a closed glass or stainless container, after which the washed and dried chamomile is poured into it. I also add lemon peels. Let it steep in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks. We use apple cider vinegar as a base vinegar. It’s good to add a couple of drops of this vinegar to water for washing, for rinsing blond hair, for bathing children (!!!).
They also say that mint vinegar is very good for rinsing hair. I'm going to make rosemary vinegar because... it makes hair grow well). Rose vinegar (with tea rose petals) is an excellent remedy for skin regeneration, for skin peeling, fungal diseases, keloid scars, etc. Citrus vinegar will help fight cellulite, used for rubbing and wraps: Lemon, orange and grapefruit zest 500 g per 1 l. vinegar, you can add a cinnamon stick, pieces of ginger and anti-cellulite essential oils to your taste. And here is the recipe for vinegar against hair loss: Burdock root 1 kg, Stinging nettle leaf 1 kg, Vinegar 2 l.
And in India they use this Vinegar deodorant T
Pink water 25-50 ml, Fruit vinegar 10 ml, Propolis alcohol tincture 2 ml, Essential oils: 8 drops patchouli, 20 drops lime, 5 drops frankincense, 20 drops palmarosa, 3 drops sage, 10 drops tea tree, 20 drops bergamot, 10 drops Himalayan cedar.
This vinegar perfectly refreshes the skin. Apply with a napkin in areas of high sweating. It will be an excellent discovery for those who are looking for a “natural alternative” to commercially available deodorants that are harmful to health and the atmosphere.

In general, there can be thousands and thousands of vinegar recipes - human imagination is limitless) And you can prepare it from almost anything! It's simple, useful, and it turns out very beautiful :) It is only important to remember a few basic rules regarding the use of this product:
1. Vinegar can only be stored in a glass bottle.
2. More does not mean better!!! Vinegar is a concentrate, remember! You only need a little bit of it. In addition, its concentration depends on the infusion period of the vinegar, the amount of raw materials in relation to the vinegar, and the firming conditions. So exercise caution.
3. All the above recipes do not apply to the use of store-bought vinegar! No matter how many times it is written there that it is natural. This is a matter of your safety.

Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar

If you, faced with problems of excess weight, started looking for information on the Internet, then you probably came across articles and reviews about the wonderful properties of apple cider vinegar.

Opinions are divided on the use of apple cider vinegar as a fat burner. Someone considers it their friend and assistant, drinks diluted vinegar every day and successfully loses weight, becomes younger, and prettier. Someone is shouting that apple cider vinegar is an acid and you should never drink it, because... it will corrode the stomach walls. Let’s not argue, for sure, each of those who spoke out has reasons why they came to a certain conclusion about the use of apple cider vinegar. We will only look at the facts. To drink or not to drink is up to you.

Useful properties of apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for removing waste and toxins from the body. Those who regularly took vinegar noted an improvement in their skin condition and increased vitality. In addition, apple cider vinegar normalizes the acid-base balance in the body. Vinegar as an acid is indicated for people with low acidity of the stomach. Those who have high acidity should not use vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is great for reducing appetite, which will certainly have an impact on your weight loss results.

The vitamins and minerals that vinegar is rich in help the body restore its immune system and weakened nervous system.

The amino acids and vitamins present in apple cider vinegar determine the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of vinegar, as well as its ability to help with high blood pressure, migraines, arthritis, sore throat, runny nose and many other diseases. There are many recipes using apple cider vinegar to cure these ailments, but the most important thing to keep in mind when using them is that the apple cider vinegar should be homemade and not bought in a store.

Recipe for making apple cider vinegar at home.

Wash several kilograms of apples (according to your needs), remove rot and chop (grate on a coarse grater, twist using a meat grinder). The apples can be the most ordinary and not even beautiful, this will not affect the result. Weigh the resulting puree and transfer it to a container of appropriate volume (clay, glass, enamel). Add water to the container at the rate of 0.5 liters per 400 g of puree. Pre-mix water with honey or sugar (100 g per 1 liter of water), yeast (10 g per 1 liter of water), dry black bread (20 g per 1 liter of water). Cover the container with future vinegar with a towel and store in a warm place (20-30 degrees) for 10 days, stirring with a wooden spoon or stick 2-3 times a day.

After 10 days, the resulting mass is squeezed through cheesecloth into jars. To each liter of the resulting liquid, you must add 50-100 g of sugar or honey and be sure to mix until they are completely dissolved.

The next step will be fermentation. The jar with the prepared liquid must be tied with a linen rag and placed in a warm place for a favorable process. In total, this stage lasts 40-60 days. When the process is complete, the liquid will become lighter in color.

The finished vinegar is filtered and poured into storage containers (dark glass bottles are best). Apple cider vinegar should be stored in a cool and preferably dark place.

After you taste the vinegar homemade, you simply cannot call what is sold in stores apple cider vinegar.

For weight loss This vinegar should be taken diluted: 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of water. If desired - either 1 time a day (in the morning), or 3 times a day - before meals (half an hour before meals). The result of people who lost weight in this way was a weight loss of 1-4 kg per month.

If you doubt whether you should resort to this method of weight loss, you can start taking apple cider vinegar and strictly monitor your condition; at the slightest ailment that could be caused by vinegar, stop taking it. In this case, you will understand how your body reacts and whether it is worth continuing to eat it.

Homemade spiced vinegar for decoration

So let's get started. First of all, we need a beautiful half-liter bottle. Required condition: glass and with a tight stopper. The cognac bottle looks very nice. You can decorate any bottle yourself with flavored vinegar. And in large supermarkets there are special vessels and bottles for sale. sunflower oil and vinegar - pot-bellied.

And, the main components of our homemade vinegar masterpiece:

  • 0,5 liter of vinegar,
  • 7 black peppercorns
  • 2 buds of cloves,
  • 3 clove of garlic,
  • ground nutmeg on the tip of a knife,
  • a pinch of cumin,
  • 1 tsp. provencal herbs,
  • 1 tsp. salt,
  • dill greens - 3-5 sprigs,
  • 1 small carrot and
  • red Bell pepper.

How to make spiced vinegar at home

Peel the garlic and carrots. Cut the carrots into circles, sweet peppers into long strips or a semicircle (as you like). Dry the dill.
Place all the spices, garlic, pepper, dill and carrots in a dry vinegar bottle.
Bring the vinegar to a boil separately. It should cool slightly, pour the vinegar into a bottle with spices, cap it tightly and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks (I put it in the pantry).
After this period, spicy and aromatic homemade vinegar can be used for salads, sauces and meats.

: http://apteka.pluskina-so-znakom-plus.ru/balzamicheskiy-uksus/#ixzz2dxJozdq4

Four Thieves Vinegar

The vinegar of the “four thieves” was first prepared and used in France, or more precisely in Marseilles during sad events (plague was raging in the city). As legend has it, the four thieves, using the antiseptic properties of vinegar and herbs, looted in the plague quarters and did not get sick .But one day they were caught doing this indecent activity and, in exchange to save life, they revealed the secret of its preparation. Like any old recipe, the “four thieves” vinegar has several options, one of which is given below. So, to prepare the old recipe you need:

1 liter of apple cider vinegar (can be colorless wine)

1 teaspoon ground cloves

1 teaspoon chopped nutmeg

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

2 teaspoons dried rosemary herb

2 teaspoons leaves dry peppermint

2 teaspoons dried sage leaves

2 teaspoons crushed garlic

All ingredients are placed in a transparent, colorless bottle with a tight-fitting lid and kept for 15-20 days in bright sun (only clear days are counted).

After infusion, the vinegar is filtered and bottled.

Used to disinfect hands and all surfaces in the house.

. To prepare vinegar in home conditions They use pomace, yeast residues, and rotten berries. The pomace is filled with water at the rate of 1 liter per 5 kg of pomace. After infusion for 5-6 hours, the pomace is squeezed out in a bag or pressed. The resulting extract is poured into a container and fermenting wort is added to stimulate fermentation - approximately 50 g per 1 liter of container. After fermentation is complete, it is poured into a container where acetic bacteria will develop, converting alcohol into vinegar. The container is filled to 3/4 of the volume and covered with a thick mesh to ensure free access of air and prevent the penetration of vinegar flies and other insects.

To speed up the formation of grape vinegar, you can add ready-made wine or alcohol vinegar to the container at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter of container. After one and a half to two months, acetic bacteria will convert all the alcohol into acetic acid. After this, the vinegar is filtered, bottled and pasteurized. Grape vinegar prepared in this way is superior in taste and aroma to ordinary alcohol vinegar.



This is interesting: