Dishes for the gala table. Sponge cake with strawberries. Example: organizing a husband’s birthday at home

Dishes for the gala table. Sponge cake with strawberries. Example: organizing a husband’s birthday at home

Birthday is the most important holiday for most of us. But over time, imagination becomes exhausted, and monotonous dishes appear on the table. I want something new, but no less tasty. What should the birthday menu be like? What original thing can you put on the table and surprise your guests?

Birthday menu composition

If you decide to celebrate your holiday at home, then you need to decide in advance what dishes and in what quantities you will prepare. However, you should not overdo it and prepare too many different kinds of dishes; most likely, most of them will never come to fruition. In addition, these should be relatively easy-to-prepare dishes, especially if you will be doing the cooking alone. Otherwise, you will be so tired that you will no longer want a holiday or a festive table.

The choice of dishes for your birthday depends on the format of the event. Will you sit at the table all the time, or perhaps you want to have a buffet, and soon move on to the entertainment program and dancing. In addition, you should definitely take into account the age of your guests and the time of year. The colder it is outside, the more food will be eaten.

Write on a piece of paper how many salads you want to prepare, how many appetizers, how many hot dishes. Moreover, try to cook as few similar dishes as possible. For example, if you decide to make the traditional “Herring under a Fur Coat” salad, you shouldn’t make another one. fish salad, for example, "Mimosa".

Traditional dishes for birthdays

  • First of all, these are, of course, snacks. There should not be too many of them; their goal is not to kill the appetite before the main course, but rather to excite it. Three to five types of snacks will be enough on the table.
  • Secondly, these are, of course, salads. Three types of different salads will be enough. And it’s just great if the base of these salads is different, for example, fish salad, vegetable and meat.

  • Thirdly, cutting. Cutting doesn't count a separate dish, but it should always be present on the table. Do not make too many cuts of one product - such dishes quickly become stale and spoil the overall appearance. It will be enough to have 1 plate (depending on the number of people) of meat, fish, vegetables and cheese.
  • Fourthly, there must be a side dish on the birthday table. At least one type. Most often, it is either mashed potatoes, or potatoes baked with mayonnaise.
  • Fifthly, and this is practically the main dish on the table, hot. One type of hot dish is a must. But you can prepare 2-3 types, for example.
  • And the final chord of the holiday is dessert. It must be on the holiday table. This could be a cake, a pie, a variety of pastries or cookies, ice cream, jellies and puddings. Here, focus on the preferences of the majority of guests. If you don’t know their tastes, you can prepare two or three types of dessert to definitely please everyone.

Snacks for a festive birthday menu

Lavash roll with crab sticks


  • Crab sticks - 200 g
  • Sausage cheese – 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Lavash - 2 pcs
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Preparation:

    • Cut crab sticks into small cubes. Grate the cooled sausage cheese and butter and mix with crab sticks.
    • Finely chop the greens, crush the garlic, mix with the previously prepared mixture, add mayonnaise and spices. Spread the resulting mass in a thin layer on pita bread, roll it up, wrap it with cling film on top and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Before serving, cut into beautiful pieces, diagonally.

    Salad with chicken and pickled mushrooms


  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Smoked chicken – 400 g
  • Marinated mushrooms – 50 g
  • Onions - 2 heads
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Fresh tomatoes – 5 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - from ½ lemon
  • Salt, mayonnaise
  • Preparation:

    • Finely chop the onion and fry it along with the mushrooms. Cut the chicken into cubes. Three cheese and eggs on a grater.
    • Let's make the sauce. To do this, mix mayonnaise with lemon juice and garlic.
    • We begin to lay out the salad in layers, coating each layer with the prepared sauce and pressing down a little. The first layer is chicken. The second layer is mushrooms and onions. The third layer is eggs. The fourth is cheese. Fifth - tomatoes.
    • You can cut out shapes from the tomatoes to decorate the top of the salad.

    Hot for a festive menu for a birthday

    Meat with cheese and mushrooms


  • Pork – 600 g
  • Mushrooms – 250 g
  • Cheese - 150 g
  • Flour - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise - 200 g
  • Pepper, salt
  • Preparation:

    • On a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, place half of the onion, which we previously cut into rings.
    • We cut the meat like chops, along the grain, about 1.5 cm thick, beat it, add salt and pepper. Place the meat on a baking sheet on top of the onions.
    • Fry the mushrooms and place on the meat.
    • Place the second half of the onion, cut into rings, on top and press lightly.
    • Sprinkle grated cheese on top of our dish, pour over mayonnaise and place in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.
    • You can make this dish even simpler and use no raw mushrooms, but marinated. Then they won't need to be fried.

    How to decorate a holiday table?

    You can beautifully decorate prepared dishes, both salads and main dishes, cold cuts and appetizers, giving them additional beauty. Such dishes will seem even tastier.

    Bon appetit and happy holiday!

    2015-12-02T04:00:11+00:00 admin useful tips

    Birthday is the most important holiday for most of us. But over time, imagination becomes exhausted, and monotonous dishes appear on the table. I want something new, but no less tasty. What should the birthday menu be like? What original thing can you put on the table and surprise your guests? Birthday menu composition If you decide...

    [email protected] Administrator Feast-online

    Making a menu for a birthday at home for 10 people is quite simple and quick. On our website you can find a huge number of recipes that include the simplest and most inexpensive products. In this article we have compiled a full menu.

    IN correct menu for a birthday, when you plan to gather in a close circle of 10 people, it definitely includes several appetizers and salads. You can't do without something satisfying. Many types of desserts will be easier and cheaper to make yourself than to buy in a store.

    Birthday menu at home for 10 people (photo)

    Lavash rolls with red fish

    This is a versatile, great snack. In general, you can put absolutely any ingredients in pita bread so that there is a variety of snacks on the holiday table. If your budget does not allow you to buy red fish, then the exact same appetizer can be prepared, for example, with canned fish.

    What do you need:
    One thin pita bread;
    200 grams soft cheese(you can take processed cheese OK);
    Fresh dill;
    200 grams of lightly salted red fish;

    The pita bread needs to be carefully unfolded in one layer. Spread the cheese evenly, then arrange small and thin pieces of red fish. All that remains is to sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and roll into a roll. If you are preparing the appetizer in advance, you can simply wrap the roll in foil and cut it crosswise into thin portions just before serving.

    Salad with crab sticks and oranges

    A great option that can be included in the menu for a birthday at home for 10 people in winter. If desired, the salad can be served in portions, placing it in cleaned orange mats.

    What do you need:
    250 grams crab sticks;
    Three oranges;
    Jar canned corn;
    Three chicken eggs;
    A couple of cloves of garlic;

    The eggs will need to be boiled and the liquid drained from the corn. Finely chop the ingredients and mix in a salad bowl. Before slicing oranges, we recommend peeling the membrane off them. As for garlic, it needs to be processed using a press and mixed with mayonnaise. Garlic mayonnaise season the original bright salad. You can still cook.

    Salad with cheese and chicken

    It's pretty traditional combination products, which turns out to be relevant in any situation. Chicken makes the salad filling, but leaves it dietary.

    What do you need:
    250 grams boiled breast chicken;
    Three chicken eggs;
    One big green apple;
    100 grams of hard cheese;
    A few tablespoons of mayonnaise;

    Wait until the breast has cooled and chop finely. Peel the apple and grate it on a coarse grater. Grate the cheese in the same way. Boil the eggs and cut into medium cubes. Mix the ingredients and season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with herbs on top.

    Pork with potatoes and apples (in the oven)

    The menu for a birthday at home for 10 people for a child or adult must include a hot dish. We suggest leaving your choice on the given universal recipe.

    What do you need:
    500 grams of pork;
    Two medium green apples;
    Five large potato tubers;
    500 ml sour cream;
    Half a glass of water;
    Salt, ground red pepper (paprika);

    At the very beginning, turn on the oven at 200 degrees so that it has time to warm up. Wash the meat, remove films and cut into small pieces. Also cut the apple and potatoes. To prepare the sauce, mix sour cream and water, paprika and salt.
    Take an oven dish and grease it with vegetable oil. First add the pork and apples and mix. Next add the potatoes. Pour sauce over everything. Place in the oven for an hour.

    Chocolate sausage made from cookies

    Of course, birthdays come with tea. If you are already tired of ordinary cakes, we suggest preparing delicious chocolate sausage for tea.

    What do you need:
    600 grams of cookies for tea;
    A can of condensed milk;
    A stick of butter room temperature;
    Seven tablespoons of cocoa;
    150 grams of nut kernels;

    Place the cookies in a large bowl and knead to form round crumbs. Chop half the nuts and leave half whole. Mix everything with cookies, add cocoa, butter and condensed milk. Mix the mixture with your hands (it will be impossible to do this with a spoon).

    Divide the mass into three parts. Place each on cling film and roll into a roll. Close the ends and put in the freezer. Remove just before serving, cut when serving festive table portioned slices.

    It’s quite easy to create a birthday menu for 10 people at home. Let it include several appetizers and salads, one hearty main course and, of course, dessert.

    Already read: 44896 times

    In the summer, you want to celebrate your birthday with special dishes, because there are so many fresh fruits and vegetables around.

    Let the mayonnaise salads and cutlets remain in the winter, and in the summer we will prepare a festive treat with reflections of the sun. What to cook in the summer for a birthday, summer holiday menu especially for you, read on.

    Summer holiday - BIRTHDAY

    In the summer, the festive table shines with the bright colors of summer: emerald greens of parsley and dill, ruby ​​bell peppers and tomatoes, juicy apples and pears, amber bunches of grapes and...

    Yes, there are a lot of things you want to try or cook. Indeed, those who were born in the summer are lucky. All the richness of nature is available in the most incredibly fresh form and taste.

    All that remains is to set the table and invite the guests. What to surprise them with at a summer birthday banquet will be told to you by What and, of course, by me.

    What to cook for a birthday in the summer?

    Don't forget about fresh vegetable salads.

    Video recipe "Fresh vegetable salad"

    You can also make a simple and quick Caesar salad recipe from salads.

    Snack "Von Bismarck"


    • medium ripe tomatoes
    • ground pepper
    • dried basil
    • olive oil

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the tomatoes into slices, 0.5 cm thick or slightly thicker. Dry with napkins.
    2. Pour olive oil into a heated frying pan and place tomato slices on it.
    3. Fry for 1-2 minutes on each side.
    4. Place on a plate lined with lettuce leaves, salt, pepper and season with dried basil. You can drizzle with balsamic vinegar to taste. An excellent appetizer to pair with a variety of wines. Perfectly complements the taste of wine and cheeses.

    For main course, you can cook pork stuffed with vegetables.

    Recipe Baked pork "Meat Book"

    Mediterranean Chicken Recipe


    • big chick
    • 2 lemons
    • 2 goals garlic
    • 1 b. dry white wine
    • thyme
    • olive oil
    • ground pepper

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the chicken, dry with a towel, and rub with salt and pepper.
    2. Squeeze juice from one lemon, mix with wine and 3 tbsp. l. olive oil.
    3. Place the chicken in a tall dish and pour in the wine marinade.
    4. Peel the head of garlic, pass the cloves through a press and add to the chicken.
    5. Leave the chicken in a cool place to marinate for about 3-4 hours. Then cut along the breast and unfold like a book.
    6. Cut the second lemon into slices, place half on the bottom of the baking dish.
    7. Drizzle over lemons olive oil, place sprigs of thyme and chicken. Place remaining lemon and thyme over chicken.
    8. Crush the head of garlic with a knife and crumble it into a mold with your hands.
    9. Sprinkle with the remaining marinade and place in a hot oven for an hour. Baste with marinade periodically. Can be served in the same form.

    I also advise you to learn from the famous chef Uriel Stern and cook chicken in Moroccan style, just from Mediterranean cuisine!

    Video recipe "Moroccan Chicken"

    Sea sole with bell pepper


    • sole fillet
    • red bell pepper
    • 1 hot red pepper
    • mayonnaise
    • greens to taste

    Cooking method:

    1. Thaw the sole fillet and place on paper towels to keep it dry.
    2. Rub with salt and place on a greased baking sheet.
    3. bell pepper bake on the grill, remove the skin and chop with a knife.
    4. Wash the hot pepper, remove the seeds and chop finely.
    5. Coat the sole with mayonnaise, place the peppers on top and coat with mayonnaise again. Bake in hot oven about 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

    And another recipe that you can make in the slow cooker while you prepare other dishes!

    Baked meat in a slow cooker - aromatic marinade

    Quick pickled champignons


    • 1 kg fresh whole small mushrooms
    • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt
    • 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar
    • Bay leaf
    • peppercorns

    Cooking method:

    1. Wash the mushrooms, add water and bring to a boil. Drain the mushrooms and add fresh water. Add salt, pepper and bay leaf.
    2. Cook the mushrooms for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Then drain the liquid into a separate bowl.
    3. Pour vinegar into the mushrooms, stir and transfer to a sterilized glass jar or food container. Add marinade until mushrooms are covered with liquid. Pour vegetable oil over the top of the mushrooms.
    4. Place in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours. Serve the mushrooms chilled, with onions and dill.

    There are housewives who always know what to cook for guests.()

    For the reason that a traditional set of dishes will be served on the table, for example, Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat, jellied meat, baked ham, stuffed fish...

    Dishes from different countries and styles will look impressive on the table. The easy-to-follow recipes are chosen so that all guests are satisfied.

    Orange slice salad

    I always want to holiday salad It was not only tasty, but also beautiful. Why not make it in the shape of an orange slice? The best part is that this dish contains the most ordinary products, but it is guaranteed to decorate the New Year's table.


    • 1 carrot
    • 1–2 onions
    • 1 potato
    • 1 chicken fillet
    • 1–2 pickled cucumbers
    • 150 g hard cheese
    • 100 g mayonnaise


    1. Boil the potato and grate it on a coarse grater. Place on a crescent-shaped plate (orange slices). Cover the potatoes with a mayonnaise mesh on top.
    2. Boil the fillet and chop it. Place the chicken on the potatoes and cover again with the mayonnaise mesh.
    3. Dice the onion, place it on top of the chicken and cover with mayonnaise.
    4. Chop the pickled cucumbers, place them on the onion and brush with mayonnaise.
    5. Boil the carrots and grate them on a fine grater. Line the outside of the orange slice with carrots.
    6. Cover the rest of the slice with grated cheese, and make segments from the remaining carrots.
    7. Place the salad in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, and then serve!

    Salad with nuts

    An exquisite salad for those who want to surprise. Pear, cheese, nuts, balsamic... Gourmets, it's your choice!

    Ingredients for 4 servings

    • 2 packages spinach leaves or mixed lettuce leaves
    • 150 g blue cheese (can be replaced with regular hard cheese)
    • 2 pears
    • 1 tbsp. walnut kernels
    • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
    • 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil

    Dressing ingredients

    • 200 g thick yogurt without additives
    • 3 tsp. grain mustard
    • 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar


    1. Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan over medium heat until a pleasant, characteristic aroma appears. Make sure the nuts don't burn.
    2. Add sugar to the nuts, continue to fry for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly, until the nuts acquire a caramel shade and gloss.
    3. Place the nuts on a plate greased with vegetable oil, being careful not to let them touch each other.
    4. Cut the pear into thin slices, the cheese into small pieces.
    5. Prepare the dressing by mixing yogurt, mustard and balsamic.
    6. Place lettuce leaves on a wide, flat plate and place the rest of the ingredients on top. Serve the sauce separately.

    Snack "Chickens"

    This themed snack will be greeted with delight by both adults and children! Simply form your favorite pasta salad into balls, roll in grated cheese and garnish with carrot slices.

    Beef Wellington

    A classic dish of English cuisine will take center stage at New Year's table! The secret of success is unconditionally high-quality meat. When cooked correctly, it will remain tender and juicy inside the crispy dough.


    • 700–800 g beef tenderloin
    • 400 g champignons
    • 6–8 slices bacon or Parma ham
    • 500 g prepared puff pastry
    • 1–2 tbsp. l. not too spicy mustard
    • yolk for greasing
    • salt pepper
    • vegetable oil for frying
    • handful of flour
    • 40 g butter


    1. Mushrooms chop finely (you can use a food processor), and then fry in butter until the moisture has completely evaporated. Cool.
    2. Trim the beef from fat and films, wash if necessary, and dry with a paper towel. Fold the thin part of the tenderloin towards the center to form a cylinder. Secure with twine.
    3. Season the meat and fry on all sides in a very hot frying pan. vegetable oil until a golden brown crust appears. Cool, and then remove all the threads, salt and coat mustard. Wrap the beef in slices of bacon or ham.
    4. Sprinkle your work surface with flour and roll out puff pastry up to a thickness of 3 mm. Place mushrooms on a layer of dough and meat on top. Place so that after wrapping the mushrooms completely cover the meat. Wrap the pastry over the beef and trim off the rest.
    5. Place the meat on a baking sheet, seam side down, brush with beaten yolk. The top of the dish can be decorated with curly stripes from the remaining dough and also greased with yolk. Place in the refrigerator for 15–20 minutes, and in the meantime, turn on the oven and heat it to 200°C.
    6. Place meat into the oven for 30 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, turn off the oven and leave the dish there for another 15 minutes with the door ajar.
    7. Serve beef Wellington whole.

    Baked mackerel

    Baked mackerel in mustard marinade sauce turns out especially tasty: tender, juicy, with a slight sourness. Guests will ask for the recipe!


    • 2 medium sized mackerel
    • 1 onion
    • 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce
    • 2 tbsp. l. mustard
    • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise


    1. Mackerel Wash, remove entrails, cut into portions. Culinary secret: cutting and cutting fish will become easier if you do not defrost it completely.
    2. Onion peel, cut into half rings. Mix mustard, mayonnaise and soy sauce.
    3. Place the fish in a mold (you can line it with foil), add the onion, serve prepared mustard sauce . Leave to marinate for 20–30 minutes.
    4. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and bake the mackerel for 20-30 minutes. To form a beautiful crust, periodically pour the sauce over the fish.

    Potatoes "Dauphinois"

    The poetic name of this dish comes from the historical region of France, Dauphine, which belonged to the royal heirs - the Dauphins. At home, the food is loved and appreciated, and it is served both in gourmet establishments and in bistros on the streets of working-class neighborhoods. Believe me, it turns out very tasty!


    • 5 tbsp. l. butter
    • 2 cloves garlic
    • 1 kg potatoes
    • 500 ml cream 10% fat
    • salt, ground black pepper
    • a pinch of ground nutmeg


    1. Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut it up manual vegetable cutter with a long slot (mandolin). If you don’t have one on your farm, you will have to try and cut circles no more than 3 mm thick, because the slices should literally melt in your mouth after baking.
    2. Grease a baking dish with oil and spread the chopped garlic evenly over its bottom.
    3. Place the potato slices in the pan with a slight overlap, imitating fish scales. Lightly add salt and pepper to the first layer and add a pinch of nutmeg. Pour in a little cream. Next, lay out the potatoes in layers, not forgetting to add salt and pepper each time. Cream divide so that most of them remain on the last layer.
    4. Place pieces of remaining butter on the topmost layer.
    5. Cover the pan with foil and place in the oven to bake for 30–40 minutes at 180°C.
    6. Remove the foil and leave to brown for another 15–20 minutes. Serve in the same container in which the dish was prepared.

    Jelly cake

    What would a New Year's celebration be without dessert! In order not to overload the already high-calorie menu, "So simple!" offers to cook deliciously tasty and beautiful jelly cake: it will be the perfect finishing touch to a festive feast.


    • 3 oranges
    • 3 tangerines
    • 150 g canned pineapples
    • 1 small banana
    • 50 g gelatin
    • 1 packet vanilla sugar
    • 900 g sour cream
    • 1 tbsp. sugar for cream and 0.5 tbsp. sugar for biscuits
    • 3 eggs
    • 1 tsp. soda
    • 200 g flour


    1. Disband first gelatin in water according to the instructions on the package. After 40–60 minutes, heat up, stirring until completely dissolved, but do not boil!
    2. From eggs, 0.5 tbsp. sugar, flour and soda, knead the dough for a simple sponge cake.
    3. Fill it up batter into any suitable form and bake for 15 minutes at 180°C. Cool.
    4. Cooled down biscuit cut into 1.5 x 1.5 cm cubes.
    5. Peel tangerines, oranges, bananas. Cut the oranges into slices, separate the tangerines into slices, cut the banana into cubes. If you have canned pineapples in the form of rings, cut them into cubes as well.
    6. Whip sour cream with 1 tbsp. sugar, add vanilla sugar and cooled gelatin. Mix well.
    7. To the bottom springform start arranging the fruit beautifully. Then place part of the biscuit, and again fruit on it. Pour in half the cream. Now lay out the biscuit and fruit again, pour the remaining cream on top.
    8. Cover the cake with cling film and refrigerate overnight. The next day you can easily remove it from the mold by turning it over and opening the sides.

    You can supplement the proposed menu with tartlets with various fillings, cold cuts of meat and cheese, and another original salad.
    Make the necessary purchases in advance so as not to waste time and energy standing in lines at the race. Distribute the cooking process over several days, for example, boil vegetables for salads, marinate meat, fish... And then you will celebrate the holiday with full energy and in a good mood!
    Your friends should definitely see this article, share it soon!

    A birthday is a celebration that you look forward to with special trepidation. After all, it is he who gives so many positive emotions, pleasant words, sincere congratulations and long-awaited gifts. And this is a reason to get together with family and friends. But you also want to thank them and please them with something tasty.

    But what to do if there is no way to set a rich table, but you don’t want to lose face at all? It turns out that you can surprise your guests with luxurious dishes and an unusual menu without spending a large amount of money. We will tell you how you can save money.

    The sooner you start preparing for the holiday, the more likely you are to spend less money.

    It is better to monitor retail outlets a week before the celebration and note where you can buy certain products cheaper.

    Seasonality and replacement of heavy foods

    A lot also depends on what time you were born.

    For example, if your birthday is in the summer, you should focus on fruits and vegetables - at this time they are much cheaper than, say, in winter and spring.

    Fruits, berries, herbs and vegetables can not only be put on the table, but also cooked from them various dishes and salads.

    In winter, the basis of the menu can be preserved food from the cellar: preparations, tinctures, compotes.

    Create a menu

    Think in advance about what you will put on the table. Here is an economical (but no less tasty) version of the birthday menu:

    1. A variety of snacks (the more, the better). These can be cold and hot sandwiches, canapés, croutons, toasts, rolls, tartlets...
    2. Several types of salads.
    3. Hot meat dish: cutlets, baked chicken, fish or meat, meatballs, meatballs, cabbage rolls.
    4. Side dishes: rice, mashed potatoes, buckwheat.
    5. Dessert. It’s better to bake cakes, pastries, and muffins yourself - you save on groceries, and homemade baking Much tastier than store bought.
    6. From drinks you can make compote or jelly, from alcohol you can buy fruit cocktails.

    Recipes for simple and economical dishes for the holiday table

    For some reason, many people believe that the feast will not be successful if the guests do not prepare as much fatty meat food as possible, which causes a heaviness in the stomach. But people come to the holiday to have fun, not to fill their bellies, so make more light salads and snacks.

    Products for such a tasty and nutritious snack can be taken in any ratio. And it is very easy to prepare.

    1. Cut sausage, tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers into cubes.
    2. Mix all the products, do not forget to season with mayonnaise and place on pieces of loaf.
    3. Place grated cheese and herbs on top.
    4. Bake the sandwiches for 10 minutes in the oven.

    1. Grate the processed cheese and add mayonnaise to it.
    2. Add garlic (greens won’t spoil the taste either).
    3. Spread the filling on Armenian lavash and roll it into a roll.
    4. Cut it with a knife into pieces 4 centimeters wide.

    Tomato and cheese appetizer

    1. After cutting the tomatoes into slices, place them on a large flat plate.
    2. Grind the sausage cheese using a fine grater.
    3. Grind the garlic with a press.
    4. Mix cheese, garlic, add mayonnaise and place on tomatoes.

    Chanterelle salad

    If time does not limit you, you can design it in the form of a fox as in the photo, but this is not important.

    1. Boil the chicken (it’s better to use fillet).
    2. Cut 3 pickled or pickled cucumbers into strips.
    3. Grind the cheese using a coarse grater.
    4. Combine everything, 200 g Korean carrots, greens and 3 cloves of garlic passed through a press will add originality to the salad.
    5. Season the salad with mayonnaise.

    Hot dish – potatoes with chicken

    This option is not only economical, but also incredibly tasty.

    1. You can cut the chicken into pieces or take it whole. It needs to be grated with pepper and salt and placed on a baking sheet.
    2. Place 1 kilogram of chopped potatoes next to the meat.
    3. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for one hour.
    4. Sprinkle the finished dish with spices and herbs.

    This recipe is used as the base for many cakes. To prepare it you need very few ingredients. But before you start making it, remember the rules, without which baking may not work.

    • The container in which the dough is beaten must be completely dry.
    • During baking, do not open the oven door under any circumstances.

    And here is the recipe itself.

    1. Beat four whites with a mixer, then, without stopping, gradually add one yolk and a glass of sugar.
    2. Mix the dough with one glass of flour.
    3. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
    4. Cover the finished sponge cake with any cream and decorate with berries and fruits.

    As you can see, cover delicious table possible without much loss to your wallet. It is enough to purchase not the most expensive products, create an original menu and cook unusual dishes. You only need time, effort and imagination. You will only benefit from this - your guests will definitely be surprised by your resourcefulness and will appreciate the taste of the food. And you will get a lot of positive emotions and remember this birthday for a long time.



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