Long-lasting cream for cake decoration. Recipe for cake decorating cream that holds its shape well (with photo). To prepare the decorations we will need

Long-lasting cream for cake decoration. Recipe for cake decorating cream that holds its shape well (with photo). To prepare the decorations we will need

How to make cream for cake decoration
Nothing beats homemade baked goods. Fragrant, delicious-smelling and lovingly made baked goods will decorate any feast. And the top, of course, will be the cake. Beautifully decorated, it is the pride of the hostess and the admiration of the guests.
You will need

200g butter
-8 heaped tablespoons of powdered sugar, or 8 tbsp. condensed milk.

How to make cream for cake decoration

What cream should I use for decoration? There are several basic recipes that can be used to decorate a cake. They are easy to prepare and very tasty.

The most popular and easiest to perform is the main one butter cream with powdered sugar. For it we need 200g of butter and 8 tablespoons (heaped) of powdered sugar.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance - it should be room temperature. Beat it with a mixer and gradually, one spoon at a time, add powdered sugar. This cream is suitable for decoration and as a base for mastic. To draw figures, leave it in the refrigerator for a while - it will harden and the figures will come out better.

The next cream is basic butter cream with condensed milk. Compound: butter- 200 g, condensed milk - 8 tablespoons. Take the butter (not cold, but softened), beat by hand using a metal whisk or wooden spatula until smooth, white, fluffy and elastic. Without stopping whisking, add condensed milk one tablespoon at a time. And continue beating until you get a homogeneous, airy mass, about 10-15 minutes. If the milk is candied, you can boil it and cool it to room temperature.

When decorated with warm cream, the figures turn out to be glossy, shiny, and not embossed. If you use chilled cream, they will be matte and embossed.

Ganache is one of the creams based on cream and chocolate. It is also used for painting decorations. There are black and white ganaches, depending on the chocolate you use.

Recipe No. 1. Warmed, hot cream (36% fat) - for ganache, 300g milk chocolate(or black), 2 cups chilled whipping cream.

Recipe No. 2. 200g hot cream for ganache (36% fat), 200g. white chocolate, 1 cup chilled whipping cream.

Bring the cream intended for the ganache to a boil and pour in the chocolate, melted in the microwave or in a steam bath. Stir thoroughly with a fork until the chocolate is completely dissolved. After this, cool it in the refrigerator (you can leave it overnight). The next day, whip the remaining cream until fluffy. After this, beat the cooled creamy chocolate mixture until thick. And gradually, little by little, add to the whipped cream, turn the mixer on speed 1-2.

The cream turns out to be very thick, delicate, similar to soft ice cream.
If you don’t have a special syringe for drawing, it doesn’t matter. Roll up a bag of baking paper, put the cream in it, and draw for your health!

Do you need a fine line? Trim the tip diagonally with nail scissors. For a thicker line, make a larger cut. You can use a bread or cheese knife to create wavy lines on the sides of the cake.

The taste of the cake largely depends on the cream. If one ingredient is replaced with another, the taste of the confectionery masterpiece will immediately change. In addition, delicious and original creams are the “highlight” of baked goods.
You will need

For the first recipe:
- milk;
- coconut flakes;
- egg yolks;
- sugar;
- vanillin;
- gelatin.

For the second recipe:
- milk;
- granulated sugar;
- egg;
- butter;
- cherry syrup or strawberry juice.

For the third recipe:
- blueberry;
- cinnamon;
- cream;
- powdered sugar.

For the fourth recipe:
- ground coffee;
- sugar;
- egg yolks;
- flour;
- cream;
- butter.

To prepare coconut cream, heat one glass of milk over medium heat and pour 75 grams into it. coconut flakes. Reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes. Cool, strain using a sieve and squeeze out the shavings. Whisk two egg yolks with 4 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of vanilla, and then pour into the coconut-milk mixture in a thin stream.
Pour one teaspoon of gelatin into 50 grams of water and leave for half an hour to swell. Dissolve it in a water bath until completely dissolved. Place the milk mixture in a water bath and add gelatin. Mix all the ingredients and after 5 minutes put them in a cool place. After a few hours the cream will be ready for use.
Prepare fruit cream. To do this, boil 2 tablespoons of milk with 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and remove from heat. Beat one egg with a whisk and pour into the milk in a thin stream. Continue beating, gradually adding 200 grams of softened butter. Add 50 grams of cherry syrup or strawberry juice and beat again.
To prepare an unusual spicy cream, pour 100 grams of blueberries and one teaspoon of cinnamon into a grinding container. Using a blender, puree the berries. In a separate bowl, beat 100 grams of cream 38% fat along with one tablespoon of powdered sugar. Gently combine blueberry puree with cream. After which the cream will be ready for use.
Do coffee cream. For this 2 tablespoons ground coffee pour 200 grams of boiling water and stir thoroughly. Brown one tablespoon of sugar in a frying pan, add 50 grams of hot water and boil the syrup. Pour it into the prepared strong coffee and stir. In a separate bowl, beat 2 egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of sugar, add 2 tablespoons of flour. Mix the yolk mass with 100 grams of cold cream 20% fat, then combine the resulting mixture with coffee and heat until thickened. Add 50 grams of butter and cool.
How to cook sour cream for cake
Making cakes at home is quite a difficult task, especially for novice cooks. Sometimes, even with a well-baked sponge cake, the whole idea of ​​a cake fails for lack of high-quality and tasty cream. The simplest, and at the same time very tasty, cream is sour cream.
You will need

Sour cream - 500 g, sugar - 1 glass.
Buy sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%. Take a saucepan, place a fine sieve on top or place a thick towel. Place the required amount of sour cream on a sieve or towel. Leave the pan with sour cream in the refrigerator overnight. This process is necessary when preparing cream. It removes excess liquid from sour cream. The weight of sour cream affects the quality and consistency of the finished cream.
Remove the sour cream from the refrigerator; it should become thick and the liquid remains in the pan. The liquid is nothing more than whey, which can later be used for pancakes and other baked goods.
Grind the sugar until powdered. There are several ways to do this. For example, using a coffee grinder or blender. If they are not available, you pour sugar onto confectionery paper, put another layer on top and roll it out with a rolling pin several times. You can also use a mortar and pestle, but in this case the process will be more labor-intensive.
Mix sour cream and sugar. Use a mixer for best results. Add powdered sugar into the cream gradually. The ideal way to finish whipping the cream is to have a non-liquid consistency that will stand in the bowl (like a well-beaten egg white). Be careful when using homemade sour cream in making cream. When whipped vigorously, it will turn into butter.
Spread the cream over the layers of the cake, after soaking it. This cream can also be used to decorate a cake, for example, using a pastry syringe.
Vary the cream. Add vanilla to it to give it a delicate aroma. Or chop fruits or berries and add to whipped cream. For example, strawberries and cherries are perfect for this recipe.

How to decorate a cake with a pastry syringe
Have you already mastered the complex art of baking delicious cakes? It's time to learn how to decorate them. To make your confectionery product look perfect, use a special syringe. Using the included attachments, you can create a whole range of decorations - from elegant lettering to lush flower baskets.
You can decorate the cake with flowers, leaves, borders, figures, ornaments or inscriptions. All these decorations can be easily done using a pastry syringe with a set of attachments. The kit usually contains from 4 to 10 different tips. The more there are, the wider your possibilities.
Before starting work, prepare cream, whipped cream or drawing mass. Any cream is suitable for decoration - butter, butter, protein or custard. It can be colored with food coloring or fruit and vegetable juices.
Think over the design of the cake, or better yet, draw all the decorative elements on paper. If the cake is already baked, inspect it - you may have to camouflage some areas.
Cover the cake with special fondant, glaze or cream. Carefully level everything with a knife. The sides of the cake can be sprinkled with biscuit or nut crumbs or grated chocolate. Please note that cream decorations stick well only on a smooth horizontal surface. Before decorating the cake with cream, let the coating dry a little.
Using a teaspoon, fill the syringe with cream to ¾ of its volume. Apply the cream tightly so that no voids form in the syringe bulb, otherwise your drawing may be ruined.
Before you start decorating the cake, do some testing on a plate. Beautiful frill-like borders, which are usually located along the edge of the cake, are made using a bias cutter. A nozzle with a wedge-shaped cut is indispensable when depicting all kinds of leaves. Letters and patterns are drawn with a cornet with a narrow straight tip. Well, the tips with teeth form a cream in the form of flowers and stars.

The size of the decorations can be varied by the force of pressing the syringe plunger. By moving your hand in waves and changing the angle of the device, you can make different decorations using the same nozzle.
Take a knitting needle or a large needle and mark the outline of the design on the cake. For greater convenience, hold the syringe with both hands. Gently guide the tip, adjusting its angle and pressure. When applying small designs, hold the syringe close to the surface of the cake; when working with large motifs, lift the syringe higher.
After finishing the drawing, stop pressing the piston and make a sharp movement with the end of the syringe away from you along the drawing. Then the small tongue formed after tearing off the cream will lie unnoticeably.

How to make a beautiful cake
How to make home cake Was it not only tasty, but also beautiful? What to do if traditional cream roses seem dull and unattractive? How to amaze guests with the unusual design of your homemade baked goods? The recipes and tips below will help you cope with this task with flying colors.
You will need

Fruits in jelly

Gelatin – 1 package;
- apple juice – 600 ml;
- raspberries – 0.5 cups;
- kiwi – 2 pieces;
- banana – 1 piece;
- tangerine – 2 pieces;
- powdered sugar – 1 cup.

Basket with fruits and berries.
Both fresh and canned fruits are suitable for decorating the cake. You can use tangerines, kiwi, strawberries, peaches, raspberries, cherries, and currants. You will also need flat cookies; they should be narrow and long.
Cover the surface of the cake with egg white cream or whipped cream. Cut the strawberries in half and arrange them in a circle. The next circle is kiwi cut into rings, then peeled tangerine slices (how to arrange and in what order depends on your imagination). Cover the sides of the cake with cream. Place the cookies “upright”, close to each other so that their upper edge protrudes slightly above the surface of the cake. The basket is ready.

Fruits in jelly.
Pour gelatin apple juice(the juice should cover the gelatin completely). Prepare fruits and berries. Cut the kiwi into slices, cut the strawberries into thin slices, peel the tangerine slices, cut the banana into cubes. Cook the swollen gelatin over low heat until completely dissolved, do not forget to stir, otherwise the gelatin may burn. Then add powdered sugar and remaining juice. Strain. Take a shallow container (preferably the size and shape of the container matches the size and shape of the cake). Place the prepared berries and fruits in a container and fill with the prepared mixture. Place in the refrigerator. The jelly should be in the refrigerator for at least a day. A cake decorated in this way will be bright, fragrant and, most importantly, natural.

Decorating a cake with chocolate.
Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath. Select a drawing and apply tracing paper to it. Roll up a small cornet from parchment and pour warm chocolate into it. Apply chocolate along the outline of the design. Wait until chocolate pattern cool and carefully remove it from the paper. Transfer the design to the surface of the cake.

Fruit flowers.
Flowers made from fruits are rarely used to decorate cakes. And yet, making them is not at all difficult. In addition to regular berries and fruits, you can also use melon and pineapple.
Cut the pineapple and melon into rings. Cut out flowers using baking molds. You can make a multi-tiered flower using shapes of different sizes. The center of the flower is a cherry, grape or any round berry. Flowers can simply be placed on the surface of the cake (pre-coat the cake with protein cream or whipped cream). You can collect a whole bouquet of flowers and berries. Toothpicks are used for this. Flower elements are strung on toothpicks and secured to the surface of the cake.
I took the recipes from the Internet.

Everyone loves sweets. And at any celebration, guests eagerly wait for the moment to come when exactly that cake appears on the table - a beautiful, delicious, aromatic cake, preferably made by the hands of the hostess. Each woman has her own signature recipe, her own secrets for baking this airy dessert. And I want to make the delicacy not only tasty, but also well presented. Confectionery creams serve as a layer for the product; they are also used for decoration. Making cream for decorating a cake that holds its shape well is the dream of every housewife. You can use cream to line the side, make flowers, leaves, and congratulatory inscriptions.

Oil main

This is the most common group of creams and has the following varieties:

  • butter or cream - prepared with condensed milk;
  • butter “Charlotte” - with milk and eggs;
  • buttery glaze - on eggs.


Take the freshest products:

  • butter - 200 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 120 grams;
  • condensed milk - 200 grams;
  • a packet of vanillin.

Cooking method

  1. Making this cream is easy:
  2. Soften the butter in advance and remove it from the refrigerator 1 hour beforehand. You can’t melt the butter, the cream won’t work. Beat the butter for 5 minutes until you get a white, fluffy mixture.
  3. Without stopping, gradually add condensed milk, vanillin and powdered sugar to the butter.
  4. It will take you 10-15 minutes to whip the cream.

Jewelry made from this cream will keep its shape for a long time.

Delicacies with cream are tasty, but too high in calories and contain a lot of sugar. The most useful is cottage cheese or cream cheese. Dishes with it can be offered to both children and the elderly. Cottage cheese refers to dietary products, contains calcium, is easily digestible. You can make a wonderful cream for decorating cakes from cottage cheese. The choice of cottage cheese should be taken very seriously. Please note the following:

  1. Buy full-fat cottage cheese, preferably homemade.
  2. If the cottage cheese is too wet, you need to strain the liquid. Place the cottage cheese in a colander lined with a napkin and leave for several hours.
  3. Grainy cottage cheese must be thoroughly rubbed through a sieve until the grains disappear.
  4. If you want to use curd mass, do not forget that it contains sugar. Reduce the sugar in the recipe. Buy curd mass without additives.


You will need the following products:

  • milk - 250 grams;
  • cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • butter - 180 grams;
  • gelatin (preferably instant) -35 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 250 grams;
  • Eggs - 5 pieces;
  • flour - 5 tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar - one sachet.

Cooking method

This recipe won't take much time:

  1. Make gelatin in advance, soak it in water. When it swells, place it in a water bath. Mix until no grains remain, about 15 minutes. Gelatin should not be brought to a boil. Just add water to the instant gelatin and stir thoroughly.
  2. Mash the milk with flour until there are no lumps left, transfer to a water bath and leave for a few minutes until the mixture thickens. Cool.
  3. Grind the softened butter and rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix cottage cheese, butter, sugar, yolks and beat.
  4. Combine these two masses and beat with a mixer.
  5. Add the egg whites, beaten with a mixer to a dense white foam, little by little to the curd mass, add vanillin. Gently knead the dough with your hands from bottom to top.
  6. Before decorating the cake, the mixture must be cooled well; before use, it must be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

For cupcakes

Cupcakes are a new delicacy for us, but they decorate our festive tables. A cupcake is essentially a tiny cake or a large cupcake. They decorate it in the same way as a cake; you need cupcake cream that holds its shape. The best creams are butter vanilla, butter, and meringue cream. The recipe for this cream includes sugar, butter, egg whites, vanillin and a little salt. It's not very easy to make, but it holds its shape perfectly. Any additives, such as chopped nuts, zest, crushed chocolate, do not weigh down the cream.

Some are sure that protein cream is not durable, make sure it is not.


Designed for 12 pieces:

  • softened butter – 150-180 grams;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • water – 50 grams;
  • 3 squirrels;
  • sugar – 200 grams;
  • a packet of vanillin.

Cooking method

Here, of course, you will have to tinker:

  1. Pour sugar into water, simmer over low heat, stirring all the time, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool slightly.
  2. Place the whites in a dry bowl and add citric acid, beat longer until a stable foam is obtained.
  3. Pour the cooled syrup into the egg whites, continuing to beat at medium speed. You will have to beat for about half an hour until the mixture cools.
  4. Add soft, finely chopped butter and vanilla. It is necessary to beat until the mixture becomes homogeneous and fluffy again. To speed up this process, you can place it in the cold for a quarter of an hour, then continue.
  5. You can add food coloring or flavoring if you like. Now put the cream in a pastry bag and decorate the cupcakes with it.

Every housewife who has at least once made cream from cream tried to ensure that it kept its shape. Cream foam is light and airy, suitable for both layering cakes and decorating them. If you follow the recipe strictly and use the best heavy cream, you will be able to make a stable, strong cream. The fat content of the cream is important. Cream with a fat content of 30-40 percent is suitable for decorating cakes. If the fat content is less, the foam will be very unstable. If the fat content of the cream is 50% or more, it will turn into butter while whipping.


The recipe calls for the following products:

  • 500 grams of cream;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method

Prepare everything you need for work:

  1. Cool the cream to 2 degrees in advance. Fill a low bowl with ice water and place a container of cream in it.
  2. First beat with a mixer at low speed, and then at high speed. After the formation of a thick fluffy foam, without stopping whipping, add powdered sugar and vanilla sugar little by little.
  3. When marks from the whisk begin to remain on the surface of the cream, the mass does not settle - the cream is ready.
  4. Transfer the mixture into a pastry bag or syringe, making sure that there are no air bubbles left.
  5. We draw borders, flowers, waves on the cake with cream, and make inscriptions.

To decorate the dessert, sour cream with gelatin is also useful. The fat content of sour cream does not matter.


Can be used as an independent dessert:

  • half a glass of powdered sugar;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • 10g instant gelatin;
  • 50ml water;
  • 1 dessert spoon of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method

The amount of sugar can be varied:

  1. Pour gelatin with water and stir thoroughly until the grains are completely dissolved.
  2. Place the chilled sour cream in a container and beat with a mixer.
  3. Without stopping whipping, add vanillin and powdered sugar, add gelatin in a thin stream.
  4. Place the cake in a mold and spread the cream on top. Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

You can pour gelatin with berry syrup and add chopped fruit.

The article offers you simple recipes preparing delicious protein cream at home.

How to prepare protein cream in a water bath: a recipe for decorating cakes and pastries

It is very simple to prepare a cream that is delicious, pleasant in appearance and has a pleasant structure. This does not require any special ingredients or technologies. All you need is sugar and egg white, and the cream is brewed and cooked in a regular steam bath.

Make a steam bath:

  • Pour water into the pan (full level to the middle)
  • Wait for the water to boil
  • Place the glass bowl on the pan so that the bottom never touches the water.
  • Brew the cream, whisking it continuously until it reaches the thickness you require.

You will need:

  • Egg white- 2 pcs. (i.e. from two eggs, pre-chilled whites).
  • Sugar
  • Lemon acid

How to prepare protein cream for brewing:

  • Pour cold egg whites into a glass or blender bowl.
  • Add a pinch of citric acid and begin actively whipping the protein, gradually increasing the speed of the blender or mixer.
  • Beat the whites long enough, from 5 to 7 minutes.
  • Then add sugar in small portions and beat the cream until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Transfer the mixture to a steam bath, where you continue to actively whip the cream for 10-15 minutes (it all depends on how thick the cream is you need).
  • Remove the mixture from the bath and continue beating for up to 5 minutes.
  • Place the whipped cream in a cooking bag or syringe and start decorating your cake (cakes, muffins, etc.) with it.

An example of decorating a cake with protein cream

Delicious protein custard: recipe for decorating cakes and pastries

You can brew protein cream without citric acid at all. To do this, add half a tsp. lemon juice. This way you will get a pleasant sourness in the cream. Another way is to add a pinch of salt. Together with it, the protein is whipped until foamy and only then sugar is gradually added.

Beating sugar and egg whites is a long, painstaking task, because insufficient whipping can completely ruin the cream at the initial stage. To make the mass thick and elastic, try whipping the cream with powdered sugar. For two proteins you will need 100-150 g of powder.

IMPORTANT: If you want to add color to your cream, you should use food coloring, which is easy to buy online or in stores.

Examples of cake decor with protein cream:

Cake decoration with protein cream, waves

Protein cream flowers

Protein cream roses

Delicious protein-butter cream with butter: recipe

Protein-butter cream is prepared with the addition of regular butter. It is important to choose high-quality oil with a high percentage of fat content to ensure that the cream is as tasty as possible. The amount of cream is prepared based on the size of the cake. For a small kilogram cake you will need 2 squirrels, for 2 kg - 3 squirrels and so on.

You will need:

  • Egg white - 2-3 pieces, depending on how large the eggs are.
  • Powdered sugar - 130-150 g (can be replaced with regular sugar or sugar syrup).
  • Oil(Vsabove 73% fat) – 150-170 g (depending on the thickness and preferred fat content of the cream).
  • Lemon juice (1 tbsp) or citric acid (pinch).


  • The whites should be pre-cooled; cold they whip into foam much better.
  • Add lemon juice to the whites and start vigorously beating for 5-10 minutes until foam forms.
  • Gradually add powdered sugar until the cream becomes thick (as you require).
  • The butter should first be left at room temperature until it becomes soft.
  • Add soft butter to the thick protein mass in small portions, kneading into a homogeneous cream.

Protein-butter cream: example of cake decoration

Delicious thick protein cream with gelatin: recipe

Protein cream prepared with the addition of gelatin is a delicious addition to any dessert: cakes, pastries, muffins, fruit jelly. Gelatin will give the cream elasticity and density, the cream can easily hold its given shape. You can even make Bird's Milk candies from this cream.

You will need:

  • Egg whites – 4-5 pcs. (depending on how large the eggs are).
  • Sugar - 350 g (can be replaced with the same amount of powdered sugar, or a little less).
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. (or 1-2 pinches of citric acid).
  • Vanillin(if you want to give the cream a sweet aroma)
  • Gelatin – 5-2 tbsp. (pre-fill with water and let it swell).


  • Cool the egg whites in advance and begin beating them at moderate temperature along with lemon juice until foam forms.
  • After the foam appears, add sugar in small portions, stirring each portion thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  • At this stage, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar, beating it thoroughly.
  • Pre-soaked and already swollen gelatin should be melted in a steam bath until it becomes liquid and homogeneous.
  • Liquid gelatin should be poured into the protein mass in a thin stream, without ceasing to beat the protein.
  • After adding gelatin, whip the cream for another 5-7 minutes.

Whipping egg white cream with gelatin using a mixer

Delicious thick lemon protein cream: how to prepare?

You can give the protein cream a delicious lemon tint, making it rich and special. This cream is perfect for fruit, butter and chocolate cakes.

You will need:

  • Egg white - 3 pcs. (large eggs, chilled whites).
  • Lemon – 1 PC. (juice and zest of a medium lemon)
  • Sugar - 150-200 g (can be replaced with an equal amount of powdered sugar).
  • Butter (at least 73%) – 100 g (room temperature, soft).


  • Pour the cold egg whites into the blender bowl and start beating at high speed until fluffy foam forms.
  • Gradually add sugar, without stopping whisking until completely dissolved and until the cream becomes elastic and thick.
  • Grate the lemon zest on the finest grater, you should get approximately 1.5-2 tbsp.
  • Add soft butter to the mass (dividing the whole mass into about three parts and waiting for it to dissolve each time).
  • Add the zest and beat the mixture for another 5 minutes, you can store it in the refrigerator, and then fill the culinary syringe and make patterns.

Delicious protein cream with a hint of lemon

Delicious thick protein cream simple: how to prepare?

You will need:

  • Egg white– 2-3 pcs. (depending on how big the eggs are and how much cream you need).
  • Sugar - according to the amount of cream (just add sugar 1 tablespoon at a time and dissolve it thoroughly with a mixer; when the mass becomes as thick as you require, stop adding sugar).
  • Vanillin – 1 package (small)
  • Salt - a pinch of "Extra"


  • Beat the cold egg whites thoroughly at high speed with a mixer along with a pinch of salt, which is the secret to the lush foam.
  • When the foam appears, add vanillin and gradually add sugar.
  • Bring the cream to your preferred thickness and stop whipping. Liquid cream can be used to fill desserts, and thick cream can be used to make patterns.

Simple protein cream

Delicious thick sugar-protein cream with powdered sugar

Powdered sugar, unlike sugar, dissolves quickly, which allows the cream to quickly gain thickness and elasticity. You should not add the powder all at once, but in small parts, thoroughly whisking the cream. Before adding sugar, be sure to add a pinch of salt or citric acid to the egg white.

IMPORTANT: The secret of a good fluffy cream is not only the correctly selected ingredients, but also the nature of the whipping. If you are mixing by hand using a mixer or blender, you should not use a circular motion, but rather a figure eight motion with the mixer. This way the foam will be larger and there will be more of it.

Delicious thick sour cream and protein cream: how to prepare?

Protein cream mixed with sour cream is very tasty. It can be added to “fresh” fruit cakes and creamy desserts. But you can’t store it for a long time, as it can delaminate.

You will need:

  • Egg whites – 3-4 pcs. (depending on how much cream you need and the size of the eggs).
  • High fat sour cream (33% or homemade)– 200-250 g.
  • Sugar - 200-300 g (taste the cream to avoid making it too sweet or too sweet).
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Vanillin – 1 package (small)


  • Cold whites are thoroughly beaten with salt at high speed.
  • When the whites become foam, add sugar (and vanillin if you want). Do not dissolve all the sugar, leave 100 g.
  • Beat the sour cream with sugar, beat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Sour cream should be poured into the protein cream, stirring thoroughly until smooth.

How to prepare sour cream and protein cream?

Delicious thick curd-protein cream: how to prepare?

The cream, prepared from protein and curd mass, turns out to be especially thick and with a pleasant creamy taste. Use ready-made curd mass (but without syrup and jam), or grind the cottage cheese yourself, adding sour cream to it to get a “homemade” curd paste.

You will need:

  • Egg whites – 2 pcs. (large eggs, cold whites).
  • Curd - 200 g (or grated cottage cheese)
  • Sugar - 150-200 g (according to your taste, try)
  • Salt - one small pinch


  • Beat the egg whites as usual at high speed, adding a pinch of salt.
  • In lush protein foam add sugar (small parts) and beat until the mass becomes elastic.
  • Add 1 tbsp to the thick protein mass. add curd mass.
  • Whisk the whole mixture thoroughly and decorate your dessert when ready.

Protein-curd cream homemade: simple recipe

Delicious thick protein cream protein cream

Cream is a common ingredient for making desserts and creams. They are always easy to whip, and when combined with protein cream, they gain elasticity and stability (if you make compositions and patterns on cakes).

You will need:

  • Heavy cream (30% or more)– 200 ml.
  • Sugar -
  • Salt - 1 pinch (you don’t have to add it, it’s necessary for beating the whites).


  • Whip the cream in advance into a thick, stable mass; for this you will need to beat the cream for a long time at high speed with a mixer or blender.
  • Separately, beat the whites with sugar or powder until it becomes so thick that it does not fall out of the bowl in which you beat it.
  • Mix carefully and in small portions butter cream to the protein mixture, mixing thoroughly.

Thick cream with cream and proteins

Delicious thick protein cream according to GOST: how to prepare?

In the old days, there was a certain standard according to which it was customary to prepare even protein cream. It was distinguished by its stability, always familiar taste and ability to take any form. You can make this cream at home even now.

You will need:

  • Squirrels- 3 pcs (required from large eggs)
  • Sugar syrup(carefully diluted 150 g of sugar in 50 g of water).
  • Lemon juice– 0.5 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar– 1 small bag


Delicious wet, liquid protein cream: recipe

Liquid protein cream can be soaked sponge cakes or pour over non-sweet desserts. It is easy to prepare at home.

You will need:

  • Egg white– 1-2 pcs. (cold)
  • Sugar - at your look
  • A pinch of citric acid


  • Beat egg whites with acid
  • Gradually add sugar without ceasing to beat the mixture.
  • Add sugar until the mixture reaches the required consistency.

Liquid protein cream, wet protein cream

Delicious thick protein cream with syrup: how to prepare?

You will need:

  • Squirrels
  • Sugar syrup(prepare thick sugar syrup to taste in advance).
  • Lemon juice– 0.5-1 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar


  • Prepare the syrup by completely dissolving the sugar in the water.
  • Whisk the egg whites with the lemon juice until foamy.
  • When the whites turn into foam, pour the syrup into them in a thin stream, continuously whisking until the cream becomes elastic and thick.

Delicious thick protein cream with fruits, cherries

You can also prepare protein cream with fruit cream. For this, not fresh fruits or berries are used, but pre-cooked jam or syrup.

You will need:

  • Egg whites – 5-6 pcs. (depending on the size of the eggs).
  • Jam or preserves(strain or grind in advance with a blender so that the syrup is homogeneous, you can add sugar to taste).
  • Gelatin – 1 sachet


  • Soak the gelatin in advance and let it swell.
  • Dissolve the gelatin in a steam bath and mix it with the jam. Strain the mixture; it should be free of lumps.
  • Beat the egg whites as usual
  • Pour the syrup into the whipped whites in a thin stream and beat until foamy.

Fruit protein cream

Delicious thick protein cream with condensed milk: recipe

IN in this case Condensed milk comes as concentrated sweet syrup, instead of sugar.

You will need:

  • Squirrels- 2-3 pcs (required from large eggs)
  • Condensed milk – 1 can (250 g)
  • Lemon juice– 0.5-1 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar– 1 small bag (you can omit it, to taste).


  • Whisk the egg whites with the lemon juice until foamy.
  • When the whites turn into foam, pour condensed milk into them in a thin stream, continuously whisking until the cream becomes elastic and thick.

Delicious thick protein cream with pectin: recipe

You will need:

  • Egg whites – 4 things. (depending on how large the eggs are).
  • Sugar - 250-350 g (can be replaced with the same amount of powdered sugar, or a little less).
  • Pectin – 20


  • Beat the chilled egg whites with salt or citric acid (a pinch).
  • Gradually add sugar and pectin
  • After adding pectin, the cream is whipped for another 5-7 minutes.

Protein cream with pectin

Delicious thick protein chocolate cream with cocoa: recipe

You will need:

  • Egg whites – 2 pcs. (must be cold)
  • Sugar - 200-300 g (here the amount of sugar is not limited, it is important to try and determine what you need).
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. (Adjust the amount of cocoa yourself).


  • Beat the whites with sugar or powder until it becomes so thick that it does not fall out of the bowl in which you beat it.
  • Mix cocoa carefully and in small portions until desired taste and color are achieved.

Protein cream with cocoa

Delicious thick protein meringue cream: how to prepare?

You will need:

  • Egg white- 2 pcs.
  • Sugar– 100-125 g (you should look at the consistency of the cream, if the foam is elastic, then 100 g is quite enough).
  • Lemon acid– 1 g (this is literally a small pinch, by eye).


  • The egg mass is whipped into foam with a pinch of acid
  • Sugar is added gradually, in small portions
  • The mixture is whipped until the sugar is completely dissolved
  • Continue whipping the cream, holding the container over a steam bath until the mixture thickens.
  • Cover the cake or dessert with the resulting thick cream.
  • Place the dessert in the oven for a few minutes, the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. When the meringue turns yellow and turns pink, remove the dessert from the oven.

Video: “Protein cream for cake”

Recipes for making cream and other confectionery decorations

Cake decorating cream holds its shape well

500 ml

1 hour

180 kcal

5 /5 (5 )

I love you very much homemade cakes and I practically don’t recognize “plastic” cakes from the store. To be honest, the question of how to decorate a homemade cake did not arise for me for a long time, because the beauty of homemade sweets lies precisely in the absence of pathos - it is more than replaced by the love invested in the preparation.

But today so many new and interesting things have appeared on the shelves, both in terms of products and kitchen appliances, that competing with a confectionery shop not only in content, but also in form, becomes a very real task.

I will share with those who are ready to take on the challenge good recipe cream for cake decoration.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: a saucepan with a thick non-stick bottom, a bowl, a mixer, a wooden spatula for stirring.

The technology involves cooling the hot product to room temperature, so the cooking time may vary slightly depending on the conditions in your kitchen and whether it is possible to speed up the process a little, for example, by placing the mixture on a cold balcony.

Required Products

To prepare the cream you will need:

Features of product selection

I use regular sugar to make this cream, but if you have the opportunity to replace it with cane sugar, the result will only be better. Brown sugar will give the cream a more noble color and an additional flavor note.

Instead of vanilla sugar, you can use vanillin, but be careful: it has a rougher taste, so do not overdo it with the amount.

Quality of butter - main secret good cream! It must be at least 82.5% fat, and you must be sure that you are using exactly milk product, not the spread.

Some housewives, however, claim that the spread makes a good cream, but for me, there are advantages healthy food still no one canceled it.

How to make cake decorating cream that holds its shape well at home

Break the whites into a saucepan, add sugar and beat with a mixer until the mixture increases several times in volume and becomes much lighter.

Place the saucepan over low heat and heat, stirring constantly until the protein-sugar mixture acquires the consistency of thick semolina porridge.

Don't get distracted and don't stop stirring, otherwise you won't notice how the eggs will curdle or burn. The mass should remain homogeneous and under no circumstances stick to the bottom of the dish. The whole process is not very fast, be prepared to spend a good half hour at the stove.

Remove the mixture from the heat and continue stirring until the bottom of the saucepan has cooled. Then beat until thick foam.

In a separate bowl, beat the butter until white, adding vanilla sugar in the process. Gently fold the butter into the custard.

Continue beating until smooth and fluffy.

At this stage, you can taste the cream for sweetness and, if there is not enough sugar for your taste, add a spoon or two of powdered sugar.

The best cream ready to decorate the cake, you can start getting creative.

By the way, this cream can also be placed in openwork “caps” on cupcakes and muffins. Or simply use it as the main one in cakes and pastries (the latter option is in case the decoration doesn’t work out at all).

When preparing the custard part of the cream, it is very important that the protein-sugar mixture does not burn. If you do not have suitable quality utensils for this procedure, it is better to use a water bath. In this case, bringing the cream to the desired consistency will take a little longer, but in this case it is definitely the lesser evil.

Before you start cooking, make sure that all utensils you use are completely dry.

It is best to stir the cream with a wooden spatula; you can also use a silicone one. But it is better to refuse a metal spoon, since when heated it can react with food, which, firstly, is not very useful, and secondly, it negatively affects the taste of the finished cream.

About readiness custard The following indicator indicates: when you run a spatula along the bottom of the saucepan, the protein-sugar mass does not return to its place immediately; for several seconds the bottom remains completely bare. The mass is easy to scoop, after which it slowly and leisurely flows from the spatula back into the saucepan.

When you remove the custard from the heat and leave to cool, cover it with cling film, not over the surface of the pan, but directly lay the film on the cream. Then the mass will not weather, will not become crusty, but will remain silky and homogeneous.

In order for the butter to whip well and not separate into fractions, it must be completely softened and not cold. If you still get lumps during the beating process, try melting the butter a little in a water bath or wait until it warms up naturally.

There is one more trick: if everything is really bad with the butter, you can try to correct the situation by adding melted chocolate to it, but in this case the cream will turn out much darker, so the “composition” you planned on the cake may be destroyed. On the other hand, in theory, buttercream is intended for decorating chocolate cakes, but if your products have a light surface, then chocolate can be added to such cream not by force, but intentionally.

Just remember that chocolate cannot be heated over direct heat - only in a water bath, and the bottom of the container with chocolate should not come into contact with the surface of the water. And one more rule: when melting chocolate, you cannot stir it - the mass must melt “in a calm atmosphere”, without outside help.

It is also important to remember that only fresh cream for decorating a cake holds its shape well. It is better to use it right away, since decorating a cake at home is already not an easy task, and doing this with stale cream is completely problematic. You can, of course, re-whip the cream before the procedure, but even in this case there remains a danger that the roses you lovingly built will still “float.”

And one last thing. The mixture should be at room temperature during decoration. If the cream is cooled, the butter will harden, and it will be very inconvenient to “work” with such a mass; besides, cold buttercream does not produce appetizingly shiny decorations. Warm cream, on the contrary, it spreads, does not “line up” and mixes with the main cream on the cake or dough, which is completely unsuitable for us.

Video recipe for cake decorating cream that holds its shape well

Decorating cakes with cream is a fascinating process and a real art that you can master throughout your life, however, after watching the video, you will be convinced that the one walking will master the road:

Protein custard. Cream recipe for cake decoration

The recipe for the most delicious and beautiful protein custard.
This cream is ideal for decorating cupcakes, cakes, and baskets with berries.
The cream holds its shape perfectly and does not lose it at room temperature.

Tools that can be bought on AliExpress:
— Kitchen thermometer http://ali.pub/1bfwau
Food coloring AmeriColor 101 - 128 http://ali.pub/jnw8p
— Food coloring AmeriColor 129 - 165 http://ali.pub/t8jy9
— Confectionery disposable bags http://ali.pub/9knog
— Set of adapters (large and small) http://ali.pub/1dqupi
— Small seamless nozzles for cream http://ali.pub/1dqvrm

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COOKING AT HOME with Oksana Pashko is a culinary channel on which you will find many video recipes for preparing cocktails, cakes, desserts, meat, poultry and fish dishes, salads, various snacks, aromatic soups.
With the culinary channel COOKING AT HOME you will diversify your home menu. Well, if you don’t know what to cook, then you have come to the right place 😉 On my channel you can always find some new recipe or an idea.

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In fact, there are a huge number of different master classes on decorating cakes with cream on the Internet, but this video contains a whole series various variations and ideas - both for beginners and for those who already have certain skills in this area of ​​​​culinary creativity. You can choose any one you like and learn the science of decorating a cake with cream literally step by step.

Invitation to discuss the cream and possible improvements

There are a lot of creams for decorating cakes at home; the creamy one I suggested is just one of the options. Protein cream is well suited for an effective presentation; pure butter cream (with sugar or condensed milk) or sour cream is also often used. Which cream to choose for decorating a cake depends on the idea and personal preferences. I would like to know more secrets about how to beautifully decorate a cake, and I will be especially grateful for ideas on decorating homemade cakes with cream with photos. Write, let's discuss and get creative together!

It is impossible to resist the delicious cakes that turn into real works of art. Confectionery is a great field for the wild imagination of sweet chefs. The most skilled craftsmen will be able to create entire worlds from whipped cream and various creams. But they exist for every taste and request!

Good housewives work wonders in their kitchens! Each sorceress has her own little tricks and secrets of creating birthday cake. The hard work is rewarded by the delight of the guests and their crazy eyes at the sight of man-made beauty!

When focusing on the taste of the dessert, do not forget about the design. An integral part of creating the next masterpiece is a cake decorating cream that holds its shape well. Let's figure out how to properly decorate the “head of the holiday” and finally put all the cherries on the cake.

Pastry cream is an important part of the cake, which, in addition to decoration, has the function of impregnation. He is the one who makes simple cakes delicious dessert. Impregnation binds all the components together, creating a new melody of taste, a symphony of gastronomic pleasure. Therefore there are different kinds creams for cake decoration. And this is a weapon, having mastered which, you will conquer more than one heart!

We bring to your attention specially selected recipes. This is a collection best subtleties and technology. Having them in your arsenal, you can always create incomparable and original jewelry cakes at home. Let's start with the main, basic option.


His classic recipe It is quite simple to implement and accessible to novice housewives. You can even make figures different forms. The main rule is that such cream should be very cold. It is also light in consistency, with a shiny, smooth surface. What a sight for sore eyes!

  • Butter 82.5% - 400 g;
  • Powdered sugar – 400 g;
  • Milk – 100 ml.

1. Soften the prepared butter using a regular fork.
2. Beat it with a mixer until an airy white foam forms, adding powdered sugar.
3. Pour in the milk, while increasing the mixer speed.
4. Cool before use. We continue our journey into the magical world of decorating cream cakes.


This option is the most capricious of all. Therefore, follow the instructions strictly word for word, step by step! But it is the easiest to sculpt; you can use it to create real masterpieces of confectionery art.

  • Egg whites – 5 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar – 400 g;
  • Lemon juice – 5 ml.

1. Beat the prepared egg whites; they should be at room temperature. Slowly add the powdered sugar without lifting your hands from the whites.
2. Heat the resulting mass in a water bath until the powdered sugar is completely dissolved. At the same time, continue whisking.
3. Remove from heat, add lemon juice and continue beating until smooth peaks form.


It is a favorite of children and adults. Taste of childhood! Remember those delicious eclairs? Let us share with you some tricks for making the right custard:

  1. only fresh milk with sufficient fat content, approximately 3-3.5%;
  2. premium flour;
  3. if you cook thick cream, it will be ideal for leveling surfaces and errors;
  4. the thickness can be adjusted by the amount of flour;
  5. Having a neutral taste, it goes well with various additives: cinnamon, vanilla, cognac, coffee.

And now the recipe itself!

  • Milk 500 ml;
  • Flour 120 g;
  • Powdered sugar 230 g;
  • Butter 100 g.

1. Dissolve the powder in half the volume of prepared milk.
2. Add flour to the second part of the milk. Mix well to obtain a sticky, thick liquid.
3. To avoid the formation of lumps, use a blender or mixer. The result is a thick, homogeneous mass.
5. In a large container, combine the two milk mixtures. This is where the “kneading” process begins, which cannot be stopped until the cream is completely ready.
7. Place the semi-finished cream on very low heat.
8. Stir until the desired consistency is formed.
10. Add chopped butter and vanilla sugar to it.


In order to prepare the perfect buttercream, buy only vegetable or special ones. pastry cream. You can't go wrong! And the result will please you!

  • Cream with fat content 33-35% - 400 ml;
  • Powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • Citric acid – 2 g.

1. Chill the cream in advance. Next, whisk thoroughly until a fluffy foam forms.
2. Add powdered bread and citric acid.
3. Use a mixer. Using high speed, beat until stiff peaks form.

By the way, such a butter cream will be a great option for decorating a cake or cupcakes from a syringe.

Sour cream

We present to you a simple recipe for magic cream! It will be the best option for impregnation sponge cake, at the same time relevant for decoration!

  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Sour cream - 150 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g.

1. Place sour cream (chilled) in a container.
3. Mix some sour cream with powdered sugar. This includes softened butter.
4. Beat all products with a mixer until thick.
5. Add the remaining powdered sugar. Beat the cream for another 5 minutes.
7. You get a soft, airy mass that is ready for use!

Cream Charlotte

It is refined, subtle and delicate. There are also plenty of options for decoration! You can use it to make festive roses that will delight you and your loved ones and create a joyful atmosphere! You can decorate using a pastry bag.

  • Egg yolks – 5 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar – 200 g;
  • Milk – 150 ml;
  • Butter 82.5% - 250 g.

1. Boil milk plus sugar.
2. Mash the egg yolks well.
3. Introduce them into the milk in a thin stream.
4. Using a mixer, beat the resulting mass.
5. Place on low heat. Bring to a light boil.
7. Cool the cream.
8. Beat the melted butter until fluffy.
9. Combine the milk mixture with the butter mixture.
10. Continue working with the mixer.

The result is a luxurious airy cream with shine! That's why it is used quite often when decorating cakes and soaking them!


This option is similar to frosting. Also dense and thick. It will reliably protect the surface of your wonderful dessert!

  • Dark chocolate – 200 g;
  • Confectionery cream – 120 ml;
  • Powdered sugar – 70 g.

1. Heat the cream and powdered bread in a small container. Do not bring to a boil!
2. Place chocolate bars into the resulting liquid.
3. Mix thoroughly.
4. Wait until the chocolate is completely dissolved, stirring the mixture.
5. Cool the cream before using.

A chocolate boom is guaranteed for you!

Cream Cheese

It is made from mascarpone or other curd cheeses. Ideal for decorating cakes! It is better not to use it for a layer; the cakes may remain dry. Or pre-process the cakes.

  • Cream 35% fat - 100 ml;
  • Cheese – 250 g;
  • Powdered sugar – 50 g.

1. Whip the cream until thick peaks appear. The cream should be chilled.
2. Add powdered sugar.
3. Add the cheese without stopping whisking with the mixer.

Now you are fully armed in your kitchen! Any dessert can become a work of art in your skillful hands! There is a recipe database! All you have to do is pick up the necessary equipment, tools, and go ahead - conquer sweet peaks!

Hurry up and share in the comments which recipe you chose for yourself!



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