White and black mulberry jam: recipes and recommendations. Mulberry preparations for the winter: jam, compote, etc. Mulberry jam - tasty and healthy

White and black mulberry jam: recipes and recommendations. Mulberry preparations for the winter: jam, compote, etc. Mulberry jam - tasty and healthy

To begin with, I will give an excerpt from the book by S. Ilyina (a doctor with 30 years of scientific and practical experience) “Life in Love.” I love this book very much - the author writes about each plant with such love that it is a pleasure to read.

“In the East, this tree is considered sacred; a table is placed under its crown in the yard, at which all family members spend time, and a bed is made under it. Everything in this tree is useful: roots, roots, twigs, leaves and, of course, fruits. Leaves relieve fever and pacify pain; purulent wounds are treated with twigs; the root bark heals the heart - even with “love” wounds it helps, and also lungs, bronchi and bronchial asthma. Bark of twigs and branches medium size treats all kidney diseases.

Red mulberry is good for the blood, white mulberry is good for the nervous system. If the mulberries are dried, then compotes in the spring are not only a pleasure from taste and color, but also the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency...

... If you get enough of it during the season and prepare it for the winter, then many illnesses will pass you by, there will be no exacerbations, and the “fashionable” viral flu will bypass your family. It is impossible to find a better stimulant for the body.

photo by V. Inogorodsky

If a boy suffered from paratitis (“mumps”) or scarlet fever in his childhood, then mulberry should definitely become his favorite berry. These childhood infectious diseases, even with the most careful treatment, leave their mark on their genital area. For girls, childhood infections pass without leaving a trace. And future men, husbands, need outside help. It is best and most effective from mulberry.
In addition to compotes, you can prepare fillings for pies and pancakes from soaked berries, and add them to casseroles with cottage cheese and noodles.
The recipe for preparing mulberries with honey for treatment has been passed down for centuries. men's "suffering". Boil a kilogram of fresh or half a kilogram of dry berries (any color) in half a liter of water for 30 minutes. Pour the infusion into another container, add new water and boil for another 30 minutes. Drain the water, place the mixture in the water from the first cooking, rub until it becomes viscous, add 300 g of honey. Boil. Cool. Place in a glass bowl. Take a teaspoon 2 times a day an hour after meals. Over the age of 45, it is useful for both men and women. Menopause will pass smoothly, without anxiety or worry.
Mulberries contain sugar, a significant amount of potassium, iron, and vitamins. Mulberry fruits have choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory action and are recommended for biliary dyskinesia, constipation, cardiac and renal edema origin, inflammatory processes. The fruits are used fresh, dried, or canned.

Now let’s see what other doctors write about this wonderful tree and its fruits.

“The berries are pleasant to the taste, contain sugar up to 10% (white - up to 20%), mainly fructose and glucose, organic acids (malic, citric), pectin, vitamins, copper and iron salts. Mulberry leaves contain a large set of vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid, and beta-sitosterol.

Mulberry berries are widely used in oriental medicine.

photo by V. Inogorodsky

In Vietnam, the drug fomidol is prepared from the leaves of Sh., which increases the body's defenses in the treatment of skin diseases and rheumatism. In terms of biological action, it corresponds to the preparations aloe and biosed (adjuvant, stimulating metabolic processes and tissue regeneration (restoration) in ophthalmology (in eye practice), therapy, surgery and dentistry).

In Japan, Sh flowers, ground with vegetable oils, are included in cosmetic creams.
Currently, Sh. is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, enterocolitis.

Ripe berries when fresh have a laxative effect; the pectins contained in the berries protect the digestive tract from the irritating effects of gastric contents. Compotes, jams, and marshmallows have the same effect.
Tea made from dried berries causes sweating. It is used for colds, as well as hypertension.
For heart diseases, berries are used as a diuretic, 200 - 250 g. in a day.
Juice from Sh. berries is drunk 2-3 tbsp. spoons per day for hypertension, heart disease associated with weakened work cardiac muscle, with myocardial dystrophies, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, tachycardia and extrasystole. The treatment course is 3 weeks. Take 200 - 300 grams daily. fresh berries or an infusion of dried ones.
Black Sh. in any form is useful for anemia. As an aid for diabetes mellitus use fresh berries or an infusion of dry ones.
People use dry leaves of Sh: they are crushed into powder and sprinkled on food - cottage cheese, vinaigrette - half a teaspoon 1 - 2 times a day. Accept and decoction of young twigs. They are cut into pieces of 2-3 cm and dried in the shade. To prepare the decoction, pour 3-4 pieces of water into two glasses of water, bring to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours. Take a quarter glass a day in fractional doses. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks, repeated after a two-week break.
An infusion of berries is used to rinse the mouth when tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis.
An infusion of their dry berries is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of crushed berries are poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 4 hours, filtered, and drunk throughout the day in fractional portions (for diabetics), taking into account the amount of liquid allowed by the doctor. After taking the infusions of Sh. Not recommended drink regular tea, because... its tannins precipitate the beneficial substances of the mulberry, converting them into insoluble compounds.
For long-term storage, the squeezed juice is evaporated to the consistency of thick syrup (up to a third of the original volume). This syrup is called bekmes (dushab). It has a pleasant taste and retains all the medicinal properties of Sh.
The waste after squeezing the juice is dried and used to prepare infusions, just like berries.
Fresh pulp is left for fermentation, then used externally for baths and poultices for diseases. joints and neuralgia. For patients with diabetes, the berries are preserved in the form of a thick compote without sugar.
Gingerbread cookies are baked from mulberry pomace, which can be stored for a long time.”

Doctor med. Sciences, Professor A. Turova
Doctor E. Sapozhnikova

Fruits and fruit juice recommended with swelling in the mouth and throat, with dysentery.
Gruel and juice from fresh berries mulberry is used as a remedy against dandruff and promotes hair growth. To do this, apply a cloth bandage with gruel or juice to the scalp at night for 3 - 8 hours.

For senile constipation and hemorrhoids Traditional medicine recommends taking fresh mulberries half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day before meals.

According to Avicenna's descriptions, mulberry stimulates appetite, makes food slip through and quickly removes it. However, with its laxative nature, it sometimes prevents chronic diarrhea and ulcers in the intestines, especially dried mulberries. All varieties of mulberries drive urine. Mulberry bark serves as an antidote for headaches. In his “Canon of Medical Science,” he strongly recommended eating mulberries, believing that they contribute to longevity and preservation of performance, especially in older people.

Avicenna here calls the black sour mulberry and emphasizes that its fresh juice and dried fruits delay the formation of tumors in the mouth and are good for malignant ulcers, and the leaves are useful for toads and sore throats. Rinsing your mouth with juice squeezed from sour mulberry leaves is useful for toothache.

Residents of the Caucasus also believe that mulberry prolongs life

Tea and aqueous extracts from white mulberry leaves are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, some mental illnesses and epilepsy.

Decoction of red mulberry leaves - 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves pour half a liter of water, boil for three minutes and drink throughout the day like tea. The next day prepare a new portion - with diabetes mellitus.

Young leaves of Sh are no less valuable for nutrition and treatment. On the island of Java, they are even classified as vegetables and are especially recommended for nursing mothers. They contain almost all known vitamins, organic acids, rubber, essential oils, sterols and much more.

It is recommended to take berries (just eat as much as you like!), especially for hypertension, heart and stomach diseases. Mulberry fruits act anti-inflammatory, have blood purifying and hematopoietic properties, normalize impaired metabolism of the whole body, they are recommended for use in obesity and depleted people.

Traditional medicine of Georgia uses infusion of ripe fruits for colds; berry juice - for cough, diluted with water, it is used for stomatitis, tonsillitis; infusion of root bark- as an anthelmintic

Mulberry wood is highly valued - dense, elastic, heavy... It is used as a construction and ornamental material in carpentry and cooperage, even musical instruments are made from it, and yarn, ropes, and ropes are made from bast. Well, the name itself says that you can’t do without it to obtain silk.

Culinary use

Mulberry fruits are consumed raw, dried, or canned. They are used to prepare jam, compotes, juices, seasonings for culinary products, pita bread, bekmes, adding a minimal amount of sugar.

Mulberry jelly

1 cup mulberries, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons gelatin, 3 cups water, lemon juice.
Rinse the ripe fruits, remove the stems, and rub through a sieve. Pour gelatin dissolved in cold water into boiling water, add the pureed mass, sugar, and, stirring, bring to a boil, remove from heat, pour in lemon juice, stir.

Mulberry drink with milk

1 cup mulberries, 3 cups milk, 1/2 cup sugar.
Rinse the ripe fruits, remove the stems, and rub through a sieve. Combine the puree with boiled cooled milk, sugar, whisk, and cool.

Mulberry jam

Consumption: 1 kg mulberry, 1 kg sugar, juice of 1 lemon. Sprinkle the prepared fruits with sugar and place in a cool place for several hours until the juice appears. Then cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes, remove from heat. The next day, cook until tender, add lemon juice, stir, cool.”

Mulberries in sugar syrup

For such canned food, you can take fruits of any color or a mixture of varieties of different colors. Ripe fruits are washed with cold water, allowed to drain, and then laid out in one layer on oilcloth to dry. During the drying process, the fruits are periodically stirred so that the entire surface is dry. The dried mulberries are passed through a meat grinder. Sugar syrup is boiled at the rate of 1.2 kg of sugar and 300 g of water per 1 kg of fruit. Chopped mulberries are poured with boiling sugar syrup, the mixture is stirred well and packaged hot into sterilized hot jars, filling them to the top.

The filled jars are covered with pre-prepared parchment paper mugs soaked in alcohol. (The diameter of the circles should be equal to the outer diameter of the jar.) On top of the paper circles, the jars are covered with metal lids and sealed. Closed jars are kept at room temperature until cool, then placed in a cool place.

Mulberry crispbread

After making juice or syrup from mulberries, tender pomace is usually left over. They are mixed with wheat flour and small loaves of bread are baked in the oven. When fresh, they are very tasty, and when they dry they turn into gingerbread, which can be stored for a long time without any spoilage.

Black mulberry jam (Armenian cuisine)

Sort the mulberries, remove the stalks, then put the berries on a dish, cover with sugar (half the norm) and leave in a cool place for 5-6 hours. Pour the resulting juice into a bowl, add the remaining sugar, boil the syrup and cool it.
Pour mulberries into the prepared syrup, shake the bowl carefully so that the berries are immersed in the syrup, put on fire and cook until tender. At the end of cooking, remove the foam from the jam.
Product consumption: black mulberry - 1 kg. sugar - 1.5 kg.

Mulberry jam - five minutes

Add sugar to the lye berries and, after leaving for 6-8 hours, boil over low heat for 5-8 minutes. After this, leave again for 5-6 hours, and then boil again for 5-10 minutes. Do this until the jam is completely ready. At the end of cooking, add lemon juice or 2-3 g of citric acid per 1 kg of mulberry to the jam.

Mulberry jam with sugar syrup.

Sugar syrup is prepared at the rate of: per 1 kg of berries, 1.5 kg of sugar for black varieties, 1.2 kg for white varieties and 1.5-2 glasses of water. Pour hot syrup over the berries, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-8 minutes. Remove from heat, after 5-6 hours bring to a boil a second time and cook for 5-6 minutes. After 5-6 hours, cook over low heat until tender. Before the end of cooking, add lemon juice or 3 g of citric acid per 1 kg of jam. The finished jam is packed hot into jars and sealed.

The same jam is produced with pasteurization. Filled jars are pasteurized at 90-95°: jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters - 8-10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes.

Mulberry jam (another recipe).

Pour syrup over the fruits and leave for 3-4 hours. Place in a sieve or colander, and boil the syrup to a boiling point of 104-105°. Dip the discarded fruits into the finished syrup and cook over high heat until tender. At the end of cooking, add lemon juice or citric acid.

Mulberry dumplings

Wash the mulberries, sort them, remove the stalks, sprinkle with sugar and put in a cool place for 20-30 minutes, then place in a sieve or colander, strain the juice and make dumplings.
Serve strained mulberry juice with the finished dumplings.
Ingredients: wheat flour - 3 cups, water - 3/4 cup, eggs - 1 piece, mulberry - 4 cups, sugar - 1/2 cup.

Or - knead the dough for dumplings, roll out, cut out circles. Wash the mulberries and place in a colander, allowing the water to drain. Put 0.5 tsp on the dough. sugar, 1 tsp. mulberries. Form dumplings. Boil in salted water.

Serve sprinkled with sugar or sour cream.

Mulberry marmalade (Bulgarian cuisine)

Rub the washed and stemmed mulberries through a thick sieve, in which only the seeds should remain. Pour granulated sugar into the resulting puree and juice, cook over high heat until tender, stirring constantly. When the marmalade thickens, place it in glass jars, cover with parchment paper and tie.
Product consumption: mulberries - 1 kg, sugar - 0.5 kg.

Mulberry jam

Sort the berries, place in a colander, rinse carefully in the shower, let the water drain and rub through a colander, after removing the stems. Place the pureed mass in a cooking vessel, add sugar and leave for several hours until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring occasionally. Then cook in small portions until tender (no more than 45 minutes). Shortly before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Cool the finished jam to 35-40 °C, package in dry jars, cover with plastic lids. Store in a cool dry place.

Products: for 1 kg of mulberries - 1 kg of sugar and 1-2 g of citric acid

Mulberry compote

Sort out fresh berries, just picked from the tree, remove the stalks, put them in a colander and place them in a basin or large saucepan with cold water so as not to damage them. Then pour the prepared cold sugar syrup over the mulberries, put on the fire and cook at a temperature of 80 degrees for 20 minutes. Pour the finished compote into prepared jars, leaving 2-3 centimeters to the top.
Product consumption: mulberry - 1 kg, sugar - 1 kg.

Mulberry marshmallow

Prepare mulberry puree as indicated in the recipe for marmalade, place in a basin, put on fire and cook until the bottom of the basin begins to show when stirred. Then spread the marshmallow in a thick layer on clean glass moistened with water so that it dries for several days. Cut the finished marshmallow into square pieces, sprinkle with powdered sugar or loja (wild olive) flour and place in glass jars.

Mulberry kvass

Mash 4 cups of sorted and washed mulberries, pour in 3 liters of cold boiled water, bring to a boil. Strain, add 1 glass of sugar, cool to room temperature, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yeast, ground with sugar and diluted with part of the syrup. Mix thoroughly, let stand in an open container for 3-4 hours, pour into bottles with tightly screwed caps, putting 4-5 raisins in each, and place in a cool place. Kvass will be ready in 4 days.


Sort the mulberries (white or black), rinse, remove the stems, add water and cook until completely softened. Then rub the mulberries together with the broth through a sieve, add lightly dried flour mixed with sugar, boil the mixture well and season with sour cream.
The mulberries are served hot.
Product consumption: mulberry-500 g, sugar-1/2 cup, sour cream-1/2 cup, wheat flour-1/2 cup, water-7 cups.

Mulberry pita bread

Sh. berries are crushed to a pasty state and the resulting mass is spread on boards or canvas, followed by drying in the sun.

Mulberry is a fruit of the mulberry tree that has a delicate, sweetish aroma. The berry is sweet and healthy. The vitamin set in its composition gives strength to the human body, increasing immunity and increasing resistance to infectious outbreaks. The sweetness of these fruits improves mood and helps cope with neuroses and depression.

Mulberry jam almost completely retains the composition of vitamins and microelements and is considered a healthy delicacy. Its creation is approached with special care due to the fragility of the berries. They need immediate processing, otherwise they lose their taste and medicinal functions.

To make jam, select mulberries of medium ripeness. Overripe fruits lose their beneficial properties and do not look as beautiful. They should be processed immediately after collection due to their rapid deterioration. The berries are very fragile and cannot be purchased on the market (they quickly lose their presentation).

Collection is carried out only in gardens. A tree growing near the road collects all harmful substances.

Important! You should not pick mulberries from the ground. Fallen fruits lose their beneficial properties.

Correct collection:

  • spread a towel or oilcloth at the foot of the tree,
  • shaking the plant
  • collecting fallen mulberries.

Berries are subject to careful selection and removal of green tails using scissors. It is not necessary to wash the mulberries. As a last resort, they are washed with a weak stream of water and dried.

Whole berries

Jam with whole mulberries looks great on a holiday table and is used as a decoration for many desserts. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  1. 1 kg mulberry fruits,
  2. 1.5 kg sugar,
  3. 1 packet of citric acid.

Manufacturing stages:

  • The mulberries are washed, dried, and the stems are cut off.
  • Place it in a saucepan, cover with granulated sugar, wait 8 hours.
  • Place the container on the stove, wait for it to boil (the crystals should completely dissolve), and cool.
  • Add citric acid or juice and boil.
  • Place in sterilized jars or clean containers (for quick use).

Important! If cooked for a long time, the fruits may lose their shape.


Mulberry jelly is a jam with a soft, unobtrusive taste. Required ingredients:

  1. 1 liter of berry juice,
  2. 20 g gelatin,
  3. 1 kg sugar.

Cooking method:

  • The mulberries are sorted, washed and processed.
  • Place in a container, knead with a fork, place on the stove, and boil for 15 minutes.
  • Cool, filter (the juice should be clear),
  • Add granulated sugar and gelatin and boil again.
  • Seal in sterile jars prepared in advance.

Jelly is an excellent dessert that gives vitamins on a winter evening.


Mulberry jam is a popular addition to baked goods and pies. To create it you need the following products:

  1. 1 kg mulberry fruits,
  2. 1 kg sugar,
  3. lemon juice.


  • The berries are sorted, washed in running water, and the stems are removed.
  • Place in a container and grind using a blender.
  • Stir with sugar, put on the stove, wait for it to boil.
  • Cook for about 45 minutes. (to the desired thickness),
  • Add lemon juice and wait until it boils.
  • The jam is packaged in jars prepared in advance (sterilized).


The recipe for jam with the addition of cinnamon is popular because of its original taste. We have to:

  1. 1 kg mulberries,
  2. 0.5 kg sugar,
  3. 100 ml water,
  4. lemon acid,
  5. cinnamon.

Manufacturing stages:

  • Preparation of fruits: wash, dry, cut off green shoots.
  • Place them in a saucepan, add sugar, pour water, add lemon acid and cinnamon.
  • Place on the stove and wait for it to boil.
  • Cook for 20 minutes.
  • Sterilize the jars, lay out the jam, and seal the lids.

Jam without cooking

You can prepare the delicacy without cooking. For this you will need:


  • Preparation of fruits: they are washed, peeled, and dried.
  • Place in a bowl, make a homogeneous mass using a blender, add sugar, stir.
  • Transfer the mixture to a cool place for a couple of days, stirring occasionally.
  • Sterilize the jars, lay out the treats, and roll up the lids.

With lemon

To make mulberry jam with lemon, we need the following ingredients:

  1. 1 kg mulberries,
  2. 0.5 kg sugar,
  3. juice of half a lemon.

Manufacturing stages:

  • The mulberry tree is selected, washed, and the stalks are cut off.
  • Place it in a saucepan and cover it with sand for 12 hours.
  • Place on the fire, wait for it to boil, and leave to cool.
  • Add lemon juice and bring to a boil again. Cook for 10 minutes
  • Pour into sterilized containers.

Important! Lemon increases the shelf life of jam.

With cherry

Cherry gives mulberry jam a special taste, adds nutrition and sweetness. To make this jam you need the following ingredients:

  1. 0.5 kg cherries,
  2. 1 kg mulberries,
  3. 0.6 kg sugar.


  • Wash and sort the berries. Cut off the green leg. The pits are removed from the cherries.
  • The fruits are transferred into different containers and covered with sand.
  • Leave for a couple of hours.
  • Place all the ingredients in a saucepan and place on the stove.
  • The cooking process is carried out three times (before each time the jam is cooled). Boiling time: 5 minutes. Third time - 30 minutes.
  • The jars are sterilized, the finished product is poured, and the lids are screwed on.

Beneficial features

Mulberry is distinguished by the persistence of its beneficial properties even with a significant increase in temperature. It contains magnesium, potassium and iron in large quantities and vitamins B, A, C. Mulberry has the following medicinal properties.

Mulberry jam is an infrequent guest not only on store shelves, but also on home menus. And although the mulberry (or mulberry tree) is unpretentious, for some reason now it is becoming less and less common to see it in garden plots. In the pursuit of the exotic, they somehow forget that you can use berries that are familiar to everyone from childhood in order to make homemade preparations no worse than, for example, blackberries, which are more in demand now. And then your children won’t ask what mulberries look like, but will simply enjoy fresh berries and their favorite jam!

Ingredients for 1 kilogram of mulberries:

  • a few grams of lemon juice or citric acid;
  • from 400 g sugar.

How to make lye berry jam

Sort through the berries, removing the stems. Once you wash them, you can do this right away in a colander, so that you don’t have to transfer them from one dish to another. Mulberries, like blackberries, are tender and don’t need endless stress.

As soon as you realize that the berries are left without water, sprinkle them with sugar, shaking the container (not enameled) in which you will cook them. Then the sweet joy will be evenly distributed throughout the mulberry mass.

Let the mulberry release some juice. Then you can cook it over low heat until it boils. And then continue this process for another five minutes to allow the sugar to completely dissolve.

Set the jam aside, remembering to cover it with something warm and comfortable in size (for example, a towel). You can return to it in a couple of hours, or you can leave it in this position overnight.

When you put the wonderful brew on the fire again, make sure that it is not too big. Once boiling, keep the jam on the stove for as long as needed to get the texture of the jam to your liking. However, keep in mind that as it cools, it will definitely become thicker. So don't get too carried away.

A few minutes before the end of cooking the jam, season it with lemon juice (or acid). When hot, pour the mulberry mass into hot (sterilized) jars. Seal them if you plan to store sweet preserves for a long time. No, once cooled, cover with a plastic or screw cap and put in the refrigerator.

If you are tired of store-bought confitures and jellies, you should start making excellent desserts yourself. Moreover, it will not be difficult to cook or cook at all.

And when your family tastes the goodies, open the mulberry jam! The beneficial properties of the delicacy are difficult to overestimate. Berries are rich in vitamins and contain a large number of useful microelements and minerals.

In addition, here or mulberry in jam is beneficial for people suffering from anemia and nervous system disorders. Mulberries must be introduced into the diet of people during the period of rehabilitation after abdominal operations, fractures and, attention, dear ladies - eat mulberry jam, the beneficial properties of the berry will give you such a rejuvenating effect that not even the most advertised cream will give you! And if you often experience inflammation of the genitourinary system (cystitis), dried mulberries will help you get rid of the unpleasant illness forever.

Jam is delicious, but there are many more desserts. For example, if there are mulberries left, compotes made from them are perfectly aromatic. What you need for the berry and fruit recipe:

  • 400 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 liter of clean water;
  • 5 gr. citric acid;
  • 2-3 large apples;
  • 300 gr. unripe mulberries;
  • 1 pear.

Cooking compote is incredibly simple, but you will need 1 medium and 1 large saucepan, sterilized jars, and an iron stand. What to do:

1. Wash and dry berries and fruits;

2. Boil syrup from sugar and water;

3. In a large saucepan, with a stand placed on the bottom, boil enough water to cover the full jar up to the shoulders;

4. Peel apples, pear (if you want), seeds, cut into cubes or slices;

5. Dip the fruit in syrup and boil for 1-2 minutes, add lemon, boil and immediately remove from heat;

6. Pour berries (as many as you want) into jars, pour syrup with fruit and place in a pan of water for sterilization;

7. Sterilize jars for 0.5 - 15 minutes, liter jars - 20 minutes;

8. Roll up the lids, turn over and cool under a blanket.

An excellent dessert is ready. If you still have mulberries, compotes with grapes, cherries or other fruits will be no less fragrant.

Making mulberry jam is not much more difficult than jam, but the dessert turns out not just aromatic, but divinely delicious! Here's what you need for the treat:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2-3 gr. citric acid.

Everything is relatively simple: sort the berries, rinse and dry. Add sugar, knead slightly and let stand for a day in a warm place. The next day, boil in syrup with the addition of lemon (don’t forget to stir thoroughly and carefully so that the sugar dissolves), simmer the dessert over very low heat for 30 minutes. Place into jars, seal and store in a cool, dark place. Mulberry jam does not need to be sterilized, and the mass is also ideal for filling pies, pies or rolls.

Few housewives know how to make mulberry jelly, so we are happy to share the recipe. What do you need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 600 gr. Sahara;
  • 1/2 tbsp. water.

You can cook jelly in several ways:

1. Wash and dry the sorted berries, blanch in water for 3 minutes, add sugar and cook until completely dissolved, stirring and mashing the berries. Place the mixture in a very thick linen bag and hang it over the pan where the juice will drip. When collecting the juice, boil it down to a third of its volume - this is real jelly, which is stored in the cold.

2. Sprinkle the prepared berries (washed and dried) with sugar, crush, and place in a warm place overnight. The next day, bring the syrup and berries to a boil (if there is not enough juice, add water), boil for 5 minutes, rub the mixture through a sieve and boil the resulting jelly again for about 5-7 minutes. Place aromatic mulberry jelly into jars, seal and refrigerate. The pomace is suitable for cooking jelly or fruit juice.

Dried mulberries: benefits and harms of fruits

Dried mulberries are a separate topic for discussion. It’s worth starting with the fact that dried mulberries have beneficial properties that complement fresh fruits. For example, dried mulberries, the calorie content of which does not exceed 50 kcal/100 g. much sweeter than fresh berries, and the fruits have the following qualities:

1. Normalize blood sugar;

2. Dried white mulberries do an excellent job of removing cholesterol plaques and helping with leg muscle cramps;

3. Dried mulberries contain iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, C, BB, organic acids, fats;

4. Dried mulberries will also help cleanse the intestines. The calorie content of the product is so low that the fruits are recommended for use as a preventive measure for people suffering from obesity. Dried white mulberry is especially good, the beneficial properties of which help remove toxins from the body;

5. Dried white mulberries have a mild but powerful laxative effect, and the result is guaranteed, even if you have serious intestinal problems;

6. In case of problems with stool and hemorrhoidal inflammation, dried mulberries will also help. The beneficial properties of the berry relieve pain, heal microcracks and wounds, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Here it is, dried mulberries. The benefits are not limited only to the effect on the gastrointestinal tract and peristalsis. A decoction of berries and leaves will help calm your sleep; juice and tinctures from berries will help get rid of pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma. Well, during the mulberry ripening season, you just need to eat plenty of berries and dry them as much as possible, because this is an indispensable pantry for replenishing the immune system in the winter.

The use of dried mulberry in cosmetology is also unparalleled: lotions for bruises and bags under the eyes, alcohol solutions for disinfecting scratches and compresses from infusions for healing serious wounds - all this is dried mulberry; the benefits of the berries are truly priceless.

There are no contraindications to eating berries, except for individual intolerance to the fruit. Moreover, dried berries contain only a storehouse of vitamins. However, when considering the question: dried mulberries: benefits and harms, it is necessary to recall that the berries can lead to bloating in children. Therefore, caution will not hurt.

And now dried mulberries, recipes for the home medicine cabinet:

1. Wash the leaves and berries, dry them, pour boiling water over them and leave in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Proportions 1:2 (1 part of the mixture per 2 cups of water). Strain the infusion, cool and take a third of a glass 1 hour before meals - the immune system will be satisfied and the stool will normalize;

2. 1 tbsp. chop twigs, leaves and berries, pour 1 tbsp. alcohol and leave in a dark, cool place for a week. Dilute with water 1:1, lotions and healing compresses for abrasions and scratches are ready;

3. Pour 1 liter of warm water into 2 handfuls of dry berries, the next day boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes, the broth is ready to cleanse the skin and drink well at elevated temperatures.

Of course, these are not all recipes. Dried mulberries are used very widely, not only for berries, but also for leaves, bark, and twigs. And you can always, after slightly blanching the berries, add them to your morning muesli, enriching your breakfast with vitamins and minerals. You don’t want to bother with cooking, eat the fruits like this, you will love the sweet dried mulberries, the uses of which are so diverse and beneficial for your health.

We are accustomed to taking this wonderful berry a little lightly: you rarely meet a person who has planted a tree in his garden. More often, mulberry (the second name of this tree) is associated with childhood, when, running through yards in the summer, you could pounce on a tree strewn with berries and eat to your heart's content.

Mulberry jam - tasty and healthy

And it was really worth eating. The richest set of vitamins contained in mulberries not only increases the content of microelements in the body, but also helps strengthen the immune system. Mulberry juice, with its anti-inflammatory effect, can be used to treat colds and seasonal infections.

But in order for the effect to be not only preventive, but for potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron to be preserved until winter, housewives have learned to prepare mulberries in the form of compotes and jam. Of course, doctors say that during heat treatment, some of the vitamins A, B and C, which the mulberry is rich in, evaporate. But something still remains.

In addition, mulberry is indispensable for the nervous system of the body - stress, mild forms of depression, insomnia - these are just a few ailments that can be dealt with without pills by eating a couple of spoons of mulberry jam.

All of the listed beneficial properties of the berry, together with the amazing delicate taste of the jam, guarantee an uplifting mood and improvement in the general condition of the body.

How to make mulberry jam - preparation

Dark cherry and white mulberries are considered the most suitable for jam. Other varieties - pink, red - are not so sweet, but can also be used. So, in order to collect ripe and juicy berries, you may need one deftly tree-climbing child - he will be able to get to the top of the tree and pick mulberries.

But it is safer and easier to use another method: spread an oilcloth under the tree and thoroughly shake the tree. Ripe berries will fall at your feet, and the rest will remain to ripen.

Next, of course, wash and remove the stalks. To make the jam beautiful, remove the mashed berries. It’s better to put it straight into your mouth - there are never too many fresh vitamins, but you can cook compote. Leaving the mulberries to dry, we prepare an enamel pan or basin. We sterilize the jars in which the jam will be sealed in advance.

Mulberry jam - recipe

We pour the washed and slightly dried berries and sugar into a basin in layers: we actually sprinkle the berries with sugar. Leave for 8-9 hours (possibly overnight). During this time, juice is formed, which will be the syrup in our jam.

Next, put the mixture on low heat, stirring constantly, bring the sugar until completely dissolved and leave the jam to rest for 25-30 minutes. Add citric acid and bring to a boil a second time. Roll the hot jam into prepared jars.

To use this recipe, take berries and sugar in a ratio of 1x1.5 and always 2-3 grams of citric acid.

The second option for making mulberry jam

For this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg mulberries;
  • 1.3 kg sugar;
  • 400-500 ml of water.

Pour boiling syrup over the berries, bring the jam to a boil and leave to cool. We do this 2-3 times. If during this time the jam does not boil down, then repeat the procedure several more times.

Finally, we put the jam into jars and roll up the lids.

Mulberry jam with whole berries

The third recipe is a variation of the previous cooking method. The difference is that to preserve the “marketable appearance” of the berries, the syrup is filtered through a sieve.

Then the syrup is boiled, the mulberries are returned to it, citric acid is added and brought to a boil over low heat. And, as always, they are rolled into prepared jars.

Mulberry jam - jelly

This version of jam should rather be called mulberry jelly or jam.

For a liter of mulberry juice take:

  • 700-1000 grams of sugar.

Gelatin should be added at the rate of 15-20 grams per 1 liter of liquid.

How to cook:

  1. If you decide to boil it, you don’t have to carefully select the mashed berries, because... To obtain a homogeneous mass, the entire mulberry must be mashed. It's better to do this with a wooden spoon.
  2. Next, put the berry mass on low heat and wait for the juice to start releasing. As soon as it appears, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for about 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from the burner and let the resulting compote cool.
  4. Next, using gauze or a sieve with a fine mesh, strain the juice, add gelatin and sugar and quickly bring it to a boil.
  5. Pour into jars and wait for the “cold winter evenings” to enjoy mulberry jelly.

Mulberry jam - mulberry jam

This preparation is more of a jam than a preserve. But sometimes there is no need to preserve whole berries (or, conversely, there are a lot of crushed fruits in the harvested crop). To make jam, you need to wash the berries and leave them to dry.

At this time, prepare syrup at the rate of 1.1 kg of sugar and 300 ml of water per kilogram of berries. Set the boiled syrup aside and pass the berries through a meat grinder. Combine the crushed mulberries and syrup, bring to a boil and roll into jars.

In order for everything to turn out easy and tasty, you need to listen to the advice of professional chefs.

  • Firstly, you need to prepare everything you need in advance - from dishes to jam components.
  • And, secondly, if rolling up cans is not your thing, you can use sterilization. For half liter jars this process will take approximately 15 minutes.
  • Thirdly, before making jam, pay attention to the sweetness of the berries. To make the jam have a balanced taste, add lemon juice or reduce the amount of sugar to very sweet berries. On average, 1 kg of sugar is used per 1 kg of berries, but this ratio can be changed either up or down.

Don't be afraid to try new recipes - mulberry jam will give you great pleasure when it's served.



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