Pie with poppy seeds: all the secrets of delicious poppy seed pastries and filling. Magnificent festive cake with poppy seeds Flower-shaped cake with poppy seeds

Pie with poppy seeds: all the secrets of delicious poppy seed pastries and filling. Magnificent festive cake with poppy seeds Flower-shaped cake with poppy seeds

Sweet pies

2 hours

340 kcal

5/5 (1)

Homemade poppy seed pie - how delicious it is! Everyone in my family loves him. I don’t even have time to worry about my figure, as the pie flies away instantly and without my help.

Yeast poppy seed pie

Soft, airy poppy seed pie. It looks very impressive and appetizing, and also has outstanding taste.

Kitchen appliances:

  • stewpan (small saucepan);
  • whisk;
  • sieve;
  • 3-4 l saucepan;
  • wooden spatula;
  • rolling pin;
  • brush for brushing the dough;
  • baking paper;
  • baking tray;
  • oven.


For the test:

For filling:

Step-by-step recipe for poppy seed pie with photos


  1. Pour the whey into a saucepan, place on the fire and heat slightly until warm. Add dry yeast, a tablespoon of sugar to the warm whey and mix well with a whisk.

  2. Add 3 tablespoons of flour (sifted through a sieve), stir, cover and leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.

  3. During this time, the dough should fit well and increase in volume - which means you can continue to work with it. Pour most of the flour into the pan, leaving 1/4 of it to add to the dough later. Add salt and remaining sugar to the flour, mix with a wooden spatula.

  4. Add the eggs, pour the dough into the flour mixture and mix everything again.

  5. Mix the softened butter into the dough with your hands.

  6. Dust a clean counter with flour, turn out the dough, add a handful of the remaining flour and knead the dough for about 5 minutes, adding flour periodically. It should be dense, but at the same time soft and elastic, not sticking to your hands or work surface.

  7. Place the dough in the pan, cover tightly with a lid and leave warm for 60-90 minutes. During this time, the dough should rise and increase in volume.

Forming a pie

  1. Dust the work surface with flour, knead the dough and divide it into 4 parts. One piece of dough will weigh about 250 grams.

  2. Roll each piece of dough into a ball. Start working with one piece and cover the rest with cling film.

  3. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a round layer with a diameter of about 26-28 cm.

  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Place the rolled out sheet of dough on parchment. Here it will be convenient for you to shape the cake so as not to damage it.

  5. Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove and brush it onto the dough using a pastry brush.
  6. Sprinkle sugar on top and then poppy seeds so that the poppy seeds cover the entire surface of the dough. The poppy seed filling for this pie does not require pre-soaking.

  7. Beat the egg with a whisk and brush the poppy seeds with the egg mixture.

  8. Take another piece of dough and roll it out the same way (make it the same size) as the first.

  9. Cover the first layer with filling with this layer of dough and grease it in the same way butter, sugar, poppy seeds and beaten egg.

  10. Do the same with the third layer.

  11. Roll out the fourth one, cover the pie, but you don’t need to grease it with anything.

  12. When all the layers of the cake are formed, you can decorate it. Take a glass with a diameter of about 8 cm. Place it in the center of the pie, neck down. There is no need to press down hard. Just mark where the center will be with a circle.

  13. From the center circle, use a knife to divide the cake into 8 equal parts.

  14. Divide each petal into 2 more parts. You should have 16 segments.

  15. Take 2 pieces of one segment and twist them to opposite edges several times. Seal the edges. Do this tricky manipulation with all the other cut segments of the pie.

  16. Leave the formed pie in a warm place for 15 minutes.

  17. Brush the top of the cake with beaten egg to give it a delicious gloss.

  18. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 30-40 minutes. Be guided by the appearance of the pie; you want it to be well browned.

Take the finished, rosy, fragrant and appetizing handsome pie out of the oven, let it cool a little and you can call everyone to the table. Inside it turns out soft and airy. Your family and those who are lucky enough to try it will be absolutely delighted.

Read also about how to cook very tasty and wonderful.

Video recipe for poppy seed pie made from yeast dough

On this video detailed recipe poppy seed pie. Make sure you don't miss a single step in the preparation.

Recipe for poppy seed pie in a slow cooker

The pie in the slow cooker turns out very tasty, crispy and at the same time soft inside. It's quick and easy to prepare. You just need to knead the dough and it’s done. The multicooker will do the rest. Undoubtedly, many lovers of sweet pastries will like this pie.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 6.

Kitchen appliances:

  • several bowls for ingredients;
  • mixer;
  • silicone spatula;
  • multicooker.


Step by step recipe

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Add sugar and butter to the yolks.

  2. Turn it all into a homogeneous mass using a mixer.

  3. Beat the whites until stable foam. This should be done with a dry, fat-free whisk. Start at low speed and gradually increase the speed. As a result, the proteins should keep their shape.

  4. Add to yolks, sugar and butter cereals and poppy There is no need to pre-soak it, add it dry.

  5. Add the whipped whites in parts and knead with a spatula (in 2-3 additions). Mix from bottom to top in one direction.

  6. Grease the bottom and sides of the multicooker bowl with butter. Pour out the dough and smooth it out so that the cake turns out beautifully. Close the multicooker lid and cook in Multicooker mode at 125°C for 1 hour. After finishing cooking, set the Keep Warm mode for 5 minutes.

  7. Get it ready pie, if desired, you can pour condensed milk or melted chocolate on top.

And here you can read an excellent one about how to cook deliciously.

Video recipe for poppy seed pie in a slow cooker

In this video it's simple, good recipe poppy seed pie in a slow cooker.

Recipe for curd and poppy seed pie

This is an open, magical cake made from very soft shortcrust pastry with tender curd filling. It looks quite creative, romantic, and has a delicious, mild taste.

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: 10.

Kitchen appliances:

  • Bowl;
  • whisk;
  • baking dish with a diameter of 22 cm;
  • silicone spatula;
  • blender or sieve to grind the cottage cheese;
  • oven.


For shortbread dough:

For filling:

Step by step recipe

  1. Prepare the poppy seeds for the filling. Pour boiling water over it and leave for 20-30 minutes.

  2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with sugar using a whisk. Add melted butter and stir.

  3. Mix flour with baking powder.

  4. Pour the flour mixture into the bowl with the egg mixture and knead the dough. It should turn out soft and elastic, not sticking to your hands.

  5. Grease the bottom and edges of the pan with butter. Place the dough and spread it with your hands along the bottom of the mold, forming the sides. Place the form with the dough in the refrigerator and make the filling.

  6. Add the eggs to the cottage cheese and turn these products into a homogeneous mass using a blender.

  7. Add starch, vanilla sugar, sugar and mix everything.

  8. Divide the resulting mass into two parts. One should be slightly larger than the other. Add prepared poppy seeds to the smaller part and stir.

  9. Remove the pan with the dough from the refrigerator. Alternately place a tablespoon of filling with poppy seeds on the dough, and a tablespoon of filling without poppy seeds on top. You will end up with a beautiful black and white pattern.

  10. Using a wooden skewer, draw lines from the edges to the center.

  11. Bake the pie for about an hour at 170°C.

  12. Take out the finished cake, give it time to cool and carefully remove from the pan. Invite everyone to the table and enjoy the wonderful, delicate taste pirogue.

Video recipe for curd and poppy seed pie

On this video great recipe tender cottage cheese pie with poppy seeds Agree: it looks incredibly beautiful and appetizing!

How to decorate a pie

Yeast pie with poppy seeds itself turns out very beautiful if you make it in the shape of a flower, as in our recipe. A pie prepared in a slow cooker can be decorated with chocolate ganache, grated chocolate, confectionery powder, powdered sugar, caramel, glaze or condensed milk.

How to serve this pie correctly and with what?

Like any sweet pastries, poppy seed pies are served for dessert with a cup of aromatic tea (green, black with milk or lemon, ginger, aromatic herbs) or a cup of coffee. He can be a separate dish for a snack at home, at work or at school. You can also spread butter on top.

Poppy seed pie goes well with a glass of milk or any fermented milk product you like (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt or yogurt). It is also served with fruit juices or rose water.

Cooking options

Poppy yeast pies differ in the forms and methods of preparing the poppy seed filling for pies. Our recipe combines poppy seeds, sugar and melted butter, and brushes the whole thing with beaten egg. You can also boil poppy seeds in milk with butter and sugar. Also, poppy seeds are placed in boiling milk, sugar and butter are added and cooked, stirring, until the milk thickens.

Another option: steam the poppy seeds in water, grind them and add sugar. Dry poppy seeds are also simply mixed into the dough. This pie can be prepared with whey, kefir, yogurt, milk or sour cream.

We will be glad to receive your letters with reviews, comments and additions. Tell us about your impressions of our poppy seed pie recipes - which version did you like best? Or maybe you know how to shape poppy seed pies in some special way so that they look very elegant? Then share your experience with us. Cook with love!


  • flour - 320 grams (2 cups);
  • pressed yeast - 20 grams (to replace dry yeast - 7 grams);
  • any liquid - 250 milliliters;
  • eggs - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 30 grams;
  • salt - a pinch.

For filling:

  • poppy - 250 grams;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • raisins - 2-3 tablespoons (optional);
  • semolina - 50 grams;
  • milk - 250-375 milliliters;
  • egg for greasing - 1 piece.

A wonderful holiday pie with poppy seeds. Step by step recipe

  1. Preparation of the dough: pour 250 milliliters of any warm liquid into a deep bowl or whisking bowl (you can use milk, water, whey, a mixture of water and milk, etc.), dissolve the yeast, add half the total amount of sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of sifted flour, stir. The dough will look like sour cream.
  2. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave to rise for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Step-by-step preparation of the filling: if you are using dry ground poppy seeds, then pour it into a saucepan, add sugar, semolina, and a pinch of salt to highlight the taste. Pour milk (1.5 cups) over everything, stir, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat and leave until completely cool. At first, it may seem that the boiled poppy seed filling is a little liquid, but due to the fact that it contains semolina, it will thicken as it cools - don’t worry.
  4. If you use regular, unground poppy seeds: rinse it, pour boiling water over it and simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Then remove from heat, leave to swell for another 15 minutes and drain well onto a fine sieve. Scroll in a meat grinder 2-3 times. Or as our grandmothers did: grind poppy seeds in a mortar. Next, according to the recipe: add sugar, semolina, salt and milk (approximately 1 glass, since the poppy seeds themselves are already swollen and slightly moist). Also boil and cool.
  5. Add washed and dried raisins to the cooled filling.
  6. Add the egg, salt, remaining sugar and sifted flour to the suitable dough, knead a little. Add melted butter and knead until the dough begins to pull away from your hands.
  7. Round the dough in a bowl, lightly sprinkle with flour, cover with a towel and leave to rise in a warm place for 40-50 minutes.
  8. Lightly knead the risen dough and place it on a table sprinkled with flour. We divide it into 3 equal parts. We roll out each part into identical circles, with an approximate diameter of 30 centimeters and a layer thickness of 0.5 centimeters.
  9. We transfer the rolled out circle to a baking sheet covered with parchment, and put half of the entire filling on it and distribute it over the entire surface, not reaching 2 centimeters to the edges.
  10. Cover the filling with the second rolled out circle, place the remaining filling on top and distribute it as well. Finally, cover with a third layer of dough and press the edges in a circle.
  11. On the resulting raw cake, mark the center with a round cutting mold or a small glass (6-7 centimeters in diameter): lightly press down, leaving a round imprint.
  12. Through the marked center we divide the entire cake into 16 equal segments (we also mark it, leaving prints). We cut the pie into segments, but do not touch the intended middle - you will get the sun. To prevent the dough from sticking to the knife, dip it in flour each time.
  13. We form a flower: take 2 adjacent segments and twist them in opposite directions, making 2 full turns. Glue the ends together and tuck them underneath. We do this with all the segments - in the end we get a flower. You can watch the video below the recipe for more details.
  14. Leave the cake to rise for 15-20 minutes, and then brush with beaten egg.
  15. Bake for 35-40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. To prevent the bottom of the cake from burning, I place a bowl of water on the bottom tier of the oven.

The poppy seed pie turned out simply magnificent: very soft, fluffy dough - and a lot delicious filling! Due to the fact that the poppy seeds are steamed with milk, semolina and there are raisins, the filling itself turned out to be very soft and juicy. And we can’t help but say about the design itself - the view is stunning: really, like birthday cake! Cook delicious, simple and beautiful dishes with us! Feed your loved ones, treat your friends and share your impressions of “Very Tasty”!

Homemade pies, how delicious they are! Everyone loves poppy seed pie. My daughters eat it for breakfast before school, spread with butter or simply as a bun with poppy seeds. My husband eats this pie with milk, but I love it simply with freshly brewed tea. With us, such a large poppy seed pie does not last long, the delicious sweet dough and favorite filling do not allow it to sit out.

Yeast pie with poppy seeds

When guests come to us, they look with surprise at the appearance of the pie, because not everyone will immediately understand how to “assemble” it. But in fact it's all very simple. This form of pie is called “Granny’s Napkin”; it can be made from a roll, adding not only poppy seeds to the filling, but also cinnamon, ground nuts or dried fruits.

Having tried it once, you will confidently repeat such a masterpiece more than once. So don’t be afraid of anything, I’m with you, if you have anything, ask!

The dough can be kneaded very quickly using a bread machine; the recipe is adapted to these proportions. So baking pies is a pleasure for modern housewives!


  • Milk - 200 ml,
  • Butter - 100 grams,
  • Vanillin - 1 gram,
  • Sugar - 100 grams,
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Instant yeast 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • A pinch of salt,
  • Flour 4 + 1 partial glass (about 0.5 kg),
  • Vegetable oil for lubricating the table.
  • Egg for brushing the pie.
  • Milk - 1 glass,
  • Poppy - 200 grams,
  • Sugar - 100 grams,
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking process:

Of course, you can make yeast dough for a pie by hand, which is what I did the first time. You need to stir the yeast in lukewarm milk. Add a spoonful of sugar and 3 tablespoons of sifted flour. Mix everything. Next, leave this dough to rise, preferably in a warm place. Beat eggs with granulated sugar, add vanilla to them. Melt the butter. Gradually add beaten eggs with sugar and butter (not hot!) to the dough. Gradually add the previously sifted flour and knead the dough. After kneading, put the dough ball in a warm place for about an hour and a half. The dough will rise and increase in volume by 2-3 times.

But when I got a bread machine, I try to knead all the dough in it.

    Preparing dough for a pie or bun with poppy seeds in a Panasonic 2502 bread machine

I really liked this idea. Having laid all the ingredients, select the “Dough” program or the main mode. All you have to do is watch how it gets mixed. Since I was preparing this poppy seed pie using a bread machine for the first time, I did not pour in all the flour at once, but four cups.

In order: first I have loose ones, i.e. sifted the flour and poured it into the bowl. Then milk, melted butter, sugar, eggs, salt and vanillin. I have the yeast in a separate compartment, which is poured out later. And seeing that the dough was liquid, she poured out almost another glass of flour.

In the photo you can see what kind of bun I got. In this mode, Panasonic provides temperature equalization, which is very good for the test. Then it is kneaded for 15-30 minutes, and rises for one hour and thirty minutes.

Look how well it rose! But a minimum of effort, and the dough is ready.

During this time, you can safely start filling. Today we have our favorite poppy seed filling. I'll tell you how I prepared it. Pour milk into the pan, put it on the fire and wait for it to start boiling. Immediately pour the poppy seeds into the milk.

Reduce heat and add butter and sugar to the pan. Stir until the poppy seeds absorb all the milk and the liquid thickens.

Next, take a blender and crush the swollen poppy seeds with it. If you don't have a blender, use a mortar or masher. The first option, of course, is many times faster.

The dough is ready, the filling is ready too, let's start preparing the pie itself. Don't be afraid that you won't succeed, it's very simple. Place the dough on the greased vegetable oil table or board. Roll out into a circle or rectangle.

Spread the poppy seed filling onto the dough. Roll the layer into a roll. I would like to add that if you are not a fan of poppy seeds, then the filling can be whatever you like. This dough is also great for buns, sweet pies and pies.

Place the roll with poppy seeds on a greased baking sheet. Now we will need scissors. If you don't have kitchen scissors, try regular ones, they work great too (just be sure to wash them with soap). We cut off the ends of the roll; they will be used to decorate the middle of the pie. Use them to decorate the cake in the shape of a flower either at the beginning of formation or at the end.

Now pay attention, look at the photo for the next step of the recipe. We cut the roll crosswise into petals, not reaching the end. We lay out our leaves carefully, like this: we count out two slices, and put every third one on top. This is how you get a pie - a flower.

And so we cut all the remaining leaves. The entire cake is cut, stacked and ready to bake. Turn on the oven to heat up to 180 degrees. In the meantime, let's start coating the pie.

Take an egg and beat it in a bowl with a fork. Now use a silicone brush to coat the entire cake with poppy seeds. We give him 15-20 minutes to rise. In the meantime, the oven has heated up, put a baking sheet there and time it for half an hour. Keep an eye on your cake as everyone's oven is different. It’s easy to check the readiness with a wooden skewer; if it’s dry, it means the baked goods are ready.

Voila, ours is baked! How big and beautiful he is! And the smell... Let it cool a little. We brew fresh tea and invite everyone to the table!

The process of making the “Grandma’s Napkin” poppy seed pie is complete, there was nothing complicated here, right?

Behind step by step photo recipe thanks to Svetlana Kislovskaya.

The Recipe Notebook website wishes you a pleasant tea party!

Let's start cooking by kneading the dough, as it should rest well. Yeast dough requires warm hands and a cozy place without drafts. To activate the yeast, water or milk should be warm, approximately 30-35 degrees. Pour warm water into a deep container. Add a spoonful of sugar and stir. Add dry yeast. Cover with a cloth and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes. During this time, high-quality yeast should form a foamy cap on the surface of the liquid.

Add the remaining sugar sunflower oil, vanilla sugar. Stir until the sugar crystals dissolve.

Add sifted flour. Here's about the sifting methods. Start kneading the dough with a spatula or spoon. As soon as it becomes difficult to knead, place it on a board and knead soft dough. If necessary, add a little flour.

Cover with a clean kitchen towel and leave in a warm place for about an hour. The dough should increase in volume.

Now let's make the poppy seed filling. Pour poppy seeds into a saucepan. Pour in 200-300 ml of water. Send it to the fire. Boil it. Reduce burner flame and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Leave the boiled poppy seeds to cool in the liquid. Afterwards, pour into a fine strainer to remove the liquid.

Add poppy seeds to the blender bowl. Add sugar. Grind. The filling is ready.

Now we will form our beautiful pie with poppy seeds Punch down the rested dough and divide it into even pieces. Roll out into a layer, not very thin.

Grease the rolled out layer with chicken protein. Post it poppy seed filling and distribute evenly.

Roll out the second piece of dough. Lubricate with egg white. Place the greased side on top of the poppy seed filling. Pinch the edges.

Take a saucer and place it in the center of the pie. Using a sharp knife, cut the sides, all around, into segments.

Scroll each segment clockwise, it looks like a sunflower. Cover with a towel and leave in a cozy place for 30-50 minutes.

Brush with loose yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Place in the oven for 50-60 minutes at 180 degrees.

The delicious baked goods are ready.



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